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ACT [暁音] Nightmare Sphere

Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

A exploit stratagy against ground bound bosses once you get the wings ability: Just float at the top of the map and spam homing magic.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...


I give up. This game just won't work for me. I'm way too impatient for it to load and even when it does the controls lag so horribly for me it becomes unplayable. Sucks that I'm horrible with computers, otherwise I'd figure out the problem myself.

Anyone care to share a screenshot of the bikini ending? ._.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

There is a place to rematch with all the bosses (except the orb guardians). On the map, its a couple levels above the starting area, and called the prison or something.

where is it exactly? :D

edit: why everyone say wings is make the game too much easier? I think it'll just give us some time of floating o.o

and I never get to see any holding-attack from the tentacle bosses >.> they just rushing towards me, floating, shooting 3 balls, and something like arrows >.>

anything to do with difficulties?
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Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

When I defeated the last boss, I half expected to hear a Dracula qoute from Symphony of the Night;


Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

where is it exactly? :D

edit: why everyone say wings is make the game too much easier? I think it'll just give us some time of floating o.o

and I never get to see any holding-attack from the tentacle bosses >.> they just rushing towards me, floating, shooting 3 balls, and something like arrows >.>

anything to do with difficulties?

The tentacle attack is a hold sequence triggered when you touch the boss as it rushes at you.

Actually, I guess I'll add to that. For all bosses, when you see them surrounded by a red outline, that's the indication that they're performing a hold move. When you see that red outline, just rush right to them while you're not invulnerable and you should be able to see the hold sequence.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Found the light magic orb, Boss is a real pain though.

Not at all. Don't use an Orb with him. He's resistant to all the elements except dark, so use no element. (Or, ya know, if yer a wuss and get the dark orb first... :p)

There are three female mobs that will hump you: succubus, fairy and female warriors. More or less the same motion for all of them, but their petite size makes the act much more explicit.

Given the fact that there's cum when they "hump" you, I doubt its humping and that its actually they're futa's.
Much like the Centaurides.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

One of the boss rooms is el-brokeded. After raping his ass to the ground, the "you can't get out of here till one of you dies" door refused to open. Worse still was the fact that I couldn't tele-port out or save....
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

can't find the room where you can re-fight bosses ;_;
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

And now...

THE GURU REVIEW!!!(Just so I can feel important:cool:)

Anyways, First thing I am going to say, I have yet to actually finish this game. So if any of this sounds wrong, I apologize in advance. This is a game I have been waiting for since I have heard of it. With Castlevania type gameplay and monsters that are willing to jump your bones at any given chance, with this game be an orgasmic experience, or will it be unsatisfying. Lets take a look.

First impressions going into this game is... wow... this actually looks pretty good. Responsive controls, attractive presentation. This is actually getting my hopes up. A game that has a RoR feel that is actually good? Like a game with H content that is worked throughout it? Improbable!!!

So I started going off on my little adventure when I realized that I was actually having fun without the H content. Yet it was there if I wanted it. For example, I seen a goblin. I fell down. OH NO! IT GRABBED ME. Now I can just sit back and watch. Escaping isn't that hard, so I can get up anytime I want and get back to the actual game.

Cameos were rather funny. The Metroid was alright, And the Predator clone type thingy. But the monster that stood out to me the most was the little bag type people. Their names: Ryu, Ken, Gouki... STREET FIGHTER!!! And the moves mimic the characters. A Hadouken, Shiryuken, and a tornado kick. I found it funny... but I didn't like that character model that much that they used... what the hell do they fuck her with, burlap? :eek:

Sadly though I have some complaints. One feature I would like to see is maybe some sort of clothing damage. Like the more hurt she gets, it shows on her clothing until you are down to about 15% health and she is standing completely naked. (Maybe a patch at some point). And the angle for the humping is a bit... well... odd. You can't see much especially with the bigger characters. Some different angles would be a plus.

Gameplay is solid, very responsive. I rarely get frustrated with jumps (It is those times when I realize that I need an upgrade) and combat is tops. I do wish there was a combo meter type thing though just so I know how badly I pwned the monsters :D. Many different moves to unlock and tons of ways to string them all together, a lot of variety.

This is truly the way to describe "A GAME with H content" I mean, porn is there and the game centers around it (what with the whole pollution meter) but the game play is still solid and it doesn't sacrifice fun. It is like an Ice cream sundae, sure you want sprinkles, but you shouldn't sacrifice any of the delicious ice cream for a topping. With all the "meh" and "bad" games out there with H-material, this one stands out. Sure there are ways to improve it and I hope this game maker continues to make games in the future... Oh an by the way, It is free with no annoying ads. Kinda refreshing :D

Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

I give this a 7/10 because a 9/10 is clichéd!
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

A 7/10 is fairly low for a game like this...


