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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aye, I know I'm lucky. Lucky that I met her, and you, lady Calista. And lucky that everything happened the way it happened, so that I could leave that sanctuary place. Sure it was fun and all back there. But I wouldn't trade this beautiful place, and this amount of freedom for anything in the world," Lynette replied with a smile.

After they finished up with Sheena and Calista moved on downstairs to the dungeon areas, she found the slime girls still working up a storm, clearing things out in the other rooms, and Myra was still in her pod as well, with the slime girls around the pod clearing out with a simple bow to Calista as they went. "Of course mistress Calista. We shall have one prepared for you to offer her. I am certain that she will accept it though, once you've given her the offer," the slime matron replied to Calista.

"My mistress... do you desire anything before you retire for the evening?" one of the other slime girls asked Calista as she started for the bed, looking ready to get Calista anything she desired.


As Kylie lay there with Giselle, she felt her lover snuggle up behind her and spoon up against her. Kylie was pretty much out cold the moment her head hit the pillows, and amazingly enough Kylie would find as soon as she woke up that Trilla was lying on the bed in front of her while Giselle was still behind her, spooned up happily behind Kylie.

"Good morning my pet. I figured you needed a bit more sleep since you were out so late last night. And I'm not cruel. So, I'm going to give you an hour or two to clean up and eat before we do anything today. I got a request actually, from Lynette. She'd like to ask you to help out Sheena, because she believes Sheena's finally starting to come around to actually listening," Trilla said softly to Kylie when she woke up.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Waking up slowly, Kylie yawned and saw Trilla, hugging her in so she could be double snuggled for a bit, before turning around to kiss Giselle gently. Nodding slightly at Trilla's words, she yawned before slipping out of bed and went to shower and clean herself up, slipping downstairs to grab a simple breakfast.

Underground, Calista was a little quicker to wake up but she spent that time waiting outside letting Liliana and Sora sleep for quite a bit longer, checking on their cells. They wouldn't be awake until noon. There was another person she needed to check up on, which was Tina. She'd have spent the entire day prior getting fucked sideways by the slimes, and slept it off down here. She went to go see her, holding the dress she'd been meant to wear, the tight hobble dress very sexy but restrictive. She also scooped up a leather collar and leash, putting them on her while she was still asleep, waiting next to the bed she'd been given, probably one of the slime furniture pieces, waiting next to her for her to wake up and holding the dress. Nanaya and Kalt could just enjoy their time today.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Trilla smiled and returned the hug Kylie gave her, and kissed her on top of her head. Giselle was awake too, Kylie found, when she turned to kiss her as well, and returned the kiss passionately. Heading to the bathroom, Kylie saw Giselle started to get up to join her, before flopping back into the bed, sighing softly, and groaning, as if she just didn't Want to get up right now, but she forced herself to anyway and yawned as she sat on the edge of the bed and blew another kiss at Kylie.

"I'll get you something quick whipped up to eat hon. Seeya downstairs," Giiselle called over to Kylie with a smile, as she got up and headed downstairs to cook something quickly for Kylie.

When she finished up in the shower and went on down, Kylie found a plate of buttered toast, a few strips of bacon, and several sliced up oranges laid out for Kylie, with a glass of orange juice to drink. "There you go hon. Just eat all you want, and I'll clean up the rest. Hazel came by earlier and was talking to me about some stuff while you slept. So I'm gonna be helping her and Merrick through the day for some stuff," Giselle told Kylie as she came into the kitchen and sat down to eat her breakfast, leaning down to kiss her on the head.


When Calista woke, she did find one of the latex spiderlings trying to poke and prod at her a little bit, though more out of curiosity than anything, but when she opened her eyes and started getting up, it scurried away from her. Heading to check on Liliana and Sora, she found them both still cuddled up together, sound asleep and looking rather happy. Tina, she found, was laying on her bed down there, sound asleep and looking rather glad to have come down there for the fun yesterday, and didn't wake as Calista eased the stuff onto her.

"Mmm... w-what's going on? H-Hey what is this?" Tina groaned softly, before she looked around and saw Calista sitting next to her, and looked between her and the hobble dress she had beside them, and reaching up to touch the collar and leash.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Calista grinned as Tina woke up, managing to get her dressed and collared without waking her up. Giggling as Tina asked her what all this was, she bit her bottom lip and waved her tail around, tugging gently on the leash to urge Tina up into a deep, passionate, hungry kiss. Pulling back, she licked her lips. Couldn't help myself. And damn you look great in that dress.
Sucks you have Selara, or I'd make you mine. Cmon, let's go show your scaley lady love how hot you are, then she can decide what she wants to do with your leash you Bad... Bad kinky Siren.
Calista said, winking. The dress would work as designed, making her take much smaller steps, and clung to her curves, showing her off beautifully. Helping her sit up, Calista got out some very sexy matching heels to go with the dress, before starting on a portal to the lamia camp.
Mmm, much as I'd like to walk and make up excuses to have very hot, kinky sex all over the island, I have a feeling Selara will want you all to herself. Not fair. she said, pouting a little while she worked. Gotta get you back before breakfast properly anyway. Not Fair! she wailed, wanting to keep Tina to, she was greedy.

