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[Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I think you complain too much, tbh.

Yes, the prices are bullshit.
Yes, the rates are bad.

One of those needs to be fixed, I agree. Although fixing one will just introduce another problem (lower prices = easier to P2W; better rates = less need for spending).

The bad rates were somewhat of a blessing in disguise, since the fact that you get a bunch of tickets from milestones early, only for it to taper off later on, meaning that few people will have OP decks from the get-go. But the fact that event tickets continue the trend is discouraging, combined with the fact that having more than three copies of a card is (currently) pointless, and how F2P'ers will probably get less ticket rolls due to how the events have worked so far, I agree that the rates should be tweaked a bit.

As for prices, only the "first-time" rolls are what I go for. Everything else is far too expensive, of course. The 10000 gold roll is clearly whale bait for people who really, REALLY want one of the limited cards. But you'd be better off just rolling premium gacha instead.

Overall, they could try to do half-and-half. My suggestions:
-Increase HR rate/Decrease R rate so that tickets aren't quite as disappointing. SRs and SSRs can still be rare.
-Decrease the price of single rolls. The one time rolls were accidentally 300 gold was acceptable.
-The x11 premium roll is trickier to price, but the gacha rank system itself needs tweaking, IMO. The time limit is annoying, for one thing, since some of us don't like to splurge all at once. But I don't really have a solid answer for this.
-Make a similar gacha rank system for limited rolls. There's no point to putting single rolls on limited gacha, since the premium gacha serves the same function and the 10k gold roll is too overpriced even if it guarantees one of the limited cards.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I am playing now 4 times each day and everyday buy a mini pot, when I am near to lvl up but I will have more stamina I use a mini pot, 120 stamina and mini is 30 it is great
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Not bad, got Black Blade Wielder Risa (SR) with the event #11 tickets. Guess RNGesus loves me more than some here :D
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

FINALLY, after all this time, I've managed to pull my first HR from N Gacha.

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

dat spoiler though

Edit: boo works after i posted >.<
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

..and ANOTHER R from onsen gacha
I'm on stage 14 and have gotten 1 HR and the rest Rs
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Glad to hear AS is still staying up. Aigis' hiatus was a huge bummer for me (happy the event is FINALLY up now).

Second round of the boss and man, she's got some blinged out cards. Can't use 'em right and they're way underleveled/costed, but it's so sexy to see them. Aside from the ones already mentioned, I'm really looking forward to seeing more of this one.


I've been saying for a while that mana manipulation really should be a mechanic in the game, and while this one seems a little bit underpowered and easily countered, it's still a step in the right direction.


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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Gah. I pulled my second HR, and it's the same as my first HR.

FINALLY, after all this time, I've managed to pull my first HR from N Gacha.


Yep, that one. Guess I'll have three of her when we get her story mission.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

just to point out something you said. even if their is only 10 H scenes right now.

as of right now, DMM's AS has 67 H scenes as of its time of closing. that's not bad for a tcg focused game. with H as it's secondary focus.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Uh, shitty rates or not, you're not supposed to get endless amounts of tickets to begin with. How are they supposed to make money that way?

I consider LoV to be extremely generous in that regard thanks to the login proofs, and even then, it gets around that with limited space, limited gacha, etc.

Usually games develop login bonuses to motivate players to log in every day, but once you see it takes 50 logins to get anything remotely decent, it really kills the incentive. It doesn't even have to be a ticket, just an energy drink every week or so or a mini energy drink daily would work. Right now, the 5000 money you get is just a number since it never gets used to the extent where it gives it enough value to exceed that level of worth.

Daily reward systems exist in almost any online game but I've never seen any of them extend the same reward over a period of 50 days unless it's something "really good." In here you just get the same item, only in terms of daily yield, you get less and less and eventually you get nothing. Well, no surprise that it's certainly confused many players when it comes to that.

You're right that it doesn't make them any more money to have anything that is free, but part of making successful game is having a large growing community and that just can't happen if you're implementing something like this so ineffectively and thoughtlessly. The first time you saw this, what message did you get when you saw the declining yield in their login bonus?

Also, their main interest in making a game isn't money since I'd imagine that game development in general takes on a much more busy and stressful work environment than other fields in computer science, yet yield less wages. Certainly the main reason why investors would invest in a gaming project would be for money but the reason why programmers enter the field is completely in their own interest. Simply put, games are made to be played rather than to generate profit. In contrast, if you make an online casino, then you're in it for the profit.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

The money helps level up cards, since there is in fact a hidden cost to levelling up your cards. There is a few milestones for log in days like a log in 7 days to get something, log in 14 days to get something, and log in 30 days to get something.