How about a 8.999/10? That one isn't clichéd at all.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

I agree with gameguru, although I would have given it a 10 if the sex was just a little bit better.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Please refrain from using loud voices in my court *slams his gavel*

I've just finished the game, and here's my verdict: the story fails pretty hard - it's pretty much on par with that game where "All your base are belong to us" came from. Whenever any dialog came up, it felt like some kid from Gaia wrote it. It's an absolute atrocity. That said, I suspect translation errors is where the problem really lies in that department. Aside from the rather broken story, the rest of the game was pretty good. It was well designed, and it made you just want to keep going.

The part that really made me upset was the "good ending". You go off, you kick the demon guy's arse, you save the world, and the mage that brought you back to life is completely ungrateful. "You saved the world and collected all of these neat items! But you also "supposedly" hurt people, regardless of how pure your soul is so... we're going to rape you, burn you as a witch, and then I'll take all of the credit for saving the world. Thanks!"

... right after that, I reloaded the game and had some angry sex with the nearby human rapists. The "tainted" ending was a hell of a lot better, though that ending was where I got that horrible "Fuck! Some Gaian wrote this shit!" feeling.

Those of you who here that do go to Gaia, you probably understand what I mean by that... during my time there, I experienced countless of horribly written RPs with people who simply didn't want to lose. Ever since then, I've been matching poorly written scripts with a handful of my personal favorite "worst RPs".

Screw Driver's rating: 7/10

It's good, but the dialog really needs some polishing. Additionally, change the "good ending" for crying out loud. That was not a good ending at all.

Da da du du da da dududaa daa daa!

= Screw Driver's connection terminated=
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

The part that really made me upset was the "good ending". You go off, you kick the demon guy's arse, you save the world, and the mage that brought you back to life is completely ungrateful. "You saved the world and collected all of these neat items! But you also "supposedly" hurt people, regardless of how pure your soul is so... we're going to rape you, burn you as a witch, and then I'll take all of the credit for saving the world. Thanks!"

Actually, from what I understood, it seemed that he offered her to be the Queen of the land (I was completely pure, so that might have had something to do with it) and she refused, saying that she wanted to stay dead this time.

And he obliged, he took the enchantment from her body, and allowed her to die again.

That's pretty much what I saw from the good ending, the one where there's a grave scene at the end, the grave being hers in the middle of a green field.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

I know this is kinda nitpicky, but still I just want to get this straight, you are giving a game that was made in Japan a 7 because the English was bad? I can understand not liking the ending, but since when do you play a game like this for story? I mean Street Fighter rocks, but I sure as hell don't care too much about the story (which is surprisingly deep for a fighting game... too bad it rarely shows in the games O.O).

Still, different reviews and different opinions. People look for different things in games.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

7/10 is C thats average, it's good in my opinon since half the games only would 'fail'
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Still, I'm not giving it a 7, because I gave a Toonpimp game a 7.5 and this is much better than any of those atrocities. Still, different strokes for different folks... or however that goes.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Music: 8.7/10 - Reminded my of some Castlevania music, which is always an awesome thing to remind me of. The music's quality took me by surprise for a free game, done by a circle. I was not expecting something this good at all. Bravo, bravo.

Look: 7.4/10 - The over-all look of this game was great. Though it had its flaws(angles, and sometimes the characters interaction with the background was a bit choppy), it was a fairly good and solid look to it. I applaud thee.

Gameplay: 9.7/10 - The thing that sets this apart from other H-Games is that it feels to me that they made the game, and then said "Wait... there's no hentai in this!" and then added the rape on top of the already structured game. More hentai games need to be like that. To be quite honest, I've only seen one other game that mimics that feel(Utawarerumono).

The combat was very fluid for me, equipping the Sword and Spear/Hammer allowed me to do insane crap and never even get hit, but I've always been good about flailing around like a god damn monkey. The vast amount of difficulty levels(I think there were about 9?) also let tons of people who have lots of different skill levels enjoy this game thoroughly.

Other: The only thing that I can say I didn't like about this game was the lack of monster variety. They recycled monsters way too often. I would have liked to see more monsters just for their own area, not just monsters from different areas recoloured with a different scheme to fit that specific area. After getting raped by horsedick, I don't want to just get raped by another horsedick that just happens to be blue or red or purple or green. Why not a dragon dick? -0.7

Overall : 7.9/10 - Definitely a very excellent game to play. After kicking its ass on normal, I think I'm gonna start another profile and kick its ass on Hard. Then Super Hard. Then Insane. That WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN PLAYING THIS DIFFICULTY?.
Then I'll go back to Yutori and Lady just for the lulz.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

is there any way to re-fight the last boss?