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Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Lilia is swiftly followed by Zix, who moans weakly as she crawls herself up into Alexis' womb along with her lover. Once inside, a dull glow begins to illuminate the inside of the dragoness's womb, allowing Lilia and Zix to see each other, and their surroundings, perfectly. Her womb is rather spacious, and near the bottom is the hole that leads down and out of her. A rush of fluid overhead fills the lower area, soaking Lilia and Zix's hindquarters as strange, fleshy appendages begin to lower from above. One stabs into Zix's naval, causing the alien woman to moan as the appendage begins to pulsate. The other stabs into Lilia's belly button, and she can feel a strange sort of comfort inside of her as the three women's heartbeats begin to synch up, Alexis taking over supplying them both with oxygen and nourishment through the strange new umibilical cord attached to them, as Zix scoots over and grabs hold of one of Lilia's hands.

The kitsune doesn't have to wait for long for the effects to begin kicking in, as a dull arousal begins to hover in her mind, and she can feel her body changing.Her hips begin to widen, as does her tail, the fur vanishing as scales magically grow over it, the appendage lengthening as well. From the tip of her extremities all the way to her torso, green scales replace her flesh, though her breasts and stomach remain their normal, fleshy selves. Her cock works itself to full erection, the shaft morphing from humanoid to a strange, lizardly member, lined with spines that bristle with her arousal, before flattening down, as she can feel her pussy has also morphed, growing much wider, and much deeper. Her legs bulge with extra muscles designed for helping her rear eggs, and she can feel a rumbling in her womb, as her belly begins to distend slowly, as does Zix's, the Dragoness speaking into their minds. "Just a little bit longer, my dears. And then you can begin your work." she says, as the two women begin to bloat with more and more eggs inside of their expanding tummies, Zix purring with pleasure as her free hand rubs her tummy.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

When the soft glow showed her what was going on and that Zix was nearby, Lilia relaxed back against the wall of Alexis' womb. When the umbilical like tendril poked into her bellybutton, Lilia gasped softly and stared at it for a few moments. Before she could really think about it too much, Lilia felt the changes beginning within her body, the arousal coming just before her hips popped as they widened. Looking back as she felt her tail changing, she watched sadly as her fur there vanished and the appendage widened as well and gained scales.

"T-This is... a strange feeling Alexis... r-really strange," Lilia panted aloud while the changes overtook her body, her hand gripping Zix's a bit.

When the morphing finally finished up and her body settled down after that, Lilia gasped as she felt and saw her belly starting to swell... presumably with eggs. "H-How many eggs c-can I expect Alexis? And how long until we... g-give birth to them? And... do you expect us to give more than one batch of eggs?" Lilia asked aloud while her free hand rubbed her slowly swelling tummy like Zix was doing.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I only ask that each of you give me a single batch of eggs. However, you are free to remain for as many as you like, my dear. I'll give you enough time between batches to tell me if you want more." Alexis says, as both women swell to rather absurd proportions, before Lilia can feel her stomach automatically trying to push the objects inside of her out. Zix begins to pant, gripping Lilia's hand tightly as she pushes, an egg the size of Lilia's head popping free of the alien's pussy as she squeals in bliss. As Lilia's body works to force out the first egg, it begins to build a wave of pleasure over her, before an egg the same size as Zix's begins to emerge from her folds. The moment it pops free, Lilia is drowned in a blast of pure, unadulterated pleasure, and can feel the next one readying to come out.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Nodding at Alexis' words, Lilia glanced over at Zix as she squeezed her hand and squealed. Watching the first egg pop free of Zix's body, Lilia gasped softly as her body prepared to pop her first egg free of her body as well. The pleasure overwhelmed her body and mind quickly as her free hand darted down to her dick and began to stroke it furiously in an effort to cum as hard as she could. When the egg burst free from her pussy, her slit widening to allow its escape, Lilia squealed in bliss as her seed spurted freely from her dick, raining down on both her and Zix, and also the insides of Alexis' womb.

"Y-Yes... s-so good. Cumming so much... so hard," Lilia panted,shaking her head from side to side as the second egg already prepared to be pushed out.

