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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Thanks for the info, but I have some concerns with it....

You do make a great argument, in fact, it's the same argument that we at Nutaku are making in favor of increasing content.

is there a way to contact support for this website? my friend is trying to sign up and finished making an account but hasn't received the email.

You can head to the Nutaku game page and click on "Website Contact" at the bottom of the page, you can then request assistance.

The decision of Sapphire units has my fingers crossed. If there is anything that can be done to affect the decision favorably?

Tell your friends about Aigis ;)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

After thinking a couple days about the development model of Aigis, I feel like I have to point out a few logical discrepancies you may want to point out to the dev team:

I assume what's driving the event development speed is not so much active users but profitability (which is how it should be, don't get me wrong). But the idea of waiting for the profitability THEN making content results in a doomed vicious circle.

Currently, Crystals can be spent in only a few ways:

1) Premium summons - Generally, once people have a couple select units they want, this goes from being the main SC spend into something done once in a while just because. More content, and more units, will keep this monetary source where it should be: a desirable cash sink.

2) Char/Stam refills - There is almost no reason to do this anymore for anyone playing since around launch, and even a few users who started after Ryujin invasion. We've been waiting around on down time for so long, we have entire CC40+ 100%aff teams which make any map a cakewalk and 1m+ in game currency because we're bored of 2k summons. Monday daily? No reason to need more than the 8+ runs we get already. Tuesday/Friday daily? Once again, no levels needed, no new units to raise, no need for the xp boost beyond what we can farm given our daily allotment. Thursday daily? Why bother? Given the difference in content speed between DMM and Nutaku, Saki, Akane, and Spica will be there for a year and a half or more. Char refills for story missions? See previous points about overlevelled units and more money than we know what to do with. More content (and units) gives us more reasons to spend on these points.

3) Shop buys - See part 2's points about overlevelled units and money. +5 unit cost will be "needed" ONCE for War of Magic, and that's about it. Box expansions? Why? We have no units to fill them.

Of course, the Chrome/general browser bug is important to fix first, so this delay in content is understandable. This rant is really just a reaction to how improved content speed priority went from "top priority for the dev team" to the "if you can get the users, we'll think about it" attitude recent updates seem to have taken.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Box expansions? Why? We have no units to fill them.

I will disagree with you here, and no, I know I am not the only one.

It's very easy to start filling slots you have with all the fairies, silvers and other units you wish to use for leveling, add in trying to make units for later AW which many here have (no one likes wasting silvers) and you get quite a number of slots used up, which takes from your ability to hold units for leveling. You can't save anything because of it. It becomes a use it or loose it.

Bottom line, I routinely fill up all my slots and need more room, and currently I have 235 slots total available. If you don't need the expansion that's fine, but do not presume to speak for everyone here on this as several of us in the past have already expressed our need for this.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I will disagree with you here, and no, I know I am not the only one.

It's very easy to start filling slots you have with all the fairies, silvers and other units you wish to use for leveling, add in trying to make units for later AW which many here have (no one likes wasting silvers) and you get quite a number of slots used up, which takes from your ability to hold units for leveling. You can't save anything because of it. It becomes a use it or loose it.

Bottom line, I routinely fill up all my slots and need more room, and currently I have 235 slots total available. If you don't need the expansion that's fine, but do not presume to speak for everyone here on this as several of us in the past have already expressed our need for this.

It's not that we don't need them from our base capacity. It's that most people who buy this already have enough for their own current rosters plus some. With all our down time, my silvers are 30CC1 with the exception of a few choice classes, my Gold and under fairies get used as fodder, and I don't keep plat or black fairies for long before 3 or 4 tin cans come along and use them up. And while I know you're not the only one who has a maxed box and needs more room, I don't think you can disagree you're in a severe minority even among the paying users, having fodder clutter up a box due to max level units plus enough SC rolls to have every unit in the current game (this one's a guess, but you have two CR'ed Nanaly's, so I don't think I'm too far off this one).
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Actually much to your surprise, I am not a minority on this.
Consider this, as you obviously haven't.

Now that many folks here, including free players, have a decent primary team, they like to prepare to have their event units leveled once we get them. I've even show I did this with nothing but Roy (bronze mages only) for the Princess Returns event to level Anya and Echidna, which I still fell short from getting them where I wanted them.

If I could move all these unused silvers, AW fodder I have, I may still not have been able to max level either of them, but I'd have been a hell of a lot closer. My room often becomes so short I actually have to sell my gold fairies now to make room. I can't even keep them.

Again, just because you wouldn't use it, you do not speak for everyone on that. It is an item some of us do want, do not decide you have the "reasoning" to take game content away from us just because you wont use it. Content is good, whether you'd use it or not is largely irrelevant as long as some people would.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Again, just because you wouldn't use it, you do not speak for everyone on that. It is an item some of us do want, do not decide you have the "reasoning" to take game content away from us just because you wont use it. Content is good, whether you'd use it or not is largely irrelevant as long as some people would.

