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Masamusume Demon Moon and Ushiero Bunny-Knight (not a progress update)

Re: [ACT] Masamusume Demon Moon and Ushiero Bunny-Knight (not a progress update)

still messing around with bg colors and trying to get down how im going to do the pixel cgs


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Re: [ACT] Masamusume Demon Moon and Ushiero Bunny-Knight (not a progress update)

still alive


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Re: [ACT] Masamusume Demon Moon and Ushiero Bunny-Knight (not a progress update)

The background for that forest zone is pretty nice. The tree silhouettes, especially.
Re: [ACT] Masamusume Demon Moon and Ushiero Bunny-Knight (not a progress update)

The background for that forest zone is pretty nice. The tree silhouettes, especially.

thanks, its slowly getting there, wish i had more time
Re: [ACT] Masamusume Demon Moon and Ushiero Bunny-Knight (not a progress update)

Just dont worry and keep in mind do it the best you can, its better to wait for a game that was cool, that have a fast game that could be so much better if you give it more time to release. In other words keep with the good work and cheers.

As ever sorry for my shitty english
Re: [ACT] Masamusume Demon Moon and Ushiero Bunny-Knight (not a progress update)

Just dont worry and keep in mind do it the best you can, its better to wait for a game that was cool, that have a fast game that could be so much better if you give it more time to release. In other words keep with the good work and cheers.

As ever sorry for my shitty english

thank you, i'll try my best, i dont want to disappoint people

and dont worry, english isn't my first language either, I'm pretty bad at my own native language to be honest lol
Re: [ACT] Masamusume Demon Moon and Ushiero Bunny-Knight (not a progress update)

sorry i havent been around, due to some health issues, i basically spent like 2 weeks bed ridden,

still working on things, sorry again for the lack of progress


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Re: [ACT] Masamusume Demon Moon and Ushiero Bunny-Knight (not a progress update)

There's no need for you to apologize, no one's paying you to do this right?
Re: [ACT] Masamusume Demon Moon and Ushiero Bunny-Knight (not a progress update)

still alive, sorry I havent been around, lot of things have been happening
can't say much at the moment, i'll explain whats been going on later

Re: [ACT] Masamusume Demon Moon and Ushiero Bunny-Knight (not a progress update)

still alive, sorry I havent been around, lot of things have been happening
can't say much at the moment, i'll explain whats been going on later


Hope you're feeling better now.

I must ask, what's your estimate on a playable demo? I know you're working on the game only in your free time, but your art got me so intrigued and I'm really excited about the game.
Re: [ACT] Masamusume Demon Moon and Ushiero Bunny-Knight (not a progress update)

still alive, sorry I havent been around, lot of things have been happening
can't say much at the moment, i'll explain whats been going on later


Cheers pal,dont give up and keep with the good work!!
Re: [ACT] Masamusume Demon Moon and Ushiero Bunny-Knight (not a progress update)

Man, why must you remind me that Noaika still hasn't released yet. XD

Nice drawing of Kuro and Noaika tho, hey you made it?
hey man, how is this thing coming along?

Yea I'm pretty interested, too. Don't regret bumping this thread because it deserves the attention

Just read his blog, apparently his laptop died and he's not sure if he can save the files :/
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Just read his blog, apparently his laptop died and he's not sure if he can save the files :/

Oh, that sucks. I don't have a tumblr or anything so I'd just tell him there, but his best chance to salvage his data (save paying hundreds for a professional company to do it) would to be buy/borrow a hard drive enclosure/adapter so that he could plug his HDD into another computer and see whether it's accessible.
hey there everyone sorry for my absence, ive been busy with work and yeah like its been mentioned before my laptop died, ive tried to get hdd adapter and got it, but currently the laptop im using doesnt accept usb3 devices and so i havent been able to verify if my files are ruined or not. for now ive just been focusing on saving money to just get a new rig, apart from that ive still been drawing, but nothing important, for now i'll leave ya with some lame stuff ive been doing for fun


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hey there everyone sorry for my absence, ive been busy with work and yeah like its been mentioned before my laptop died, ive tried to get hdd adapter and got it, but currently the laptop im using doesnt accept usb3 devices and so i havent been able to verify if my files are ruined or not. for now ive just been focusing on saving money to just get a new rig, apart from that ive still been drawing, but nothing important, for now i'll leave ya with some lame stuff ive been doing for fun

You draw some good stuff man, not even some of the seasoned japanese sprite artists have this level of quality. Keep it up dude
thanks, im glad people are still interested, id like to continue on working on this, but without my files, a copy of gamemaker, and with a laptop that isnt trying to bake itself all the time, its gonna be a while
@Heiyuu! "lame stuff"
If that's the lame stuff, I can't even imagine the good stuff. Those look great.

Just chiming in to say that I'm definitely still interested. I saw this topic a while back, and since then it's been bookmarked in a folder of pages I check every so often to see if they've progressed or gone anywhere. Really hope that when you can finally check, the files are alright. Would definitely like to see a project from you get to completion some day.