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Mad God's Key

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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

And now he runs... Ah, but he ruined my meal. Can't let him leave just yet. The cloaked figure thinks before twisting a small bit of mana into a marble of cold energy. It then sends the energy out as a thin lancing beam, this time trying to aim as opposed to trusting the magic to strike true.

(Ray of frost)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Alrighty just waiting on Mr. Stripe's action, even though I have a good idea what it may be. Unfortunately I'm not CN so I don't know what he's really thinking.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Xi followed the theif a short ways and flicks another transuted pebble at the fleeing theif/thug aiming at his backside as he watched the stone fly through the air towards the target.

Anothe ranged pebble attack.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Xi Shu's stone bounces off the elf's shield just as xaren's ray of frost also misses the elf.

The elf calmly looks over at Krys who's attempting to retrieve her bag. Taking a step back, "I hate to end this little meeting, but I'm afraid I really must be going." With that he again says a few words, and you can all see a shimmering wall surround him for a few seconds.(Sanctuary) Krys makes an attempt to grab onto her bag or the elf in some way, but misses. The elf winks at her before heading for the door. Xi Shu and Xaren both miss when they swing at him with their staffs as he walks by. Krys follows the elf and stays right behind him.

(INIT: DM, Krys, Xi Shu, Xaren. Bane on Krys/Xi Shu for 16 rounds, PFG on elf for 13 rounds, Sanctuary - Krys made her save, Xi Shu and Xaren missed and can't attack the elf till the spell ends after the next round. They can chase him though, just can't attack. Gremlin's turn.)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Xi decides to follow after the theiving elf, thinking it best to stop him from retreiving whatever he was after from the bag, and letting him get away would definitly not be good. As he followed the elf he mutters some words over the scroll he was still holding and cast a spell to try and remove the fear he felt, and strengthen the resolve of his allies aswell.

Movement: follow elf, Action: Cast bless on group.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

As Xi Shu follows the elf, he dispels the feeling of fear on him and Krys. (Bane dispelled) Xaren also gives chase, figuring at the very least he might slow the attacker somehow.

The elf quickly throws the door back and dashes to his horse with the other three hot on his tail. Krys runs up and once again tries to grab her bag, unfortunately missing. As the elf's sanctuary spell dissipates, he mounts his horse. Krys desperately tries to grab once again and hits paydirt as she is able to grab the pouch offered earlier. With a quick tug she and the pouch fall free from the elf to the ground. Xi Shu not feeling compelled anymore throws his last stone once again striking, this time square between the shoulders. Xaren also again summons his magical powers and aims another beam of frost at the elf, the ray flying into his leg.

The elf curses at them and spurs his horse for the end of the street, quickly drawing out of sight.

(As long as you guy's don't have a problem with any of the actions I took. My next post will have the treasure and XP. Go ahead and introduce yourselves to each other and what not.)
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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

What sounds almost like a giggle comes out from beneath the cloaked mage's hood. That'll show you for scaring off the waitress that was bringing my meal! It seems quite amused with what has just transpired, but makes no move to converse with the other two combatants.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Krys lets out a grunt as she hits the ground, picking herself up in time to see the horse galloping away. "Ralishaz plague your days!" she calls after the fleeing thief, picking herself up and spitting in his direction. "And Johydee be praised some men are fools." She's grinning as she turns around, her demeanor completely changing. "Let's see if your 'offer' is enough to replace the clothes you stole, idiot." She casually hefts the bag in one hand, testing to see how many coins might be in it. Looking to the other two, and especially at the hooded one's words, her grin only gets wider. "Aye, I think a meal is in order. Least our friend could do as payment for disrupting it, aye?" She jingles the pouch. "And the least I can do for the help you tried to offer. Shall we see if the staff has returned?"

