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Mad God's Key

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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

By this time, the figure sitting at the far booth was starting to get annoyed at the armored man. Not only was it hungry, but this man had interrupted the waitress who had it's order. Fortunately, it looked as though the man was about to start a fight, which would give it a great opportunity to take out its frustration. To that end, it draws a bit mana from the small pool inside its essence and concentrates it into the tip of its right pointer finger. As soon as the armored man started getting violent, he would find a magic missile up his ass. Quite literally too, if the figure managed to get its aim right.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Your amulet? Sorry. Mine now. Lesson number one: If something's that important, don't let on. You lose all your bargaining power. Now all the gold in that pouch isn't going to cover it. So why don't you be a good boy and tell me where I can find the owner so I can talk to him about it instead of a little errand boy." She arches a brow, grinning just a bit and waiting to see how that little nugget would go.

((I really need to buy some ranks in intimidate *laughs* Of course, she's also banking on the fact that she knows her friends are supposed to be meeting her, too, even if we're keeping them out of this for now.))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Oh well, I didn't really feel like bargaining with a half-human anyways. I'll have to take a bath after this just to rid myself of your tainted influence." With a few mumbled words and a flick of his wrist both Krys and Xi Shu are filled with a feeling of doubt and fear, while Xaren feels unaffected. The cloaked figure draws a dagger and prepares for the expected attack.

(INIT: DM, Krys, Xi, Xaren. Bane on Krys and Xi Shu for 20 rounds. PFG 17 rounds. Yeah intimidate may have helped at least a little. If you want to see the rolls just ask, and I'll add them.)
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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

((I knew I hated Bane for a reason. Remind me to tell you all war stories about one of his priests...I'd more like an explaination of the spell's effects outside of "nagging fear and doubt." Also, POE? Sorry, we haven't used stuff like this in my game yet.))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

((I believe Bane is the reverse of Bless, giving you -1 to attack rolls and saves against fear while you have it. ))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Bane- Fills your enemies with fear and doubt, hence my description. Each effected creature takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls, and saves vs. fear just as Ryu said. Countered and dispelled by bless. POE should be PFG (Protection from good, cast it before entering the bar), but I was in a hurry when I typed it and messed up. Bane is also probably my favorite evil god to use in FR, well him or Loviatar. Also even if it's not your initiative turn yet, you can post an action if you want.)
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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

((Remind me to tell you about my Pain Leetah sometime, then. And was just playing on the god-Bane thing. Wanted to know what to expect/how to react with regard to the spell, if there was anything else. Thank you.))

Krys' blade comes out as well, though she's not immediately advancing on the figure, prefering, perhaps to shift her stance a little, watching him rather warily. "Well, c'mon then," she taunts. "You're the one that wants it back so badly."

((Should he attack her, Krys will return with the same. She's doing her best to keep him away from her pack and will move accordingly, should he not attack this round, though for the record, she has the pendant on her person, not in their, but, well, she does have bluff.))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Check, check, and check. Now if only the other two had already posted. I need to remember to ask them what their character's tactics are since I haven't yet.)
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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Xi slowly chants to himself silently as he listens to and watches the confrontation out of the corner of his eye, he felt strange, a bit afraid of the person from some reason, but he didnt understand a reason for it, so he quietly charged magic into the pebbles in his hand and waited to see what would happen.

Useing Magic Stone spell.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Oh, yes! Perfect excuse! The figure at the table thinks before releasing the mana it had molded earlier. Quickly, a bolt of condensed blue mana flies from its finger towards the armored man before crashing straight up the man's ass.

(Gotta love the fact magic missiles are seeking)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

While Krys and the cloaked elf continue staring each other down with weapons drawn. The man at the table casts a short spell on something in his hand. The sorceror over at the table lets fly with a magic missile, obviously annoyed by the interruption of his meal. The missile flies unerringly hitting the elf in the side (The spell specifically states, "Specific parts of the creature can't be singled out. :p)

The Elf shrugs off the missile and notices that Krys seems to be guarding her pack. With dagger and shield in hand he moves closer and with a point at Krys yells, "I command you to flee, Wretch." (Command spell - On your next turn you must flee from the caster as quickly as possible for one round. Bet you wished you had a higher will save about now, since that's two in a row.)

