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Logs of the fortress manager

Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Ok then, and I've checked, red dye is possible.

A few hunters is always nice to have, for now Kharak the fisher is the only foodsource of the fort, untill next migration wave.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Leaders log, page 6, 5 galena.

I've found a live fluffy wambler today, it was just moving around the stockpiles, until Badu the cat found it, and now it's neither alive nor fluffy. Might be for the best, it was probably like some sort of rat trying to eat our food. I can't help but wonder if we could catch some and keep them as novelty pets.

10 galena

Finaly the trade depot is done, as well as the stockpiles and workshops for carpentry and masonry, our basic furniture. The stockpiles are still somewhat filled with stones, but I've designated a small room as garbage dump, and it should be filled with the stones in a while.
Besides that, I've taken the time to count our food supply, we have about 10 meals left, so I've told Kharak it was time to stop bringing in new fish and to prepare the old ones.

17 galena

Another aligator near the swamps. Nothing interesting besides that, the fluffy wambler population seems to have gone down, and we're just building stockpiles. We have a small chamber for crafting, should we ever feel like it, and some space to store whatever gets made.

21 galena

Late summer already, and I'm concerned about the traders coming in in a few months, we don't have anything to trade with. I've asked Shrike to do some crafting, and she took a workshop, grabbed a hammer and chisel, and started turning the worthless stone left behind by the digging into mugs. I have made a few bins to store them in, which should help later on.

26 galena

Not much is happening, we have all the rooms dug out and the miners are just helping us haul rocks. I've decided it might be time for our own rooms soon, so I've told Burrito and Beardy to dig a bit deeper, and make housing a bit away from the noisy workshops.

1 limestone

Autumn. The caravan will arrive soon and we only have a few mugs to give them. I've decided to help Shrike and am using my amazingly bad craftsdwarfship to make instruments. My first attempt? A rock drum. It didn't really work, but at least we can trade it for things we need.
Side note, the puppies grew a bit, and they are less cute now. We can train them if we would know how, not a big deal though, we haven't had any need for fighting yet.

10 limestone

Kharak finished with all the fish, we have plenty now, so he went back to what he does best, fishing. Who needs farming when you have a skilled fisherdwarf like him? The caravan shouldn't take too long now.

17 limestone

Kittens! more of the cute things were born today, lets hope that this time Beardy doesn't adopt them all so others have a chance to get a pet. The caravan arrived as well, and they are unloading their things, it's going to take a while. We've also struck microcline, the teal rock, near the back of the sleeping area. I'm thinking Burrito is getting that room.

19 limestone

We found a kobolt thief today.

Well, we found bits of kobolt thief today, Sin found the live version, and quickly reduced it to the not so living version. There are parts everywhere, this is going to take ages to clean up. It was impressive though, I was about to trade with the merchants when a kobolt head(And bits of torso) rolled onto the trade depot. After asking her about it, she said there was a second that ran away. No problem as long as he doesn't come back. For now, well, thanks for the copper knife, we bought some extra food for that.

We only bought some food, and some seeds, not that there was a lot of other things we could afford. I've also bought a few cheap barrels, a single stone mug for a barrel is a good trade, seeing as stone is as good as free with all the digging we've been doing, and it's a lot better then me making barrels, at least these won't just fall apart.

26 limestone

Those traders seem to take a while, I've been talking to the diplomat a little, after a while he got tired of standing near me, and was happy with just sitting on the floor at the other side of the room, screaming in my direction. In the end, I've told him what we could use here, and he offered a better price for crossbows(Like we make those), cheese(what?), and musical instruments. I've told him we could do the instruments, and then set to work on more of those rock drums, they seemed to like them.

2 sandstone

I've ordered a small area behind the kitchen to be dug out for a brewery. Only after everything was done I was reminded by Orrin asking me who was going to brew drinks that we don't have a brewer. Oh well, maybe this would go better then my carpentry..
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Well, I guess I'll get in on this:

Name: Bofur Mithrilvisor
Profession: Butcher/Weaponsmith
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

First off, Beardy is a lot like me, in his personality and nature, other than the alcohol.

And it does seem I'm destined to become the crazy cat person with nine or so cats.