((Will Count DeMonee once we're at the table and divvy it up and can maybe do introductions over lunch.))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Hopefully they are back, otherwise we'll probably have to wait a while. The cloaked mage then moves towards the door.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"I'm sorry you lost your bag" Xi said as he rolled up his scroll and put it back in his bag. "My name is Xi Shu Lung, you can call me Xi though" he said as he held out a hand. "I dont like fighting much myself, but if i see it i must do my best to stop the aggressor from harming others" he continued as he straightened his now slightly disheveled robes.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"I'm sorry, too, but not as sorry as that idiot will be when he realizes this," she draws a red medallion in the shape of a fist and blood drop, out from somewhere inside her shirt, "isn't in there." She laughs and makes to tuck it away again before taking Xi's hand. "Krystiana, but you can call me Krys. And if they're not back, I'm not above helping myself. I'm starved." She rolls her eyes heavenward melodramatically. "Shall we?" She nods her head toward the door and starts inside as well.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

As the three of you reenter the inn, you can see both the bartender and the serving girl nervously peeking from around the corner.

"Yeesh, they don't pay us enough to deal with these crazy adventurers." You can hear the bartender says to the serving girl.

"Oh great now they're coming back. I just hope that other guy doesn't come back. Didn't like the looks of him, not one bit. At least they didn't make a mess like those dwarves from Ratik did." The serving girl adds.

"Well let's get back to work," The bartender says leaving the doorway. "Umm, do you need me to send someone to fetch the guards?" He asks of the group.

(200 XP each, and 60 platinum pieces to be divided. At least I know that someone read up on Greyhawk now.)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

We, should be fine. I would like my stew and drink now, however. The cloaked mage brings its head around to look at the bartender as it speaks. The shadows of the hood still managing to hide its face. Now then, Krystiana I believe you said, what lies within the man's pouch? The androgynous voice speaks.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Make it two orders, please" Krys states, sliding into a chair. "And well, there really isn't much to tell the guards. If they find my pack, maybe, but what are we going to tell them? An elf with a cloak? How many of those are probably running around the city?" She peeks into the bag first before letting out a rather delighted kind of noise, poking at the coins before drawing them out a few at a time to divy them up, given the worth of them. "More than enough to replace my bag," she says with a grin. "He can keep it." She laughs, sliding her share into her hand and dividing it up amid several pockets and pouches.

She looks over at the mage. "Thanks for trying to help, by the way. Did a bit more than I could have in that situation."

((Also, though in your narrative you said 'elf,' if it wasn't readily apparent he had the pointy ears, Krys will say 'man in a cloak' rather than 'elf.' And yeah, I looked up a few gods, since Krys doesn't really worship just one. Whichever one suits her best at the time *grins*))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Xi slowly took a seat next to Krys and took the share offered to him. "Thank you very much" he replied "i would like some salad and water please." Xi said to the serving girl. He carefully slid the coins off the table with his right hand into his open left, then placed the coins in his coin purse followed by into his bag before turning back around. "I'm glad you can replace your losses, no one was hurt i hope?." he said as he rested his arms on the counter and sighed in relief that the fighting was over. He turned his head to examine the two next to him since he didnt get a good look at them before. He looked only for a few seconds before turning back in front of him since he didnt want to be thought impolite for staring.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

The bartender gets back to work behind the bar, while the waitress hurries back to get their orders.

A few minutes later she arrives with two bowls of stew, some mixed greens, a loaf of bread, and their drinks. "Will that be all?"
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Just my pride at having something stolen from me. But yes, more than makes up for the losses." Krys slides the bowl closer to her and digs in eagerly, perking up a little as the waitress asks about anything else. "Anything sweet? Pie? Cakes?" Someone's suddenly hit with a sweet tooth.

Krys' hair is short enough that her ears are visible, the prominent points of them marking her as being very close to her Elven heritage, bearing the green eyes the 'fair folk' seem to have as well. She seems interested enough in her lunch that she might not notice any staring, but then, she does seem to be glancing around a lot, too, particularly at the door.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"All right I'll see what we have made, be back in a jiffy." The waitress says cheerfully.

A few more people enter and take chairs for their noon meals including the four card players who had previously ran out.

The waitress returns with some sort of hot fruit pastries. "These are all we really have for a sweet tooth. Must be noon time, but it doesn't look like it'll be that busy at least. If you need anything else just wave." With that the waitress hurries to take other orders.

(When you guy's are ready for the rest to show up let me know, or the others. Either one.)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

((Well, aside from not knowing Phee's charrie's name, which can likely be remedied later, I'm good.))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

As the three are eating, the rest of Krys' allies: Ashnod, Jessica, and Craig arrive from their confrontation with Irontusk.

((Forsooth peoples and semipeoples lets move like we've got a quest to do, huzzah.))
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