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Logs of the fortress manager

Re: Logs of the fortress manager

I spelled it right ingame, just not on the logs, editing it now :p

Besides that, I'll post a log later today.
And with later today, I mean anything from now and 24 hours from now.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Leaders log, page 53, 5 hematite, year 248

The gnome died in the magma, it was too fast to actually see what happened to it exactly, but the point is, he's dead, burned by magma.

13 hematite

A human caravan arrived, with a goblin invasion just behind it. I hope the humans reach the depot, looting them is fine, but we can dump a lot of low quality stuff with them. Besides that, they actually bring stuff worth buying, if they get a lot, we get a lot next year.

The humans all got in safely, with the exception of one of their guards, he got shot in the foot, and then killed. There are more goblins then usual, and they have a few low ranking leaders with them. All these goblins managed to kill themselves on traps..Jammed traps that weren't active anymore. Right before the last group of goblins ran in, the human diplomat(Saying nothing like always) runs out into the goblins, dodges a few swords, and then runs out the other side. One of the marksdwarves(Obviously a braindead one) decided to try to club the goblins over the head with his crossbow, instead of just shooting at them. They weren't even in range, he just ran out the entrance and started hitting goblins. It worked, as he apparently beaten 3 goblins to death, and then shot 3 of the running ones. He then puked over the bodies and went back inside. Siege over.
And another possession, a mason, so hopefully that gets us another artifact.

11 malachite

A new artifact, it's not furniture like I hoped, but it's valuable for a rock idol. It uses the name of "Limaragseth Kumil Umril", Wealthyaches the Armoury of Pines. It's worth 102 000, and is a rock idol with gem decorations, bands of rock, silver, turtle shell, and elf bone from one of those elven merchants. It has rings of rock and spikes of iron and gems, it uses silk to display an image of a few berries.

22 malachite

Oops, small problem with the magma shower. Although the goblin for test 1 died in the magma, the obsidian formed badly, and is blocking the only way for the extra magma to get out. It seems I used too much water at first, but that's only because the noble that was going to pull the lever to stop the water decided to go drinking instead. I didn't really make a way to dump the extra water/magma, but I guess I'll work on it now.
On the other side, I ordered a second goblin to be thrown in just because I can. He died while being only half submerged in magma, causing it to be a slower, more painful death.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

For a braindead dwarf, that guy was pretty awesome.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

He was a champion actually, high wrestler, legendary shield user, which bought him just enough time with dodging to beat up the goblins. I have no idea how he trained those though, as marksdwarves don't spar.

That, and extreme strength and toughness makes him strong but stupid.
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Re: Logs of the fortress manager

im woundering if you could train my dwarf on a screw pump until legendary toughness to avoid him getting pwned oh and chage his profession to mecanic
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Jack Urst already was set to pumping, which comes with the siege engineer package for when I control forts, not that there is a lot to pump.

Leaders log, page 54, 21 galena, year 248

I've locked a mason in a room with a lot of junk rocks that need to be cleared, and told him he's not coming out till they're all gone. Maybe this will be more efficient then having dwarves all dump them somewhere, we can use more efficient methods, even if they don't include magma. If it works, well, then we can take out large amounts of rocks faster, and the resulting stuff..Eh, we can build with the blocks, and the furniture is always nice.
Side note, I have no idea what the miners are doing, but it's not mining.

25 galena

At this rate, the masons will be dead long before the stone is cleared, so they are let out and I'll send in 3 for now, I might have underestimated the size of the room and the amount of junk rock. A new test will start tomorrow using 3 masons.

And happy birthday to Dimmy, Clothiw's firstborn son, which is now an adult. He will be a brewer like his mother, and as most children that grow up here, he will also become a planter, as all the children help with the fields, and they get skilled at the production of food(From farms at least).

(Unfortunatly, the log stops here for today, nothing interesting is happening, in a big part because the miners are doing everything except mining)
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Look a bit more carefully at the list of members for that group.

You see the one that says XSI?

That's cause XSI is a member of the group.

...Although maybe he wasn't joined when you posted that, I hadn't checked.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Actually, I joined right after reading his message, which reminds me, successiongame?
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Leaders log, page 54 continued, 15 limestone, year 248

Another sparring accident, another dead guard. Luckily the son of one of the other guards grew up so we had a replacement. Besides that I should mention the masons, no matter how skilled, simply can not clear all the rock. And even if they do, it's only moving the problem from hauling the rocks to hauling what they make with it. I decided to just tell the miners to dig a channel for magma, then just flood the rooms that need to be cleared with magma, and wait for the stone to melt. Masons were let out of the room, they can go be productive somewhere, but chances are they are just going "On break" or to some "Party".
We also seem to have more copper then usual, so that's going to be used by the metalworkers for a while. It will be used for various goods, bins, crafts, coins, a few ballista arrowheads, some chains, whatever seems like a nice way to use it.