I'd also like to request Beardy have Mechanic added onto his job list.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Fluffly Wamblers. The deadlies things next to magic carp. Which kill dragons they also rape dragon...
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Bofur will arrive next migration wave, thanks for the interest :)

Beardy is getting an interest in mechanics, ok, going to give him that.

If anybody wants something special for their dwarf, just say so, like an extra closet, a room near a cliff, river, near magma..etc, just let me know and I'll work it in. I'm also going to make larger logs, since there are a lot of people waiting for their dwarves to get in, and that would take about a week at this rate.

Leaders log, page 7, 8 sandstone

Food just laying on the ground, I went to make some more barrels to store it in, and noticed our miners had some free time. Beardy took an interest in mechanics, so to keep both him and Burrito busy, I've told them to dig a small area for a mechanics workshop. I've also send Sin out to get some more trees cut down, it shouldn't be too hot outside anymore, seeing as it's not summer any more.

13 sandstone

So we now have a mechanics workshop. Beardy is keeping himself busy and the resulting mechanisms can be used for something later. Sin also ran into a group of mountain goats today on her way to the swamp, it's not much, but it shows we have a lot of wild animals here we could try to catch if we have to. I thought I'd also just mention that Shrike and Orrin switched places, with Orrin making random trade goods, and Shrike rock furniture.

19 sandstone

A dark day, I am both horrified and sad to say this...We have run out of booze. Since we have beds, and don't need anything else made from wood, I'm going to try to brew some myself, it is of utmost importance that we have alcohol, even if I end up making incredibly bad beer. Alternatively, we can just fill a hole with water inside, and wait for a real brewer.

17 sandstone

Ok, I'm making booze and it doesn't taste too bad, but I'm not entirely comfortable in having to use food to brew it, so I've told the miners to dig us a nice hole to store water in. What I haven't told them yet is that I don't plan to keep the water in the hole, it's going to flood a single room in an attempt to get farmable soil using an overly elaborate method including Beardy's mechanisms, half a dozen buckets, a few levers, and a lot of extra rock. Just in time, since I think I can make at most 2 more barrels before running out of plump helmets(The food used for brewing with).

2 timber

Still building the waterhole, but had a brief interruption when Burrito, which was just outside to bring in a log, called out to tell us of new dwarves arriving. I'll list the new migrants here:

A fishery worker
A planter
A peasant, which I've told to do masonry
A blacksmith
Another peasant, this one dedicated to making trade goods.
A woodcutter
A certain "Oni Woodchoppin'ton", carpenter/woodcutter(Remind me to get an axe for him to actually cut wood with)
Chip Samnotha, farmer, great timing seeing as I was planning to have some farms up soon. It seems he's also a butcher, tanner, dyer, soap maker, wood burner, miller, plant gatherer/processer, brewer, cheese maker and cook. He's going to be busy.
A newbie hunter, Ensign Redshirt, luckily, we don't have that dangerous wildlife, or this guy wouldn't last very long. Remind me to get him a weapon to hunt with.
Bofur Mithrilvisor, butcher/weaponsmith, nice to have, maybe I can get him to make Ensign Redshirt a crossbow.

Along with these new dwarves there was a dog and a mule.

(The unnamed dwarves are available, some small re-schooling allowed.)

Details on the new, more important arrivals:

Oni Woodchoppin'ton
Likes silver, bismuth, agates, mangrove trees, pearls, doors(?) rings, cows and toads. Hates flies.
Prefers to be alone, is put off by authority and tradition, is indifferent to most others, takes a while to make decisions.
Worships the goddess of mist.

Chip Samnotha
Likes calcite, steel, opals, pearls dark violet, bucklers, idols and cows. Hates bats.
Incredibly calm, great at social situations, but doesnt handle stress well and little confidence. Has a sense of duty and is a perfectionist.
Worships the goddess of jewels

Bofur Mithrilvisor
Likes yellow sand, black bronze, blue jade, coral, shields, backpacks, cats and deer. Hates rats.
Self conscious, drinks a lot, thrillseeker(Note, do not put in dangerous situations) Likes art and helping others, is organised and disciplined, but always needs alcohol.
Worships the god of writing, trade, and wealth.

