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Lord Of Walkure

Re: Lord Of Walkure

Does anyone know how to log into DMM remotely properly?
I'm having a hard time getting it to work. If I can get the key for the session then everything's fine.

Not sure if it's DMM's fault, since other games give you pretty much everything you want in events freely. LoW is just harsh to free players that's all. Well it's starting to lose popularity with that style though xD

Pretty sure that's what happens in majority of free to play games.
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

Not sure if it's DMM's fault, since other games give you pretty much everything you want in events freely. LoW is just harsh to free players that's all. Well it's starting to lose popularity with that style though xD

Actually LoW is back in 1st place on DMM. Pero Pero is in 3rd now x.X I don't know how they judge the rankings but if it's by individual log ins, it'd make sense why LoW is so high since most people probably just log in every hour or two instead of keeping the window up. It makes me laugh how that Tower Defense game is so high on the list when it has game breaking bugs (I'm in Japanese timezone, japanese locale). I get kicked out of that game and have trouble starting it constantly and have heard the same from others.

I thought they were improving LoW events for free players a bit with the last event, but maybe not x.X Who knows. I know that I'm not getting hardly any chocolates. They certainly do punish free players more than any other DMM game I've tried. In most games, they have new girls/cards/fighters at like 80/20% Free/Payed ratio, so you can acquire most things with just hard work. LoW makes it so you may get absolutely nothing of value in their events unless you're stupid lucky, have 30 friends all spawning bosses constantly and play nonstop. That you need 4 of any of the cards or it's completely useless usually is really a bad strategy in my opinion.

People can say "Oh you just have to pay to enjoy LoW" and yeah, that's true. It's not really something to brag about for a F2P game company though. They should be trying to make the game feel satisfying for free players as well since that's how they get more paying customers after all.
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

I don't think this game need F2P players anyway , if you quit game , your character still there , being target dummy for another player in game beat( in PvP mode) , and since you didn't pay anything in game so if you quit they lost nothing , and you wasted your time playing their game . Simply , quit or continue being for toy for them teasing. This game has worst way they treat F2P player among all F2P game I played , another you can hard working and be badass but this game need luck . Oh wait , this game isn't need skill to play( simply click and enjoy some priceless HCGs) so hard working meanless , lol .
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Well, this thing is saving me a whole lot of time on my hunt for CG's, since I don't need to wait for the animations to play out. One second per action for the most part.


It also looks like I can judge whether I can win a battle or not just by looking at the stats.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

ey I think that thing that cost 100 yen only includes 1 gold gacha ticket and you can buy it 3 times hoping I can get the wind element card from it I think it was called camilla with just 3 bucks and spend the 3 pink chocolates from getting to the end of the event map on the other 3 copies. If I get junk then I will never spend another cent on gachas for this game even if they're reduced to 1 dollar each again like this.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

I'm quitting this game for now, IGN: Fruitsui if you need more space.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

I didn't think much about those wooden carts until I put it in my expedition team and it was reducing costs by 25%.

In other news, I figured out how to automate the expeditions. Still haven't taken the time to look at how to log into DMM and get the session token. Probably going to have to figure out how to have my application connect through a japanese VPN as well so that people don't get hit by region blocks.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

any recommendations for the other games specifically one that doesn't have as bad of a stamina system as this one or none one at all. I just started thinking how long its gonna take me to be able to spawn the next series of bosses strength guillan iran all those 25+ bosses and it will take around a month if play relentlessly. A bit too much of a grind for just a small amount of new content.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Play Goddess of Defence, it's 3rd on the new games, it has no stamina bar so you can do stuff all you want.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Is that the title? Or is there a japanese title?
Re: Lord Of Walkure

according wiki , if you pay 3000 yen( should be around 30$ or a bit lesser) you can have 4 pieces of card you want from this event( including 3 pieces chocolate from event) so if you ever use 3 pieces of chocolate trade for 3 different card you wont get any special event CG , wasted time event for most of us . I decided wont spend any chocolate to trade anything and see what happen next. And is it me or their event keep repeat over time? some limited quest arena , some derp card which only strong if pay to get , didn't change anything since I play this game about 3-4 months ago(more knowledge about thing you playing more pain).
p/s: somehow when playing Japanese game I feel pissed off( well, early I still feel joy but after while only pain) more than US/EU game
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

wiki said , if you pay 3000 yen( should be around 30$ or a bit lesser) you can have 4 pieces of card you want from this event( including 3 pieces chocolate from event) so if you ever use 3 pieces of chocolate trade for 3 different card you wont get any special event CG , wasted time event for most of us . I decided wont spend any chocolate to trade anything and see what happen next.
p/s: somehow when playing Japanese game I feel pissed off more than US/EU game
You might already know this, but the 3,000 yen sets gives the following:
1 SR Card (Seiryuu, Carmilla、or Aeon)
1 4MAX UC Element Card
10 Gacha Gold
12 Strengthen Success Rate Crystals