Lilia began pushing hard, eagerly wanting to feel that pleasure again as she stroked her rod hard and fast. When the egg burst free, she would cum again, and nearly every time another egg popped free from her pussy, Lilia would spurt a fresh batch of seed from her dick. Lilia's mind was being swept away in a sea of pleasure that she reveled in as her balls sloshed around beneath her with more and more seed to spurt out. If Zix looked over at Lilia, she would see the poor kitsune herm... or part dragon herm at the moment, cumming her brains out in complete and total bliss, her eyes rolled up into her head and a completely fucked silly look on her face.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix purrs as she pulls Lilia in as close to her as possible, screaming out her orgasms in tandem with Lilia as they both continue to lay eggs. After her first blast of jism, however, another tendril of flesh descends, and the tip opens up, wrapping around the tip of Lilia's now serpent-like cock, and sucking in, locking itself on her to drink in her seed as each egg forces a new orgasm from her. After nine eggs each, their bellies have returned to their normal size, and Zix pants as she rolls on top of Lilia, meaning lustfully. "A-Another load for me, Alexis! Gods that never stops feeling good!" she cries out, as Alexis' voice enters Lilia's mind. "Would you like another batch to grow and birth, my dear? Zix seems to be enjoying herself, why not you?"
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Feeling the tendril encase her cock before she could really spurt that much of her seed everywhere, Lilia squealed with each spurt of her seed, and not just every orgasm. By the time her eggs were all out, all nine of them, Lilia's eyes were totally glazed over with lust as she sat there panting, her body twitching as Zix climbed on top of her and moaned again.

"B-But if I stay... won't it... c-change me? I don't want to permanently change remember... b-but it did feel good. I... I'll stay for another, o-only if it won't change me permanently from my... original f-form Alexis," Lilia panted lustfully when Alexis asked if she wished to stay, wanting to so badly, but scared to if it would change her.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I said earlier, dear Lilia, that I can only change you permanently once you're finished birthing, and outside of me, dear Lilia. I can only change you after you're out, but within the hour before the fluid wears off. For now, stay. Enjoy your time here. And once you're done, if you wish to change back, I will respect that." the Dragoness says into Lilia's mind, as both women begin to swell with more eggs, the flesh wrapped around Lilia's cock beginning to move further down, slowly enveloping the entirety of her malehood. Soon, the process began again, with the eggs slowly forcing their way out of the two women, Zix moving in to lick and nuzzle into Lilia's neck as their bellies press against each other. "D-Didn't I tell you it would be...Amazing!" the alien woman cries out as her first egg of the second batch plops out of her, her breasts dribbling milk onto the smaller woman's.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"O-Okay then... I'll do another clutch of e-eggs then Alexis. That did feel really good," Lilia panted softly back to Alexis as Zix squealed again, with Lilia joining her soon after and crying out her bliss again.

As the next batch of eggs came, Lilia's pleasure spiked again and she came with each egg yet again, her balls and dick twitching like crazy as her seed spurted out. Lilia would be completely lost in the bliss of the moment as she laid the next batch of eggs, her hands holding Zix's as they both laid their eggs again.

When their second batches of eggs were finally finished, Lilia would be completely overwhelmed and barely conscious after the sheer power of her pleasure. If prodded though, either mentally by Alexis, or physically by Zix, Lilia would be shaken from her blissful reverie and back to consciousness.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As Zix finishes her batch, she moves in to lick up Lilia's cheek. "Are you alright, my love? You seem to be losing your mind with pleasure." she says before nuzzling her chitinous head into the crook of Lilia's neck, her tail wrapping around both of their waists to hold them close together after laying the second batch, only seven each this time. Alexis is strangely silent, allowing the two lovers a moment of respite.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Y-Yeah... I... I think I'll be... a-alright Zix," Lilia answered, raising a hand up to caress Zix's head as it nuzzled into her neck.

Alexis it seemed was giving them a bit of rest for the time being. She didn't know if Alexis would ask them to take another batch of eggs or not, but she was guessing that she might. "Alexis... i-is it over?" Lilia asked, her voice trembling slightly as she spoke.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Only if you wish it to be, dear Lilia. Zix has only ever managed three batches before losing herself in the pleasure. I would not ask you, who seem so vulnerable to it, to give more than that. If you feel you can give me one more set of eggs, then we can continue. Otherwise, I will release you." the Dragoness says into Lilia's mind, as Zix sighs contentedly, perfectly happy just being near her mate.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Okay then... please... I'd like to get out now if that's alright Alexis. I... I don't think I could handle another batch without fainting completely," Lilia said softly, rubbing her now small and flat belly.

