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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

That's why we #Lianagate till the mods shut us down, literally mention it in every message till it gets old or we get told to eff off. Lol.

My point is that the posts made in this thread will either never reach the devs, or it will be reached via Nordland in the form of "feedback", which has not proven effective for this Lianagate.

So I'm just suggesting a different route. Whether it will be more useful or not (or whether it happens at all), only the goddess knows.

Remember that it's the devs who has the keys. Not us, not Nord, nor ulmf mods.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I have sent along the feedback as of today, it is predominately filled with Liana feedback/suggestions/questions. Hopefully we'll get some feedback this time :)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I have sent along the feedback as of today, it is predominately filled with Liana feedback/suggestions/questions. Hopefully we'll get some feedback this time :)

Thanks a bunch. I honestly believe many of the feedbacks you deliver help.
Time it takes to materialize could be faster, but late is better than never.

But I see Liana issue like a 4th stage cancer without a cure.
Deep down in my head, I think even the petition idea I brought up won't do it.
But at least it was something that hasn't been tried.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

If Liana is removed from gacha and her normal event held within the next 2 months (11/18/2017), I pledge to straight up buy SC for and spend an amount to earn a legend card.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I have sent along the feedback as of today, it is predominately filled with Liana feedback/suggestions/questions. Hopefully we'll get some feedback this time :)

Awesome, whats the usual response time from the devs for you?

I would be upset if they took the liana and gave me the platinum ticket in return though. Cuz it meant that they stole an black from me. So I really hate what AE1992 said.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

it was good though because literally all the comments were like we're "sick of this sh*t" and no one was sugar coating it so nord would have had to give it to em as it were.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

People WILL bitch about Liana even if her event gets "fixed".
"What do you mean THEY get a free black ticket??""
"What do you mean my maxed AW Liana is being taken away??"

There's just no way out of this without someone being buttblasted.
At this point, I am convinced the only "viable" solution here is adding a COMPLETELY NEW AND ORIGINAL rarity black unit with their own event just for Nutaku Aigis, to make up for the fact our gacha pool was diluted with an event black.
Which will, of course, never ever fucking happen.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Awesome, whats the usual response time from the devs for you?

I would be upset if they took the liana and gave me the platinum ticket in return though. Cuz it meant that they stole an black from me. So I really hate what AE1992 said.

My suggestion was to improve the current gacha Liana to min cost+max skill and give a plat ticket, not take the current Liana away. Basically anyone who already has her doesn't need to do the event and saves 30 odd SC. But if this was ever solved she would have to be taken out of the summon pool as well.

Having your heart set on a free black is just setting yourself up for disappointment though, we probably won't even get a plat ticket never mind a black 1. I wouldn't be surprised if it was "We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, here is 1 SC."
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I have sent along the feedback as of today, it is predominately filled with Liana feedback/suggestions/questions. Hopefully we'll get some feedback this time :)

Still waiting for fairy/silver barracks.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I have sent along the feedback as of today, it is predominately filled with Liana feedback/suggestions/questions. Hopefully we'll get some feedback this time :)
Thank you for the effort!

But honestly, Anna's issue (and by extension, all subsequent anniversary events) is also very imprtant. After all, third anniversary event reward is Weiss Emperor, and we didn't have even first anniversary event yet...

And yes, fairy barracks at least, if not silver barrack as well, being implemented early would be supremely nice.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

People WILL bitch about Liana even if her event gets "fixed".
"What do you mean THEY get a free black ticket??""
"What do you mean my maxed AW Liana is being taken away??"

There's just no way out of this without someone being buttblasted.
At this point, I am convinced the only "viable" solution here is adding a COMPLETELY NEW AND ORIGINAL rarity black unit with their own event just for Nutaku Aigis, to make up for the fact our gacha pool was diluted with an event black.
Which will, of course, never ever fucking happen.

Liana for random black only gatcha roll, In the trading post. Also would refund all affection points, and skill/cost reductions in fairies. This would be left in the post till her actual event is added, where it would be removed.

Hurr durr free black ticket = invalid, they get what lady luck wants to shove up their ass.
hurr durr i like my liana = invalid, optional
bu-but m muh investments = invalid, refunded.

I think this would be the best course of action, in my personal perspective.

The only problem: Devs have to implement a one-time use item. Do i think it would be hard? No, just CTRL+C CTRL+V plat ticket and remove the blacks from the new pool. Do i know its that easy? No, i don't. It could be the single hardest request in gaming history, for all i know. Codings like that. When i mod games one of my mates will ask something stupidly simple and its literally impossible to add because even NSA couldn't figure that shit out.

But anyway, since the flood gates are opened, lets make a list

1: #Lianagate
2: Silver/Fairy 'racks
3: Anna.

In order of my perceived importance, bitch at me if i messed that up or left something out. i just did it in frequency of mentions.

and yes.
We will never have evil labyrinth if there is no level 1, Ala Anna.
I'm just going to mention i'd like Sybilla to be DMM'd because honestly, no ones going to take me seriously about buffing a single unit but you know, fk it. this is separate from the list btw. Sybilla is love, Sybilla is life.

And nordland, if you read this - even if shit we bitch about does not get implemented, could you at least press the Devs for a response so we can be like, ah damn, nice try at least - or something. So we know we're not being ignored or something, lol. Perhaps they have a plan they may or may not disclose, etc. Communication with the community makes for a great Dev-Playerbase relationship and generally a good game.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

It never hurts to ask. But for the entire history of the Nutaku Aigis game the devs have never actually shared any thoughts, plans or feedback thru the Nutaku liaisons, except what everybody can already see under News between each maintenance.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Alrighty Jerome's SAW'd, now I can be lazy....well lazy and it also helps out quite a bit so I can concentrate on other skills and/or being able to deploy a unit slightly faster, since I don't need to click on Jerome, then the skill button, then click on the map to get the sortie back.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I kind of appreciate this "off" week. It's a good chance to stock up on affection items, which I'm practically out of, and try some of the 4-star challenges and story missions.
Also, never did get round to 3-star-ing Immortal Beast....
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


Manually confirmed Mia and Noel's abilities don't stack.
This is already known fact, but still makes me sad b/c I awakened Noel first.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Anyone else other then me waiting for Monica's SAW? Fuck, its a minigun. I know its probs gonna be shit without an Enchanter/Dancer, but fuck it. Let it rain, for today there will be no shade to hide in. dakadakadakadaka
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Anyone else other then me waiting for Monica's SAW? Fuck, its a minigun. I know its probs gonna be shit without an Enchanter/Dancer, but fuck it. Let it rain, for today there will be no shade to hide in. dakadakadakadaka

I'm prepared. :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Does anyone know of a Crystal Keeper G strat that doesn't include Spica? I kept putting off farming enough to grab her, and it keeps coming back to bite me...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Does anyone know of a Crystal Keeper G strat that doesn't include Spica? I kept putting off farming enough to grab her, and it keeps coming back to bite me...

If you have Nanaly, Sybilla, Mikoto and some supporting units.

Also, is Akane worth it? I got no samurai-warriors at all except an event one from a gold rush that is literally 100% stock no mincosting or skill up, lol.
Not even a silver samurai. Or should i wait for an event one or something ?

Furthermore, fuck when you touch type and you mis-align and every single word is shifted like a bloody cipher. damnit, touch typing is best typing, they said. Oh well
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