Kylie meanwhile kissed Giselle sweetly and took care of herself, grateful that Giselle was whipping her up an easy breakfast. Heading down to eat it, she chewed on her food, hmming happily and leaning into the kiss before swallowing. Yeah, I started everything last night. Say hello to all the fairies, they're such sweet excited little things and they came out of the woodwork last night after I called them. All over the place. A lot of other fey came back to. It's wonderful. Don't overwork yourself ok love? I'm...
just gonna keep behaving for Trilla and help with Sheena's training today myself, and stay out of trouble, so no worrying about me, I'll be good,
she said, standing up to hug her tightly. After the summit... up for a special us only date? We'll do something special just for us. Think of whatever you want and we'll do it. she said, smiling softly and resting her forehead against Giselle's. Don't care what it is. Promise.

With that done, her hour would be winding down quickly and she'd shimmy off to get back to Trilla, bringing her collection of lingerie along just because, wondering what Sheena needed help with. But glad to get the news she was starting to listen. Mistress? What can I help Sheena with? she asked curiously, looking around wherever she found Trilla.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I... I see. Well, thanks, I guess," Tina replied, before she was pulled over into a deep kiss with Calista, her tongue sliding out into the demoness' mouth and wrestling with hers. "Mmm... a-alright... fine. I'm positive that she'll like me," Tina replied softly, moving up to follow Calista to Selara.

Tina got into the heels after a few moments and stood up, her legs wobbling a tiny bit, though she didn't complain about it and tried to follow along without tripping any. "Well... why don't we go and ask her then?" Tina asked softly, smirking a bit as she followed Calista. "I'm sure I can... persuade her, so long as I'm properly taken care of and whatnot," she went on to say, swaying her hips from side to side as she walked.


"You did? Well good, I'm glad that you did. And goddess yes, I've not seen the fairies around before. Mom said that they went into... well, not hiding really, but that they stopped buzzing about nearly as much, and only showed themselves when they felt it was truly necessary. The little hidden guardians of the Tear, you might say. I felt a magnificent tug last night, one that was... a sweet and gentle, yet also powerful. Was that you? And I know you'll be good hon, you don't have to promise me that," Giselle replied with a grin, returning Kylie's hug and kissing her on the lips passionately. "And a special vacation like date? Mmm, that'd be really nice. Make Hazel take the kids, or one of my sisters. Preferably Tina since Delilah's pregnant now and stuff. But goddess... I can think of plenty of things I'd like to do," she then asked, grinning a bit as she pondered a few ideas.

After that, Giselle kissed Kylie on the lips, and got to work making some more breakfast for herself, and everyone else in the main house, and after about half an hour everyone started showing up for the most part to eat, and they had a pleasant breakfast with one another, with Trilla joining in with them, and once breakfast was done they all started departing to perform their own tasks or whatnot that they all had planned for the day. "Well my Pet. Sheena is Finally starting to listen apparently to Lynette, and she wants to... put the speech sealing gem on her, and wanted me to ask you, if you wished to help Sheena along through it. I already spoke with Sera about it earlier before you woke up, and she agreed to if you would, so Sheena wasn't alone. But... I know how depressing it was for you the last time, so I'm very wary of putting one on you again, to be honest," Trilla replied softly, though she seemed to be giving Kylie the choice here, and wasn't going to force her into the sealing gem like that again.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Calista laughed and shook her head before opening the portal and leading Tina directly to whever Selara was AT THIS PRECISE MOMENT, before handing her the leash, winking, and then flopping back through the portal, abandoning Tina to her fate... probably as snakelady fuckbait before checking in on Sheena's cell, wondering if Lynette was about to start the day or if they were still sleeping in. She knew Lynette had her own room, and Sheena her cell. it was Calista's responsibility to oversee things down here to make sure everything was fine.

