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VN/TEXT [Nuku Valente]Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)

Re: Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)


add { "Naga", "Latex Fox", "black equinoid", "skunk", "Shemale Smooth Collie", "Bovine", "Tentacle Horror", "Demon Brute", "Wyvern", "Cock Cannon", "Bear", "sea otter", "Ash Drakenoid", "feral sea dragon", "German Shepherd", "feline" } to infections of guy;
add { "Ashen Breeder", "Slut Rat", "Panther Taur", "Hermaphrodite Gryphon", "Parasitic Plant", "Herm Hyena", "Painted Wolf Herm", "sewer gator", "doe" } to infections of hermaphrodite;
add { "Drone Wasp", "Goo Girl", "Female Husky", "black equinoid", "lizard girl", "felinoid", "skunk", "sea otter", "Tentacle Horror", "spidergirl", "Mothgirl", "red kangaroo", "city sprite" } to infections of girl;

Trimming herm out does not leave the game empty. Trimming furry, right now, does.

Matt will forgive you not finding gryphon milk if you are !furry or !herm. He will forgive you not finding goo if you are !female.

That list seems a little weird to me. I don't understand all the codings and how they function, but if turning off herms only takes out the ones in that list, aren't there still critters left with both parts? Pretty sure I remember growing girl parts from being with some of the non herms list.

P.S: Non furries would be greatly appreciated. Easier to go back to human if you wanted to for one, and I'm sure it'll open up other ideas for you and critter makers. I have no idea how to lose an accidental vagina and it makes me sad, rofl. I mean I found one secret way, but It'd be nice if I didn't need to get peed on... I tried Awesome's too and never completely lost it, though it did shrink (Can it shrink to nothingness?) What an awkward dilemma.

You really seem to be working hard on this. One of my favorite things about a WIP is that the creator is constantly updating people with what's going on with the game, even if it's not an actual update to the game yet, but you're doing both, lovely. This is the game I check in with the most because of how frequently it updates.

Is "explore" broken? I haven't been able to find ANYTHING with it, not a monster, food, or location since the last updates (At least from Library).
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Re: Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)

Did I miss a dick girl? Let me know, I can fix the flagging fast.

Explore had a huge bug in it, but, thanks to you reporting it, It's now fixed.

As for dual vags, I'll check into that...

As for non furries, did you have one in mind?
Re: Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)

Fixed the dual vag thing. Any time you suffer a shrinking effect to cock or cunt, if you have extras, there's now a 33% chance of losing an extra.
Re: Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)

Did I miss a dick girl? Let me know, I can fix the flagging fast.

Explore had a huge bug in it, but, thanks to you reporting it, It's now fixed.

As for dual vags, I'll check into that...

As for non furries, did you have one in mind?

Accidental vagina, I meant having one at all (Though that lose an extra vagina/penis seems like a good addition for those into that.). I like to be male, so that wasn't a glitch report, just a bit of gameplay that urked me (This mostly refers to when you do the "Left Behind" scenario where you automatically start off as both genders, I was never able to lose the girl bits.). Non furries, I thought you meant maybe a human or two around as an example (Somebody else around that's untainted by the virus?)

black equinoid is one. It seems like there are a ton of critters that seem female, then at the end of the description out of nowhere you get something like: "It suddenly becomes clear she has a giant shaft between her legs and giant balls." and then I'm suddenly completely uninterested, haha.

This game sure has an interesting balance...(And favors multi gendering heavily) You're a man wanting girls, but you end up being a girl too if you do that, if you want to raise your maleness, you'd have to rape or be raped by a guy... It's hard to decide between Male Preferred (So I don't end up with girly parts) perk and Survivalist off the start. I have to spend most my time getting supplies because of lack of survivalist if I don't want to end up with a vagina. Tis life I suppose. This game has made me realize the lengths I'd go through to not be raped by a man, or end up with a vagina. Great learning experience.

Sorry, I've been heavily editing my posts, too late at night :p
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Re: Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)


Then you can start with 'Survivalist'. Grind on easy prey till level 3 ( running from most everything ) and then take the 'male preferred' perks.
Re: Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)

Accidental vagina, I meant having one at all (Though that lose an extra vagina/penis seems like a good addition for those into that.). I like to be male, so that wasn't a glitch report, just a bit of gameplay that urked me (This mostly refers to when you do the "Left Behind" scenario where you automatically start off as both genders, I was never able to lose the girl bits.). Non furries, I thought you meant maybe a human or two around as an example (Somebody else around that's untainted by the virus?)

black equinoid is one. It seems like there are a ton of critters that seem female, then at the end of the description out of nowhere you get something like: "It suddenly becomes clear she has a giant shaft between her legs and giant balls." and then I'm suddenly completely uninterested, haha.

This game sure has an interesting balance...(And favors multi gendering heavily) You're a man wanting girls, but you end up being a girl too if you do that, if you want to raise your maleness, you'd have to rape or be raped by a guy... It's hard to decide between Male Preferred (So I don't end up with girly parts) perk and Survivalist off the start. I have to spend most my time getting supplies because of lack of survivalist if I don't want to end up with a vagina. Tis life I suppose. This game has made me realize the lengths I'd go through to not be raped by a man, or end up with a vagina. Great learning experience.

