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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

You can awaken them. Themis doesn't seem very good. Even though she is a princess, I would rather use witches/mages + high armor unit/healers.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

only have themis. 2 questions

can princesses be awakened?

how "good" is she anyways? she has a def up skill and her affection increases health. basically she is a duelist, but has skills to tank. wouldn't sending out a HA be more productive? (unless there are future maps that send out strong, but few HA enemies)

Princesses can only be awakened (no CC).

Themis is good, as are most princesses, most teams will at some point, need at least one as thy ignore armor. In the current game they are the only thing that is melee that does. Compared to other princesses some might see her as the weakest, and rarity/stat wise this is true. But she is the most cost effective of them. Skill wise, def skills are often looked down upon, but there are always maps that can make use of this skill.

If she's all you got, by all means level her and use her. She makes some maps very easy. (High armor maps specifically).

As to an HA being more effective. That's really a double question as an HA blocks 3 and a Princess blocks one. Is she killing units fast enough that the droves don't matter, then its obvious the princess is better. If you need to hold the line, an HA will be better. One thing people do often overlook with the HA's (all of em black and under, haven't gotten black so no testing), they tend to kill at a turtles pace, which can lead to being overrun anyways. Sometimes they can do whats needed but if they are under leveled you'll only be delaying the inevitable, and another duelist (like a princess) may have prevented it. Plenty of wolf maps tend to run by HA's, as they come out fast and in numbers (few dailies are good map examples).

You can awaken them. Themis doesn't seem very good. Even though she is a princess, I would rather use witches/mages + high armor unit/healers.

This is not always easy to accomplish due to cost, and or unit restrictions for a given map. Phalanx 2 for example has a low amount of units that can be used for the map, so it's not easy to get mages/witches out to kill them. A princess is much better suited for such maps. I can do it with 2 units and clear the map.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Phalanx 2 for example has a low amount of units that can be used for the map, so it's not easy to get mages/witches out to kill them. A princess is much better suited for such maps. I can do it with 2 units and clear the map.

How? Which two units and how leveled are they?

I usually use 3 witches and a mage to do it.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

How? Which two units and how leveled are they?

I usually use 3 witches and a mage to do it.

Eh I did it with two witch(and a third level 20 witch to slow another down), a healer, and my prince. Switched out the prince for Leeanne at the end as I would need to block two.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

How? Which two units and how leveled are they?

I usually use 3 witches and a mage to do it.

Correction, 3 units. 1 princess, 1 healer, and prince.
Been doing it since princess/healers were level 41.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Um... I'm not really recomending using princess in phalanx2.
yes its doable but lets say you still pretty new, Those armored unit have 2800hp / 600 atk / 600 def
As you can see a new player with themis.... she might die before you can put a healer up...
or leaked before the mob killed
the ideal and easiest to clear this map is 3 silver witch (or Chloris + Belinda is good enuff) and maybe put a prince up for the atk buff...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

There's a reason first scripted summon brings Kerry. Having a duelist that can tank somewhat, including magic, and still dish out damage, can be a big deal on some maps. From what I seen in videos. later events bring some scary stuff on a table. Princesses is just like Valkyrie in that regard, but affected by enemy's MR instead of armor.

Themis is kind of meh, at least on current maps, but she'll get better after awakening. 10% of triple attack hit passive, 25% when her defensive skill is active. Scary stuff.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Please note that when we sad duelist, its a class that have high stat with single block.
Duelist is used to fight against a boss type mob or big type mob or to thin out the incoming wave

The reason we can't always depend on HA unit to tank this big mob, is because they have multiple block and when 2-3 of this high dmg unit got tanked by 1 unit, the HA unit will likely die so we use duelist to thin the wave.
I understand that with the current patch there isn't ay big mob noteworthy, but as we keep going on you will see something like a mage that dealt 500+ splash dmg / a melee that do magical dmg 800++ / or simply what the anoying tree in JP ver atm with with 990 dmg and regen like some mofo can't be killed until alot alot of time passed
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

My normal team:
Princesses compared:

Never really seen a problem just running princesses, keep in mind I do tend to run 2 at all times. Probably uncommon currently. But as the game goes on, I think others will do the same depending on what units they have available.

Stats for mine. Themeis is lvl 60, Lilia is 35, Sherry is 51, Sybilla is 55.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Please note that a lvl 60 themis (and i don't think new player gonna focus 1 char to lvl 60 due to costly and alot exp needed) only have 1348 (+360) hp 420atk 260def + stat% if prince deployed *thats if you able to deploy him*
She can barely kill and tank enemy in phalanx 2.....
For new player who still trying to clear phalanx 2 i recommend you focus on witch 1st... lvl them CC them max affection them (well maybe not silver)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

For new player who still trying to clear phalanx 2 i recommend you focus on witch 1st... lvl them CC them max affection them (well maybe not silver)

The reason to focus on witch is because of the map after as well. So I wont disagree with Witch being easier or more useful. Although a maxed silver witch is fine for War of Magic, she reaches the required stats +10 when fully leveled, max affection. The thing with that though, you need 2 witches that have those stats, plus 1 that is at least 50% affection does not have to be CC'ed. The fun part, you need to be able to place all 3 with in 20 seconds. Least what I get from translation and my few pre-tests. It doesn't seem to far off. It's the only map I saw on JP wiki they actually recommended buying the buff to starting UC (eg: uc +5 at start).

