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[Nutaku] Angelic Saga


Tentacle Monster
Mar 3, 2012
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

There are several cards that you can pull out of the gachas that are not listed in the gacha list. I know of at least 5, all HR. Some girls, some spell cards.

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Tentacle God
May 18, 2014
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Do you happen to remember if you pulled her in Premium or regular gacha? Browsing through the Premium gacha card list, it doesn't look like she's in there now, might have been taken out?

It would be even weirder if bosses only are only in regular gacha, so I'd assume it was a mistake.
Someone on /jp/ pulled a Sofia, so I assume it's all bosses in regular gacha.


Tentacle God
Oct 16, 2013
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I got the assassin from 1 of the free gacha tickets pretty stoked about that


Tentacle God
Sep 11, 2012
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Sza presents:

Great Moments in AI Derp

Today's moment ~

Using a potion at full health.

This has been another episode of Great Moments in AI Derp.


Tentacle God
May 18, 2014
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

My favorite is when the AI uses decree when they have no units that can attack.
Or using Decree and proceeding to attack a completely different unit.


Sex Demon
Dec 27, 2011
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I like the guardian on a face down creature. It flips face up... she's Emily, using her ability.


Grim Reaper
Nov 30, 2013
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I've been an avid Yugioh player and a casual Magic player for over a decade, and I see this game as shameless combination of the two (the overall mechanics of YGO and the mana costs and summoning sickness of Magic).

However, the thing that really bugs me is that, once the enemy player has an advantage over you (e.g. more girls on the field), it's nearly impossible to beat him or her. In YGO or Magic, your opponent would have to soft lock you into losing through some sort of mechanic or overall card advantage, but there'd still be quite a few ways you'd escape from a losing situation.

In this game, there's not much you can do--you don't get to choose when traps are activated (I have no idea why not), and you can't activate multiple traps on an attack. Stat shifting cards such as Decree don't mean too much once you lack girls on the field since your girls would be stopped by summoning sickness. The same summoning sickness negates the escape you'd have by summoning a high-cost girl to attack one of the enemy girls. And furthermore, you can't even hide behind an offensive or defensive wall, because your opponent can just gang attack your cards (a mechanic that prevents dominance with a single high-attack girl, but is a drawback in this case).

Therefore, if you've drawn a fairly bad hand (all high level girls or something), and your opponent spams you with balanced level/cost girls, you're done, just because the minute you drop a bomb, she'll get ganged. Smart players (aka not the AI) can play around trap cards like Invitation to Hell. I think the only way you can really survive an opponent who can spam you with girls is if you can effectively hide behind an upgraded/leveled wall, hope that she holds to last a turn, and also hope your opponent runs out of cards (because if s/he can match you card for card and attack for attack, you'll get burned out by attrition).

Personally, I'd say the solution would be to produce more powerful spells and traps, just because IMO, they're rarely used in comparison to the girls (I'm still fairly new to this game, so maybe I don't have access to the rarer ones, but I've yet to see cards that emulate the effects of YGO's Fissure or Trap Hole...cards which remained somewhat effective years after their release). And the nonsense about auto-activating traps? I think that's something that definitely needs to be changed.

Speaking of the AI, it just slammed a girl into mine to take out the rest of its life points. Guess it didn't want to play anymore?


Tentacle God
Oct 16, 2013
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

there's a spell that lets you destroy a face down card but I suppose that wouldn't be much use. I think they wanted to not let people turn a match around so easily by using things that destroy peoples cards maybe because there's not too many cards that destroy but many that disable. seems like the only traps that legitly destroy only does 2 of each element and aren't on the english wiki yet.

the fact that you cant who to activate the activate traps can work to your advantage also by using weak cards you dont care about to attack first and sacrifice them to trigger any dangerous traps
you can also use the escape card to stop someone from ganging your card and killing it

aren't other card games the same way anyway where its hard to turn around from a disadvantage if you dont draw the right cards
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Tentacle God
Sep 22, 2012
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I'm not sure about other card games, but I'm pretty sure most don't have an exp system to level cards that gives further benefits to older players in addition to just having more cards.


Tentacle God
Oct 16, 2013
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

some of the events will smother you with those exp fodder things when they come at least that's my experience in the short time I played the jp version
I think they force your cards lvl 1 in one of the modes also Im not completely sure which one it was. would be nice if they added a mode to duel your friends though


Tentacle God
Feb 14, 2015
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga


I think you are missing some components of strategy if you think auto traps isn't a mechanic that can be abused or used to an advantage. Not to mention to psyche your opponent out, even those that do "nothing".

