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(Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Yea I know I'm at 18th place atm but I can defiantly feel it slipping away as I showed up on time and came out rushing enough to get all 20 bosses before they did the stamina change and since then I have to be cautious with what I have left to stay around the top till midterm rewards.

I wish I could make my bosses flee faster.

you guys have 3-5 decks of teens that are good leveled to hit that much?
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

I actually only have one teen deck. The rest are just the best of each attribute and I doubled up on Lady since that's merely where my luck fell in the gacha. My teen strength could be stronger I guess, but I wasn't too into Urumi Narumi (dat name tho).

To commit to another teen deck now with no strong attack cards just seems shortsighted. I got a bunch of eros (dontfightmeplz) and some junk SRs but I'd hate to dump everything into cards I don't even want on me. But for the sake of the event every deck has a card at minimum level 10-30 depending on whether it is attack focus, good tags (for the future!), bestgirl (forever!), and obviously if it's just better than whatever else I can put in there.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

My best cards are teens. I have 4 teen decks for this event, 77500, 45000, 30000, 30000, and one lady deck, 46000.

I have some other good ladies but they're not really improved yet.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

I'm running 3 teen decks because for some god awful reason I can't seems to get any good chick cards and I normally run 2 teen decks.

I was trying to make it so that I could have 3 good decks of all attributes so that I can swap the 5th deck and the deck that is weak to the raid bosses to ones with bonuses.

I can't quite make them hit hard enough to reflect the effort which might and hopefully is a short term problem accumulated from early mistakes like selling all my trainer cards thinking they sucked TT.TT

Anyone know the level margin on each side that you can request to help kill the raid bosses?
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Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

It's really annoying when you need to use 60 stamina to find raid boss (3 stamina per try). :mad:
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

It's really annoying when you need to use 60 stamina to find raid boss (3 stamina per try). :mad:
Yea its really annoying when they take all the stamina up to find them. Did you at least find the HFG boss after that?
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Yea its really annoying when they take all the stamina up to find them. Did you at least find the HFG boss after that?
It was just normal boss.

These raid bosses are much harder than the ones in last event. I'm slowly coming towards top #50. Not going to use full stamina items for this event tho...
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Ya I'm not very concerned with this event. I am trying to figure out when the daily missions are though I thought the trainer mission was supposed to be back up by now.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Ya I'm not very concerned with this event. I am trying to figure out when the daily missions are though I thought the trainer mission was supposed to be back up by now.
Maybe it was just some kind of event? I'm waiting that one too.

Is Nutaku slow for you guys also?
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Anyone know the level margin on each side that you can request to help kill the raid bosses?

One level below your current boss. So if your current boss level is 50, you will receive coalition requests from anyone with a lvl 49 boss who asks for help. If you can see requests and you kill your own boss and go up a level, any requests that you had prior to advancing a level will still remain.

Now for my question, where is everyone hanging around in boss level? I am pushing up around 49-52 and have seen maybe only 4-5 help requests at each level and that is about it.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

I'm bubbling between 69-71 as far as bosses go. I'm trying to lower myself into more populated levels though as I'm falling in rank really bad since no one is helping/requesting help really here.

I hadn't seen any of the daily events in a while unfortunately which is slightly depressing.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Wahhh maybe I'm the only one who wants some upper-tier Madame cards. All the ones I currently own have terrible stats.

I'm also around the 49-54 area. I went up to about 56(?) the other day 'cuz I wanted a gold ticket! Got lucky etc so it was all worth it kinda not really. Definitely still an acceptable amount of people in the <60 range. I'm interested if it's better at 59 or so. I just need a stronger setup to go there.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Wahhh maybe I'm the only one who wants some upper-tier Madame cards. All the ones I currently own have terrible stats.

I'm also around the 49-54 area. I went up to about 56(?) the other day 'cuz I wanted a gold ticket! Got lucky etc so it was all worth it kinda not really. Definitely still an acceptable amount of people in the <60 range. I'm interested if it's better at 59 or so. I just need a stronger setup to go there.
Madame deck is my weakest atm to be honest. I have couple high-tier Madame cards tho... The problem is resources to level those.

I would really like to see set of Veteran Trainers etc in event prices instead of new cards that i can't level up. I have about 15-20 UR & L cards in lvl 1 and almost same amount in lvl 20-30.

It's too epensive to lvl just with normal fodders.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Point bonus are very cheap too. 400000 pt for .... a silver ticket. Who cares ?

