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ACT [ nanakusadou] [ 七草堂] GIRLvsGIRL RE115464 RJ115464

Re: Girl vs Girl (trial)


I'll have to wait to morning.....
Re: Girl vs Girl (trial)

Whoa what, 20 dollars? That's a little steep, might have to buy it down the road then I guess.
Re: Girl vs Girl (trial)

OK, so here is the final released info you've all been waiting for:

-I though 7, instead it's just the 4 girls. Gris ( the one you play as, OC. ), Grad ( Female Knight. Second OC ), Popful Mail, and Tron Bonne.
-All in all it was 13 traps ( lockpick is part of traps, but as it counter traps, shouldn't be counted ) at the end, not 15.
-5 different monsters still ( Maggots, Eletric Lizards, Slimes, 'Black Orbs', and Minotaur. ). Maggots and Electric Lizards only have one sex KO, the other's have 2 each. Losing towards any monster ( outside of maggots ) causes that player to have a 'special image KO' on loss. You can tell when this will pop up via a box on the HUD.
-The gallery starts off fully unlocked ( or maybe this was just my copy ), just in case you want to watch the animations, or look at the special KO images.
-There are 7 maps in all, each map has it's own little 'gimmick' towards it.
-Once you beat a stage, in freeplay mode, you can set a stage to spawn any kind of monsters you want ( maggots don't count in this, only spawning once a player enters a single selective room per map, and only once per 'round'. ).
-Yes, there is some little extras if you beat every stge on expert. No, you don't have to do it your first run and can use freeplay settings however you want to achieve victory.

Added here is a little 'cheat sheet' on how every trap works, and the special ability of every gal.

Again, an questions and the like you all want to shoot mo2 and erotan, let me know!

Welp, that failed, so here:


  • GvGCheatSheet.png
    87.6 KB · Views: 15
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Re: Girl vs Girl (trial)

I wonder why the other 3 aren't playable. It dosn't seem like it'd be all that hard to code in considering the style of gameplay, and the fact they all already have animations.
Also wahts OC ._. (not good with abbreivations)
Re: Girl vs Girl (trial)

I wonder why the other 3 aren't playable. It doesn't seem like it'd be all that hard to code in considering the style of gameplay, and the fact they all already have animations.
Also whats OC ._. (not good with abbreivations)
OC = Original Character
As to answer that, erotan noted that he 'might' add such in later when I first asked him on the playable gal subject. Right now though his focus is to see how it goes bug wise, and working on the English translation before adding extras.
Re: Girl vs Girl (trial)

Just to point out typos:
Opponet <- Opponent
Eletric <- Electric
Sythe <- Scythe
Re: Girl vs Girl (trial)

Just to point out typos:
Opponet <- Opponent
Eletric <- Electric
Sythe <- Scythe

...I really should proof read that kind of stuff...>_<;; thanks for the catches regardless. I'm too tired to fix it tonight, and will be a tad busy tomorrow, so if anyone else wants to just redo it, go for it.
Re: Girl vs Girl (trial)

Guess he'll add the remaining 3 girls later I guess considering there are 3 more black sillhouettes on the pixiv page.

i2 .pixiv.net/img18/img/hirokiti8/35530902_p18.jpg

www .pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=35530902
Re: Girl vs Girl (trial)

Guess he'll add the remaining 3 girls later I guess considering there are 3 more black sillhouettes on the pixiv page.

i2 .pixiv.net/img18/img/hirokiti8/35530902_p18.jpg

www .pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=35530902

To answer that:
Those have to deal with the entire arching story mode of the game. Two of those are male, and only one of them is female. Lets just say there's a curse on the island and everything's not on the up and up.
Re: Girl vs Girl (trial)

Hmm that's odd :confused: this is the first time the dlsite won't allow me to purchase a game. Kinda suck's I wanted to play it so bad, well guess I just gotta wait for links.
Re: Girl vs Girl (trial)

I'm pretty sure about 95% or so that there won't be any links to share the game it's got the green shield of sadness (drm protection) so only way to actually try the game out is to buy it. :(
Re: Girl vs Girl (trial)

before i consider finaly buying it,how dose drm work? >.>
Re: Girl vs Girl (trial)

So it's not up on english dlsite yet?
Re: Girl vs Girl (trial)

basically you need an account with dlsite, then when you buy the game from dlsite, to play the game you need to use your login info with dlsite to get access to the game to play it. so if you don't purchase the game then you can't play it.
Re: Girl vs Girl (trial)

is that 1 time like activation or do i have to do that every time i want to play it? =.=
Re: Girl vs Girl (trial)

is that 1 time like activation or do i have to do that every time i want to play it? =.=

every time.

shame, this game looks good, but its not $20 good.
Re: Girl vs Girl (trial)

gameplay wise its great,i would spend that much money for it but i just hate that kind of piracy protection,thats why i skipd on buying kingdom of amalaur and sim city, games have to be playable any time and i dont always have my internet connection.
I know how much piracy hurts developers but with harsh anti piracy they will only lose fans, i am sorry to say it but i will skip this game and its a shame.
Re: Girl vs Girl (trial)

Yeah $20 is pretty absurd for a little sprite-based game. Off the top of my head I seem to recall a particular author of sprite-based games who only charges around $5~

And then there's the fact that the game is DRM'd ._.
Re: Girl vs Girl (trial)

20 bucks for this...No,just no...The game has an interesting concept,but there are way better games out there which would be worth that price,which means this one just isn't...To top it off it's DRM-ed which killed off any possibility of buying it in my case at least,since i hate having the requirement of being plugged on line just to play something,plus if i have to do so i feel like the game is somehow not mine even though i bought it(for the same reason i haven't bought Starcraft 2 for example).
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Re: Girl vs Girl (trial)

its still not up on English dlsite.... 20bucks is a bit more then I want to spend. but I really want to play this one. and it sounds like there is going to be updates to it, yes?