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Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

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Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina tucked the knowledge of Aethulwulf away for consideration later and began to lead her horse out of the stables. "No other questions from me then. For now."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza watched Jourdain put the letter away and kept eying the spot even as she replied.

"Well then... this D'Ombro's advances are not appreciated. He clearly doesn't know who he's trifling with hmm?"

Eliza seemed to frown slightly and brushed a finger through her hair within her cloak still eying Jourdain's pocket.

"If the letter is so trivial, perhaps I can take a look at it?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Jourdain pulls the letter back out and hands it to Eliza with a smile, "Be my guest, but remember curiosity killed the cat. And I would say D'Ombro knew what he was trifling with, he just underestimated it this time. You would be surprised how much a staked neonate could be worth in the right circles. We should be going though."

The letter is rather brief though unmistakably written by their sire, detailing exactly what Jourdain and she had already discussed and figured out. It also mentions a list of old contacts being enclosed but it seems that Jourdain has kept the list.

Jourdain grabs one of the horses and looks into it's eyes deeply while he strokes it's mane, before taking it's reins and holding it steady for Eliza. Once she is mounted he looks towards Jocelyn before asking.

"Will you need a horse calmed? They can be a bit surly around our kind if you don't know animalism. As for the trip, it won't be long but if anyone tries to stop us keep riding."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Anabelle steps up to one of the offered horses and looked into its eyes, whispering softly. Her fingers ran down the side of its neck, and brushed through its mane. With a gentle smile, she pulled herself up into the saddle and looked over at Jourdain and Eliza speaking in hushed tones. As they broke away, Anabelle through the former knight a raised eyebrow and shook her head.

"What have you gotten me into this time my old friend?" she asked loud enough for him to hear, and not entirely caring if anyone else did.

"By the way, have you heard from or seen any sign of Dracon in the past few years?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza takes the letter with a smile and would have been engrossed in it if it wasn't for Jourdain's passing comment.

STAKED neonites?! She thought to herself with a quite visible frown. Eliza pored through the letter, but now the young Lasombra's thoughts were of a totally different sort. She was now convinced more than ever before that this London city was indeed filled with barbarians.

Eliza was still frowning as she handed Jourdain back the letter from Adria and managed to get herself settled on top of the horse. She stroked the beast's mane gingerly before looking back to Jourdain.

"Let's see to it he continues to underestimate me. Staked neonites.... I'll show him a god damned stake."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Jocelyn just sorta hung back while everything was going on around her, nodding at Jourdain when he asked her about the horse. "Umm, yes please. And I'm Jocelyn, nice to meet you."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Oh Dracen, I was sitting here wondering why you were asking about a Tzimisce methuselah. Darn vampires always picking similar names to each other.

"The usual sort of trouble, I seem to attract it. The last I saw of your sire he was way ahead of the sheriff in Acre, I know the sheriff didn't catch him but I lost track of him while losing my own hunting party."

Jourdain says in answer to Anabelle's query. He calms the final horse and holds it long enough for Jocelyn to get aboard and bows his head in greeting before mounting his own horse and answering Eliza.

"Well, good luck, sister. I won't miss him if you do decide to get rid of him, he manages to make the rest of us seem like perfect angels. A little black in places but still angels compared to him. Remember don't stop for anyone."

Jourdain leads the group out the gates slowly and turns to the north putting the walls of the city to their left. The horses are well-trained and calm, suitable for even the worst rider as they take to the rolling fields around the city. The land is fairly open though there are plenty of places ahead where an ambush could be sprung.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Haha, yeah. I can see how that'd be confusing

"Taigh na galla do Acre... how I hope never to see that place again," Anabelle muttered, partially to herself. She pushed her heels into the horse's flanks, and carefully followed Jourdain, pushing her cloak back so her sword was easily within reach.

She wasn't sure how much fighting experience the others had, and she hoped she would not have to find out. Though an unsettling feeling in her gut told her otherwise.

"Hell of a time to go visiting strange new places," she muttered.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina clung to the horse, confident in it guiding her safely through the night now that she had spoken directly to it. She was quickly finding that she had a deeper appreciation for animals than for mortals. They bent easily to her will and could be relied upon to act in a predictable manner. After eleven years within the comfort of her master's haven and the proximity of her blood-soaked grave, she was uncomfortable with the lack of precautions set in place in this foreign city. She was a Tzimisce without a haven, and that thought alone, without a place to lay down her earth, was enough to give her concern.

