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ACT [PABISSHU] ぱびっしゅ! -竜の花嫁- / Dragon Bride RJ07568 / RE076472

Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

The reason I'd assumed 3 is that once you finish the game that's what the max is listed as in the bed room for all values except hair, which is 6. If there actually are four bust sizes though, I'd be suprised I haven't encountered a fourth by now. Buuut alright, I'll work off that idea for the time being and just keep running through the last stage.
And yeah, I know about skin tones...they all tend to have a pale, a tanned, and a dark, except for cleric, which I've never seen a dark of...just a pale, slightly less pale, and tanned.

Edit: Ran through the last and bonus stages a few times, screen shotting every girl I caught so I'd have time to analyze and compare their varying attributes, assuming I might've just been missing some nuance in breast sizes like I'd originally missed in the eyes. Still only seeing three.
I did decompile the flash though, and each girl does have 4 different breast types in their sprite date, but one of them is the same size as the smallest, just in a different position...so not sure what the application of it is, but even in the flash data I'm not seeing a 4th size.
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Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

Seeing that its been a while has anyone recently found anything new out? I do think you are correct about the skin tones.
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

Yeah, going through the game and taking care to capture EVERY girl does not seem to guarantee getting all 4 bust sizes. I have gone through the game 5 times now and still have not found the 4th.
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

There's only 3 bust sizes.
The "Fourth sprite" that Passerby found is 99% chance of being the boss sprite.
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

There's only 3 bust sizes.
The "Fourth sprite" that Passerby found is 99% chance of being the boss sprite.

There are 4 bust sizes the boses atribute will be stored in seperate swf file and not in files for grunt sprites swf I know this because i was one who decensoed dragon bride for the thread!
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

Sorry to ruin your dreams of having a fourth size, here are as an example all the different boob shapes of the pupil (martial artist students) for one skin tone ofc

there is no fourth size for any of the generic characters. I have looked into every "grunt"file and for every skin tone there is are only 6 boob images.
There are simply no images for, if there would be a fourth size in the code and you would happen to unlock it.
Well... that would be pretty boring unless you like flying nipples :D

This is why I like the games from this developer so much by the way, there is always a probability of you finding out something new, even after having played the game for many times. In this case not tho :/ would have been awesome tho.

Pardon me for the bad grammar btw
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

There are 4 bust sizes the boses atribute will be stored in seperate swf file and not in files for grunt sprites swf I know this because i was one who decensoed dragon bride for the thread!

But all of the sprites are in battle.swf
The fuck are you talking about?
If there was a 4th bust size there'd be a 4th skin color, which there isn't.
And I just checked the h-scene files as well, and nothing in there either.
I'm pretty sure yer pullin shit out of yer ass.
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

The only reason I'm trying to find the magical "4th size" is because the replay room is completely random no matter what option you choose. Wgunder says that if you unlock EVERYTHING that it will work correctly, but as it is you can select all options 1,1,1,1,1 or 1,2,3,4,5 or 3,3,3,3,3 and it will always be random. I don't even know why they give you the option of choosing a number when it's all completely and totally random.
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

Perhaps the replay scenes will be fixed in a later version.
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

But the developers site has been awkwardly quit the last 6 months
So personally I dont expect anything.
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

So wgunder1 seems to have peaced out and google is failing me.
Can anybody put a link back up for the uncensored English version again or point me toward who to PM for the file?

Apologies, I'll email you a pizza.
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

Perhaps the replay scenes will be fixed in a later version.

I think this is what it amounts to. There are 3 skin colors in the data, and 3 breasts sizes. There are two types of smaller breasts, and I'd originally thought that maybe the different positioning was such to show only part of it, making a fourth size without actually having an alternate sprite.
But in retrospect...that's really not how flash works, at least not in this application.
Like I said, I literally sat for a few hours with a grid demarkating 3 accessories, 3 breast sizes, 3 skin types, 3 eye colors, 3 eye styles, 6 hair styles, repeating to the point that I'd even screenshotted every 'part' as I got it as backup proof that I had in fact found it and could compare it to other parts to make sure it was what I thought it was. And I still haven't found anything to unlock the gallery.
Looking around at some of the variables with Flash Game Master I couldn't find anything too obvious either, aside from the 'gallary' variables...Which I was able to conclude are the sum of some table of numbers relating to classes. But I really couldn't figure out anything beyond that, or what value would feasibly be the final value that might unlock the selection. So I'm at a loss unless anyone else has anything to contribute..since I haven't even bothered running a translator over the sites or anything to see if it actually states that selection doesn't work.

tl;dr I think it's borked.

But if wgunder says it's possible, I really do think it must be since wgunder has quite a bit more familiarity with it than I do. Speaking of, thanks again for the uncensoring! I just wish I could get the selection part working. :(

If anyone else figures it out, keep us posted, since I honestly think the selection feature doubles the life of the game.
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

Official site has been updated, but microsoft translater makes everything appear in moonspeak and I can't read it. Can anyone translate? Can anyone recommend a good page translater?
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

What verison are they up to now? I havent seen any new viersons put up in a long time unless you still have to ask for it to be sent to you in a pm.
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

Official site has been updated, but microsoft translater makes everything appear in moonspeak and I can't read it. Can anyone translate? Can anyone recommend a good page translater?

Try this page for trans:

Select Translate a web page and language. ;)
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

Google translate does the same thing.
From what I can tell they're apologizing about their lack of activity, they talk about how life is short, put a quote in there; and thanks their fans for the support.
They said that they apparently burnt-out on something(perhaps the second part of Dragon's Bride), but they're going to try and finish it?

That's all my engrish could understand
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

bahh i don't have hopes for this one... had they just finished it it would have been a great game, missing the last part is enough for it to fade into obscurity
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

Perhaps the quake etc is involved, could quite well be.
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

from some1 else translating a post I understood that his last flash was much more work than he anticipated. And that it became a drag, so he left some things he originally planned to do out of the game. Like the princess for example.