Kylie meanwhile ate her meal and sat with Trilla, hearing out the request. Thinking about it, she sighed and rubbed her head. The hardest part about that was feeling alone. I'll help if Seraphina will Mistress. she said, sighing and rubbing her forehead, before leaning back in her chair and sticking out her tongue. You just wanted me mewing again.
she teased, before getting up and porting Trilla and herself back to the bedroom, the wardrobe still open. I'm ready Mistress. she said, kneeling down quietly at Trilla's feet and waiting for whatever she decided for the day.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Selara as it turned out, was actually not in the village, and Tina mentioned to Calista that she was in her new hometown village that was being built, helping to ensure that everyone displaced by the demon attack had a new home to live in. When Selara saw Calista and Tina, and was given the leash, she immediately grinned and bit her lip. "Oh do come back and play some with us, beautiful," Selara told Calista as she grinned, before tugging Tina over against her, and whistling for someone else to come over, where as Calista left, she heard Selara telling them to take over for a bit, that she was going to take a break.

Sheena meanwhile, Calista found was all bound up in her new bitch suit in her cell, a cat one similar to Kylie's white one from the sanctuary, though this one was pink to tease Sheena more. Lynette was in there, and had just finished getting Sheena into the thing it seemed and was pleased with the results and looks of it. "Ah lady Calista. What do you think of this suit? Too pink? Or perfect for our cute little Sheena?" Lynette asked curiously.


"Well that's good to hear, because I really think Sheena could use the help. And I also think that this would help build trust between her and yourself, so that she would start listening more to not just Lynette, but also you when you give her orders for her ranger job. And... I'll admit, you were adorable when you were meowing at me with everything," Trilla replied with a grin, petting Kylie on the head.

After porting back upstairs, Trilla started getting the outfit she wanted for Kylie out, going with a more simple one, and getting the dark midnight blue one back out that she'd used before in the sanctuary, or one just like it at least, and getting Kylie into it properly. "There we go. Now, let's head down to the dungeon Calista's got set up under the house that leads over to the guest house basement, and see how Sheena's doing. And I must say, this specific suit... was probably the best I put you in back in the sanctuary to be honest. The coloring, your body, just everything is practically perfect. Plus Lynette said go with a darker color," Trilla said after Kylie was all dressed up, licking her lips almost hungrily at the sight of her.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Calista, spotting Sheena in her own bitchsuit now, on her elbows and knees and well bound, but unmuzzled just yet, she looked it over. It was a simple piece, all a single sturdy piece. She hadn't earned slightly weaker parts like silk leggings yet it seemed. She walked around Sheena slowly and brushed her hands over it, before guiding her over onto her back, and ran her hand down her belly, giving her a firm rub. I'm sure you've already figured out that a suit like this... is nearly impossible to escape on your own without access to a sharp object set into a stationary space that you can also reach. So. My advice to you Sheena, and I'm serious. Resign yourself to it's limitations, and focus on learning how to move around, rather then being annoyed at it. Think like Kylie, think about the How, not the What, and you'll find it's easy. she told her softly, smiling up at Lynette. Honestly I think pink is a good color on her. I have a present for her and you if you wouldn't mind. she said, holding up a small golden bell, a match to Kylie's, simply gold instead of silver, or whatever silvery metal Kylie's was made of.
It's a similar and basic enchantment, you can hear her anywhere if you listen. she said, handing it to Lynette and then kissing Sheena. I have no doubt Kylie would not leave you to this alone. This is tough, follow her lead and like always, you'll do well.
And have faith in Lynette, trust her. She wont steer you wrong.
she told Sheena, before standing and hugging Lynette. Now you two crazy kids, I need to see in on Nanaya and Kalt. she said, moving off to their cell and simply opening it.

With a gesture Nanaya was free from the bitchsuit that was Kalt, and Kalt was free to move her own body again. You two? Are Free to do as you please with a couple rules for you Kalt. Low. Profile. Walk the Island, self defense only. The fairies are out, I can feel fey everywhere,
don't spook them, it would kill Kylie to watch them leave, she was overjoyed when they appeared. See you back here in the evening. I've already started building your new body Kalt, it'll take a week. Thank you for being patient.
she told them, hugging them both firmly.

Kylie, seeing the suit her Mistress picked out, nodded and offered herself, getting into it without any fuss and letting Trilla strap her in firmly without a single struggle or even protest, simply smiling and then brushing up against her when it was done. Reaching up, she brushed her earring to call for Seraphina. She knew the minx was around somewhere.So ...
We'll just do what Lynette and Sheena are doing Mistress? Or are you two planning on other stuff?
she asked curiously, clinging to Trilla's leg to port them down into the basement, still unsealed and ungemmed, behaving, perfectly, despite having full access to her power.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Sheena looked around towards Calista and nodded, but didn't speak since Lynette hadn't given her permission to speak. "Aye, I agree. She looks good in pink, with that tan I think. She really must take a lot of her off time to keep that tan as good as it is," Lynette said with a smirk, before looking back down at Sheena and smiling at her kindly. "And lady Calista's right my dear. Just follow Kylie's lead, assuming she agrees to help, and you'll be just fine," she went on to say to Sheena, petting her head and taking the little golden bell that was an almost exact replica of Kylie's and Sera's mythril ones, kneeling down to preparing to attach it to Sheena's collar, while Sheena sat there a little stiffly, looking worried, but she wasn't about to back down now that she'd come so far, and the prospect of having Kylie and Sera both there to help her along seemed to have helped fill her with hope that she'd be okay.

