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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Did you CC her 1st ?
Pre CC is double shot, while after CC is triple shot.
Considering she need 3 silver archer to CC i don't think its good idea to do it.

As for VH i'm eagerly waiting for fran :p well she still way way long time, but after used her once during gold rush as helper (for awaken orb map) love her soo much :D

Pretty sure I did... Though it is possible that I leveled to 30 and forgot to CC her>.>'

Anyone know the CC material for elizabeth?
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I haven't seen Nordland around here lately, and I'm kinda surprised no one is bothering her either. Then again, she also has the LoV/Hellfire/Pero threads to look after, so...

Anyway, I don't have anything... polite for her to relay to the JPN devs, so I'm just hoping they get their act together and don't drop another three-week bombshell. Or even two weeks.

And some more features and missing units would be nice. It really feels like they're throwing darts with whatever they give us. Team reset before autocomplete is still a big WTF.

I'm here, silently lurking. If a question or concern that I am able to answer goes unanswered, I always reply. I read through the posts every day, I just haven't been of any use lately, you guys are so awesome at helping and answering each other.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


Can i make a wish? :D I would really, really, really like to see Dark Knight Yurina's event (Threat of Dark Knights or something like that) in Nutaku Aigis. That is perfect unit for western audience, imo.

Pic here:

I will kindly pass along this recommendation to the developers
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I will kindly pass along this recommendation to the developers

just a small question.

one of the next few events has the miko girl. (she looks dangeriously loli) she wont be on the US version for a while right?

i kinda wanted that class.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

kinda like event by the fact i only need to run 2-3 runs per day and thats it - not like 10-15 dragon hunts each day when there breaks. And yes those 3 weeks were terrible and boring. get your stuff together Nutaku =-=
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

kinda like event by the fact i only need to run 2-3 runs per day and thats it - not like 10-15 dragon hunts each day when there breaks. And yes those 3 weeks were terrible and boring. get your stuff together Nutaku =-=

we get events every 3 weeks. this time we got a 1 extra week due to the glitch with chrome...

i do however want to ask that we skip the 1 week events for the time being. (lets wait till we get to a 2 week per event basis.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

OH MY FUCKING GOD! i was just wasting my gold in the 2k gacha while watching a video. you know farming for an archer. and it Finally happened! a platinum light.....

AND ITS! bashira.........my only plat.....


and.......i already got my bashi at 3/5 due to me using some fairies....so...is it worth it to CC her before feeding?

Congrats! My most recent pull from the 2k Gacha, was dumping about 60k into it and getting... Stray... :confused: Aside from the 2x skill, he seems really... meh... As far as Golds go.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

i do however want to ask that we skip the 1 week events for the time being. (lets wait till we get to a 2 week per event basis.

1week or 2week events do not matter to me as long as the breaks or at least the extended breaks cease. Constant content please, which ones we get is largely irrelevant IMO.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Wow I look away from the forums for a few days and a lot of stuff happened.

I'm not trying to open the can of worms again but I do sympathize with Melphy in the sense that this game is rather unforgiving in effective resource management and there needs to be a huge knowledge curve in order to do well. Personally, I prepare and save up my SC's/read wikis for events but I still misclick my units frequently and it's really punishing.

While f2p models allows players to enjoy the game for free, it also needs to provide a sensible entryway for new players or they won't have the incentive to continue playing and eventually spend money. Otherwise, it will only be held up by whales who have invested too much in the game already.

Again not trying to point fingers on who is entitled or not, but to at least try to understand what the other sides are saying and communicate with care.

And speaking of misclicks, I wasted at least 2 sacred crystals because I didn't know Charisma refills before Stamina. FML.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I just reached the 700 serums mark! I've been working on the basis that since I'll have to spend SC to get a perfect Karma, I'm better off spending them sooner rather than later. Just in case my internet goes down or something else unforeseen happens.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

While f2p models allows players to enjoy the game for free, it also needs to provide a sensible entryway for new players or they won't have the incentive to continue playing and eventually spend money. Otherwise, it will only be held up by whales who have invested too much in the game already.

They already do, however this does not mean easy access to getting perfect event units.

EN version, thus far, has actually been very forgiving for newer players to get the event units even though they may not have a team that has been sufficently leveled high enough for the scale of the event. In other words, a new player can get the unit, it just wont be a perfect unit. This is also the same thing for DMM's version, so there is no change to how the game is being presented in this regard.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I've also just cleared 700. In fact, I'm at exactly 700 serums, and I've used all stam/charisma for the day. Pretty good timing I'd say.
I've been grinding map 7 for this, and so far I've also gotten 7 Danielas.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

While f2p models allows players to enjoy the game for free, it also needs to provide a sensible entryway for new players or they won't have the incentive to continue playing and eventually spend money. Otherwise, it will only be held up by

Lol this statement....
Aigis has been browsing game that famous for its free player friendly and now someone said to continue playing will eventually spend money ?
Well for starter you don't need to spend money to clear all the content this already mention more than hundred times already maybe more than thousands+++ if you include JP ver.