I really shouldnt even bother since this game is nothing more than a fleeting interest to me in the first place. If others want to dump $100 at a time on a gacha, then they can certainly do that. I would personally tell them that they are murdering money by doing so, but its not my money being murdered.

The whole problem is that only having a paying customer base does nothing to help the game. You need to have the free players with enough of a deck to be able to almost compete at some level. Otherwise the game gets shut down because there is not enough of a consistent player base. The whales will eventually realize that they need to no longer waste alot of money to get the cards, and the game gets shut down.

No matter what, at the end of it all the game will eventually get shut down anyway. Especially now with the japanese version being shut down. Nutaku would have to continue to license a game that is not being actively developed by the original company, so to develop new content they would have to source it elsewhere most likely. More money that needs to be put out on top of the license fee.

It is just the nature of the beast. It would not surprise me in the least that after 6 months this game was as dead on nutaku as it will be on dmm.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Posting on my phone, so I'll try to keep this brief.

I think freeko missed the entire point of my post, so I'm not sure how to proceed.

I've said before that this game is not as P2W as you think, considering the vast majority of useful, staple HR and SR cards (like the ones the current phase 2 boss uses) are currently NOT paywalled, but up to the mercy of normal gacha luck. That may bottom out at some point, but as it is, the game is hardly fundamentally broken from a P2W standpoint. Free players, with high levels and some luck, can still stand a fighting chance against paying players.

So saying that lack of paying players or shutting out the free players will kill the game doesn't make sense. I also mentioned how free players don't technically miss out on phase 2 of these events. I've personally spent more on energy drinks trying to finish phase 2 than actually blowing it all on gacha. Not unlike what people recommend doing to max out event units in Aigis.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Had a bad starting hand vs the cpu and ended up getting to see even more cards. :D

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

i havent even made it past level 10 yet and ive been mostly solid on my log ins so its kinda hard to think a free player will ever reach lv 18 and up without saving drinks

A free player will likely never finish a phase 2, barring some large stockpile of free energy drinks.

But again, you're technically not missing out if you don't finish phase 2. You'll get less exp cards, less gacha points, less limited rolls, and only one copy of the event card, but you're not locked out of any exclusive content.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

i havent even made it past level 10 yet and ive been mostly solid on my log ins so its kinda hard to think a free player will ever reach lv 18 and up without saving drinks

Should be easy to make it to 10 if you're using your stamina efficiently, especially if you're lower level since you get more level up refills. On stage 15 without drinks here.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Whoops, missed this, since I was on my phone earlier.

Usually games develop login bonuses to motivate players to log in every day, but once you see it takes 50 logins to get anything remotely decent, it really kills the incentive. It doesn't even have to be a ticket, just an energy drink every week or so or a mini energy drink daily would work. Right now, the 5000 money you get is just a number since it never gets used to the extent where it gives it enough value to exceed that level of worth.

Daily reward systems exist in almost any online game but I've never seen any of them extend the same reward over a period of 50 days unless it's something "really good." In here you just get the same item, only in terms of daily yield, you get less and less and eventually you get nothing. Well, no surprise that it's certainly confused many players when it comes to that.

You're right that it doesn't make them any more money to have anything that is free, but part of making successful game is having a large growing community and that just can't happen if you're implementing something like this so ineffectively and thoughtlessly. The first time you saw this, what message did you get when you saw the declining yield in their login bonus?

Also, their main interest in making a game isn't money since I'd imagine that game development in general takes on a much more busy and stressful work environment than other fields in computer science, yet yield less wages. Certainly the main reason why investors would invest in a gaming project would be for money but the reason why programmers enter the field is completely in their own interest. Simply put, games are made to be played rather than to generate profit. In contrast, if you make an online casino, then you're in it for the profit.

I do agree that a better daily reward system like the other DMM/Nutaku games would benefit all players. A mini-energy drink a day would be a nice start. Maybe rotate it with a R exp card or some gacha points. As it is, the current 5000 money reward is useless, particularly when I'm sitting at 1.4m.

I don't really have an answer to the rest. Again, I don't see the problem with longer milestones for the same thing, particularly when there were several different ways to get tickets to begin with (to count: login days, arena wins, tourney wins, the fourth stage of each story mission).

But I do think there's a problem when people eventually complete all the limited missions and there's a complete lack of free tickets/drinks left to obtain. I'm not sure of the best way to solve that. Probably something worth pitching to the Chatango devs whenever someone gets the chance (in fact, I'll just drop a note right now).

Random side note: Card limit maxes at 350 cards (and deck limit is 5 decks). But if you buy all your card expansions, then get another card expansion from the card album mission, you won't be able to use it, so it'll sit uselessly in your inventory. I sent in a support ticket though, and they refunded me in a sense by giving me a free energy drink in exchange. So that was nice.