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Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

I believe I fixed it.

I took out fetish and lowered my medical skill by one because I can't think of anything that isn't too vague =/
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Is xetia all set for town hall?

You may want to put the markings for the size of the bonus you get from your skills beside them. Also, you will almost definately need a more extensive medical background to have a +10 to that skill like you currently have.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Is xetia all set for town hall?

No she isn't. There is one more technical thing that I need you to do, that I have asked you to do twice before (and have asked others to do, so it's come up numerous times in both threads). As a reading test, you'll have to figure that one last thing out for yourself. It's a fairly simple change -- when I asked Rule 34 to make this same change, he managed to finish within a couple of minutes! I think that you can do it to... you just need to read. :rolleyes:

She should also have more extensive training in medicine to have a reason to have taken it five times. I don't think post secondary training would cut it. Either she needs to be at the top of her class and just about to graduate (which The Weird One has done with Kaci) or she needs to be very experienced in combat healing (Like Raptor Jesus has done for Shiva.)

I believe I fixed it.

I took out fetish and lowered my medical skill by one because I can't think of anything that isn't too vague =/

Your Health should be 60, rather than 65, your energy should be at 70 instead of 85, and your Arousal Threshold should be at 57 instead of 60! xD

Your Combat section looks good!

Your points add up!

Shifting points out of medical is probably a good thing. xD Seeing as how one can only heal a person once per scene, you probably didn't need that high a score anyhow. As far as Inspire goes, that would end up being +6 to a roll, which is fairly hefty! You could probably even take a point out of that or medical to use somewhere else, if you wanted, as she's fairly specialized right now.

You story looks good.

There is one more thing that I would like you to do before I can finish testing and approving your character -- could you add in the values for each trait, skill and flaw, instead of writing 'x2' or 'x3'? For example: Awareness (+6 Perception), Quick Reflexes (Pick up a weapon and attack on same turn). This helps me to make your character sheet much faster.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

I'd do anything to help a GM =P

And I took your advice and moved some of my skills around and got charmx2 (With descriptions! O.O)
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Gaaah..go figure, the days that i'm busiest a new game pops up. .....And gets full. ; - ;

Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

So true maichan.... Well, toned down the medical skill to +2 too. Since I figure that would fit with her background. Otherwise yeah... Increased physical....

Read through banter and questions and do you mean background makes the character stats? Well, I fitted the character background to the stats..
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Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Gaaah..go figure, the days that i'm busiest a new game pops up. .....And gets full. ; - ;


I think Ice said he'd wait for late joiners to trickle in, so I'd hurry and make a char if I were you! :D
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

welp mine is posted now lets see if it works out.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Hehehe, Ice said male characters were allowed, and yet all we see are women!

Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

XD Here I was thinking there'd be more male characters like in Madrigal, since this is one of the few that seems to allow them. Wonder what the difference is? (Though probably the mention of tentacles. XDD)

So many new characters! Town hall's going to be a party pretty quick. X3
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Miachan, you may still make a character. I had you on the list (just realized I didn't add Dreana to the list, so I guess I'm capping it at potentially 13 people, not twelve! xD)

Dreana, your points add up, though I'd like to know what brings Talenta to a quiet little town like Peiquok... Is she on vacation or is she working? 'Violent nobody' doesn't exactly sound like the kind of character that I'm looking for in this game; she needs some kind of personality, optimally. I'll have to run her through a quick test to see if she's okay to go, as her defense and health are quite low.
(And on second thought, would you cut Talenta's damage back? She's a little over-powered for the monsters I have, so I think we'd both have more fun if she didn't kill everything in the first couple of turns. :) This is an erotic suspense/horror game, not a RPG shooter! If you cut back the massive damage and still want her to be combat oriented, maybe move the points into defense and health... +1 defense and +20 health would go a long way to balance her.)

Simca, Celia's base damage is the same as her combat value, so you can add '4' there. Her arousal damage is the equivalent of her combat value + her physical, so '7' goes there. Your points add up, but could you please add in the descriptions of Celia's skills and traits: Lucky (+2 Luck) Charm (+2 Charisma), etc? This makes life easier for me so that I can make her character sheet.

Dia, I had been hinting that I wanted you to add the descriptions of Xetia's skills, traits and flaws to her sheet. I've asked you to do this many times (and have brought it up with other players many times), so I don't know if you are ignoring those posts, are reading them and ignoring them, or are reading them and aren't understanding what I mean. It's growing a little frustrating. Her current line-up seems to be more balanced and the points add up, I just need this one little thing before I can make your character's sheet up for myself to do the test-run.
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Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Thank you Icelus. I did not realize that is what you meant. I am, how should I say it? Dense.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Tell me when my character is approved and I'll get started XD
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Diagasvesle and TheWeirdOne, your numbers all add up. I'm just running them through tests and I'll shout out when you're ready to join!
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

TheWeirdOne, Kaci checks out. Please feel free to add her to the Town Hall thread. After that, I'll start your PM battle.

Still working on the other characters tests (they take a bit to run through, most of them!)
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

On the topic of male characters, I thought someone said they were planning on making one?
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

That'd be toxic
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Diagasvesle, it looks like Xetia is all ready. You can start her off in the Town Hall whenever you would like.

Simca, I've tested Celia as well. She is acceptable and you could move her to the Town Hall when you're ready. One thing that I noticed in my test, her low Combat Value makes her miss a lot. If she is grappled, she's going to be in a very bad position since her low Physical makes it difficult to escape (without very good rolls) and her low attack bonus means that the -2 penalty to hit the enemy grappling is very rough on her. You might want to lower the hangun down to 10 damage and use the extra point to buy her 1 point of specialty training with the handgun. I think the increased chance to hit would make up for the reduced damage.

It's your choice though. She's good to go as it is right now, just be careful.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

That'd be toxic

My computer is shit full of viruses and because the character creation is separated into different pages, either I have to copy each page down by hand, or try really hard at memorization as my computer freezes any time I try to open more than one window. This might take to the weekend, I apologize.