*Wall of text or more like my experience ever since played JP aigis*
Here my experience i played JP ver at somewhere end of february 2015. see my account just almost 4 month old and i started not too long ago. I'm also a completely free player as what i been doing to all free games.
I didn't do any event at begining about 2-3 week, well just revival event since i'm way underpower and my gacha roll is totally sux being new and all i only made 1 account and all silvers, except 1 platinum pirate rachel.
Also being new player not thinking going to play for long i didn't bother check guide and combined my silver, i can even show you now my DMM JP aigis i still have unCC max CR daniela not even max affection, just how much silver archer wasted on her instead i can use it for CC / aw fodder now.
Again being stupid i am i keep rolling premium summon, and this cost me to not be able to get a good event unit instead a junk silver and some gold, i still didn't get any platinum / black
Its all trial and error at beginning, ok now i proudly said that my JP aigis acc able to 3 star almost all map except ridiculous map like 3 maou enemy, the current event even with that doom golem 40,000HP 4000 atk 2000def 50 MR that 1 shot most unit i'm able to 3 star it. *the last map 100/2 is alot easier*
My 1st max stat event platinum unit is Eden (thats 2 month old account), before this was Pupuru unfortunatly i'm only able to do CR-3 8/10 skill.... afterward i'm able to max stat all event unit, except i decide i didn't bother do Miranda as Sorano revival more important
Do you think you still need to be a paid player to clear all the content ? the EN version event still just the begining with alot break tiime, while i been playing the lastest event now in JP ver with barely had time to lvl unit due to event keep coming (old player probably no redoing revival event again)+ there no guide whatsoever for new event since its completely new all trial and error. Another fact is this karma event ppl calculated they only need 9-12 SC right for max stat.... well JP current collection event Serra need about 40-45 SC for almost max stat (i'm not geting the last row 1 as its only lvl-ed event unit 40-->50)
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


I too think for the most part the resources given at the start is good for a f2p player. The bigger issue is I've stated is the knowledge curve. To use Aigis as an example, the concept of saving silver units for CC is essential in making progress in later levels but fresh players will usually not know about it. The tutorials will actually introduce the mechanic of cost reduction and experience gain before class change and does not emphasize at all about how valuable silver units are.


I do not believe you need to be a paying player to clear content. I can personally attest that I've been clearing all the content without spending a cent. My gacha rolls have been less than ten and I've been doing perfectly fine in-game. What I'm not impressed is how unforgiving the game is in regard to resource management especially in the beginning stages of the game. Charisma and Stamina is a precious commodity as well as sacred crystals and losing it over nothing is a horrible feeling. While I now have plenty of resources to give myself some room for error, new players do not have that luxury.

Believe me, I enjoy the gameplay of Aigis but I do not believe it is a newbie-friendly game in its current state as compared to other games with f2p models that I also play such as Hearthstone, Dota 2, and Heroes of the Storm. Referring to the comments by DragonPaladin and Ragnelle on the JP Aigis thread, they've acknowledged the game's high difficulty and recommend videos and wikis for information before challenging new maps or risk wasting time/money.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm here, silently lurking. If a question or concern that I am able to answer goes unanswered, I always reply. I read through the posts every day, I just haven't been of any use lately, you guys are so awesome at helping and answering each other.

Fair enough. At least I can trust you guys to be on top of things on your end, then.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


I too think for the most part the resources given at the start is good for a f2p player. The bigger issue is I've stated is the knowledge curve.

Knoledge is gained by looking.
Fewer and fewer games these days come with instruction books.
Most tutorials are also not too deep as they tend to overwhelm new users with too much information. It's hard to balance too much or too little.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


Yes, I can look up for information for a game online but it doesn't change the fact that Aigis has an information barrier for efficient play which leads to an unforgiving learning curve. When you mentioned the tutorials, that is where I'm most critical of because once again it has no tutorial about class changing and the importance of saving silver units which is a vital part of the game. Instead it only introduces new players about cost-reduction and increased experience which encourages using silver units.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


Yes, I can look up for information for a game online but it doesn't change the fact that Aigis has an information barrier for efficient play which leads to an unforgiving learning curve. When you mentioned the tutorials, that is where I'm most critical of because once again it has no tutorial about class changing and the importance of saving silver units which is a vital part of the game. Instead it only introduces new players about cost-reduction and increased experience which encourages using silver units.

