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(Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Well, seems I couldn't get a code even though I finally gave in and made a facebook account. Considering dropping this game since I REALLY don't want a real facebook account.

Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Funny, I made a dummy account some time ago and they gave me my code.
Probably because my account was made like a few months ago though.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

What is considered a real FB account anyway? Mine is dummy in anything but name - no friends, post or stuff. I made it especially for Nutaku's love of it, pretty much everything it ever did was commenting on their page. Still get the code with no problems. If that's all about account creation time, then I don't understand it - there's literally no other difference.

Seriously, Nutaku. Some of us are not into FB for the sheer stupidity of it, some for other reasons. In my country we have other social network and barely anyone uses FB at all - out of all my friends only 2 are there, and that's work related accounts. I can understand not giving codes away freely, but denying it to someone who made the effort and will probably use the same account to participate in your FB hijinks in the future is kind of a dick move. It's just a piece of code, and alienating your customers over it is not the smartest thing ever.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

So, an update on the whole facebook thing. After talking with them for a bit I finally got a code. Only downside was that it took a while between responses.

Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Tenhou (from harem-battle boards) got an answer from Nutaku that when they have their forums, they will be doing contests from there. Here is a link to where Tenhou posted that.

Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Well, I said it right away in event FAQ that EP rankings of any sorts is a p2w feature and free players shouldn't bother going for it.

Just use fake FB account or whatever. No one in their right mind will use account with friends/family on it to post on Nutaku's FB anyway.

I wouldn't say nobody in their right mind lol. It doesn't bother me in the slightest, and from what I've seen several other people on Nutaku's facebook don't care either.

It all depends in the end I guess, I defiantly wouldn't recommend it if you aren't an adult though good way to get yourself caught playing something you "legally" should not be playing anyways.

On the event though most of the events I've seen based around competition/pvp in free to play games are largely pay to win, so it doesn't surprise me in the least, heck in hellgirl's one of the only reasons free to play can probably rank to high is it has a low player base of around 3000 it looks like.

But you can still easily earn the EP rewards like unlocking the event girl and the movies, which is my goal. after that I just log on to post bosses for my friends to earn EP off of for those that are actually trying to rank.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I wouldn't say nobody in their right mind lol. It doesn't bother me in the slightest, and from what I've seen several other people on Nutaku's facebook don't care either.

God bless your friends and family for not making fun of your hobbies.

I don't exactly make mine a secret either, but sharing such personal hobbies as porn preference (and to a third party this is exactly what those game are, even if porn itself is like 10% of it) in social network where relatives outside of closest family, co-workers and other acquaintances roam is just not right.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Well, seems I couldn't get a code even though I finally gave in and made a facebook account. Considering dropping this game since I REALLY don't want a real facebook account.


Oo thats odd shit. I NEVER used FB, made some fake account yesterday (they never asked for any phone number), used same nick as on nutaku though and they gave me a code.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I really, really hope they fix and retroactively award EP and prizes from the assist bug like they did last time. Right now it's pretty gamebreaking. There's no reason to assist (especially since they got rid of the leaderboard for support this time around) unless you can be sure you're gonna get the last hit in. It's frustrating because they've fixed this bug before, yet it keeps coming back (it came back the day before this event ended last time, too).
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

does anybody know how to redeem the code they give you? lol
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

So they said on twitter that support rankings are officially not in - so with support credit broken again there's no reason to hit other bosses until it's fixed.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Well this is weird. There are two Normal cards in this Gacha, but neither one is Shuri Tsutsui (The Elite Alpha N for this Event). Is she supposed to be obtainable through the Event proper then, or is this an error?

I got a reply back from Nutaku support saying that the Elite Guard event gacha contents were never changed and that Shuri was always in the box. This is despite the fact that no, she clearly was not in the box; I rolled the one free ticket on the Elite Guard box and got a completely different N, who has since been removed from the box.

I'd also like to point out from the official event graphic on the game page:


She's not in the N gacha either.


I'm going to repeat my previous question: Since the Elite Guard event gacha was changed between the gacha start and the event start, will there be some compensation for people who rolled when the contents were incorrect? Or will Nutaku just ignore the problem?
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Hey guys, it's been a while. What'd I miss?

*reads last three pages*

Oh good, I was just thinking it had been too long since I played a horribly broken event.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

So they said on twitter that support rankings are officially not in - so with support credit broken again there's no reason to hit other bosses until it's fixed.

Based on the wording, it seems they removed support rankings from Elite Guard due to it "not being popular".

I can only wonder if they're confusing this with coliseum (and the outcry over alt abuse).
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Or they could just be looking for more ways to not give players items so they have to shell out real money to get them.

This could just be my paranoia and worst-case-scenario thought process talking, though.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Sorry to quote an old post but...

There was also one girl missing from one of the exploration zones that was assumed to be a loli in the original version.

I've been wondering about something for a while and maybe this is it, but is it 関澤未咲? The one Moé N who is an idol and looks pretty blatantly like Yazawa Nico? (Can't post pics yet. Not enough posts. Check the wiki.)

She looks young, but not really loli. I remember seeing her in the promo video for the game before it launched and she's on the GHQ graphic, but she's nowhere to be seen (and I think there's a blank square in one of the areas in GHQ that's supposed to be her).

But she's just nowhere in game. Not even in the mosaic'd pics in the album for girls you don't have.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Not 100% sure which one you're talking about. Is it the one at the bottom-left of the GHQ banner?

The only lolis I know of in the main story missions are these two.


It seems like the first girl was simply removed and left as an empty space while cruising through Stage 3, but the second card is actually one of the bosses for Stage 4. I'm wondering if Nutaku is going to replace her with a different character or simply sweep her under the rug and dump her area's cards into one of the gachas or something.

Personally, I'm still waiting for that Sadako-looking girl at the bottom-right of the GQH banner.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Sorry to quote an old post but...

I've been wondering about something for a while and maybe this is it, but is it 関澤未咲? The one Moé N who is an idol and looks pretty blatantly like Yazawa Nico? (Can't post pics yet. Not enough posts. Check the wiki.)

Alot of the girls are references to anime and games like

Runa Kamiwano: Girls und Panzer with the PzIII and anglerfish costume
and Azumi Isshiki: Chuunibyou