Ensign Redshirt
Likes silver, bronze, opals, shields and(Not a joke, really says so in the description) Red dyed shirts. Hates snakes.
Reserved, does not take risks when possible, and likes tradition. Sometimes drinks too much.
Worships the goddess of jewels.

8 timber

It was quite the sight to see Ensign Redshirt's first hunt here, running after a goat trying to wrestle it to the ground. As I'm writing this, he ran after, and got escaped by, 2 goats, interrupted Kharak and the new fisherman by driving a goat into them, and managed to run at high speed into a tree. I think we should get him a crossbow, that should help. A low quality one made of bones or wood should be good enough for now. Same for bolts, just some sharp wood or bones should be enough.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Chip Samnotha, farmer, great timing seeing as I was planning to have some farms up soon. It seems he's also a butcher, tanner, dyer, soap maker, wood burner, miller, plant gatherer/processer, brewer, cheese maker and cook. He's going to be busy.

Chip Samnotha
Likes calcite, steel, opals, pearls dark violet, bucklers, idols and cows. Hates bats.
Incredibly calm, great at social situations, but doesnt handle stress well and little confidence. Has a sense of duty and is a perfectionist.
Worships the goddess of jewels

I am the omni dwarf. All shall bow to my power. Hahahahahahahah.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Leaders log, page 8, 17 timber

We struck silver today.
Thats nice, but we can't smelt it down yet, so for now, it's just a pretty looking rock, well, it's 20% silver, but with such a large vein it's fairly good. Ensign Redshirt's hunting isn't going that good either, he almost cornered a goat, and then he tripped and it escaped. That crossbow is high priority.

1 moonstone

Winter, it's been a while since I wrote, so I'll just list a few things.
We now have working butchery workshops, tanners, and are digging for a crossbow makery.
We have a large amount of ore (silver/copper)
No farms yet, waiting on Beardy to make the mechanisms we still need a few of.(And a few other things)
Digging more rooms for the new arrivals.

It's going to take a while, but we got the basics down.

4 moonstone

The peasant has been turning out rock drums nonstop, and he's now officially a stonecrafter. With those things we could get a lot of nice stuff from the caravans. For some reason Ensign Redshirt amuses me, I've been watching him running after a goat all day and he not once stopped to rest, and neither did the goat, so he's still chasing it. The other peasant managed to make enough crappy doors to become an official mason.

16 moonstone

Started making a jewelry area, mostly to have that planned out and to give people stuff to do. Everybody seems bored, and this way we will be able to just store whatever we dig out already. And Beardy, hurry up with those damn mechanisms. Ensign Redshirt came home today, no goat, but at least now he has time to pick up that crossbow...It would have helped if we got him some ammo to go with it, but eh, details.

19 moonstone

At this day we should celebrate, Burrito has advanced in such a way his mining is the work of legends, he digs at at least 10 times the speed he was digging at when we first arrived here. I'm planning on putting a nice statue in his bedroom, made of microcline, which just happens to be his favorite collour. Now I'm going to have to poke the mason to get to work.

1 opal

Finally Beardy got those mechanisms done...And now to wait for the mason to construct the actual floodgate. Ensign Redshirt likes his new crossbow, he went up to a goat while sneaking, and then hit it over the head with it. The goat didn't really like it, and it kinda ran away, so there they went again, Ensign Redshirt waving the crossbow around like a large hammer trying to hit the goat, and the goat just running away.

10 opal

We've struck more gems today, "Bandfire Opal", the kind this month is named after. Just a few hits with a pick more, and Burrito uncovered a vein of silver(50%) And it's also got some lead(Note to self, do not make barrels out of this to store our booze). Chip has by now gathered a lot of outdoor herbs to help supply us with food. It's slower then fishing and farming, but it brings some variety to the table. The mason also finally started working on that floodgate, and there are some bone bolts for Ensign Redshirt, lucky day I guess?

24 opal

Today was a little different. Ensign Redshirt was running after something else, which was in turn running after the normal goats. He was, wearing nothing but thin cloth, and equipped with just a single crossbow bolt and crappy crossbow, he was chasing a giant jaguar. Which was in turn chasing a group of goats. I should find a way to get him a quiver, so he can put some bolts in there to use. In the end, he just gave up and walked away, the jaguar never even noticed him.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

If I may, I shall claim a dwarf.

