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Mary (the64bitbot)

Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Game Saved the popup informed her, and she was free to continue on ahead into the small open room. In the corner of the room was a small, ornate chest that looked to have been gathering dust. Besides that, there wasn't much there.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary raised an eyebrow at the chest, approaching it and checking if it was locked. Or a mimic...regardless, she was curious about what it was, and what was in it.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary tried to open it, but found that it was locked. Then something slightly surprising happened.

DAMN YOU INCUBUS!!! a voice screamed from within the chest, It's been YEARS since any human as been able to open me! YEARS! Stop tormenting me by pretending to open the box! The tirade finished, Mary could hear sobbing from inside the chest. Aly looked at her, puzzled.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary thinks for a moment, before withdrawing the key she got earlier, she tests it on the chest.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The key fit, and turned easily in the lock. The chest burst open, and a slime girl came to the surface of the chest. WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING... wait... you're not the incubus. You're... you're human. Why would you unlock my chest? You surely knew what I was. I could grab you and force you in here if I wanted to, you know.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary gives a little grin. "I would probably enjoy that." She says in a small voice so Aly couldn't hear, also winking to the slime girl. "Because it's not fair for you to be locked in there...that's just mean, I couldn't leave you like that."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The slime girl stared at her, puzzled by her grin. I suppose that makes sense. Still, I can't live my life owing a favor to a human. You seem to be a mage; if you want, I can teach you a spell. Or I suppose I could let you spend some time with me in my chest, if you'd rather I did that... she said, tilting her head to the side. Aly frowned at what she assumed was a joke.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Oh? What type of spell could you teach me?" Mary asks, eyes lighting up at the possibility. "And maybe I'll take you up on that offer about joining a little bit later."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Hmm... I could teach you a spell that would allow you to summon a creature assuming you were both powerful enough to summon it, and could convince such a creature to willingly bind itself to you as a summon. Some of the monsters in this cave are more intelligent than you might at first suspect the slime girl said, nodding. There are perhaps other spells I could try to teach you if that one doesn't strike your fancy. Give me an idea of what you'd be looking for if so.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary thinks it over for a few moments. "I'm not sure about that summoning thing, I'm not that powerful a mage...but if you could teach me any spells that make Aly or me more effective, I'd love to learn those." She eventually says with a smile.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Hmm... I do not know of any such spells; they are not much useful to me in my chest. I could teach you a Slow spell, if you would like.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Hmm, I guess that might work then. It's kind of the same. Do you have any other spells that might be useful?"
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Hmm... It sounds like you are a beginner mage, so I have few spells that would be useful and that you could pull off. Please step forward, I need to be able to touch you. And if you'd like to spend some time in my chest later I haven't eaten in a long, long time...
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Oh? Sure...I can do that." Mary says, a small grin on her face, deciding to fake tripping as she stepped forward, tumbling into the slimegirl and the chest, letting herself be grabbed and fall inside.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The slime girl smiled happily and held out her arms as Mary faked tripping into her, embracing her as she slid down into her chest and closed it tight. Mary! Aly screamed, and she tried to open the chest, but couldn't quite do it. The slime girl gave Mary a long, deep kiss as they floated down into the box, the sides and floor of it falling away just like the last one had. Thank you very much, little mage. For your kindness I promise not to force you to carry my offspring. Unless you request it, of course. The slime girl kissed her again, and this time she could taste a slightly sweet liquid pouring down her throat... Whatever it was, she suddenly became so wet that she felt as if she had pissed herself. The slime girl melted into the rest of the slime as she lay there floating in it, and the familiar tentacles came up from the deep parts of the chest. The slime began to caress her entire body in rhythm as the tentacles watched, and then she felt the bizarre sensation of a low-voltage shock running through her body. It was intensely stimulating, and the feeling of being continuously shocked as the slime massaged every inch of her body drove her to an intense orgasm. Her honey flooded out into the slime, swirling around a bit before being digested.

The slime then backed off a bit as the tentacles became the more active participant. They gently poked and prodded at her mouth and lower holes, waiting to be granted entrance into her mouth before gently pushing their way into her. The tentacles immediately began pumping into her at a fairly swift pace. Thankfully, she was more than well lubricated... her love juices flowed out around the tentacle in her pussy with each thrust. She was soon moaning lewdly around the tentacle in her mouth, and it didn't take much longer for her to cum again, squirting into the slime, which quickly digested its meal. The tentacles, however, were not done, and continued their pounding for a few more minutes until they, too, came, filling her with a belly full of hot, sticky cum. The tentacles withdrew, and she panted, tired, but more tentacles lined up to take their place. I apologize, but it has been years since I have fed... Please allow me this indulgence the slime's voice called out, and the tentacles pushed their way inside her again. The mimic fucked her for another hour, its tentacles pumping her full of cum several more times, and making her squirt her juices out into the slime many more times in her ecstasy. When the tentacles finally lifted her up and placed her on the floor of the chest, she was exhausted, but was still basking in the warmth and glow of her bliss. The slime girl formed in the chest with her and gave her a kiss while gently rubbing her cheek. Thank you again for all that you've done for me. She placed her hand on Mary's forehead, and suddenly Mary felt a light of understanding in her mind. The slime girl opened the chest and gently lifted Mary out of it, placing her on the cave floor, and then melted back into her chest with a farewell, friend. Drop by any time you like. Aly bent down to hug the mage as she fell asleep, angry with what she perceived as her friend's rape, and just before Mary fell unconscious a popup appeared before her.

You have learned a new spell, Slow. Enemies who have this cast on them get -5 to attack rolls for 2-3 turns, depending on whether the monster wins a resistance check. Costs 2 MP to cast.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary giggles as the slime girl pulls her into the chest, feeling bad for tricking Aly. As the slime girl kisses her, she thinks about what it's going to do to her. She doesn't have to wait for too long.

The slime girl feeds her something, and she feels wet, confused but enjoying the new sensation, never knowing she could get wet so fast. The slimes efforts working her into a quick orgasm, noticing the slime quickly eat up her love juices. "Glad I could be of help~" She thinks to herself as she gives the mimic obviously what has been the first meal she's had in years.

She gins happily as she finally sees the tentacles, letting the one around her mouth in easily, sucking on it while waiting for the others to penetrate her below. The hour long fucking from multiple tentacles was so enjoyable to her, feeding the mimic time and time again as it filled her up with it's own sticky liquid.

Mary was grinning contently when the slime finished with her, leaving her in the chest. She felt bad when Aly hugged her, looking angry. She couldn't keep it a secret from her anymore, but she needed a bit of sleep first.

When she woke up she looked at Aly. "...I'm sorry Aly, I shouldn't hide it from you...I enjoyed that..."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

You... what...? How could...? How could you enjoy something like that? Aly was clearly confused and a little bit distraught at her friend.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"I just...do. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hidden it from you." Mary says to Aly, knowing she couldn't hide this from her any longer. She tries to pull Aly into a hug. "But just because I sometimes like doesn't mean I always want it to happen. Like with those wolves...I didn't want that."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

I... okay Aly said, returning the hug. But why would you want it to happen? Doesn't it hurt?
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Sometimes, but not always...and if it's only a little bit of pain, I kind of like that too..."

Mary gives a little bit of a tear, being truly sorry for deceiving her friend. "I'm sorry for deceiving you. The mimic taught me a nice spell though, so how about we head into that door and get our treasure?"