1 sandstone

If anyone wants a puppy, now is the time. While I was trading with the dwarven caravan(A nice amount of goods, gave them a very good profit, took plenty of metal and leather.), all the dogs in the fort spontaneously gave birth, and we now have 40-50 new puppies running around the fort. A random weaponsmith already adopted 3, and I'm keeping 10 off the market for training as a war or hunting dog.

6 sandstone

More puppies, we now have about 60 of them. This is getting a bit much, but on the bright side, they seem to make everybody happy. I've also found the miners, they still have a lot of work to do, but they're working on it now.
Kharak is bored as well, but luckily, he's spend the time updating his armour, he now wears a half set of plate armour, and the rest of his equipment is made out of goblin bones.

8 sandstone

It seems the new dog total is 74 puppies, which should be more then enough.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

There are NEVER enough puppies! XD Maybe you could make some crazy sledding teams or something? Have some dog races?

(You know, the only reason I like Dwarf Fortress is because of these updates... you make it awesome. XD)
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

wow your puppy population exploded

and i would be interested in an sucession game but i must not be first because i suck at setting up a fort
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Kharak's probably looking badass in that armor.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Leaders log, page 55, 1 timber, year 248

Oh come on, how many more dogs can we get? Welcome to the next load of about 30 puppies, of which I have next to no idea where they came from, I thought we had just a few dogs, and would have been surprised to see more then 10 puppies in a single year.
I guess I was wrong about that.

14 timber

Just mentioning it, but there are still more puppies being born, and I've found the remains of a large rat in the hallway, apparently the garbage pits are still full with bones and skulls.
Speaking of which, the mini-pyramid of goblin skulls is done. It's outside, just next to the entrance.

24 timber

Brak finally got out of bed today, he's up and ready for action.
Side note, more puppies.

26 timber

Brak broke his leg again, he's back in bed. Besides that, there are still puppies being born, really, it almost seems like they're taking turns, or every single dog that got pregnant during the last 10 years somehow held it in and they are now all giving birth.
Fun fact: 9 out of 10 of the new puppies were born in the dining room, right next to eating dwarves. Reactions ranged from "Cute" to "Awww", so I can only assume dogs are well liked by all dwarves, no matter what they do.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Brak's unlucky... Also, can you say "puppy invasion"?
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

i think the elves had something to do with this possibally to kill your fps in an attempt destory your fort

no idea how they inseminated all those dogs tho
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Well duh, we all know , even the women ;)
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Actually, I joined right after reading his message, which reminds me, successiongame?

My apologies to you, then, Garfield. I humbly concede that you were correct in writing your post and that I was incorrect in it's invalidity. *Bows*

As for the succession game, most definitely! I'm happy to start it off.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

I'll quote myself from the dwarf fort group
I propose we have a sub-objective besides just having a fort: Every room must be floodable with magma. No exceptions. Bonus points for being able to drain the magma again after use.

Besides that, we need to have all players to agree on some things before starting, such as population cap(If any), location of the fort(And embark size), features present(Magma/chasm/underground river/whatever) what dwarves do we start with(And items), who plays and what order, which version to use(I would assume just the one linked on the dwarf fortress front page), and how long each turn is.

No log today as after 2 hours of playing, nothing happened...Besides more puppies. Seems like the miners are on strike or something..
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

*grins evilly*

Just thought I'd chip in my two cents' worth. Submitted for your use/approval:

World Size: Medium
World Seed: 3648040425
Game Version:
- the latest one.

(phooey on name and history seeds... make yer own.)

It has a magma pipe, which lets you do that "flood the fortress" bit you suggested. More info behind a spoiler tag if you don't want to peek.
This start location has damn near EVERYTHING:
  • Iron.
  • Flux.
  • Coal.
  • Wood.
  • Soil.
  • A brook (infinite water, no carp!).
  • An underground pool (towercaps and cave spiders!).
  • No aquifer (so no flooding when you dig!)
  • A magma pipe (infinite magma!).
  • Bauxite.
  • "Other Features". ;)
  • Immediately visible copper. So if you want to do a minimalist start, you don't have to dig around to find ore.
What it doesn't have (AFAIK... I used Reveal sometimes... I've yet to play a fortress past its third year - not because they die, but because I'm a fussy git.), and/or what FUN might be had:
  • Silver.
  • Rock crystal.
  • The magma pipe's open. Early Fire Imps and Fire Snakes, anyone?
This is the start location I goof around in, simply because it has... almost... EVERYTHING. Note that some of it's only in relatively small quantities - the trees, for example, are in the second biome and only at Sparse level.
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