Name: Org Headbanger
Job: Wood Burner
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

We don't have any woodburners yet, but I think the next migration wave arrives in spring. Besides that, I'll try to just make bigger logs, and please mention to me if you want your dwarf to get anything special.

Leaders log, page 9, 4 obsidian

Last month of the year already, and I've found we could use a bit more food. So I've looked at the camel we had with us all this time, and then to the butchershop. Bofur collected the animal and led it to the butchershop, there's some extra meat and fat we can eat, a hide to tan(And then turn into a quiver for Ensign Redshirt), and some bones for bolts. I've also decided we could use a smelter and some forges, even without magma. Which reminds me, we should be trying to find that magma pipe for low cost metalworking.

17 obsidian

Chip has been very busy it seems, tanning, cooking, building, and still helping the others dump rocks. We should butcher the muskox soon, it's kinda useless to us now we don't have a wagon, and we can use the food. Ensign Redshirt has finally made a kill, but on his way back with it, he decided he was thirsty and just dropped it to go for a drink. At least he's learning. Kharak and his new friend have been the only ones producing food so far, with the exception of the butchered camel, so they are the only ones providing long term food. Mostly just mussels though, I think when it starts raining again and the pools fill they might catch some turtles and other fish.

1 granite

Happy new year, to celebrate this, Redshirt returned a mountain goat, and it's getting taken apart right now so we can eat it. I expect we will grow a lot in the next year, and hopefully even find that magma pipe, or at least get some other way to fuel the smelters, which are about done now. I've got Burrito and Beardy to dig a bigger entrance, one that's more easily defended. Eventually someone is going to get jealous of our wealth and try to take it by force, best to be prepared for then. As a side note, the fluffy wamblers are growing in number again, we need more cats to fight these things.

14 granite

Kittens, great timing, these cute things are going to have a lot of fun running after the fluffy wamblers. Also something of note is that Kharak and his friend, while good fishermen, can't catch enough for all of us, I'm still waiting on the farmplots to become possible, but it seems dwarf labour is a little slow carrying one bucket at a time. We also ran out of booze again, although this time we have water just next to where the booze pile was. I haven't seen much of this Oni woodchoppin'ton yet, but from what I'm seeing at the stockpiles is that there are a lot of new logs. As a side note, there was an elven caravan coming our way, I doubt they will have a lot, seeing as they are too lazy to even build wagons, but I'll just get us a good deal with the stone stuff we have laying around.

16 granite

Ok, so now I hear about Oni, he Accidently bumped into a kobolt thief, and apparently, grabbed the kobolt's arms(Kobolts are smaller then us dwarves), and he just pulled one off. He then used it as a club to hit the kobolt(According to witnesses), which was running as fast as it could, and somehow escaped. I don't think that thief is going to ever try again. He returned just in time(With the arm), to greet the elven merchants at the trade depot with it, I think we may not be leaving a good impression on the merchants.

20 granite

I was wrong about the thief, the same kobolt tried to sneak in today. But who spots him? Oni woodchoppin'ton sees it, walks up to it and starts hitting it over the head with a rock. Again the thief escaped, although this time not before losing the other arm. Why do they even try? As a note, Beardy reached legendary mining as well, I'm giving him the same treatment as with Burrito, except that as his favorite colour doesn't work on statues, I'm giving him a normal one.

21 granite

Just walking outside to get a drink, and suddenly I hear Burrito just behind me, I turn to look and see he's beating on another thief. I look for a while, decide it looks fun, and then join in. We've spend the rest of the day taking turns to hit the thief. It didn't last long, I got the final hit. It was fun..For us, not for the thief. I've also traded with the elves today, and am pleasantly surprised. They've brought us some wood, and a lot of berries we can use to make alcohol from. Or we can just eat them, point is, they had better things then I imagined. I've asked them if they could bring me a tamed carp or an other fish for Kharak, but they didn't have that.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

(Because of the large amount of unnamed dwarves, I may allow a second dwarf for whoever wants it. Just post your second if you want one.)

Leaders log, page 10, 2 slate, year 235

During one of his hunts, Ensign Redshirt notified me of incoming migrants, lets see who arrived and when they are coming into my office, I'll be waiting for them.