For Phalnax2, I've just always used princesses ever since i saw the comparison video earlier in the thread. They had once princess kill em all, other melee units were also put in but normally needed to be removed due to low damage output. Video was to show the difference in out put vs a normal melee unit vs a princess, and it that it is night and day vs high armor.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Please note that a lvl 60 themis (and i don't think new player gonna focus 1 char to lvl 60 due to costly and alot exp needed) only have 1348 (+360) hp 420atk 260def + stat% if prince deployed *thats if you able to deploy him*
She can barely kill and tank enemy in phalanx 2.....
For new player who still trying to clear phalanx 2 i recommend you focus on witch 1st... lvl them CC them max affection them (well maybe not silver)

To be fair, anyone who made it to Phalanx 2 can hardly be so new that they don't have couple of CC witches already, 1 of them max affection Cloris. I sure did, and yes, I had lvl 60 Themis. :D

FAQ at first post said Princesses are cheat, so yeah. At the point where I understood she is not THAT great and useful right now it was level 55 already, too late to stop.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


wow, your black princess did the work of 1 gold and 2 plats by herself... what are her stats if you dont mind me asking + skill? you never activated it.

edit: typo and yes, i meant princess but put witch on accident.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


wow, your black witch did the work of 1 god and 2 plats by herself... what are her stats if you dont mind me asking + skill? you never activated it.

You mean Sybilla? She's a princess.

detailed here:
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

hey guys anyone else unable to connect to aigis?
I was playing got the multiple logins-time error logged out and now I get:
a server error occurred.
please try later.
I tried closing my browser, and even with differents accounts I get the same error with all of them even new accounts
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

hey guys anyone else unable to connect to aigis?
I was playing got the multiple logins-time error logged out and now I get:
a server error occurred.
please try later.
I tried closing my browser, and even with differents accounts I get the same error with all of them even new accounts
Try rebooting your computer, and trying again.
You can also delete all your cookies/cache files for the system.

If you do not know how to do it, it may be easier to use a program like CCleaner (from Piriform) to do it for you.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

a lot of players seem to be complaining about that error, ever since the patch. i wonder what happenend. also, that unit is op, instant death on top of atk power up lol. i dont even want to know the awakening skill. how could you break her eve more.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

a lot of players seem to be complaining about that error, ever since the patch. i wonder what happenend. also, that unit is op, instant death on top of atk power up lol. i dont even want to know the awakening skill. how could you break her eve more.

Her awaken skill lets her ability become ranged (even air opponents). So yea, she's op as hell, and I like her that way (specially as much as I spent to get her ass :cool: ) . Is there any wonder I use 2 of her? And other then the shards I already have the units (for both) to empower her ready to go.
Her weakness of course is vs high MR enemies, they can kill her damage pretty drastically.

As to connectivity, I have gotten freezes during missions more since the update, only had a few but they do happen here and there.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Try rebooting your computer, and trying again.
You can also delete all your cookies/cache files for the system.

If you do not know how to do it, it may be easier to use a program like CCleaner (from Piriform) to do it for you.

Done and done.But still can't get into the game.
I have been playing for 3 weeks and it's the first time I get the error.
I also tried different browsers.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Done and done.But still can't get into the game.
I have been playing for 3 weeks and it's the first time I get the error.
I also tried different browsers.

You may have to wait but you are welcome to try this code below, close all browsers prior to running:
Open a command prompt, in win7/8 for search just type CMD. You will need to run the command as elevated command prompt, right click when it shows you the black box, and use "run as administrator".

code here:
Copy and paste the below, you can do it all at once:

Del C:\"Documents and Settings"\"%USERNAME%"\"Local Settings"\"Temporary Internet Files"\*.* /q /f /s &
Del C:\"Documents and Settings"\"%USERNAME%"\"Local Settings"\"Temp"\*.* /q /f /s &
Del C:\"Users"\"%USERNAME%"\"AppData"\"Local"\"Temp"\*.* /q /f /s &
Del C:\"Windows"\"Prefetch"\*.* /q /f /s &
Del C:\"Windows"\"Temp"\*.* /q /f /s &
Del C:\"Temp"\*.* /q /f /s &
Del "*.log" /q /f /s &
Del "*.tmp" /q /f /s &
ipconfig /flushdns
And that should do ya.

As to OP, I'd actually rank Nanaly better than Sybilla. Nanaly is just silly on our current maps, and used way more often.
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