I stay between 51-59 boss and i can make a good part of my daily bonus. At least 10 mini stamina a day. I've got the 36th rank just now. But the 15-20 first ranks are impossible to join without the L/UL girls from Minami Kojima Gacha Box's.
So i don't spend a good part of my stamina stock because there is no real reason to do this.
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Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

I would really like to see set of Veteran Trainers etc in event prices instead of new cards that i can't level up.

Would you rather have more and varied trainers instead of say eros rewards in the bonuses? At this point I wouldn't mind that myself, but the large eros gains helps a lot (especially for those puzzles battles and casual players). Personally, I've felt that all the bonuses up to 400k are pretty generous. The gacha points certainly seem unnecessary, and the single silver ticket at 400k is a bit of a let down. Would definitely rather have a vet trainer or even a midlevel at this milestone. Or 2 silvers!

I guess just talking about it makes it more underwhelming than it really is. It's not exactly the main focus of the event or even a significant contributor to why the event is actually good. I think the only one I'd really have a legitimate complaint for are the bonuses that give a single staminaV. Don't quite understand that. Even at 300 stamina that's only 10 minis. Who is that supposed to accommodate at this current point? Certainly nobody currently has enough to trump the 20+ minis prior, so I can only assume little to no adjustments were made there when bringing the event over. Or I'm just wrong! Would rather have the 20 minis still, even though 2mil points is a bit out of reach for me. And on that point, why give 20+ minis as the last bonus under all that consideration? Very strange.

Aside from that, though, quite good and have looked forward to every milestone bonus. Getting the same UR in gachabox with no reset, though? I don't feel positively about this. I get it, but... But, I mean... I get it. I was unhappy.

Edit: Okay after hitting post I immediately felt I'd be unhappy both ways so it seems I'm only displeased that it wasn't what I expected it to be. In regards to the gachabox. Or perhaps having 23 unique URs and only 23 possible UR gets per reset is what bothers me. Hard to say.
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Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Apparently having 100,000 fans is the requirement for rank B.

Also the point tier bonus is just a bonus, not the main event. They don't have to be significant rewards. I think the mini stamina 30s are supposed to expire at the end of the event. A bound or unbound stamina does not expire.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Would you rather have more and varied trainers instead of say eros rewards in the bonuses? At this point I wouldn't mind that myself, but the large eros gains helps a lot (especially for those puzzles battles and casual players). Personally, I've felt that all the bonuses up to 400k are pretty generous. The gacha points certainly seem unnecessary, and the single silver ticket at 400k is a bit of a let down. Would definitely rather have a vet trainer or even a midlevel at this milestone. Or 2 silvers!

I guess just talking about it makes it more underwhelming than it really is. It's not exactly the main focus of the event or even a significant contributor to why the event is actually good. I think the only one I'd really have a legitimate complaint for are the bonuses that give a single staminaV. Don't quite understand that. Even at 300 stamina that's only 10 minis. Who is that supposed to accommodate at this current point? Certainly nobody currently has enough to trump the 20+ minis prior, so I can only assume little to no adjustments were made there when bringing the event over. Or I'm just wrong! Would rather have the 20 minis still, even though 2mil points is a bit out of reach for me. And on that point, why give 20+ minis as the last bonus under all that consideration? Very strange.

Aside from that, though, quite good and have looked forward to every milestone bonus. Getting the same UR in gachabox with no reset, though? I don't feel positively about this. I get it, but... But, I mean... I get it. I was unhappy.

Edit: Okay after hitting post I immediately felt I'd be unhappy both ways so it seems I'm only displeased that it wasn't what I expected it to be. In regards to the gachabox. Or perhaps having 23 unique URs and only 23 possible UR gets per reset is what bothers me. Hard to say.

On the mini stamina versus actual stamina at some point in the japanese version it looks like the wiki says that the mini-stamina expire at the end of a given event.

Don't know if that is the case currently or not, I tend to blow all my stamina at the end to get a few more daily bonuses and gatcha tickets.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

Expiration? That sounds pretty lame initially but I like that quite a bit. I'm pretty sure it hasn't been in effect for the last two events or leading into this one, but now that it's mentioned I can't remember if I had any! I'll save some without fail to check. Was gonna say all this other junk about bonuses but clearly I'm being too critical over nothing. But, the minis still make more sense to me in the current state.

A very mature "nuh-uh" response.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

I had always some mini stamina left after all events. And i could use them for the next event. So it does'nt apply until now.

And what for the stamina V and costarin C as total ranking awards ? They're bound too.
Re: (Nutaku) Hellfire Girls

So bound means time sensitive? Kinda sucks but at least I know why they're separated then.

Unrelated note does anyone know what boss levels each chance to unlock the higher rarity puzzles are?