I'm sorry, but I completely disagree. Discovering game mechanics is part of the entire joy of discovering a new game. You say the game has an unforgiving learning curve, but Altrius' post above proves you flat-wrong. He started completely fresh on the JP-ver in Feb. of this year (which is far faster-paced than our version has gotten to yet), did everything wrong to start (no offense, Altrius), and still managed to get to a point where he can full-clear current content alongside people who have been playing that game for YEARS before he joined.

Yes, there is a learning curve to the game, as there will be with any game that is even remotely complex in its mechanics. That doesn't mean it should be dumbed down or spelled out for the player base. You either get into the game and master it, or you don't and you find something else to play. The real kicker with this argument is that our version of the game is the archived rehash from the JP version that launched years ago. We have tons of data and vet players to lean on for support, giving us a huge edge over the original player-base at this point in their version. So, if anything, we have it way easier, and you're still complaining.

Now, I don't want to come off as this being an attack on your person. I understand that it can be frustrating to jump into a game like this when it's already in motion. Starting out in Aigis is tough, because it is a grind game, and it seems like you are being left behind right from the get-go with events passing you by while you are trying to level and understand game mechanics. It sounds like you are already past this, but to other newbies, just put your head down and grind away. Look up the guides for new players, soak in the knowledge and you will find your feet quickly. If you are playing Aigis, play for the long haul. It's a game that really does get better with time, so just stick with it. Besides, folks here are way better than any in-game tutorial; lean on us, and we'll help y'all out with all those questions we've already answered a million-and-a-half times :p
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm sorry, but I completely disagree. Discovering game mechanics is part of the entire joy of discovering a new game. You say the game has an unforgiving learning curve, but Altrius' post above proves you flat-wrong. He started completely fresh on the JP-ver in Feb. of this year (which is far faster-paced than our version has gotten to yet), did everything wrong to start (no offense, Altrius), and still managed to get to a point where he can full-clear current content alongside people who have been playing that game for YEARS before he joined.

Yes, there is a learning curve to the game, as there will be with any game that is even remotely complex in its mechanics. That doesn't mean it should be dumbed down or spelled out for the player base. You either get into the game and master it, or you don't and you find something else to play. The real kicker with this argument is that our version of the game is the archived rehash from the JP version that launched years ago. We have tons of data and vet players to lean on for support, giving us a huge edge over the original player-base at this point in their version. So, if anything, we have it way easier, and you're still complaining.

Now, I don't want to come off as this being an attack on your person. I understand that it can be frustrating to jump into a game like this when it's already in motion. Starting out in Aigis is tough, because it is a grind game, and it seems like you are being left behind right from the get-go with events passing you by while you are trying to level and understand game mechanics. It sounds like you are already past this, but to other newbies, just put your head down and grind away. Look up the guides for new players, soak in the knowledge and you will find your feet quickly. If you are playing Aigis, play for the long haul. It's a game that really does get better with time, so just stick with it. Besides, folks here are way better than any in-game tutorial; lean on us, and we'll help y'all out with all those questions we've already answered a million-and-a-half times :p

I appreciate your dissenting opinion and don't worry I do not see it as a personal attack at all. I've been in the game since its inception and have used the information available before its launch. I'm not asking for the game to be dumbed down or have simpler mechanics. My personal objection is that the game gives no warning about the resource cost of a fundamental mechanic, class changing. While it's enjoyable to discover new things, I don't think it's reasonable to potentially punish players for learning a basic one. It's something as fundamental as leveling a character. This wouldn't be such a problem if silver units weren't so scarce. While I acknowledge Altrius' personal testimony and his perseverance, it's anecdotal evidence. One person's experience doesn't apply to everyone or the issue at hand.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I would put it this way:

Aigis is somewhat more unforgiving than many other similar fremium games.

The good counter-example is a mentioned above Heroes of the Storm.

The way Blizzard organized the game is that as a free player you do not feel hindered in terms of functionality, mechanics, or content the game has to offer in any manner whatsoever. You have full access to literally everything, save for things like different skins, colorings, etc. It also feels really entertaining as a game by itself.

However, when it comes to Aigis, as a no-pay player I personally feel sometimes I have to invest more time *outside* the game to *learn* and *study* than I would actually like to.

It is a game after all, right? Intended for recreational purposes, right? So I should be able to play it with a reasonable degree of freedom (as in being able to try various stuff and make occasional errors) without being penalized hard in terms of progress, overall results, etc.

The latter, sadly, happens a bit more often than I would find comfortable.

Just saying that Melphy had some logic in his (her) statements.
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