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Logs of the fortress manager

Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Unfortunatly, today my computer refused to run dwarf fortress properly, and I ended up lagging at the slightest touch of the keyboard, so instead of a log, here's a few screenshots.


The front door moat, with top-left the way merchants and everything from outside comes in. From the top of the towers to the bottom of the moat is 7 or 8z levels, from this screenshot to the bottom is 3 z levels.


The old workshop space and farms(Left), walls will be build by masons when dwarves need more housing options. Also on this picture: Water cistern, jails, and the original barracks. There are also a few tombs on the right.

The luxury housing for legendary dwarves is above this and not pictured.


From left, to right:
Stockpiles for ore, flux, metal furniture, metal finished goods, and bars(In the bins).
Middle-top, magma smelters, to deal with the ores, I've replaced 4 smelters with 2 kilns for pearlash and 2 glassmaking workshops for crystal glass.
Middle-bottom, the forges, always busy to work with the loads of bars the smelters provide.
Middle-right, magma.
Right, a place to make sure only the most skilled dwarf comes in, uses only the exact materials wanted, and does not leave or otherwise haul away the goods until the job is done.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

I've found out why dwarf fort is running slow for me lately, it turns out, 100 puppies wasn't enough, but 150 is having an effect when combined with 20 new cows and 15 horses. It probably doesn't help to have about 80 caged goblins.

Leaders log, page 61, 17 galena, year 249

A possession, and better then before, this time a metalcrafter was the lucky one..And so, we will get something made of metal. And to make it even better, this particular dwarf has a preference for the expensive aluminium, meaning we will have a very valuable artifact soon enough.

20 galena

While waiting for the artifact, I noticed the refuse pit was getting some more space, and since a few empty cages may be useful, Kharak went into the arena to kill some of the new goblins.

Kharak's opponents/soon to be kills:
3 thieves
1 lasher
5 wrestlers
2 pike users

(Sorry for the small logs, nothing is happening when everything moves as slow as possible, I'm working on fixing that)
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

i have a way to fix both our puppy problem and our goblin problem, how many unadopted puppies does it take to kill a goblin? or ten? or fifty?
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Sorry for not posting, I've been trying to fix the lagg issue, and it's taking ages to get stuff done.

Unfortunately, just as the cage(Stuffing them all in a cage should stop them from moving around, and thus lagging the place) was build and the first dogs grabbed to put in there, all the cows gave birth and made everything move even slower.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

As I was ordering to get the new cows into the cage, the horses gave birth, and now it takes about a minute for a dwarf to move 1 square.

I'm not sure if I will ever be able to continue writing fort logs with this fort, at least not this month.

Therefore, I am going to ask if anybody is interested in a new kind of fort logs, but then with more purpose then just a fort, a megaproject that has been determined before starting, more specificly, a deep ocean, and at the bottom, a dwarven city made entirely out of glass and steel. Obviously, this will mean that the current fort will not be continued. So I'm just asking if there would be any interest.

(The underwater city will have animal control, and be fully self-sufficient in every aspect necessary for a dwarf.)
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

well if its that laggy then you should get a new fort
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

I'd suspect that a fort on (in?) the ocean would be even MORE laggy, due to all the water sloshing about. Still, your game, we're just along for the ride really.

You could always try the unwanted species, then importing replacements once you've blown them all to glory and removed the detonator. Of course, this runs the certainty of blasting a substantial portion of your dwarves with fire and smoke. Not to mention it'll still be laggy until everything's settled down again.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

You could always try the unwanted species, then importing replacements once you've blown them all to glory and removed the detonator. Of course, this runs the certainty of blasting a substantial portion of your dwarves with fire and smoke. Not to mention it'll still be laggy until everything's settled down again.

Re: Logs of the fortress manager

I'd suspect that a fort on (in?) the ocean would be even MORE laggy, due to all the water sloshing about. Still, your game, we're just along for the ride really.