After Calista left them there and went to check on Nanaya and Kalt, with Lynette nodding to her and giving her a little wave, she saw Nanaya raise up as she was released. "O-Oh wow... the fairies? It's been so long since I've seen them. Kalt... come my love, let us go. And mistress Calista... thank you for helping to give Kalt a new body. Truly, I can't thank you enough," Nanaya replied with a joyous look on her face at the mention of the fairies, and returning the hug, and pulling Kalt into it as well.


Trilla took her time to make sure the suit was firmly on Kylie and that she wouldn't be uncomfortable any at all with it, and once it was on and she was fully strapped in, Trilla smiled down at her. "There we go my sweet. And basically yes, you and Sera are more there to keep Sheena company than anything, but we can still do some things too I suppose, unless Lynette was wanting either or both of you for specific things. I'm not entirely sure just quite yet to be perfectly honest," Trilla replied softly to Kylie, who called for Sera with her earring, and prepared to port them, though Trilla gestured to her to wait for a moment before they did, and went over to grab Sera's and Kylie's little mythril bells and their power sealing gems too just in case, like Kylie's and then nodded to Kylie to port them out to the basement.

"Ah, that's something I doubt I'll ever fully get used to to be honest. Just so weird," Trilla said, shuddering slightly and shaking her head, before taking Kylie's leash and leaning down to attach it, before she prepared to head on towards Calista's dungeon area, and Sera arrived a few seconds after they started towards the dungeon area. "Ah Sera, glad you could join us. And good, you already got yourself into your suit. Come here and let me do the straps," Trilla said proudly to Sera, who smiled and went down to her knees and awaited for Trilly to get her strapped into her royal purple colored suit, that had bound Sera up much like Kylie, though the design in the front was shaped like a spade, with a tiny bit underneath and in between her breasts, while the rest of the spade shape curved around her chest to expose both of her breasts, and it had two straps for either arm about two inches thick, with loops to slip a small padlock sewn to both sections where the straps would fit through to be locked into place, one around her upper arm, and one further down near the elbow to ensure that they remained in place and she couldn't slip free; her legs were fixed up with a larger wider strap for them, one about four inches wide that were about midway down her legs and locked similarly to the ones on her arms with a single wide loop meant to slip the straps through to lock firmly into place.

"Thank you mistress Trilla. And we're ready," Sera said with a pleasant little smile on her face, as she tilted her head back slightly for Trilla to put on the speech sealing gems.

"Alright, I'll ask you both this right now just in case. Should I seal your powers too, or would you rather not in case you need to get free for whatever reason?" Trilla asked the two.

"I won't deny the temptation to use mine would be great, so it might be best to put mine on. Though I'll admit, I think I could handle it at first, and... if I couldn't, then I'm willing to accept your punishment, mistress," Sera replied softly, being honest, as Trilla awaited Kylie's answer.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie yayyed and flopped at Sera when she saw her, hugging her leg for a bit before listening to them talk, just kind of squirming about a little and waiting for decisions to be made on things.

When she was asked if she needed to be sealed again she shook her head. I may need to leave in a hurry for one emergency or another.
You don't have to worry Mistress.
she said confidently, feeling a good deal better and prepared to confront herself rather then force the situation with a gem. Still, she tilted her head back for the speech gem ready to torment Sheena bit by bit, her tail squirming about playfully, before she hopped up on Sera and tickled her wings with it, giggling.

Waiting for her, she flopped over and wriggled playfully.

Calista meanwhile shamelessly went back to check on Myra, smiling like a chesire cat and wondering how to train the gorgeous and apparently pent up elf. She'd been Dripping with arousal the moment she'd come down here and was now spending that time writhing in bliss as she was used by the pod.

She was glad she already had a cell for her~ The tricky one would be Thessa... admittedly she'd like all 3 sisters as her pointy eared fuckslaves.... But Giselle already had Lysa. She pouted at that and decided she'd settle for 2 out of 3. Looking down as a Latex spider scuttled by with stolen bacon, she scooped it up. Go Capture Thessa, and Serena, and bring them both to the mushroom room. I want to have a chat with them both.
And go ahead and smack the mushrooms. More fun if they're impossible horny.
she told it, shooing it along with it's bacony prize still in hand.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Sera smiled back down at Kylie and knelt to return the hugs, before having Trilla get her fixed up properly and whatnot, kissing Kylie on the lips and looking genuinely happy to be with her. "Alright my sweet. I trust you completely to use your powers wisely. And I know that every good person on the island trusts you too," Trilla told Kylie proudly, her voice full of confidence in Kylie. "Also you two... try and help keep Sheena confident that she can manage this. Lynette's still worried that Sheena might slip away from her again if she pushes her Too hard. That's the main reason she wanted you to help with Sheena some, Kylie," she went on to say, petting Kylie on the head before putting the speech sealing gems onto the two.