Today we got:

1 animal trainer
A woodburner by the name of "Org Headbanger"
1 fish cleaner, who says he only cleans them, and doesn't do the catching.(Owns a very young donkey)
1 mason/engraver
1 herbalist
1 new recruit, I've handed him over to Sin, he might learn something.
1 dyer, Told this guy he had to do some more then just that, and suggested clothesmaking and weaving. He agreed.
2 craftsdwarfs
1 leatherworker
1 weaponsmith
1 furnace operator(Smelter)
1 cheese maker, also handed over to Sin, why would we need a cheesemaker?
2 jewelers
1 useless person, which I've told to start working on a pile of stone to make those drums.
1 glassmaker, completely useless, handed over to Sin
1 animal caretaker, told to go try to trap those fluffy wamblers, he should know how to keep them at least.

Phew, that were all of them. I kinda liked Org, so I'll list some more of his details.

Org Headbanger
Likes: Silt, aluminum, opals, turtle shell, bins and bracelets. Has an absolute hate for lizards.
Relaxed, handles stress well, creative, likes art, doesn't like to compromise, modest, organised, always feels bad about his work, and can always be found near alcohol.
Worships the god of dance.

This might prove a problem, as we now have 35 dwarves, and 18 beds, but we have carpenters, and legendary miners, so lets just dig out some rooms.
As side note, we might need someone as the captain of the gaurd, vacant position till I figure out someone that fits that role. (Now available position: Capt of the gaurd, like the police chief)
And we still don't have the farms, I'm thinking it might be better to just dig a long channel and use pumps then to have the dwarves fill the reservoir needed just one bucket at a time.

9 slate

Shrike has been busy building the forge just the way she wants it, so far we have only one anvil, so just one forge, but we will make more later. I've checked outside, and besides another giant jaguar, there are 2 aligators, and a large group of mountain gnomes. I think Ensign Redshirt should stay in a while, but I'm not going to force him, if he wants to go hunt, then he can. His kill count is up to 3 now, 2 goats and something else I didn't see. Burrito and Beardy have started digging a long trench as well, I plan to eventually just use that trench to get water for our indoor farms, but it may take a while to get set up. So far all we're doing is fishing and hunting(And butchering that last muskox. On the bright side, Redshirt got a quiver.

(In a slightly diferent writing, showing it was added later on the same day)

One of our craftsdwarves started muttering "Lesathothil..." over and over, and those near him told me he has been possessed to make an artifact. This should be interesting, so far he grabbed 3 logs and a turtle shell.

15 slate

Behold, Lesathothil, our first artifact. Sit down because this is impressive. It is.. A wooden ring! Doesn't sound very impressive, but it is incredibly finely crafted, perfectly smooth(With the exception of the wooden spikes), has rings of wood, and bands of wood and shell. I'd estimate it's worth about 6000 bucks, way more then any other ring. It's also much lighter then any ring I've seen before. So in a way, it is a very valuable artifact. I'm going to have to order the already overworked miners to mine out a nice vault for it, and any other artifacts that may one day be made. As a side note, those elves finally left, took them long enough, keeping all the bins busy while the stockpiles overflow.

1 felsite

Been a while, but there was nothing to write about. Chip and Org have been making charcoal for until we find the magma, Burrito and Beardy were digging the trench(Done by now), Oni made some beds, Sin was training her new recruits, Kharak fishing, and the others were just doing what they have been doing before, and I'm spending all my time keeping the stockpile records updated. Redshirt didn't bring in anything lately, which might have something to do with there not being any ammo for him. While asked to trap vermin, that migrant from before caught a lizard instead of the fluffy wambler I was hoping for. Not a big deal though, someone is going to like their new pet lizard.