Her body was still pretty sensitive and whatnot, and she could barely move it felt like. "Hey Alexis... if you're done let us both out and we can all cuddle for a while and sleep," Lilia suggested to the dragon girl, where if she agreed then Lilia would snuggle up with the two of them and go to sleep for a time and get some much needed rest after that.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The walls surrounding the two women begin to contort, as Zix wraps her arms around Lilia to make the passing easier, as both cords disconnect from the women's bellies. Soon, after much squeezing and forcing, both women have been forced back out of the Dragoness, hearing her cry out in pleasure as they emerge.

Once both are out, laying on the bed of furs, Alexis begins to shift back, as off to one side, a decent-sized clutch rests. Once back to her humanoid form, she begins to crawl to both of the women, and promptly flop next to them, panting from exhaustion. "That was...My biggest clutch yet, girls...Thank you." the Dragoness says as she cuddles up behind the Kitsune, whose form is still Draconic for the next hour or so, sandwiching her between both of their bodies and swiftly falling asleep.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Lilia holds Zix as Alexis begins to push them out, giggling a bit as the mental image of her being birthed amusing her. When Alexis had birthed them back out of her, a cry of pleasure coming from the dragon girl, Lilia gasped a bit and took a deep breath.

Looking around, Lilia saw the eggs nearby as she and Zix landed on the furs. As soon as Alexis had crawled up to them, Lilia wrapped an arm back around her so her hand was on Alexis' ass, pulling her in close while Zix held her, sandwiching the kitsune between the two larger women. "I'm glad you got so many eggs Alexis. I wonder if any of them will look like me, hmhm," Lilia cooed softly as she was hugged from behind by Alexis, quickly falling asleep.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

When Lilia manages to awaken, she finds herself back in her bed on her shuttle, with Zix cuddled up to her, though Alexis is nowhere to be found. As the Kitsune stirs, she'll notice her body has returned to normal, down to the last hair on her fluffy tail.

Zix hugs her mate closer when she senses her stirring, purring into her ear quietly. "Good morning, my love. I hope you don't feel too drained. If you are...You know what to do." the alien woman says, gently rubbing behind the Kitsune's ears.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Waking back up, Lilia opened her eyes and looked around, noticing that she was in her shuttle again. She idly wondered for a few moments how she'd gotten back to the thing before she noticed Zix snuggled up with her. Instinctively, Lilia leaned her head up and took hold of Zix's breasts with her lips and began suckling, her ears flicking when Zix scratched her behind them.

After a couple of minutes, Lilia finished up and looks up to Zix with a smile. "How long was I out hon? I didn't expect you to be in any shape to carry me back here with me out cold," LIlia asked curiously when she was done drinking.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix purrs happily as Lilia suckles from her, obviously happy that she can help sustain her mate. "You've been out for almost a full day, my love." the alien says, sighing as she holds the kitsune against her. "Alexis brought us back a few hours after your transformation wore off. She said that she'd love to have you bear eggs when she's ready in a few years." she says, her tail moving to wrap around her lover's waist. "I just hope it wasn't too intense for you. The first time is always the best."
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Wow... I didn't realize I'd been out for so long," Lilia replied softly as she lay there. "And sure, I wouldn't mind bearing her eggs again if it's that how it's going to feel every time, hmhm," she added with a giggle.

"It was pretty damn intense though Zix. Who knows... maybe I can help her to be able to bear children in her humanoid form too if she wishes. That would be nice I think," Lilia said after yawning, though she made no move to get up just yet, enjoying her relaxing and cozy spot.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"It is a shame it takes Alexis hundreds of cycles before she is ready to bear eggs again. To live in a world so dedicated to breeding, and only able to actually breed every few years..." Zix says, sighing as Lilia cuddles against her. "If your could help her in any way, I'm sure she'd be very grateful. As would I." the alien woman says, groping at the Kitsune's bottom and squeezing it rather suggestively. "And maybe, in a cycle, when my eggs need to be fertilized, we can have her bear the eggs in her humanoid form." she says, her tail moving up to ghost over the herm's folds.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Heh, I didn't realize that it took so long for her to bear eggs again. And having her bear them in her humanoid form would be quite nice I think. You could lay them in her womb and I could fertilize them while they're in her maybe, hmhm," Lilia said with a giggle as she cuddled against Zix, cooing at the grope to her butt. "O-Oh Zix that... that feels so nice. But... let's get up now, I wanna stretch my legs out," Lilia then said as she felt Zix's tail brushing against her slit, which was already getting a bit moist in response.