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Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

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Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Jourdain urges Anabelle to her feet impatiently and points as he gives instructions.

"We'll make it look like a robbery; slit his throat and try to cover the bite marks when you do so, take anything of worth from the body. That should be enough to make it look like a robbery. Then take off your tunic and use it to clean yourself up, it's already covered with blood so you shouldn't wear it through the streets. Then we just have to leave the way we entered without drawing any attention. Which means you'll have to pull yourself together before going through the market. I'll take care of the rest just catch up after you've finished."

Turning he quickly makes his way back up the alley toward the stalls, turning to Yusuf's stall when he gets there. He doesn't seem at all horrified by her actions, in fact he seems almost emotionless about the whole incident.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Listening to him speak, Anabelle drew a small dagger, and slid it across the dead merchant's flesh, starting from her bite marks and moving over to the jugular. More blood gushed from the opening, and as an afterthought Anabelle flicked her knife across the wall, spraying some of the gore.

Next she grabbed the man's purse, and began to pat him down, taking anything of importance she found.

Pulling off her tunic, leaving herself in only her mail really, she wiped her face and hands as clean as she could before dropping the item and covering it with dirt. Carefully picking up the now sand covered cloth she got to her feet, and forced herself to be calm.

Just putting one foot in front of the other, she left the alley, and moved into the market, wondering where a good spot to dump it would be.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Jourdain is already moving through the small crowd of the market as she exits the alley. Several items appear to be missing from Yusuf's stall as she passes by. Making her way back through the crowd of people on the front side of the stalls she can feel the eyes of the guards even keener than before. Though at least the gnawing feeling of hunger has faded, she can even stand to look at the blood of the butcher's stall without feeling a pang. Finally she makes her way out on to the crooked streets of the city still holding the cloth bundle in her hand as she walks to where Jourdain waits.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Trying to act casually, Anabelle moved through the market to Jourdain. Her eyes merely glance at Yusuf's stall to see the missing items, but she doesn't pause.

Making her way to Jourdain she looks up at him, ashamed, unable to come up with something to say.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Almost forgot but with a frenzy Anabelle takes on an animal feature. I was thinking either her eyes or she can't retract her fangs. It's ultimately up to you though just try to avoid something that would have been obvious to the people in the market since I forgot about it.

Jourdain tosses a cloak around her shoulders and nods for Anabelle to follow him. He leads the way through the narrow streets and they soon find themselves walking along a dock. The only sounds are the galleys and dhows in the harbor as they creak in the water. Finally he turns and points to a ship at the far end of the dock as he says in a soothing tone.

"It's good to feel some shame at what happened as it will help to prevent such a thing from happening again. However you shouldn't feel too much shame, the beast was the one who murdered that man you were merely the weapon. It's a hard way to learn a lesson in self-control but it was one we all have to learn at some point.

I'll get rid of the tunic and the fake relics the merchant was selling. You can continue on to the galley and tell the commander I will be there soon. Then we can move on and leave this night behind us."
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

I'll go with wolf eyes... that's really not too noticeable unless someone's looking real close, and even then they might just assume weird eyes. Unless I don't get a choice in how the eyes look.

Anabelle nodded, handing over the muddy hauberk to Jourdain, before turning to walk down the pier. Her boots thumped with each step as she tried to keep her head up, remembering that she had been just a weapon, not the killer.

But the killer was inside, something she'd have to battle for the remainder of her... life? Existence? Whatever it was, it would have to be a struggle. She'd learn to control it, eventually.

Moving to the end of the dock she comes to the galley that Jourdain had indicated, and started to move up the ramp to its deck, looking around for the commander.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Wolf eyes it is than. I plan to take animal features from whatever the two forms you end up taking when you get the ability to change forms. I kind of figured wolf would be the choice you would take for a fighting form.

A wary eyed sailor intercepts her as she begins to walk up the ramp of the ship his hand on his short sword as he says. She can tell he's not another kindred though she wonders if people can be turned to ghouls like their horses had. he wears a tunic with the same symbol as Jourdain over his leather armor, black with a white cross.

"Who are you and why do you seek to come aboard this ship of the knights hospitaller? We have already paid the exorbitant docking fees of your indfidel city and don't plan to pay anymore."
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Anabelle narrowed her eyes at the last comment, turning to face the man.

"Check your eyes boy. I've cut the heads off enough infidels to not be mistaken for one," she said in her thick Scottish accent, hand snapping to her own sword and even starting to pull it free.

"I'm with Sir Jourdain, looking for the captain of this vessel," she snapped back, taking a step towards the sailor.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

The sailor immediately gets a chastened look on his face as he fumbles to put his sword away. Quickly he steps back to allow Anabelle to board as he answers her with a bow.