"And also, I'll place my trust in both of you to keep yourselves in check and to not use your powers in the wrong ways. That way I don't need these gems," Trilla said, holding their power sealing gems in her right hand, and putting them in her pocket in a little pouch for the time being.


When Calista went to check up on Myra, she'd find that she was still in her pod, with one of the slime girls having remained there at all times throughout the night to make sure she was alright. Looking into Myra's pod, Calista could see she was heavily pregnant at the moment, with the tentacles inside slowly and gently fucking her still, making her writhe with ecstasy as she floated inside of the pod. As she scooped up one of the passing latex spiders that had a couple of pieces of bacon in its mouth, it looked curiously at her and seemed to understand her request and bounced a bit in her hand, and hopped down, where it practically sucked the bacon down and got up on its back 4 legs and waved its feeler ones in front around from side to side in the air at Calista, before it scurried off towards the other latex spiders.

Barely ten minutes later, Calista would find one of the latex spiders, the one she'd shooed off to begin with, flopping down on top of her head playfully, before it bounced off and waved its arms at her again, as if trying to get her attention to follow, as it squirted a single little strand of its latex silk onto Calista's left hand and gently pulled to get her to follow. When she arrived at the destination the latex spider was leading her to, Calista found Thessa and Serena both kneeling with their hands bound behind them tightly with latex rope, and they had crotch ropes running down between their legs that were attached behind them to the latex rope around their wrists, threaded through between their legs and up around their necks in a loose collar of sorts, so that anytime they squirmed around, it tugged gently on their slits via the latex ropes. They also both had one latex spider each plucking on the strings around their breasts, to tug on them and make them squirm and moan, their juices already flowing and dripping to the floor beneath them, thanks to both the spores and the ropes.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie wriggled some more until she saw Trilla getting her gem ready, flailing back over slowly before leaning back to make it easier, when it was on she mew'd pleasantly at Trilla before wriggling around in a slowly heavily bound circle. Alright, let's help the Sheena. She's probably losing her marbles already. Kylie mewled at Sera, sighing but chuckling. First day was easy, it was the second that was really hard when I had no one to talk to.

Calista meanwhile giggled as the Spider all but RUSHED off to do things, and 10 minutes later she had one bouncing on her head. Grabbing it, she snuggled it between her breasts for a moment, petting it, before it made a soft farty noise and attached a line to her wrist, Raising an eyebrow as it jumped down, she followed it to the mushroom room to find both elves bound on their knees, naked, and moaning as they squirmed, the mushrooms doing their evil job already.

Moaning softly as she saw them, she shook her head and laughed, reaching out to pet them. Walking back out, she whistled for one of the slimes to come chat before turning to the two elves. Mmmf, now isn't this a pretty site. I could just keep you both. You know Thessa, Lysa is the most well behaved little slave ever? I think she actually loves it.
In Emerald's sanctuary I mean. She did the best out of everyone... Serena... Kylie just constantly wants to ask you to join her in sexual servitude but she's nervous.
she said, reaching down to grope their breasts gently, fingers toying with their nipples. Mmm,
I think I may just have to keep you... First one to say yes to being my sex slave gets out of this room and gets to cum their brains out~
she said, brushing her tail over their thighs slowly.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Most likely, from everything I've seen thus far of her anyway," Sera replied with a mew herself. "And yeah, believe me I know the feeling. Having nobody to talk to was definitely the hardest part of it all when I had the thing on the first time," Sera went on to say with a nod and another meow.


After finding Serena and Thessa bound up like they were, and whistling for one of them, a slime girl appeared moments later and bowed politely to her. "My lady. You called?" the slime girl said to Calista, rising back up.

"L-Lysa is like that with them, b-because she loves Kylie, a-and Giselle so much," Thessa panted and moaned softly to Calista, wiggling her hips back and forth as she looked up at the demoness.

