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Mary (the64bitbot)

Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

7 vs. 13
12 vs. 14

Mary and Aly both missed, the ghost perhaps fighting a bit harder now that he had been hurt so badly.

16 vs. 14

Mary could feel the ghost's sword cut into her stomach, and felt a bit wobbly on her feet by now.

Pirate's Ghost
5/12 HP

1/6 FP
0/3 MP

4/6 FP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Ah..no way...not fair..."

Mary tried to focus, it was hard with the cuts, it was painful and she was tired now. It was totally unfair that he was focusing all her attacks on her, how could he possibly get a chance to attack like that.

Still, she tried to get away from the maniac with a sword, blasting towards him again, maybe she'd get lucky.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

20 vs. 8
12 vs. 12

Mary blasted the ghost, and he stumbled back until Aly cut him deeply; his form began to waver a bit.

14 vs. 3

The ghost still managed to put a deep cut on Mary's back, and she fell to the ground, too weak to get up again. It was all up to Aly now.

Pirate's Ghost
3/12 HP

Mary (Exhausted)
0/6 FP
0/3 MP

4/6 FP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)


Mary collapsed to the ground, exhausted and wracked with pain. "Ah...don't lose to him...Aly..."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

This time I'll definitely win. This time I won't be useless! the fairy shouted as she ran forward to slash at the ghost.

10 vs. 10

She barely managed to connect with her slash, the ghost's body wavering once more, as if he was having trouble maintaining his form.

15 vs. 7

He managed to return the favor, however, putting a painful cut on her shoulder.

22 vs. 15

Aly put another cut on him, and she could tell he was on his last legs now.

17 vs. 9

Still, in the back and forth battle this had become he made another painful slash across her torso, as she too began to tire...

12 vs. 11

Finally, Aly jumped at him and put her sword through his chest, and he screamed out in pain as his body disappeared, a single golden key falling to the cave floor. Aly stood for a while, panting in exhaustion as she sheathed her sword, and the walked slowly over to Mary, falling to the ground and hugging her tightly. We did it she said weakly, looking happily into Mary's eyes.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Yeah...we did."

Mary smiles to Aly as she beats the ghost. She tries to get up, going over and picking up the key. She tries to rest for a few moments.

Mary takes a look around the room, seeing if there was any chest around. "I think I might know what this key goes to..."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Aly sits up and watches Mary walk over to the key, and then look around for a chest. It's probably a key to a separate room, since this one is empty. They could see that there was an exit to the room opposite where they had come in. Just then Mary saw another popup:

It looks like you've been playing for a while. We recommend that you spend no more than three hours at a time inside the EGG.

Save and Quit?
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Oh...time to stop playing already?" Mary thought to herself, thinking this was probably a good time to take a break anyways. She could discover the treasure when she came back.

Mary decided it was time to save and quit, she could come back a little bit later.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary watched as the world faded to black, and she found herself back in the dark EGG. The pod opened, and she found herself back in the room, this time with a woman who looked to be in her mid thirties sitting at the table, reading a book. She looked up when the EGG opened and marked her place, saying Oh, hello, you must be Mary. My name is Beth, and I work in the dungeon design department. Please, sit down. She indicated the seat opposite her.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary takes a look at the girl, blinking a few times as she realizes she's out of the Egg now. "Oh, right."

She nods to Beth, going over and sitting in the chair. "Sure."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

You were in the EGG for a little over 3 hours, the game probably kept you in longer than normal for the sake of letting you get to a sensible stopping point. We like to ask a few questions of first-time testers, but first, do you have any questions? I'll answer them to the best of my ability.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Oh, sure."

Mary thinks for a few moments, pondering what types of questions she could ask.

"What happens when you finish a dungeon?" she decided to ask after a few moments.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

What happens after you finish a dungeon depends mostly on you. You will likely make your way to a hub town, and from there complete other dungeons. Or you could mess around in town, we've had a few testers settle down after beating a dungeon. It's very open-ended. Any other questions?
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary thinks for a little bit longer. "Umm...how many...different types of monsters are there?"

Mary tries to hide her blush, but can't.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Hmmm... It's hard to say. There are a lot of monsters, some unique to some dungeons, many dependent on settings. Couldn't have a giant wasp in someone's game if they had no birthing option, now can we? Beth nodded to herself humorously. Should you choose to do another session, by the time you get back there should be a new feature where you can fight a monster of your choice, it should be very customizable.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Oh...very cool." Mary thinks to herself, a small grin forming.

"I guess that makes sense...a giant wasp doesn't sound like a lot of fun at all. Is it possible to befriend monsters? And when can I go back in?"
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

It's possible, but it depends heavily on your settings, and also on playstyle. Some monsters are helpful, or are helpful up to a point, but others are simply mindless. And you can go in after you have a talk with our nurse, down the hall and to the left. You may also want to get something to eat in our cafeteria, which is straight down the hall.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Ah, alright. Thanks. So, you ask the testers questions, right?" Mary said, a smile on her face as she waited to be asked the questions, figuring they might make her blush a little, but this was all to make a better game.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Did I say that? I meant that we as in the team would ask questions. The nurse is in charge of that.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Oh, alright, so I should head off to see the nurse then?" Mary says with a smile, tilting her head a little.