Sorry, I've been heavily editing my posts, too late at night :p

Ok, fixed the black equinoid flag, good catch.

You should be able to get rid of your vag by being infected by things that don't give one? Is that not working?

Alternative, start with Perception as your main skill, which will help you spot things while scavenging, and take male preferred.

Caught Outside causes you to start infected, but with survivalist for free.

Forgotten leaves you entirely human, but without supplies, but with twice the usual time to explore.

Furry does not count a few things, like, the tentacle horror, the goo girl, the new harpy and sprite. Things that don't really count as the 'furry' genre. Things that are largely human in shape, or entirely inhuman. Make sense?
Re: Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)

I don't know, maybe I just was unlucky with what infections I got and never lost it?

I thought Caught Outside gave Spartan Diet? (It does)

Yep! Just didn't know what your definition for it was exactly. Furry seems to be kinda a loose term. I've seen people count it as anything with fur, only if it's a mix of human/animal as little as it may be (Cat ears) or only if they're like anthros (Like half and half human to animal.) I guess you aren't too fond of the extra survivors, which makes sense. Kinda what Awesome's are for, eh?
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Re: Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)

Heh. Now to look for harpy, where ever she is. Still lookin.
Re: Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)

I just fixed the harpy, who is in the main city area.

If it has more animal than a monster girl, it's furry, for my definition that I'm sticking to.
Re: Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)

Oh, think Spidergirl is both genders too. She has a "Masculine organ" hidden between her if you lose to her with female parts.
Re: Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)

Re: Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)

Dont like it.

If you lose A SINGLE FIGHT you've basically lost cause of the stupid ass mutation BS.

Any way to prevent your character from dying cause it of?
Re: Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)

Dont like it.

If you lose A SINGLE FIGHT you've basically lost cause of the stupid ass mutation BS.

Any way to prevent your character from dying cause it of?

use journal.
Re: Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)

Nysh is correct. Being infected causes a -very slow- loss of sanity over time. Using the journal combats the effect.
Re: Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)

*Voted Athlete in poll, will lose out to Nypho and Bimbo* What a surprise.
Re: Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)

Well I did say the nymph would make the player a stud for her.

I think it may be motivating the votes.
Re: Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)

Nysh is correct. Being infected causes a -very slow- loss of sanity over time. Using the journal combats the effect.

any way to reverse it?
Re: Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)

I don't think there's a way to get completely clean again once you're infected.

You can just be real careful. A kind of a guide to staying clean follows, so I'll spoiler tag it in case anyone doesn't want the information.

If I remember right, there's really only three common ways to get infected: fights, food, and sex events.

As far as fights go, losing them is the problem, since submission is your own choice. There's a terminal in the labs that'll give you an approximation of how tough the current bestiary is--although you'll have to learn from observing, too. For instance, Pit Bulls hit fairly hard for a danger level 3 enemy. If you have boosted your Dexterity and run away from everything except things you're sure you'll beat, you're pretty safe there. Hunting gryphons is pretty safe around level 2 or 3, I've found, and it gets you a useful item. Until then, fight huskies and latex foxes, or whatever you've found you can take easily.

Fights are just something you have to get a feel for. However, if a monster has fewer HP than you and your level is about the same as its danger level, you can often take it. If it hits hard, run. I will say that I usually pick Dexterity when I start, so that might be coloring my experience.

Run away from Awesome. If you win that fight, you'll get infected. There are probably other fights like this that I'm not thinking of right now. I don't think your libido can get too high if you're avoiding infection, so you shouldn't be tempted into too many encounters after battles.

Just stay out of the Park. There are some tough fights there, and there's nothing you will probably want to do there until you've finished the first quest in the game. I think the Beach and the Red Light District are the same way. In fact, you're probably best off hunting at the Library, venturing to the Mall and Labs now and again.

Food isn't too tough if you scavenge regularly. Don't eat or drink anything except water bottles (not dirty water) and food, and you should be safe there. There are two perks that can fix this for you: one that makes you immune to comestible infection, and one that makes you immune to hunger and thirst.

As far as sex events go, don't go places where you've been invited to have sex--in fact, don't use the command at all.

The most important goal of infection-free play is the first quest from the labs: it unlocks a perk (feat, whatever) that basically makes you able to--I think--avoid pretty much any infection that you want to avoid. I'm not 100% sure if this keeps you safe from food, but I covered that up above. You can also fix dirty water after that point, although it's kind of moot if you have taken care of the food problem some other way.

The ultimate piece of advice, though, is of course to save often. In case you forget that, the post-ultimate piece is to remember the "undo" command.
Re: Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)

The journal will raise your sanity, but you will still lose points over time. It becomes a third 'need', like eating and drinking.
Re: Flexible Survivor (Text game, sequel to Flexible Infection)

How the fuck do you play this game without getting mutated all to hell and back? If I refuse to drink dirty water I die of thirst. Period. It's not very fun if every action you take is "scavenge" for however many rounds only to keep running into dirty water and food.