As to not being able to overcome a deficient. You can, but you have to have the right cards, right strategies or both. Can a game eventually become so one sided that there is no chance of recovery? Sure, but I can attest I know MtG is exactly the same in that regard, as I've been playing since Unlimited. (I still have several old decks and a commanders deck as well)

Plenty of cards most of us have not seen, and may not see for awhile. I can however say that some cards can turn the game by themselves, some can delay just long enough to beat the game. In this game you have 5 slots, there isn't any more. I don't need to beat your creatures, I just need to delay them long enough so I can beat you. Surprisingly effective in this game. In other words, there are more ways than one to skin a cat. They just aren't always the most obvious.


Tentacle Monster
Mar 3, 2012
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Not to mention to psyche your opponent out, even those that do "nothing".
It's worth mentioning that there is a trap card that, in fact, does nothing.



Dec 9, 2010
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

If you happen upon enough of the traps that do damage to your opponent when they attack, you can certainly win or come really close to it just with those. I have no idea if the cards can be upgraded but the base version of one does 300 damage for each card in your opponents attacking zone. Getting in early damage and then walling up until they attack into one of those can be a real strategy. Especially with how stupid the computer is most of the time just willingly attacking a lesser creature into a larger one with no backup or followup attack to finish it off.

I would almost go to say that having a good defensive statted card might be better than one with a high attack, and of course the abilities are what make the difference between a good card and a truly great one.

If the stamina system was not so prohibitive to actually playing the game, I would probably have explored more of what this game has to offer. For now I think it is just yu-gi-oh with pictures of females on all of the cards instead of half of them. I really would like to enjoy the actual card battles more, but the AI is just flat brain dead and unworthy of me wasting my time on it.


Tentacle God
Feb 14, 2015
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I really would like to enjoy the actual card battles more, but the AI is just flat brain dead and unworthy of me wasting my time on it.
That's what the tournaments are for.
Thus far they have had to work on it cause ours was buggy for whatever reason, but once fixed, you can never play the AI again and be just fine.


Tentacle God
Feb 23, 2012
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

i thought tournaments were on set periods. start x date end x date? at least that's what the message said when it was going to open for the first time.


Tentacle God
Feb 14, 2015
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

i thought tournaments were on set periods. start x date end x date? at least that's what the message said when it was going to open for the first time.
(Also aimed @Nordland)

Reason for that is because the rewards get changed between each tournament. This limits the availability of the rewards available in each tourney. Now the question is if there are large breaks between them or not. From my understanding, that is not expected to happen, though NatakuDev or Nordland could clarify what the expected delays, if any, will be. Nutaku has more dev control over this game, unlike Aigis.


Grim Reaper
Nov 30, 2013
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

@Marcus: I guess I'm irked by the lack of control, because it makes traps so much weaker, when they're already not especially useful (compared to other TCGs) to begin with. Playing around them? Sure, but that sort of proves my point that traps can't save you in a tight situation. Since you've given an illustration already, let's use it. If you've got an Invitation to Hell and a monster, and your opponent has a high attack monster and some garbage low cost monster, if they were smart, they'd just ram the low cost one into your monster. Regardless of what the trap is (all I've seen are stat-altering effects and that one destruction card), they'll lose the throwaway (as long as they have LP), and their monster is free to attack yours and gain field control. You can't choose when to activate and therefore balance the playing field.

@Xovian: You're probably right if you think I'm missing something there, because I clearly don't see what is useful about a card that literally does nothing. Even in YGO, there are cards that do nothing, but combined with other cards, are actually useful. Why not psych out your opponent with a card that actually does something, even the variety of utility can be a factor in considering usefulness. Auto-triggered cards just seems asinine, because most of the traps we have (as I've just shown) are intended to defeat an attacking monster (against a weaker defender) and are not intended to defend against an army. Why would you put that mechanic into the game and limit a player's creativity/decision-making?