"W-Why would she be nervous around me? I mean... George has fucked us completely silly together before, and ever since Ashera came around and then left, every girl in town has had to suffer from having a higher libido," Serena asked Calista, almost incredulously.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Calista laughed at Thessa and Serena's answers. I know!
I was there! For all of it! I'm a shard honeys. Of Kylie. I'm just the more wicked and unrestrained part of her... We all have a little evil in us, Hers is purple and has a name.
she said, giggling madly for a moment, seeming very amused.
Honestly girls, either way this is fun for me, and Serena...
I KNOW it's fun for you. Thessa, you're as pent up as Myra was and she's taking care of that in the other room right now. She Volunteered, before you get all angry. Kylie loves you both to pieces, you'll find that girls has a lot of empty space in her heart that needs filling and bit by bit she fills it here.
I can't stick around forever like she can, but I know two delicious delightful horny elves when I see them. How about it, care to give it a spin?
she asked, grinning and licking her lips, brushing the tip of her tail along Serena's slit slowly, teasing her clit.I mean, I have some very fun toys here as well. she added, sighing. Only way I suppose you would believe me is if I told you something only she would know, like how Serena made her wedding ring and how it was enchanted to be irremovable save by her or Giselle, and to always make them aware of where they were and how they were feeling.
Or that Thessa, Lysa, and Myra all met her in the beehive. Lysa first,
laying her eggs, before you all enjoyed a good long breeding.
she said offhandedly, winking at them playfully, her tail moving to Thessa and slipping into her ever so slightly.

Meanwhile Kylie just giggled and followed behind her Mistress.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"A-And that name is Calista, I take it?" Thessa asked, shifting around in her bindings, which only made them dig into her crotch even more making her moan in response.

"A-Alright, just... m-make me cum goddammit. And... I don't want anything permanent either, if you can help it either, please," Serena panted in frustration, as she tried to purposely grind the silken strap against her folds to pleasure herself as much as she could.


After a couple of minutes, the group made their way down to find Lynette already ready with Sheena in her cell, rubbing her head gently as she sat there at Lynette's feet. When she saw Kylie, Sheena meowed towards her. "This is so weird. Nobody can understand me!" Sheena whined cutely at Kylie.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mmmm, Yes it is~ When Kylie was Made... I was a drifting soul, a remnant of a demonic queen who was shuffled into the mix to make sure she never got to high and mighty~ An Angel was added to the mix as well hahaha. All good things come to an end though and we're taking our leave because she doesn't need us anymore~ Calista said cheerfully, continuing to tease and play for a bit even as Serena just gave up in exchange for a chance to cum.
Come along then~ Nothing Permanent. Let's see. After a Week of being my playthings and pets, you can decide if you want to stay like that for Kylie, or give it all up. Sound Fair~? she asked, eyes flashing as a bargain was near to being struck. Her Tail had stayed on and slightly in Thessa, starting to edge into her very, very slowly, not nearly enough for her to cum.

As she did this a pair of leather collars burning with red runes slid into the air and settled in her open hands. 7 Days, No Pain,
Nothing permanent done. Just your complete servitude and obedience as sexual slaves for my pleasure for a week of training. Do we have a deal~?
she said, making sure the terms of the demonic contract were clear, unseen by both girls, a small spade starting to swirl onto their skin, black as night, just above their tailbones, Calista's personal tramp stamp.

Kylie meanwhile giggled brightly and nodded, mewling back. It is a bit strange, and frustrating. But don't pay attention to us, pay attention to Lynette.
We're here to make sure you don't feel alone or abandoned. This is tough if you don't keep your eyes on your Mistress. She's going to teach you signs and gestures so you can still follow her commands.
Kylie mowed at her, her own voice coming out as a little high and excited, squirming against Trilla's leg, looking up at her and tugging a little at her leash, Meeeoww~? she asked, trying to gently move towards Sheena, asking permission. To Sera and Sheena it was just a rather adorable Pweeeeeeeeese
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"So an angel and a demon huh. Bet you two had lots of fun stuck together then," Thessa replied sarcastically with a chuckle.

"F-Fuck it, fine, I said yes already dammit. Just so long as it doesn't interfere with my work," Serena said, panting heavily and her cheeks flushed so pink with arousal that it was obvious she could barely think straight.

"A-Alright, yes... j-just make me cum too... please," Thessa said after a bit more teasing, giving in as well from the looks of it and finally letting her body be used as Calista's plaything for the time being.


"W-Well Lynette said to pay attention to her before she put it on, b-but to pay attention to both of you as well at least somewhat, so I get the general idea of how this is supposed to work a-and stuff. Gods this is so embarrassing," Sheena replied, looking around at the two of them again before Kylie meowed up at Trilla, who smiled and gestured for her to go on over to Sheena if she liked, while Sera giggled at Kylie, and started to move over with her, at Trilla's gesture. Sera then nuzzled up against Sheena a couple of times, while Kylie was free to do so as well if she liked.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mmmf, Sheena, you should Always pay attention to me somewhat~ Kylie said, moving over when she got the go ahead. As Sera nuzzled up against her, Kylie moved behind her before simply mounting her, climbing up onto her back and gripping her sides with her bound up arms, her tail turning and thrusting into Sheena swiftly, Kylie mowing excitedly and grinning as she did, licking the back of Sheena's neck while she pounded her with her tail.