(Copper actually gave me a good idea when she bluffed that she was protecting her bag. It'll end the combat quicker, and we have our first recurring villain. Muahahahaha! Still counts as resolving a combat, too.

If you guy's want me to clear anything up like say what position or range someone is let me know. Since we don't have a grid for everyone to look at, and I haven't been describing their positioining to well.)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

((Tell me you at least accounted for my racial benefit *sighs* And Krys is going to be pissed. There goes half (but not all) her stuff. A good thief never carries the important things far from them.))

Krys lets out a yelp and backpeddles away from him. It might be clear to the other two that, given she was standing against him before, there's more to his words than lets on, that's she's not simply backing up because he said "Boo." (Well, okay, she *is* but not like that.)

((Just lemme know when I'm unspookified, Ronny. I'm guessing that negates my attack this round and will I be out next, too? Or will I be over it?))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

He might try to shrug it off, but unless he is more than he lets on and can resist magic then that probably hurt him a bit. The figure thinks before gathering an releasing another bolt of magic.

(Magic Missile)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Yeah the spell only lasts 1 round so on your next turn you'll be back in it, only much further away. It says you may do nothing but move on your turn, other than speak that is. Still waiting on Mr. Stripe so I can update.)

(INIT: DM, Krys, Xi, Xaren. Bane on Krys and Xi Shu for 18 rounds. PFG 15 rounds.)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Xi slowly stands from where he sat and flicked one of the magical pebbles in his hand at the back of the mans head. "Please stop fighting" he said loud enough for all to hear.

Ranged attack at back of mans head with a transmuted pebble.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

As Krys backs away quickly, The cloaked sorceror sends another magic missile into the elf's side. The other figure finally stands yelling to stop fighting and throws one his magic stones at the elf hitting him squarely in the side of the head.

"I'll deal with you three worms later," The elf smiles as he moves to the table while sheathing his dagger. Grabbing the bag in his free hand and turns to head for the door.

(Krys is about 50 ft. away now since she can't withdraw any further in the tavern. The elf is 20 ft. from the door with the other two on his path out. INIT: DM, Krys, Xi, Xaren. Bane on Krys and Xi Shu for 17 rounds. PFG 14 rounds. Oh and I did forget your racial bonus to saves vs. ENC, Copper. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on your POV it didn't make a difference.)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

((What good are the ears if you forget them? :p j/k. But, ah well.))

"You...Hey! Come back here with that! Bastard! Son of a bitch!" Yeah, safe to say that Krys is giving chase at the first opportunity.

((I'll go mark on my sheet what's gone.))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(I know you would think I remembered since your charrie keeps playing with them as a habit wouldn't you. I'll just have to try to remember next time. I'll probably arrange for you guys to find your bag when you figure out where the bad guys are hiding.)

Krys finding herself free of the enchantment runs to catch the elf with her bag.

(Krys now next to the elf, both 20 feet from the door of the inn. Xi Shu and Xaren are between him and the door. INIT: DM, Krys, Xi Shu, Xaren. Bane effect on Krys and Xaren for 17 rounds. PFG on elf for 14 rounds.)
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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"You're not getting it that easily," Krys growls. Suffice to say, she's trying to latch onto anything on the elf to potentially bring him down: bag, that nice long cloak, waist (preferably around the money pouch), whatever's applicable.

(Suffice to say, he's sort of dictating her actions: He runs, she runs after him. If she can try and grab hold of him, she will (grapple?) Guess it all depends on what he's doing to get away.)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Okay, I'll remember that just have to finish this turn first. Still waiting for the others to finish their part of the turn.
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