Nah, water and liquids are fine for me, it's the pathing of, right now, about 600 things over several z-levels of overdesigned fortress that does the lagging, especially with the new animals.

Besides that, it would make for a good ending if the dogs/cats spontaneously got a case of explodey, even more so as some of them are in the booze stockpile right now.

Does anybody want the save game file before I press the big red shiny button?(I'm going to try to clean it up now, at least a little)
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

You could just cheat to kill all your animals...

Of course, even better is to do what I silently did during my turn on the community fort: butcher every newborn animal ASAP. Free meat, practice arrows, totems, and leather!
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Going to press the button in just a little while...Cleaned up a bit, butchered all the new horses and some cows, but still no improvement, and more animals gave birth.

Inserting detonator..


And failing... For some reason things won't explode, even though I did everything right as far as I know.
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Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Well, as I can't seem to get the animals to explode just yet, here's the save file for the fort after a few hours of cleaning up.(Mostly by setting almost everybody to butchery labour as extra)

Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Hrm. Well, the mod that I linked didn't seem to do anything, so I dug around a bit and came up with this:
Adding this tag caused my dogs (they're first in "creature_domestic.txt"... that's the only reason I picked on them) to spontaneously burst into flames and die of the resultant blood loss.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Becareful though it can cause lots of 'fun'

i also learned that fat can become molten like the booze. also molten shit is deadly.
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Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Post reserved for when I get it to blow up, and the logs following that.

For the new fort, well, I'll just see if anybody bothers reading it, but I'll not let everybody get a dwarf for this one, because the named dwarves never bothered doing anything worth noting(Besides their work, and the ones I forced to do something to write about like Kharak in the arena).

So a few dwarves will be available for naming after some get recognised a bit more for whatever reason.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

So, a new fortress for me then, I'll just write for the new fort. For naming(If anybody wants to adopt a dwarf): the founding 7(6)
Miner, carpenter/woodcutter, glassmaker, mason, mechanic, farmer.

1 granite, 114

I am told to make my way to a suitable oceanside location with a few dwarves that have been selected for me, a certain crazy king decided he wanted a new project, and I'm going to make it(Or have a nice talk with the hammerer in his 'private office'), so I told the king I would be honoured to make his project, no matter what he demanded for it. (Aka, readers can pose as the king and make demands of the project as they see fit, I will do my best to do the demands)
Whatever the case, the founding 7 consist of a miner, woodworker, glassmaker, mason, mechanic, a farmer, and me. So, time to get to work, and see what to take. I've got 3 dogs, 3 cats, an anvil, food and booze, seeds for farming with, tools, and a few extra logs as oceanside things usually don't have a lot of trees to cut down for wood. The fortress will be named "Kûbukthak", Lancelock. Now then, with that decided, it's time to see where we're going.

This is not such a bad site, there's 6 levels of ocean here, sand, there's supposed to be magma around here somewhere, and there's actually trees. Well, for now, making temporary quarters for the dwarves in the nearby soil, the wagon was placed on the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean, with the back wheels hanging over it, don't ask how it got there, I was just looking the other way. to see the location when they put it like that.

22 granite

Housing is done, farms are done, and work has started on finding the magma pipe(Around here somewhere), and the first steps are taken to getting the project started. I'm taking up engraving, for now any kind of administrator is useless.

13 felsite

Besides making the landscape look like swiss cheese, the exploration shafts worked..Eventually. The magma pipe was in the place I least expected it to be, right under a large pond. Work has started on digging to the magma from our camp, and is expected to go smoothly as it's just through soil.

19 hematite

A kobold thief tried to sneak in today, and he was greeted by our miner's pick, which immediately pierced it's heart and killed it. This made me think however, things can just walk right in now, and we don't really have any defences yet...So it might be time to dig a small moat to keep things out. The miner is bored anyway, so that would be a good thing for him to do while waiting on the others to do their jobs. 2 more thieves showed up, and one died, with the other running away.