What the fuck are you talking about, he's talking about how some players don't feel the need to spend money on the existing box slot expansion in the shop which is completely true. Nobody is talking about the barracks expansions that aren't in the game, what "content" is he taking away?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Actually much to your surprise, I am not a minority on this.
Consider this, as you obviously haven't.

Now that many folks here, including free players, have a decent primary team, they like to prepare to have their event units leveled once we get them. I've even show I did this with nothing but Roy (bronze mages only) for the Princess Returns event to level Anya and Echidna, which I still fell short from getting them where I wanted them.

If I could move all these unused silvers, AW fodder I have, I may still not have been able to max level either of them, but I'd have been a hell of a lot closer. My room often becomes so short I actually have to sell my gold fairies now to make room. I can't even keep them.

Again, just because you wouldn't use it, you do not speak for everyone on that. It is an item some of us do want, do not decide you have the "reasoning" to take game content away from us just because you wont use it. Content is good, whether you'd use it or not is largely irrelevant as long as some people would.

... I think you and I are misunderstanding what it is I'm saying... For the record, I'm not talking about the 250 2nd Barracks one gets after maxing out the current +5 expansions. I'm all for that, and would love to have it so I can just keep my silvers at 30 and not be forced to CC them for the sake of box space. Nor am I arguing that this content should be left out. I'm arguing that the devs aren't making the kind of money they want because they're not giving us enough content to spend it on, so they don't think content is worth investing in, so we don't have anything to spend on, etc. etc.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

What the fuck are you talking about, he's talking about how some players don't feel the need to spend money on the existing box slot expansion in the shop which is completely true. Nobody is talking about the barracks expansions that aren't in the game, what "content" is he taking away?

Being an ass are we today?

You do realize the box expansions are REQUIRED to unlock the barracks right?

You do know that in DMM's version which we will eventually be the same as, the only thing recommended to spend SC are slots, the barracks and for events. Premium summons is a recommended "never use" for any free player.

I am only going off what I quoted, I did not disagree with anything else you said.
I'm simply pointing out the slots and the barracks are useful even to free players, which as I quoted you stated "box expansions", if I'm in error here, by all means correct me and clarify.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I, for one, am content with my current 142 slots, at least for now. Which were expanded quite a lot, mind you, but not from bought crystals.

Box expansion is quite a minor line in crystal expenditure. 20 slots equals to 1 premium summoning, and spending such sum once in a blue moon is relatively easy even for completely non-buying players.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Dunno i am still sitting on my basic slots and i am fine
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Basic Slots for me as well. I'm still recovering from my early-game idiocy, so the number of Silvers I have stored up for CCs hasn't yet hit a point of overflow. I do however have a growing collection of Black Fairies, with nothing to use them on.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Just wow. I can't even believe this turned into an argument.
I've simply pointed out there is a use for something, and even gave supporting facts for it. And I get slammed from people for it. (And not by the person I was discussing it with no less)

I can't even begin to explain how ridiculous this is.

I'll leave it as this. If there is content in DMM's version, we should all be looking forward to getting it at some point regardless if it is something that you will use right away. I mean new players aren't going to be mad that desert maps get added, not something they can use or access right away, but having the option of being there is always nice. This is true of any content.

Better to have and not need, then to need and not have.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Being an ass are we today?

You do realize the box expansions are REQUIRED to unlock the barracks right?

You do know that in DMM's version which we will eventually be the same as, the only thing recommended to spend SC are slots, the barracks and for events. Premium summons is a recommended "never use" for any free player.

I am only going off what I quoted, I did not disagree with anything else you said.
I'm simply pointing out the slots and the barracks are useful even to free players, which as I quoted you stated "box expansions", if I'm in error here, by all means correct me and clarify.

Sorry, yeah, I refer to the +5 boosts per SC as a "box expansion" and the 250 Barracks as... well, the "Barracks". I agree many people, myself included, want this put in. But, for the average player, the box expansions are just kinda bought as needed now and then, which I'm fairly certain the free crystals every five days are good for, so the revenue source from this purchase is minimal at best. Will I buy barracks when it comes out? Fuck yeah. Would I buy more +5 expansions if possible? Same answer. Given current content schedule, would I pay a substantial amount of money for it? Eh, questionable.

I, for one, am content with my current 142 slots, at least for now. Which were expanded quite a lot, mind you, but not from bought crystals.

Box expansion is quite a minor line in crystal expenditure. 20 slots equals to 1 premium summoning, and spending such sum once in a blue moon is relatively easy even for completely non-buying players.

25 slots per 1 premium, no? Not trying to be condescending, just making sure I'm doing the math right.