So, while the event is a complete bait to get free players to finally spend their money, it's not too bad of a deal if you wanted an excuse to spend money on Gacha Gold, but are worried about not getting anything that you can 4MAX out of the exchange.

Anyway, as a more experienced player, which of the three cards do you think would be the most useful?
Re: Lord Of Walkure

usually wind card would be best , highest dmg( attk+ m.attk) good for killing boss floor , in this case wind card is perfect choice , good % cast spell , good dmg , and low cost.
btw: I would rather spend 30$ to buy DayZ standalone than ingame item which get out of date very soon
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Yeah, 30$ is too much for this set. And damn, I want DayZ too, but I'm waiting for it to be out in full version and maybe a small discount from Steam ^^
Re: Lord Of Walkure

usually wind card would be best , highest dmg( attk+ m.attk) good for killing boss floor , in this case wind card is perfect choice , good % cast spell , good dmg , and low cost.
Thank you very much for your recommendation! Carmilla's sexy monster boobs would function as a nice pair of pillows for my Seiryuu and Mare, who are currently suffering from wardrobe malfunction.

Yeah, it's like choosing between getting a DVD boxset, or going to the theatre to watch one movie. If your economic situation is poor enough that you're limited to one choice, it's fairly obvious which one to take for optimal happiness.

In my situation, I think getting the card would speed things up for me enough that it's worth the 2-3 hours of work I would need to do to afford it compared to the many more hours grinding my way up the progression tree with these free R cards.

I already got over 80 regular valentine chocolates, so I decided to get the water staff, which is way more powerful than any of weapons I had previously.

(Really, the main reason I'm posting in this thread is because I need 15 posts before I can post images in the Aegis thread.)
Re: Lord Of Walkure

how do you know it has good stat? didn't see any post mention about those derp equipment and I bet it only has half stat to compare gacha item and gacha item bonus mana + great crit
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

I need to get back into this game, been kinda lazy about it since the idol event. I REALLY need to upgrade my gear, but....it's hard to let go of a weapon with 50% crit rate.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

wait hold up we cant use the 3 event chocolates at the end of the boss to get 3 camillas ? screw paying 30 bucks for 1 SR++ card I'd rather go buy food or a new game if I cant make 4 camillas happen with just those 100 yen packages then I'm not buying nothing and Petit Soeur I cant see 1 SR++ making that much of a difference you just need to add friends so they can assist in killing big bosses only instance I could really see buying gacha cards making a difference is killing the boss at the end of the event I think it has 80k hp if you don't start grinding through the maps and 4maxing or 4 striking R++ cards at least then it maybe be impossible to kill without the help of some OPed gacha cards since that's just a normal boss at the end of the map that people cant assist in
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

you can trade for 3 card Camilla but you wont get ++ unless you pay 30$ , but if you pay you get a lot stuff .
p/s: I wont trade any chocolate for any stupid card , let see in the end of event what they can do , remove it ? I can deal with it . if you trade you only get album picture nothing else( don't even talk about lv up card) which I can go wiki page and see a lot
edit: look like this threat become place for me whining instead ppl talk about LoW :p
Re: Lord Of Walkure

oh alright Im going charge 5 bucks on each of my accounts after I get to the end of the boss then and buy that 100 yen package that I think has 1 gold gacha 3 times and then that other 100 yen 1 that only lets you buy it once hoping it pops up in the gacha more often I believe someone said they got the last event cards from the gacha pretty easy with those free gold tickets they gave us. I'm gonna be fairly pissed if neither of my accounts manage to get that last camillia with 4 shots each 8 shots combined though I might accept the God Aeon card as a peace offering but I bet its scene isn't as good as camilla's stats aren't either to me.