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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Just as Helena finishes calibrating the scanner, Ginny appears with one of the test subjects in a small cage. "Let's get to work." She places the cage on a platform and pulls a switch that pushes a dome towards the platform while speaking to a recorder: "Test subject twelve, a healthy live mouse. Subject to five rads of gamma radiation and corresponding amount of magic in the space of five minutes. Helena, monitor the scanner for any significant changes from the baseline." As Ginny starts the experiment, Helena can see a baseline appear on the scanner screen, shortly followed by the actual data, which doesn't deviate significantly.

After five minutes, the dome lifts, revealing a very scared mouse, its fur turned from gray to pure white, but otherwise looking the same. "Subject 13 changed color from gray to white. No other apparent changes. Repeating treatment." Again the dome shuts and starts humming. This time the scanner shows the mouse's vitals spike repeatedly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena watches with rapt attention and is shocked when the vitals don't change significantly, Right up until they do, spiking repeatedly, taking notes the entire time. As they do Helena hits the intercom and calls for Ginny to stop the experiment, reporting the changes in a slightly panicked tone of voice "The subject isn't supposed to be dying right?"
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Hearing Helena's voice, Ginny quickly presses the stop button and comes over to look at the readings. "Huh. That's unexpected. Standard containment protocol, use internal air supply." As she speaks, Ginny deploys the helmet of her suit and points the dome with a small wooden wand, causing a field of energy to surround it. She then trigger the dome to open remotely. Inside, the mouse is bleeding from open sores all over its skin. The blood seems to have a life on its own as it form into tendrils, reaching towards the two women, but getting stopped by the force field. "Hmm. Looks like demonic influence. How annoying." With a flick of her hand, Ginny sends a blast of energy at the mouse, causing it to explode. Letting the power field fade, Ginny sighs. "Go get the cleaning supplies, please. After that, we'll need to track down the source of influence and block it. What's really annoying is that there shouldn't be any foreign influences in the first place, that's why we're doing this here and not on solid ground."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena watched slightly disheartened as the furry little thing exploded, but she guessed it was a kindness to be freed from the influence of a demon... Heading over to get the cleaning supplies before coming back and working on the smear that was once a mouse she kept running over the previous encounters with the local wildlife and wondered what could be causing the problem...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

While Helena cleans the remains of the unfortunate animal, Ginny keeps muttering to herself, and Helena can feel her probing the surroundings magically. Finally she sighs and shakes her head. "I think we'd better get an expert to deal with this. Luckily, Father Malal lives in this base. He's retired from active demon hunting, but his theoretical knowledge on the field is still extensive. Would you like to come with me or stay here?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena didn't really like the idea of going outside but assumed that with Ginny around she would be fine "Of course I'll come with!" she says brightly. although apprehensive Helena is hopeful and trusting and floats along behind the senior researcher to find this so called expert...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

15 vs 14
Ginny takes lead and as they get outside, she pounces straight towards the end of the tunnel, bracing herself with telekinesis to keep herself moving straight. Though Helena is learning quickly, her movements are still clumsy compared to Ginny's, and as they head deeper to the tunnels, Ginny slows down to let Helena keep up. It doesn't take long until they deviate from the route leading to the shuttle bay, and without Ginny Helena would probably be completely lost. Not long into the side tunnels there's a quiet but audible noise from ahead. Ginny appears to hear it too, for she immediately stops. "Did you hear that?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena stops with Ginny, "Ya. What is it?" Moving forward slowly to try and get a better view.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Behind the next corner is a large chamber in the shape of a ball, lit only by the seemingly everpresent fluorescent fungi. In the middle of the chamber is a large tentacle bear, whining quietly as it keeps trying to reach the walls. Ginny seems completely stunned by the view. "A...bear? How did it...who would...why would someone...WHAT THE FUCK?" The bear notices the pair, but its tentacles can't quite reach them.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"You see!?" Helena said to Ginny. Attacking without waiting for instruction, her last encounter telling her all she needed to know about the life here, especially if it had tentacles.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 15 vs 20 G 5 vs 11
B 19 vs 3 Critical!| 10 vs 9

Helena 5/5 MP 2/2, Entangled: -2 to attacks Ginny: 5/5 Entangled: -1 to attacks
Tentacle bear: 12/12
As Helena sends fiery bolt at the bear Ginny follows suit, but it deflects them and its far tentacles reach the wall, sending it towards the pair, its tentacles wrapping around their legs.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena squeals and attacks with both hands, trying to free herself..
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 18 vs 5 G 4 vs 22 counter!
B 10 vs 15 | 22 vs 17

Helena 5/5 MP 2/2 Ginny: 5/5 Entangled: -3 to escapes, can't attack
Tentacle bear: 11/12
Helena manages to slip away from the tentacles, but Ginny tries to blast the bear again, only to have her arms bound by a second tentacle, pulling them over her head.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena shrieked as Ginny was taken, Her attacks weren't having any effect. Trying one more time with both hands she fired two attacks at the bear, if this didn't work she'd have to run and get help...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 13 vs 3 | 21 vs 13 G 15 vs 9
B 7 vs 3 |5 vs 4

Helena 4/5 MP 1/2 Entangled: -1 to attacks Ginny: 4/5 Entangled: -1 to attacks
Tentacle bear: 9/12
Helena's both blast hit the bear, causing it to growl in pain and Ginny almost manages to work herself free, but the tentacles lash out again, wrapping around their waists.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Attack with both hands Ginny, Dont hold back!" Helena screamed as she lashed out again, praying that both attacks landed on the odd bear and saved them from only gods knew what...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 14 vs 5 | 10 vs 4 G 4 vs 22 counter
B 19 vs 20 | 10 vs 4

Helena 4/5 MP 0/2 Ginny: 3/5 Entangled: -2 to attacks
Tentacle bear: 7/12
Helena's both attacks find their goal again, but Ginny's attempt at attacking backfires as she loses control of her magic and another tentacle wraps itself around her legs.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena moves to untangle Ginny, throwing her magic behind the effort and trying to burn her lose.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 9 vs 20 G 20 vs 14
B 14 vs 17 | 15 vs 8

Helena 4/5 MP 0/2 Ginny: 3/5 Entangled: -3 to escapes
Tentacle bear: 6/12
Helena's attack misses the chaotically moving tentacles and though Ginny's attack hits, she is rewarded with yet another tentacle wrapping itself around her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena stays on the offensive, trying to free Ginny and deal with the bear by killing it with Fire