15 felsite

One of the masons managed to wall himself in today. I've got Burrito to dig him out, but it's going to take a while. Guess thats the price of stupidity. Besides that, the vault is done and being cleared of rocks, it's positioned in the safest part of the fort, so our most valuable things are safe. Next up, the entrance and a new dining hall. I myself have been busy with all the paperwork, mostly to get the work orders through, people are getting a little bored without work.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Lesothali? A wooden ring with wood spikes? Sounds painful to wear.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

could orrin have a bedroom close to the magma pipe (when it is found) and the lizard.

also it may be an idea to get the smelter to begin making silver bars from those silver veins so armour and weapon production can begin, aswell as other metal produce. (that is if the furnace is done)
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

The lizard should be kept away from Org... If he's anything like me, he'll keep mutilating it until it stops being funny.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

The magma pipe is far away from the housing area. But, I can give Orrin a nice window made of gems overlooking a large magma pool(Dwarf-made), well, provided that the beds won't catch on fire. And the lizard is now for Orrin

We also can't use the ores we have now for actually efficient weapons, so instead, furniture and crafting.
And Dia, the spikes are on the outside of the ring :p

Leaders log, page 11, 26 slate, year 235

A busy time today, everybody was hauling rocks, burning wood for charcoal, and doing their jobs. Orrin claimed the lizard, and I've just given him the whole cage. We've also started smelting down the ores into bars of billon, an alloy of copper/silver. It may not be much for making weapons, but it's a great material for crafting with, Shrike will be the one using it, and my only concern is that we may not have enough charcoal for longer times. As the trench is done, I've ordered a few parts to be constructed, nothing big, just a few things to make pumps out of, we need to get water here for that farm I've been mentioning for about half a year now.

4 hematite

Puppies, took them long enough, but there are some new dogs around. It seems we have a shortage of bins, or too efficient crafters, the stockpiles are full of things just laying on the floor, while they should be in bins. I've told Oni to make some more bins, but it might be an idea to make some out of metal as well. We now have alcohol again, for a while, all those plants the elves brought taste different then our own, but its better then water. And, as a little thing for starting using metal, I've ordered Shrike to make a batch of billon coins to commemorate the occasion.

14 hematite

A caravan, great, now we can finally unload that rock we've been turning into instruments, toys, mugs, and other stuff. The bad side, it's going to take a while to get it all there when it's not in bins, the good side, we might be able to buy some bins from the caravan. A trading guild member arrived with the caravan, so this should be interesting. Side note: 1.000 billon coins made, enough to keep the coins rare, but enough for everyone. Next for the forge, some other stuff made of billon.

19 hematite

As seems usualy, the merchants were greeted by something bloody, as Ensign Redshirt returned from the hunt he walked through the trade depot with a dead animal being dragged behind him. I guess this is better then having kobolt parts scattered around the area. The guild respresentative is following me around everywhere, I just woke up to see him standing near my bed, always smiling..I think it might be best if we just get this trade thing over with.

20 hematite

I should not have mentioned kobolt parts yesterday. One of the little guys ran past the trade depot today, and was then seen by one of the caravan gaurds and quickly dismembered. So, I guess it's tradition to smear kobolt blood over the trade goods, better get used to it. Another one was found by the animal caretaker that arrived some time ago, but escaped. My guess is that he will be back next season, conveniently timed with the next caravan.

25 hematite

More kobolds. This time Kharak found one near the entrance, and he gave it the same treatment as his first fluffy wambler. Needless to say, the merchants were the first to know by a dead kobold being thrown in their way.
Shrike has been busy making billon items for a while, to be stored separate from the rock stuff. I think we should keep those a little longer, seeing as they are more valuable, and finely crafted. Today I've also talked to that trade guild person, and since Kharak couldn't get his live carp, I've ordered him some carp meat to arrive next human caravan. In return, they asked for spears(Not selling), alcohol(NOT OUR BOOOOOOZE), and crafts(Hey, we got plenty of rock crafts), so I've told him we can get them the crafts.

8 malachite

Traded today, they took all the rock stuff we had laying around, and in return, we got all the food and wood they carried, all the leather, a few cages, some booze, some barrels, a few metal bars, and a rope. Overall, not too bad, but we should get some more stuff for next time. And on their way out, they were just in time to see Ensign Redshirt return with a kill. Using some of the bronze from the caravan, one of the recruits got his axe made by Bofur.

22 malachite

2 things happened today, Burrito thought it was a good idea to throw a party, and we're all drinking booze in the tiny meeting room, and one of the recruits decided to make something pretty. He ran right at a crafting workshop and then gathered some wood, and a little bit of leather. He then just started working on something. He is completely unskilled, so lets see what he makes of it.