As both Thessa and Serena agreed to her terms, Calista's tramp stamp pulsed onto their skin and the pair of leather collars shot forward, slapping around their necks. The designs were simple... in appearance only. The thin leather was black, while the runes were obviously abyssal curling and twisting, an enchantment meant only to hold those inside to their agreement, like a living contract. The mechanism for closing them however was Not Simple.

The square looking buckle shot around and then together, before twisting like a deadbolt, while 17 different clicks were heard as interdimensional locks sealed the mechanism in place, along with the dretch leather they were made of.

Smiling at them, Calista turned to the spiders and one by one kissed them on their goofy little heads, before she left just long enough to get a pair of chain leashes like the ones she'd used on Sora and Lilliana just last night, both locked to her wrist by a cuff. Clipping them to their collars, she helped them stand, and moved them over to two of the three empty cells, the other obviously meant for Myra and unused right now.

Thessa got hers first, and the first thing Calista did was move to the table, shifting through it's options before she got to the toy collection. Picking up a wide ball gag with a full face harness, rather then Maria's more simple design, she moved behind Thessa and pulled it into place, thrusting her tail sharply up into the elf's cunny to force her to gasp or moan and open her mouth, before pulling the gag sharply into place, and closing the pair of belt like buckles, before slipping a small padlock through them. Moving to the wall, she took the rail chain, and replaced the leash she was using with it, anchoring Thessa to the wall slot and limiting her to her cell for now. She made good on her word however as she hit the button on the table, drawing up the bead machine with it's open saddle and raised bar.
If you want to cum, get on. she said simply, urging her up onto the saddle of the device and tearing the latex binding her, before locking her wrists above her in the shackles hanging there, and strapping her thighs and ankles to the saddle. Moving over, she started the machine, pulling the wide beads through her folds from the front so each pressed against her clit, lubricant pulsing along the beads to help. After that was done, she simply left her there, locking the cell on the way out and taking Serena to her own. I'll be training you both separately to start. No complaints. she said, retrieving an identical ball gag for Serena from the toys, and using the same cheap trick to get it on, ruthlessly tail fucking her pussy until she opened her mouth, before pulling the straps over her face and locking them, the wide ball muffling her protests.

Nodding as that was finished, she brought up the sybian with it's angled toy the same one Trilla had given Kylie as a reward, with it's two knots, and vibration changes the deeper it was, before lifting Serena up onto the table, and locking her collar to the small post on the front, keeping her chest down, while she pulled her hips back, and adjusted the sybian, strapping her ankles down to the table and her thighs to the saddle, sliding the toy just to her slick entrance, a gentle twitching causing it to tease her. If she pushed down, it would hum a little more powerfully the lower she got, and if she took the wide knot at the base like a good breeder elf slut, it would vibrate powerfully. There we are, Cum. she told her, tugging her arms behind her back, and locking proper steel shackles around her wrists, locking them with only a single chain link between them, before dripping lube over her tight pucker. I know you like tentacles almost as much as Tina. You'll enjoy this I think she said, sliding a gem off her dress, and pressing it to the small of Serena's back, the gem melding to her skin, before a long, thick, purple tendril grew from above her ass, turned, and thrust into her pucker, taking her as deep as she took the toy, and fucking her hard if she held still for too long.

She finally moved to lock the thick rail chain to Serena's collar and removed her own leash, before sitting to watch her. Mmm, you know this was one of Kylie's darkest fantasies? To see you like this? She only had a couple darker ones... and the one right after this? Was being right next to you while it happened, in the exact, same, situation. she told Serena, spreading her legs in front of the enchantresses' eyes, baring her dripping folds, while her own tail curled up and brushed along the demon's folds, before slowly slipping into herself and thrusting, masturbating slowly while she watched Serena struggle with the insidious sybian and it's knotted toy, and the thick tendril that would fuck her ass in time with her motions on that toy in her slick folds.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Of course I pay attention to you Kylie. You're my best friend pretty much," Sheena replied, giggling softly as she felt Kylie jump up over top of her, and moaning as she felt Kylie's tail inside of her.

"Alright now, get ready Sheena. I think Lynette's about to start," Sera said after a few moments, smiling as she nodded towards Lynette.

Sheena nodded and looked up to her mistress, making sure to pay close attention to Lynette as she sat there. Lynette gently snapped her fingers and pointed at her feet from a few feet away. "If you don't know what That signal means, then there's no hope for you at all Sheena," Sera commented.

