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The Stables


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
These stables are the best in the region. All students must have permission to take them out.
Re: The Stables

Misha laughed and pulled out the permission slip, "We need a good pack horse." she said to the stable hand, "And a cart too."

He nodded, "We can do that miss."
Re: The Stables

Jess helps load the cart with all the supplies they had already bought, then lead the hrose and cart out of the stables.
"So, where to next? Is there anything else we need here, or should we head up to the doorms? For that matter, how much time do we have left?"
Re: The Stables

"I think we have a bit of time left, Is there anything you need from the dorms?"
Re: The Stables

Jess nods. "Well yeah, I'm not going all the way to East Sanctum in one pair of clothes!" She grins at Misha. "Come on then, and don't go winging anywhere, I won't be able to keep up dragging our new friend here around." She sats, sticking a thumb back at the horse and cart.
Re: The Stables

Calcius slithers into the stables and looks around at the horses.

"I certainly hope they don't expect me to try and ride one of these. Maybe I could get away with riding in the cart instead. Anyways."

He gives his permission slip to the Hand.

"We need a Horse and a Cart."
Re: The Stables

Barry chuckles, a deep sound from him. "You haven't taken any lessons on riding? You may have to learn fast then if Corvus won't let you ride in the cart."
Re: The Stables

"Lessons on Riding? I couldn't ride a horse even if I did take lessons! I have no way of staying on them!"
Re: The Stables

((MY bad, I had Calcius and Corvus's races mixed up in my head.))

Barry turns and looks at Calcius, suddenly realizing he's right. "Ah, well yeah that is true and would pose just a slight problem now wouldn't it?"

He uses the word slight somewhat sarcastically and with a bit of humor in his voice for the entire sentence.

"My apologies, for once I didn't think before I spoke."
Re: The Stables

((Ok waited a few days on this and decided to prod it some. I think we need what, 4 horses for the group? Chibi said go ahead and have them get the horses Bartnum. I'd do it myself, but again, I've already been bad and double posted.))
Re: The Stables

The stablehand looked the two up and down. "Five 'orses and a Cart? That's wot the ladies from earlier said they moight need."
Re: The Stables

Barry turns, having completely forgotten about their being a stable hand on duty. "Ah yes, that sounds about right. Thank you."

He handed him his slip for the young man to look over with a smile.

((Assuming it's a young male, will edit if need be.))
Re: The Stables

He peered at the note, "Ayup that's the seal then. Alroight, Ah'll have the gels owt for yeh in a jiffy." He turned, going down each stall and hooking bridles together and finally hooking the last one up to the cart. "There you are gents, these little beauties with take you a long way, just lead 'em and they'll follow until yeh get's on them. Then yeh'll have a true beast uner yeh."
Re: The Stables

He nods again. "Thank you again. We'll take good care of them for ya."

He turns back to Calcius. "So, to the gate then?"
Re: The Stables

"And all o' their tack is on the cart, so ye won't be needin' to get 'em anything 't all." the stablehand was well pleased with himself.
Re: The Stables

"To the kitchens, I was thinking. We're meant to be meeting the others to gather supplies."

He thanks the stable hand for the horses, before heading out.