This intrigue of a poisoned war master, a disappearing seneschel, and lupines wandering the streets, perhaps even hunting them, was all the evidence she needed to know that she was dangerously out of her depth. She needed to quickly find a place of defense from which she could gather her strength and nurture her own base of power. She desired nothing more than to keep well out of the way of the blood business of the night - at least until she knew she was more a player than a pawn.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza rode on in silence, holding the reigns but not really bothering the horse at all. She was thinking about her conversation with Jourdain and her sire. Eliza really didn't have many allies here, but there were a few more connections with her sire that Jourdain didn't seem to want her to know about. Eliza would just have to make her own connections, she thought to herself. If Jourdain wasn't interested in this other Lasombra woman, perhaps that meant Eliza could start there.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Holy freaking cow, Ranger just rolled 4 eights and 2 tens and then 2 nines. Granted it was just a spot check, but a damn good spot check none the less.

Jourdain seems his normal self as he carefully looks at every shadow and copse of trees that the group rides by. To Anabelle it probably seems normal but the others will certainly notice his nervousness. There is little else alarming about the trip, the normal sounds of the night and the falling rain sounding throughout the field as they ride.

The others notice nothing out of the ordinary as they travel and look out into the darkness, except for Vezina and Eliza that is. A glint as of metal catches Vezina's eye in a stand of trees roughly 70 meters ahead of them. Eliza catches the same glint of metal on a spear of one of the four men sitting in the bush ahead of them. She can even see their breath condensing as they prepare their ambush.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken


At first when Eliza saw the men in the bushes, her eyes widened. Just as fast, her lips curled into a smile. How...blatantly obvious! She thought to herself, and she spoke, trying to keep her voice low but still loud enough for all her companions to hear. She sounded a cross between amused and concerned.

"Brother, it seems we have a welcoming party in those bushes ahead. With spears no less. How rude... and uncivilized."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"An ambush. Now how would they have known we were coming this way? No matter, we're on horses, let's just go around them. I don't feel like wasting time." Vezina said, pointing out the bushes where she had seen the metal glint ahead.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Upon hearing about the men in the bushes, Anabelle moved closer to the others, pulling her sword free. She did not feel entirely comfortable fighting on horseback, she had been infantry, not cavalry, but at least the solid steel in her fist could still cleave through flesh.

"Mac an donais. Bandits, or does someone truly wish you gone Eliza?" Anabelle said.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

I'm gonna have to start posting faster if I wanna contribute, I think XD

Jocelyn kept quiet the entire trip, even seeming fairly competent on the animal, right up until the group spotted the ambush ahead of them. "Don't point at them!" She admonished to Vezina, a little too late. Shrinking into her saddle afterwards, she tried to fumble with her collected crossbow while she used the group as a visual shield. With any luck, the ambushers wouldn't notice her in the back and spring out early...
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Not like I'm posting incredibly fast, then you don't need me to post unless you want the story to move along.

"Most likely just simple bandits, we should be fine unless they're particularly brave. They tend to prefer easier targets than we present." Jourdain remarked rather calmly as he glanced towards the bushes indicated. A smile creeps across his face as he suddenly adds.

"Of course if any of you are hungry, they present a rather simple target for us. We have plenty of time still, but it's up to the rest of you."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

The mention of blood gave Vezina pause. She wouldn't mind filling up on one of these lowlifes. She also waved away Jocelyn's berating tone. "Better to point them out and let them know we see them. It'll make them even more nervous that they no longer have the element of surprise."

Turning to Jourdain she nodded at him. "I suppose we could rush them. I leave it to the others to decide however."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"I hardly suggest we just rush in, especially since I doubt any of you are accustomed to fighting from horseback. A more subtle plan to lure them into the kiss might be better, if it comes to it though we have excellent odds of winning a straight up fight."

Jourdain adds in response to Vezina before slowing his horse to drop beside Jocelyn. He quickly shows her how to load the crossbow correctly with a smile before picking up to his normal pace.

"Even if you are untrained in the arts of war like myself or Anabelle. You still have the blood of Caine in you, which should be all the edge you need. I've yet to meet the mortal who's a match for our kind."

he wants us to do the bad thing
we have to do that to survive
what if he's a demon in disguise
he's helping us not hunting us
maybe he wants to corrupt us
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"I am aware of the capabilities of the blood, Jourdain," Vezina said, the squeezed her horse's flanks with her legs, urging it forward down the road.

"So what is this subtle plan of yours?" she asked as they drew closer still to the ambush point. If they got very close without any plan other than to fight these men, she would use some of the vitae within her to increase her undead strength. She had a plan for dealing with the brigand who would eventually be her meal, but she wanted to make sure she was not the only one riding into combat.

If they get close to combat or decide upon that course as a group, Vezina will spend two blood pool to augment her strength.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza frowned and slowed her horse with the others.

"You want to touch those filthy things with your lips? I'll pass. I mean... who knows where that blood has been."
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