"I... I get that one. But you two will help me on the rest, w-won't you?" Sheena said, looking quite timid as she crawled over to Lynette's feet and sat properly.

"Good girl," Lynette said softly, petting Sheena's head. "Now... every time you get a command right, you get rewarded. Every time you get one wrong repeatedly, you get punished. Simple really," Lynette went on to say, even though Sheena couldn't Really understand her, but Kylie knew from her experience with Trilla what was likely being said.


Thessa and Serena both gasped at the feel of Calista's tramp stamps being printed on their butts, or close enough to their butts as makes no difference really. The two watched as the leashes were clipped to their collars, and Calista led the two over towards their respective cells where they were locked in place inside the cells. She opened her mouth for the ball gag that was brought by Calista without the need for the tail thrust into her cunny unless Calista just wanted to do it, and let it be put in without a fuss, and the moment all of her leathers and whatnot were strapped and locked into place by Calista and she was told that if she wished to cum then to climb on, Thessa mounted the saddle thing and started rocking her hips slowly.

Serena was next, and she had to do the tail in the pussy trick for her, because she didn't want the thing on, but quickly submitted to letting it be put on when she knew it was the only way to get her relief. Serena whimpered softly, but didn't resist or struggle any further than that really, and obediently let Calista put her on the table and fix her leash up to it. The moment her hips were down on the sybian, Serena started shaking them back and forth, as she sank her hips down as far as she could, enjoying the vibration. She wriggled around again as she felt her arms pulled behind her back and chained up. Feeling the lube dripping down between her ass cheeks, Serena gasped as the tentacle gem melded to her skin and the tentacle that came out pushed into her tight little ass. Serena started bucking her hips back and forth, even as Calista sat down and thrust her tail into her own pussy, after she attached the rail chain to Serena's collar, leaving her thrashing around like crazy from the pleasure, her toes curling as she bounced hard and fast on the sybian to try and cum.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Calista chuckled as Serena resisted the gag at first, using her tail to get it into place with a giggle afterwards and a little pinch on her ass before getting her set up.

Seeing her go absolutely crazy with lust and pleasure on the sybian however, she just smiled, teasing herself for a moment, before pulling her tail free and licking it clean. Mmmf, you are fun to watch, but you'll be more pliable when you're exhausted. Honestly if I kept you longer then the agreed upon week Kylie would probably murder me. So. I suppose you're entirely safe in that regard. I'm not like Emerald, I don't really enjoy a great deal of denial, but make no mistake, I wont hesitate to lock you in chastity if you're a defiant little pain in my ass. Good Sluts get to enjoy themselves Far more often~ she said, leaning down to kiss Serena on the cheek, before moving back to Thessa's cell, locking Serena away for her Hour of pleasure.

She had been pleased when Thessa had taken a far more controlled approach to her release bound to the ball machine then Serena's wild self fuckings, and enjoyed watching her move, speeding up the ball machine a little more to make sure if she tried, she could certainly cum. Honestly, after Myra agreed to be my pod breeder for a couple days, and I thought about Lysa, I really couldn't resist trying to grab you. You've managed to avoid Kylie and Giselle's bed for a couple Years,
I think because you don't want to get between them and Lysa but I'm telling you that's insane. Or it's because honestly you don't love them like she does.
Regardless you do enjoy pleasure just like both your sisters. You'll be next in the Pod after Myra comes out later this evening, I know you enjoy a good breeding, and Liliana and Sora will be joining you on seeding tables for you to watch while you're in there. I will miss this place when I leave, but I can't stay, I'm an evil wretch and eventually I'll go to far, best to enjoy my short time and leave to return to my own stronghold once I'm done. Do your best to truly enjoy the week, I already Am.
she whispered to her, her hand sliding down to toy with her clit steadily, her lips brushing Thessa's ear with every word. Cum For Me... Right Now... I want to hear and feel it... she whispered lustily, her voice deep and hungry for that pleasure as her other hand brushed up and down her exposed side.

Meanwhile, back with the others, Kylie flopped off of Sheena when she got her first command, simply turning to pay attention to her own Mistress, moving preemptively to her side and looking up at her, watching Sheena. We'll help you figure it out if you get punished, but we wont do too much. Pay Close Attention, you can get them all. Treat them like Ranger Hand Signs. Kylie told her, sitting calmly next to Trilla and waiting patiently, her tail drifting back and forth slowly.
The hardest part to remember is not to pay too much attention to her voice, because you can't understand her. Just listen to the tone, pay attention to her face to get her mood, and watch her hands to figure out what she wants. As helpless as you are right now, if she's not happy, you Wont Be. Kylie told her seriously, sharing that lesson that she didn't need to even be warned about to get, her time blindfolded had made that more then clear enough.