Maybe I'm having trouble with seeing how to overcome an opponent who can spam me with field control, because I think that the usefulness of spell/traps to directly clear out monsters or balance the game field without stat-altering effects is lacking. As for MtG and YGO having similar drawbacks, I'd say yes and no. You're indeed right that in all TCGs, there's a point of no return when you allow your opponent to build advantage. But for me, perhaps it's just that you can get behind so quickly in this game, or that field control is far more important than actual card advantage/hand size, that I see a flaw. I have seen strong locks in MtG and YGO, but there's a reason many, many cards are banned/restricted in those TCGs because of the "hard locks" they can provide, or ridiculous card advantage.

To your point about not beating your opponents' monsters but rather delaying them, I'm not sure I understand. There's not alternate win condition here, and AFAIK, that would've been the main reason to run a stall tactic. Stalling allows your opponent to build up an army, and that can overwhelm you.

@Freeko: Eh, I've never really found burn to be viable in any TCG. It's nice that defense means more in this game due to opponents being penalized with a loss of field control for attacking into a stronger defense. However, card advantage becomes an issue and IMHO, the discrepancy of total LP to burn amounts is too great. I've got 3-4 Chain Reactions that I don't use if anyone wants them (lol, wish we could trade cards here).


Grim Reaper
Mar 22, 2015
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Late reply, but...

Optional buying of other starter decks. This could be limited one time only, or even be something as limited as buying only one other starter that must be different than the initially chosen deck. This gives more options and a fair share of cards to make a deck.
I do appreciate when card games let you do this. The problem I usually run into is that it's almost impossible to afford the decks at all. I suppose it should be challenging since each starter deck contains a lot of Rs and HRs, though.

I feel like there would be a balance issue with it. Maybe singles out of the tournament rewards is the way to handle it after all?

But even if we got it, it's not even possible to buy them unless the number of cards you can hold is completely overhauled or the limit is kicked to the curb entirely (which means they'll have to change some of the mission rewards and re-issue them retroactively).

I like the idea, but I don't think it works for a lot of reasons. Maybe running it by the devs could result in a working, balanced implementation, though.


Tentacle God
May 18, 2014
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

@Xovian: You're probably right if you think I'm missing something there, because I clearly don't see what is useful about a card that literally does nothing. Even in YGO, there are cards that do nothing, but combined with other cards, are actually useful. Why not psych out your opponent with a card that actually does something, even the variety of utility can be a factor in considering usefulness. Auto-triggered cards just seems asinine, because most of the traps we have (as I've just shown) are intended to defeat an attacking monster (against a weaker defender) and are not intended to defend against an army. Why would you put that mechanic into the game and limit a player's creativity/decision-making?

Maybe I'm having trouble with seeing how to overcome an opponent who can spam me with field control, because I think that the usefulness of spell/traps to directly clear out monsters or balance the game field without stat-altering effects is lacking. As for MtG and YGO having similar drawbacks, I'd say yes and no. You're indeed right that in all TCGs, there's a point of no return when you allow your opponent to build advantage. But for me, perhaps it's just that you can get behind so quickly in this game, or that field control is far more important than actual card advantage/hand size, that I see a flaw. I have seen strong locks in MtG and YGO, but there's a reason many, many cards are banned/restricted in those TCGs because of the "hard locks" they can provide, or ridiculous card advantage.

To your point about not beating your opponents' monsters but rather delaying them, I'm not sure I understand. There's not alternate win condition here, and AFAIK, that would've been the main reason to run a stall tactic. Stalling allows your opponent to build up an army, and that can overwhelm you.
Isn't Fizzle like the YGO equivalent of Fake Trap? You use it to throw off your opponent from disarming your real traps (which is partially luck-based if they use Occult Obliteration).

Or, using the Invitation to Hell example you just described, if you put Fizzle before your actual traps, then they'll have wasted their fodder on disarming a useless trap.

At any rate, I don't have an issue with the way traps are activated on its own.

My biggest issue with the game right now is that you can only exchange one card for mana per turn, which limits the flow too strictly. If you could discard multiple cards in one turn, you could make for higher-risk/reward games (and simultaneously make Emily/Fountain of the Truthful/other draw power cards even more valuable). It'd make less matches devolve into snowballing or being plain hopeless, and people could have a chance at dealing with armies of cards/traps.

Alternatively, you could reduce mana recovery per turn to slow matches down instead, instead of being 10+ turns in the match and essentially anyone who has the higher cost cards left in their hand can steamroll to victory. It'd make things more strategic, but right now, I think matches are a comfortable length, so I don't want to disrupt that by artificially extending them, so I like my first option better.
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