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Mad God's Key

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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Spotting Krys, I motion the others toward her. I nod to her, and noticing her new companions, I say "I suppose introductions are in order. My name is Craig. And you might be?"
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Character description: Halfling, 'bout three feet tall, brown hair and a piercing green stare, like she is constantly focused hard on something. Wears simple clothes under studded leather armour, all dyed natural colours, and a large pack (for a halfling) on her back, which she sets down for combat. She has small knives strapped everywhere, arms, legs, torso, you name it, at least two dozen of them.)

Jessica waves at the newcomers and introduces herself. "Hey, name's Jessica, but just call me Jess, and you two are?"
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Xaren. Responds the figure hidden under the leather cloak before continuing to eat its stew.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

The waitress seeing the new people arrive starts bringing some more chairs over to the table.

"Would you three like anything to eat or drink, or would you rather be left alone?" She says as she gets the last chair in place
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Hey there, just some fish and a mug of mead, if you please." Jess replies, taking the offered stool and sitting down. "Xaren eh? What's with the whole cloak-and-hood thing? Aint gonna rain in here ya know" she waves her hands around to emphazise her point, and has a friendly smile on her face the entire time, so Xaren can tell she's just making conversation.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

I happen to like them. It continues to eat its stew, barely pausing even to let the words leave its mouth.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Now we get service," Krys mutters under her breath, thinking the waitress is likely hoping for something along the lines of 'left alone' after the last incident. "And this," she says, pointing to the man sitting beside her, "is Xi. He and Xaren here tried to prevent a robbery. Mine." The tone comes out flat. "Someone came in looking for something that I got from one of the Boccobian priests that might lead us to our book thief." She lets that bit digest and also gives the others time to order meals if they wish to before continuing, putting her attention on her own lunch for the time being.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Stew and a pint, if it's not too much trouble." I say without looking at her, being too busy scowling at Xaren and taking my seat.

(Yay, I get to start some character drama!)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Check I'll be right back with your food," The waitress says hurrying off to the kitchen.

She returns a minute later with the new orders, setting them on the table. "Anything else just wave," She says before busying herself at the other tables.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"My full name is Xi Shu Lung, you can call me Xi for short though" Xi said as he swallowed the food he was munching on and looked in the direction of Krys's friends, "Nice to meet all of you" he finished as we waved to them and then turned to take a sip of his water and returned to munching on his food.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Jess thanks the waitress and starts on her food, nodding in response to Xi. "So, what's the plan then?"
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Plan is, how about you guys go first. Any luck with Irontusk?" Seems Krys is a little more interested in lunch than sharing at the moment.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

((Do we have to recap everything we saw/heard, or can we do one of those video game things where the screen fades to black for a couple seconds, then comes back with a "...And that's what happened." ? ))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"We found Iron Tusk," I begin explaining, "on the docks. We were going for him, but someone spotted us and shouted to him, and some of the workers tried to distract us while he ran. Ashnod kept him occupied long enough for me to deal with them, and when he was surrounded Iron Tusk surrendered. He didn't know anything about the key, but he told us the guard captain we met earlier today, Maurensbane, is a priest of Hextor. And that HE was a Knight of the Chase." I take a gulp of the drink that the barmaid served me before continuing, "he gave us some equipment and offered us aid in the form of a distraction. He apparently didn't recognize the names of the thugs we caught earlier today." I finish, and start eating my meal. In between mouthfuls I ask "did you find anything that points us one way or another?"
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

((Do we have to recap everything we saw/heard, or can we do one of those video game things where the screen fades to black for a couple seconds, then comes back with a "...And that's what happened." ? ))

((We could, but if we did that what's the point in having players at all. I mean if you want me too just tell you what happens I'll go start a story.))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Krys listens quietly, nibbling on some of the bread as Craig speaks. "Aye, possibly. Seems the book that was taken has some affiliation with Vecna, which can't be good. I spoke with a member of the Boccobian clergy and it turns out that he'd had his vestments and holy symbol stolen by someone, so suffice to say, I don't think they have anything to do with the theft. He also gave me this." She reaches into her tunic and pulls out a red marble amulet that's in the shape of a fist with a drop of blood coming out of it. "And since someone was very interested in having this back, I think it's a clue. Thing is, he doesn't know what it means and I don't either." She lays the amulet on the table. "He also said that even though he was near a guard tower, they didn't come help him right away. If our good captain isn't who he seems, that might account for it."
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Sweet, Steve worshiped Vecna.)

I stop eating, and say "Well, that's just prime." when Krys finishes. I examine the the amulet, wondering what it is. "It seems like this supports what Iron Tusk told us." I say, after taking another gulp of drink.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

((We could, but if we did that what's the point in having players at all. I mean if you want me too just tell you what happens I'll go start a story.))

((Yeah, i wasn't really thinking when I said that. Sorry. ^^; ))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Well I could have said that better myself, but I've been grouchy lately. Not enough sleep. Maybe someone has an appropriate knowledge check now with the new party members to help you out with some clues. Though you've figured out part of them.)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(I'm tapped out, I doubt my chars going to make a successful knowledge religion check. I've done all I can for now. Anyone?)
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