"I am truly sorry, milady, I was not expecting Sir Jourdain to be accompanied by anyone. I am the captain of this ship, Eudes, and am completely at the service of any of our current master's companions."
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Raising an eyebrow, Anabelle wondered if this man was a ghoul... or just very loyal to his cause. Judging by his garb it could be either one. Pushing her sword back into its scabbard and began to continue climbing the ramp.

"Sir Jourdain will be joining us soon enough. He has some final things to take care of," she said finally, looking back over her shoulder and into the city. Any semblance of innocence she had left, was abandoned in these alleys.

She would be happy to put it behind her.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

The captain of the ship nods his head and leads Anabelle to a cabin in the back of the galley. It seems to have been constructed with the specific idea of protecting a vampire from the rays of the daily sun. He soon excuses himself to return to the deck to await the arrival of his current master, as he states it.

A short while later she hears the gait of someone in heavier armor outside the cabin. Jourdain and the captain enter together, though Jourdain soon gives the captain orders to get them under way for Valletta.

A single drop of blood flows down from the corner of Jourdain's mouth, indicating the business he had to take care of before leaving. He soon takes a seat on the bench of the spartan room.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Leaning against the wall opposite the knightly vampire, Anabelle pressed a finger to the corner of her own mouth.

"You missed a spot," she said before crossing her arms over her chest.

She was anxious to get moving, and get this business over with so she could return home.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Jourdain wipes the spot of blood from his chin, though he doesn't sit back to relax until they are well underway. The sound of the oars lapping in the water is the only sound she can hear outside the ship when he speaks up.

"We should arrive by roughly just as night falls at the fortress of Valletta. The tribunal shouldn't last very long and then I can have you taken to the continent afterwards. Do you have any preferences for where you wish to be taken?

I don't have enough influence to get you all the way to England unfortunately but I can get you anywhere along the shores of the Mediterranean. France would probably be the shortest land trip for you."
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Sucking on a fang in thought, Anabella glanced at the back wall, where a window would be on most vessels of this type.

"France it is then. Hopefully it won't take me too long to get home... don't worry I'm not about to run up to anyone who might know me and yell 'hey hey, I'm dead now," Anabella said carefully, even though in the back of her mind she was well aware most of her friends and family were dead.

She'd have to start again.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

"France it is then." He says as he stares towards the doorway opposite him.

"It would probably be best if you didn't reveal yourself to be a Cainite even if any of your family is still alive back in your home. Though you could still visit them one last time if you really want. it's fairly easy to masquerade as a human after all. I'm not really sure why one would want to visit family after their embrace but I've never really had any.

Oh and if you plan on staying in any large city for more than a few nights it is considered common courtesy to present yourself before the prince, bey, king or whatever they fancy to call themselves. That's about the only advice I can really think of right now."
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

"Seems I can't escape royalty even after I'm a Cainite," Anabelle muttered darkly. After her time in the Crusade, she wasn't overly fond of the self appointed rulers. Seems it would be the same in this new life.

"I'm going to get some rest then," she said, sliding down the wall and closing her eyes, waiting for the ship to arrive at their destination.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

"Princes don't tend to be as annoying as mortal nobles, of course I may be a little biased since my clan tends to have more princes than all but the Ventrue. Just think of it as common decency, you wouldn't walk into someone's house and just start eating after, at least you don't seem the type to do that."

Before long the deathly sleep begins to overtake Annabelle and Jourdain as the galley makes it's way towards Malta, and her eventual return to her home.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

"Suppose not... makes sense," Anabelle muttered, before everything faded out around her, and she moved beyond consciousness.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

The night ends quickly as the two Cainites drift into the dreamless sleep of their deaths for one more night. The galley carries them quickly to their destination of Valletta. Anabelle wakes a short while after the sun has sunk below the horizon, Jourdain is no where to be seen and the only sounds are those of the oars dipping into the water of the ocean. Anabelle feels no hunger after her feeding of the previous evening as she gets to her feet from the floor of the cabin.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Taking a moment to familiarize herself once more with the rocking of a ship at sea, Anabelle moved to the door. Cautiously opening it she stepped out onto the deck, no longer sure of what to expect. In this new world she'd entered, anything could happen. It shook her, even her faith which had been tested numerous times on the battlefields of the Holy Lands.

With a frown as memories of battle flitted through her mind, she moved to the edge of the ship and looked out over the waters. She wasn't sure what she expected to see, but she was ready for anything after what happened just a few nights ago.
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