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ACT [ねこのめめっ / neko no meme] LAB2-UndeR GrounD- (RJ192796)

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Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

But it WAS offline, the guy even apologized for it.

Of course it was...why would anybody bother saying it's back if it never went down to begin with?

I get ya Marchombre...has happened to me a few times too. I usually chalk it up to one of a couple things...either a reading comprehension problem or a language barrier problem. Who knows.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

People give neg rep for very strange reasons, so try not to take it personally. I usually assume they're just having a bad day and are taking it out on you because it's so easy to do it anonymously. I don't know the ins and outs of the rep system, but at least it seems like someone with low rep (i.e. most likely someone who would neg you for something silly like that) doesn't affect your score as much. I sometimes get grey rep and I think it's positive, but it doesn't affect my score and I assume it's because the person either has low rep or very few posts.

As for the game itself, I'm still patiently waiting on nude animations. I've noticed how most enemies don't hurt you and I assume it's because they're not implemented yet.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

I have to say the first game was "Okay" for me ... not because it was bad but because I missed the CG's because I was'nt satisfied with the Animations (I also have to say im mostly not satisfied with only Animations) BUT I think the Second game might Change that because the boss animations are quite satisfying ... and if there would be also some CG's I might would say it will be one of my Favorite games all time! (Besides Succubus Heaven which will totally be awesome!)

Having big hopes for this game! :D
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

I have to say the first game was "Okay" for me ... not because it was bad but because I missed the CG's because I was'nt satisfied with the Animations (I also have to say im mostly not satisfied with only Animations) BUT I think the Second game might Change that because the boss animations are quite satisfying ... and if there would be also some CG's I might would say it will be one of my Favorite games all time! (Besides Succubus Heaven which will totally be awesome!)

Having big hopes for this game! :D

The first one was a great surprise for me, and actually the game that made me love sprite sex games. And, i must admit, it's one of the few games i did play until the end for the story (if we can really talk about story xD). Gameplay/story before hentai, never though i would do that in a platform game xD
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

Im the opposite, usually I dont care about CGs, I just want a lot of animations. CGs are usually very limited in animation and theyre not as immersive as in-game stuff. Thats also why Im not a fan of gameover only animations.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

Im the opposite, usually I dont care about CGs, I just want a lot of animations. CGs are usually very limited in animation and theyre not as immersive as in-game stuff. Thats also why Im not a fan of gameover only animations.

That's mostly how I feel; very few CGs actually mean much to me and animations will always take precedence. The first LAB is one of my favorite hentai games for this reason (as well as the large amount of vore it contains).

Story usually doesn't mean much to me, either, unless it's specifically related to a sex scene and even that can be hit or miss depending on the quality of the writing (and to be frank, many of the writers I've seen for these games hopefully aren't writing majors). I just want to see good sex, really.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

Well, the controls are pretty bad, and the music reaaally needs a volume slider...

But man, the H-animations are great. Seems like he really goes the extra mile with them.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

But man, the H-animations are great. Seems like he really goes the extra mile with them.

Yeah, that guy is a complete workaholic when it comes to animations, their amount and their length. This was already quite noticable in the first game, but seems it may go even further now :)
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

Well, the controls are pretty bad, and the music reaaally needs a volume slider...

In the first game I know sometimes it was very hard to attack in the air, like you needed to slam the button or something. I didn't see if that was still a problem in the second game.

Also separate volumes for voice, music and sounds is always a good thing.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

In the first game I know sometimes it was very hard to attack in the air, like you needed to slam the button or something. I didn't see if that was still a problem in the second game.

Also separate volumes for voice, music and sounds is always a good thing.

Well, it's mostly the little things, like not buffering inputs for jumps, and locking your direction during combos and shooting despite being able to jump out of attacks. The jump attack also won't come out if you do it too soon after jumping. Stuff like that. Not awful per se, but a little lacking.

On a side note, I find it funny that there's recoil even when you're out of ammo lol. Either that or she's really pulling that trigger.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

There was a demo release for Nov 30 on the blog site, not sure if anyone went to check, but it should be up top on the second page after all the other various announcements.

I haven't tested it yet as I have to head to work very shortly, so not sure what changes or what is new in it, if anything. Figure give a heads up.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

There are a few new areas, below and to the right of the tank boss. But no new monsters except possibly the floating helicopters. Nothing to see here. Move along.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

Looks like a new demo is out. Unless I missed some previous ones, there are two new enemies (tentacle flower and guy in a vest) and some sort of... NPC showcase?
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

There's a few new heals as well, including the nurse. Kinda disappointed all the nurse does is talk to you after the last game. Maybe something else is planned for the future. The debug room has been updated too, but it doesn't contain anything you won't find in the demo at this point.

One other thing that's added is the costume change, but the game basically ignores the new costume right now, hopefully the results from the poll will be added to that soon, probably as unlockables once the main game gets rolling.

The rock mining/polishing boss still breaks if you let it go through an entire grapple animation, and none of the grabs hurt you right now either. The plant grab is missing some animation too, as it jumps from clothed to topless with no animation whatsoever.

I like the level design so far, and the enemy design is pretty good too, but I was expecting those from a LAB game anyway.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

New Version is Out! Did'nt test it by now and did'nt translate the Moon Speak but its version 0.15a and it got released yesterday!
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

Nothing new from what I can tell in latest demo(well, haven't played one prior to its release.) Everything seems to same enemy wise.

Oh, plant has animation, but it just messes with her boobs also the guy in vest rapes her, not sure if it was in the former demo or not. No sound for her in either of those two animations.

Also. still nothing new as far as costume change, she automatically respawns in her other costume during grapples/sex.

Debug room has all the regular current enemies in it from demo.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

How do I get the controls to work? It thinks I have a joystick plugged in or something, and editing the config file doesn't do anything.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

How do I get the controls to work? It thinks I have a joystick plugged in or something, and editing the config file doesn't do anything.

You're not the only one. I can't get the controls to work on my Windows 7 but it works fine on my Windows Vista laptop.

I'm not entirely sure what the cause is but if anyone has any ideas, I'd like to hear your thoughts.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

i once had the same problem.
What i did was actually having a controller plugged in while game was open then i unplugged it. Restarted the game, never had the problem anymore.
Well now i permanently have my controller plugged in but the problem didn't occured again during the time it was not plugged in.
That's how it went on my pc (W7 64bits), dunno if it work for someone else.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

i once had the same problem.
What i did was actually having a controller plugged in while game was open then i unplugged it. Restarted the game, never had the problem anymore.
Well now i permanently have my controller plugged in but the problem didn't occured again during the time it was not plugged in.
That's how it went on my pc (W7 64bits), dunno if it work for someone else.

I don't have a controller to plug in :(
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