10 malachite

A large elephant herd walked into the area today, I wonder if they're friendly, they seem pretty big. Besides that, working on getting a few magma furnaces up and running, going pretty fast.

23 galena

A bit of brewing, a bit of smelting, and a bit of making the pier deeper into the ocean. We don't have enough rocks for this, so the miner is mining out more housing sections for the workers that will supposedly arrive later this year, or next year. Almost got the magma forges up and running, just need to do a few things the old fashioned way to get a magma-proof pump.

20 limestone

Autumn, or the dry season, there are 2 things that show it's that time of the year again, first, the dwarven caravan arrives, and secondly, the grass goes dry. And thirdly, most dwarves decide working is no longer important.
We have to get the goods there to trade, food does not just come walking to you(Except if you're a hunter), and it doesn't just grow right on your plate(Except if you're a farmer). You need to work to earn your food, so stop that idle "On break" and get back to work, all 6 of you.
I've personally made kobold skull totems, and kobold bone items, but they're kind of useless when nobody bothers to move it.

6 sandstone

Trading was good, we traded a few gems, and the kobold stuff for a load of food, booze, bags and barrels. Might not be much for now, but they got a nice profit and will return next year with more wagons. As it turns out, the trading liason crawled here with just one leg, he lost the other one some other time, so I guess I'll just wait for him to reach us. Oh, and it's a guy wearing a dress, just what I would expect the king to send us. Speaking of which, I also heard that the king himself ordered nobody joins us in our work her this year, so waiting till spring it is.

6 timber

Exactly one month from last entry, we have now got a small magma channel to our forges. One of the imps seemed pissed though, and he's hanging around near the top of the magma pipe. Not a problem, he can't reach us anyway. A small problem though, nobody here actually knows what to do with a forge, so I've started to just mess around with it, after all, what's the worst that could happen when you give magma, fire, molten metal, and poorly made gear to someone who doesn't know what to do with it?

It's always raining, even in the dry season.

6 moonstone

Results of the metalworking so far are a small amount of metal things, some crafts from bars the caravan brought, an iron cage of ore I smelted myself, and 3 golden buckets.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

22 opal

The liason went crazy as he crawled around, he was already inside when it happened, and when he ran out he got himself caught in a cage trap.
I guess there's not going to be any trade agreement with the dwarves then, and I think we could just keep him in that cage for a while, maybe poke him with a stick. I think it would be a good idea to make a wooden ceiling over a part of the fort, keeps the dwarves dry in this rainy place, most of our work is above ground anyway.

19 granite, 115

Elven traders, while I expected nothing, I was pleasantly surprised to see a giant lion in a cage. Mine now.
Also some booze, barrels, bags, and some cloth. I find it strange that elves get offended when you offer them wood, but they have all kinds of wooden products for sale, including some useless things like a bow and wooden sword. Really? A wooden sword? Isn't that just a club in a different shape?
The real prize was the giant lion, which will be great for use in a zoo.
Unfortunatly, the zoo will not have a dwarf in it, as the liason died today, he will be buried in a glass coffin, in a small wooden hut made aboveground. Oh, and he was naked, someone decided to take his stuff and put it in with the stuff we made ourselves.

11 slate

Aha, kobold thief, meet fist, and then again, and again, and again.. And then he just died. These thieves aren't really worth the time, but at least we can make stuff from their bones and sell their stuff. This one was caught, and died, in the refuse pit, so nobody will have to move him.

20 slate

2 more kobold thieves escaped, they didn't take anything, but whatever, we got migrants.
2 carpenters
5 masons, that should make the constructing things go a lot faster.
1 hunter(Even though we only have elephants and a few predators here, I have a coffin ready just in case.
1 farmer/butcher, to work with the kills from the hunter and growing stuff
1 wood burner, useless for now, but needed later to make clear glass.
2 metalworkers
1 farmer
2 mechanics
1 clothesmaker, he will probably make bags to hold sand, for the glassmaking.
1 furnace operator, great for use with the gold and copper veins we discovered, along with the iron cluster.
1 miller, I guess that's actually useless, but more haulers are always useful
1 cook, maybe the miller is not as useless as I thought, we can use his products for cooking.
1 animal trainer/caretaker
1 butcher
1 weaver

And besides this huge wave of migrants which will all need beds and rooms, one of the mechanics got possesed on his way here.