28 malachite

Well, the party is still going and we're having fun, but now we are joined by the former recruit. I'm saying former because he is now no longer a recruit, and joined the ranks for the crafters after he created a wooden bracelet of a superior quality. "Alathrul Lunshelret", or "Boltsmute the Cloudy Trances", light as a feather, and worth 6000 bucks like the ring from before. This is a wooden bracelet, decorated with more wood, and bands of leather. There is a carved picture of Lesathothil in the bracelet. This is going into the vault, amazing quality.

7 galena

Started making the mechanisms for the trench to bring water up, this is going to take a lot of wood, so I've told Oni to cut down some more trees. Meanwhile Chip and Org have been using the same wood to make charcoal. I'm thinking Beardy alone will have trouble making all the mechanic components, but he's working on it.

25 galena

Succes! a live fluffy wambler in a cage, and one part of the trench done. I've told the trainer to go train the fluffy thing, see if it can learn to be a pet. Besides that, we really need another anvil, we got 6 metalworkers waiting for a single forge, which is in use by Shrike now. First thing to make when we finaly find an iron vein. Kharak and his fisherfriend are taking advantage of the recent rain by fishing in the pools instead of our little brook. A good thing, considering there are other fish in there.
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Re: Logs of the fortress manager

If we can have another dwarf....

Name: Clotiw Boo-boo.
Occupation: Brewer
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

I guess I'll claim another Dwarf if it's needed:

Name: Naera Mithrilvisor (sister to Bofur)
Job: Planter/Plant gatherer
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Leaders log, page 12, 14 limestone, year 235

The dwarven caravan came close today, no doubt coming to trade with us. No problems there, we can finally give them those rock drums they wanted for some reason, we've got a lot of stuff in bins now, and we're going to give them most of it and take whatever they have to offer in return. Beardy has 3 pumps with machinery to make, and he's only working on the first one. Maybe we should get a professional mechanic, because this is taking ages. And thinking of it, it's more a matter of manpower then quality, so a third mechanic should be nice. We've also got some more puppies now. And, just as expected, a kobolt thief shows up and gets splattered across the wall by a crafter as the caravan passes by.

27 limestone

Traded today, less then I expected, but got a good deal nonetheless. I've been informed there were more kittens born today, and as I should have expected, Redshirt returned with his prey just as the merchants were leaving. We also ran out of charcoal for the forges, so I've ordered another batch to be made. Hope that magma pipe is close, then we can use that as fuel instead. Meeting with the leader of the traders was much better then with the human, this one patiently waited for the trading to be done and then followed to my office, and sat down. I've requested the usual, carp meat for Kharak, some metal bars, and wood. And in return, got asked to produce, top priority, more rock instruments, rock crafts, and prepared food. I've told him we would have plenty of rock, so he can count on those. He agreed, we had a drink(or 10), and he went on his way with the merchants.

28 sandstone

It's been a month already, and a boring one at that. The few things worth reporting were very minor, new puppies, new kittens, and Beardy adopted 2 more cats, bringing his total to.. 5? 6? I don't know, but I do know he has a lot of dead fluffy wamblers dropped at his feet. The new cats are Fath and Cog.
Also, just because I can, the new trade depot will be made of copper bars, and will eventually be replaced by one made of solid gold, because...why not?

6 timber

Migrants! More of them are coming, and we haven't even finished the bedrooms for the others yet. Well, thats why we have public sleeping rooms.
Today we got

1 trapper
1 brewer, "Clotiw Boo-boo"(Interesting name, I should keep an eye on this one.
1 miller, which got promoted to cook to go with his milling.
1 planter, usefull if we finaly get that farmplot going.
1 recruit for Sin, to replace the one that turned into a crafter instead(Came with a kitten)
1 ranger/hunter, "Frank Redshirt", seems like Ensign Redshirt's family.
1 kid(Frank's daughter)
1 dyer, kinda useless, so I've got this one send to Sin as well, makes for a nice squad of 5.
1 lye maker, just when I thought it couldn't get more useless. He got lucky, and is the leader of his very own squad of marksdwarves now.
1 peasant, now a marksdwarf in training.