As for the negative vibes this convo's apparently starting:
Disclaimer: I don't think Xovian's being anything other than opinionated, which I feel is entirely in his right to be. The reply is rather bluntly put, but it doesn't hurt my feelings any and it gives me more data to think about.

Now on a side note, @Xovian, was I right about my guess about you having all units possible? Just curious.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I think i have enough silvers for any situations that may happen in near future though here my whole Inv (5 gold fairies is not included) 69/85
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Decided to make an IRC chat incase people ever want something a bit faster paced and more immediate to discuss the game on particularly during periods in which the forums are slow moving. Network is Quakenet, IRC is #aigis. It -should- work because I've tested it for about 5 seconds but if something isn't working let me know.

(Or use any IRC client of your choosing).

There's no password so anyone should be able to join/connect
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Now on a side note, @Xovian, was I right about my guess about you having all units possible? Just curious.

Nope, don't I wish. I'm not that rich despite popular opinion. I've had all units at some point outside of the newer additions (ninja/samurai) but many I did not keep due to lack of room. (Didn't keep Clissa, Berna, Bashira ect...)

I've posted my full team and even all my leveled units (didn't show unleveled silvers or AW fodder), previously. Haven't gotten but a few random silvers added since then. Even with all that, I don't use more than maybe half of my total capacity for saved units. However, I do like having the excess room so I can level units. It takes over 100 units to level a Black from 70 to 75, and a fair amount more to do so from 75-80. A 61 platinum to 70 takes around 110-120 units to level. Now bare in mind as I stated earlier, I used DH (cause I'm as lazy as the next player) to level my units, namely cause it takes longer to accumulate those units while I'm working on player levels.

Like I said, the big point of needing the extra room is so we can have as much saved as possible for new event units. The less room you have, the longer it will actually take to level them cause it eventually falls to the "I got to farm more" instead of already being prepared. With this extended break, most people will farm enough units to have leveled 2 units from 1-70 at least twice.
Currently they are forced to spend them, possibly on units they don't even plan to use any time soon.

"would I pay a substantial amount of money for it? Eh, questionable."
I feel ya here.

As to the if I could have said it better? I will apologize for that, and in advanced for any future comments. I am blunt, and overly brutal with my honesty (ask my wife). Since context of emotion can't be written, I simply say it how I see it (and we know opinions vary widely). This often lacks tact I grant, but I do try to avoid confusion in what I say as I have had happen previously here. So if people get offended, my apologies in advance, it isn't meant to be that way.

"25 slots per 1 premium, no? Not trying to be condescending, just making sure I'm doing the math right"
It's 4 slots per 1 crystal. Premium summon is 5. 5x4=20. Grom's math was correct.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Slots importance is something that I didn't thought much in early game, and I even considered myself so stupid because I ended up buying 2-3 by mistake, but now that I better understand the game I actually choose to get a couple more. The problem is that hoarding units is draining a lot of my space.
Just to put into perspective, of my 93 slots I have:
- 6 black fairies
- 4 rainbow fairies
- 4 silver dragons (still haven't found a useful unit for them)
- 12 spots reserved for gold/platinum fairies in hope of multiple tin cans or CC/SU with 30CC30 units.
- 2 spare gold units
- 17 spare silver units

In all, a little more than a quarter of my space is constantly filled with fodder units and adding my spare silvers it reaches up to almost 50% of the space. Adding up my playing units means that I have to work around with something between 3-10 free spaces depending on my gatcha luck.
As the game goes on the usage of 2k gatcha + event related units will only increase the taxation of free space and the single reason that i don't exchange more of my free crystals for unit space is that the next event might require all that have saved up.
Then again gambling on premium gatcha sometimes is fun so even though it isn't optimal, who cares...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Between fairies, cans, silvers and bunch of lvl40 maxCR bronze units I never go below 100 nowadays. Especially fairies. They stack and stack with our long downtimes. At event start i tend to arrive with a small army of them, plus a varying amount of lvl20 feeders saved to jump high levels for new unit(s) after standard lvl13-14 feeder leveling. Between these feeders and fairies I am certain that event unit will get all the love it needs asap and will join in roster yesterday. So yeah.. even 142 slots are mostly used by the time next event starts.

I guess such hoarding for the future every free moment is more of a DMM mindset, but it never hurts to be prepared.

On the other note, PeroPero is supposed to come out tomorrow. Which is why I only took a look at Hellfire Girls - this game has nothing on PPS, and having 2 of them active on top of Aigis is just too much. Aigis and PPS, on the other hand, if they both will release content at half-assed rate.. may just be enough.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

"25 slots per 1 premium, no? Not trying to be condescending, just making sure I'm doing the math right"
It's 4 slots per 1 crystal. Premium summon is 5. 5x4=20. Grom's math was correct.

Herp derp. It's been so long since I've bought these, I forgot it's not +5 slots per crystal. Kinda goes to my other point though.