6 felsite

Unexpectedly, the hunter returned today, carrying an elephant corpse. That's going to be lots of food, fat, and bone bolts for him to shoot others with. I should note he used half his supply of bolts just to kill this one.
(Hunter elephant-slayer is open for adoption)

1 hematite

Sadly, the hunter took on a giant tiger, and while he shot the creature through it's heart, the tiger's last action was to kill him by removing the lower part of the hunter's body from the upper part. The creature died a few steps from the dead body. His total for kills is 4, 3 elephants, and the tiger that killed him.
His body will be placed in a glass coffin, next to the liason.
(On second thought, he's not adoptable)

11 hematite

Another coffin will be needed soon, the mechanic with a mood went mad as he could not get silk thread, luckily, he's just gone crazy, and not berserk. I just hope he doesn't jump into the ocean, then we won't be able to get his body back out.

21 hematite

The human traders arrived, as expected, luckily, their leader was not missing any limbs. As for the trading itself, it was diferent then I'm used to, cartloads of whale meat and shark leather, how could I refuse? I gave them a very good deal, so they will probably return with more next year.

21 malachite

A kobold thief tried to steal from us, but was interupted when a wagon from the just departing caravan ran it over. And then the other wagon went over it as well. Then 2 packcamels walked over it. After they were done, there wasn't really a kobold left.

2 galena

More migrants, just as we placed the beds and doors for the old ones.
1 milker, going to be a cook.
2 masons
1 carpenter
1 leatherworker
1 mechanic
1 weaponsmith-hauler untill we need something.
1 brewer
1 woodcutter

1 child, I guess the workers want their family here as well.

And the crazy mechanic died today, he will be put in a coffin somewhere.

24 galena

Another possession, this time it's just a low level peasant that was training as mason. He grabbed 3 logs and some metal, so I just hope he makes something valuable.

1 limestone

Well, he made his pretty bracelet, I fully expect him to get to work now.
Istikgongith, "The Shriveled Squid", it is wood, with wood decarations, more wood decorations, and even more wood. And to finish it off, billon(Silver/copper mix) spikes. We've also spotted a goblin thief today, he ran away.

13 sandstone

The dwarven traders came and went without anything special, and since everybody has their own room, we have a nice dining room, and a well in case of emergency, so everybody is happy.
Now work harder! I want at least half the pumps for the first level of the first section up before spring, and a large part of the main area to drain should be worked on as well.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

24 sandstone

Great, more workers, too bad they need a bed, but it's a small price for their labour.

1 butcher
1 jeweler
1 useless- now a mechanic
1 carpenter
1 trapper-hauling it is then.
1 mechanic
1 fish cleaner-which should be useful when we get a fisher, or useless right now.

1 child also arrived.

13 timber

First ring of the first section is complete, masons are set to build pumps and start work on the first ring of the second section now. I'm not sure if we can get half of the first ring done this year..

13 moonstone

A kobold thief ran into a woodcutter today, and while not tall enough to be mistaken for a tree, he caught an axe anyway and died shortly after that. Seeing as there are thieves around more often then usual I made a chain and had that giant lion chained to our entrance.
Try getting past that, kobolds.

23 moonstone

Goblins, a damn ambush is attacking us.
Luckily, we have a moat and small wall, so we're safe inside..But it may be a small problem with the whole not having any military thing. 2 puppies got locked out, and we ran out of booze.
The booze, eh, we have water, they might work slower, but it keeps them alive.
And to make stuff worse, a bone carver got possesed, great, he's not going to get bones without corpses.