I'll just have Burrito dig out an archery range for them after they pick up their crossbows, and one of the more useless ones(The miller) is going to help Beardy get the machinery set up.

A few details on Clotiw and Frank
Clotiw Boo-boo
Likes: iron ore, bronze, gems, pearls, silver and anvils. Hates maggots.
personality: easily angered, doesn't handle pressure well at all, but very active, cheerfull, never discouraged, is kinda clumsy, and drinks a lot.
Worships the goddess of metal
She is married to a trapper.

Frank Redshirt
Likes: Obsidian, zinc, quarts, horn and cages. hates snakes.
Personality: slow to anger, risk taker, shows nearly no emotions, adventurous, trusting, unassertive and easily discouraged.
Has a daughter, and worships the goddess of mountains.

24 timber

We found more gems! Bandfire opals this time. A little update on the water system, it's about a third done, but the hardest parts are still unfinished. We also got a small bit of clothing workshops set up, just so those clothesmakers have something to do. We're also building a stockpile for clothes, and we're doing some more digging. We could really use iron ore. And that magma pipe. Things have been kinda boring this month, the only exception was the migrants, but hey, I'm just sitting here alone, in my office, working paperwork almost all day.

(Note: If I do not get an application for captain of the guard dwarves before I wake up tomorrow, it will be taken by a random migrant. But there is no reason why that guard captain can't be turned into a regular guard afterwards, also, Kusanagi, I can't make a dwarf a sister of a dwarf thats already in the fort, I can mention they seem like long lost family though)
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Alright, that's understandable. Kinda sucks, but I guess the makers of the game weren't figuring on family coming over on different boats >.<
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Alright, that's understandable. Kinda sucks, but I guess the makers of the game weren't figuring on family coming over on different boats >.<

Single game maker I think, all made by one person. Usually the credits are splattered all over the games, but here you have to actually search a bit to find who did it. Oh, and new dwarves come in next migration wave.

Leaders log, page 13, 9 moonstone, year 235

Another possession, this time Oni Woodchoppin'ton got possessed during his sleep, and he ran out of his room in the middle of the night to claim his usual carpentry station. He grabbed the last log and then sat in his workshop, muttering how "Bukét Uzul" Needed rough colour, and live trees. I'm assuming he meant gems, and logs, and send out the others to cut some trees for him, and he immediately claimed a log, and a gem before starting to work. I've been seeing puppies and dogs everywhere, so I've decided we are going to train some into war and hunting dogs, and the first war dog went to Sin, with the first 2 hunting dogs for our hunters. It also turns out fluffy wamblers are delicious, so now 2 trappers are trying to catch the things full time.

14 moonstone

And today we get, an amazing...Wooden door, "Bukét Uzul", "The quicknesses of Oiling", valued at 27.600 bucks, jewels in it, and..Well, thats it, a big well crafted wooden door made by Oni, it has the image of 3 flies engraved in the wood, and has even more wood as decoration. That's going to look nice in the vault. It also seemed the woodcutter accidently cut through an alligator at the swamp, the last log came in with blood on it. And one of the war dogs started giving birth while being trained, not a big problem, just more puppies to train later.

8 opal

Well, we now have 3 war dogs, and the trainer informed me the other dogs were too small to be trained. So, since I've promised Ensign Redshirt a hunting animal, I've given him a fierce kitten. We have also run out of wood, the carpenters are not doing anything, the smelters are not being used, and all the metalworkers are bored. And there aren't that many trees here, so they will all have to be cut down. Besides that, the water system is going to take some more time, but not much, since it's close to being finished(a year or so late). And our new entrance is coming along nicely, although that's going to take a while. At least we have plenty of alcohol now.

27 opal

A goblin thief was spotted by Ensign Redshirt as he was returning from the latest hunt. Unfortunatly for the thief, that didn't mean Redshirt was out of ammo, and the thief got a copper bolt lodged between his heart and lungs, and another in the back of his head. He didn't last much longer, but he was carrying a giant cave spider silk bag, very expensive, and now it's ours He also had an iron mask, which is getting smelted down later, might get an iron bar from it. We're also selling his clothes to the next merchants. Problem is, goblins never really come alone as far as I know, so there may be more of them around here..
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