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The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

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Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

That's the only way I can explain it. Just the thought of such a creature brings with it an overpowering feeling of 'meh' *shrugs*
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

My sheet is complete I think. Let me know if I missed anything. :)
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

I think you forgot corruption points.

Also, when people are ready they can start off whenever they want in the universal thread. Either just arriving in the city or having been their for a while. You will get your own threads when you pass through a door.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

no, full curruption is baaad, i think... i put mine as 0/9 :)
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Originally, I had written that 0/whatever is when things happen to you. in which case it would work much like hp: counting down to 0. Effectively, though, as long as I can keep track of which direction is which, either way is fine.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Right, well, i stand thoroughly corrected :) Just makes more sense to me my way, kinda works like nonlethal damage in my mind.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Logic is for the weak. Also, who is currently ready?
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Not particularly... Been rather busy, and this weekend isn't looking much better, so my character has barely been worked on since I posted it...
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Have you made a finished character sheet yet, or are you still working on it? The sheet you currently have posted is bereft of skills and items.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Yeah, that's still all I got, and I am still missing spells as well. On the bright side, I plan on finishing it when I get home from work tonight :)
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Ok, also: no town is complete without people trying to con you out of your money.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Hehe. "Nobody has a freaking clue why the doors appear, where they lead, or what they're for, but this map here can tell you everything!!"
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Well, at least the natural 1 didn't make you drop your weapon, that would have been something of a bad situation.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Yeah, Lady Luck and I aren't exactly the best of friends. My rolls are so consistently bad that one of my DMs let me roll 2d12 instead of a d20 for all my stuff. I've also had a lvl 4 Ranger with 7 hp before o_O
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Having a max hp that low at level 4 takes skill.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Thanks :) and yeah, that ended up a fairly fun campaign, she ended up a master with the bow, though before I rolled HP I was planning on going for the 2 weapon half. Figured shed be safer with a bit of distance between her and them, eh? :)
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Sorry for the double post, but I can't view my character sheet on my cell. Is anyone willing to copypasta my spell list onto here for me so I can save it here? Thankie!! :)
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Detect Magic
Read Magic
Cure Light Wounds
Divine Favour
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