10 opal

Still seeing the goblins, so the animal trainer got drafted, given the old hunter's crossbow, and told to go grab some bolts. He will be standing on a raised part of the wall for my next plan to get rid of the goblins.

4 obsidian

The goblins are still out of range, so no shooting has happened yet, but, on the bright side, we now have a statue made entirely out of fishbone. good thing the caravans brought fish, or we would have lost another dwarf.

15 obsidian

Time to get rid of those damn goblins now, traps are set, lets open the doors and wait for them.

16 obsidian

Animal trainer just got shot and died, no goblin injuries yet, so I guess the traps will have to do the rest.

20 obsidian

The traps worked, and the goblin's are either injured, or dead. They are running away after the front 2 got captured, one of them got his head smashed in by a stonefall trap, and one was chrushed under a bridge.
A ranged one got launched by the bridge, but I don't know where he landed.

20 granite

Only just today did we finish what was supposed to be done last month, but as a distraction, the elves shown up with some stuff to sell. I took everything they had, and gave them a nice profit. They got some glass items, the goblin clothes and items, and a barrel of food. Maybe if they taste good dwarven food they will come back with more items we can use, not that I don't like rope reed, but we can't eat it, or build with it, so all we can do with it is make clothing, which we really don't need new of yet.

18 slate

Working on the second half of the first ring, this should go a bit faster now we have more skilled workers, practice makes perfect. The elves left as well, I was wondering why they were still staying around. And a furnace operator is demanding shells for something, since we don't have shells, I doubt he will last very long.

8 felsite

More power will be needed to operate the pumps, so I'm ordering a large windmill park to be made close by. To help, it seems there are migrants coming, some more useful then others, but all of them are going to work.

1 armourer
2 trappers(Aka, haulers)
1 mechanic
1 lye maker, fairly useless, but still works for hauling.
1 weaver, hauling it is then.
4 masons
1 carpenter
1 engineer, or just mechanic.
1 woodcrafter..Which will also be a carpenter.
2 farmers
1 tanner
2 recruit marksdwarves, since we could probably use some protection against thieves, and this is the easiest way to get that.
1 animal dissector..Useless...Unless maybe those trappers catch a firesnake from the magma pit.
1 jeweler, how very useful without gems.
1 cook
1 clothesmaker
1 furnace operator
1 metalworker

Oh, and apparently I'm a mayor now, which means I can give myself an extra large room.

22 felsite

The furnace operator finally snapped, he's insane. So I gave his bedroom away, he won't use it anyway. (Note to self: Make a coffin before he dies)
Statistical notes:
We have 60 windmills, and 99 pumps, still need more.
We also caught a firesnake, but right after that it got eaten by some random guy that liked to eat live vermin.

19 hematite

Human traders arrived with strangely little goods. I gave them some food as offer because..Well, it's good dwarven food, and they might like it enough to bring some friends along next year.

25 hematite

Just as work started to progress, goblin ambush in the forest. Well, everybody inside, maybe the caravan will deal with it for us.
5 goblins.

26 hematite

You know, it might have been a good idea for goblins to ambush civilians outside of our camp, but woodcutters with axes might be a small mistake as the skilled dwarves used the trees to block the arrows from the bowuser, and ambushed the other goblins before running back to the camp. Goblin bits are everywhere, but there are still 2 goblins alive.
We can't keep the doors closed, we have incoming migrants..

1 weaver, retraining to be a fisher
3 mechanics
2 masons
1 carpenter
2 recruit marksdwarves

Just as the new migrants arrived at the gate another ambush was spotted, and in the resulting chaos the human caravanguards just killed off all the goblins, no injuries on our side(Except a cat), all the goblin arrows were stuck in trees.
So, party in the dining room!

The 4 marksdwarves will take 1 season each to stand guard.(And are all adoptable)

(Note: if nobody is interested in this, I'll just stop writing these, let me know if anybody even bothers reading this.)