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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Heh, yes you did say that sweetie, I admit," Giselle said as she walked over to her seat, sitting down and taking a drink of her alcohol.

"Well you know that they allow you to spear fish around if you want to. That stand over there you can grab a harpoon to go do it," Angela said when Kylie shouted out that they needed to kill another kraken, pointing over at the place in question where there were several long harpoons for people to use.

"Do you want to go spear fishing hon?" Giselle asked curiously.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I'mma get me a fish! Kylie said rather suddenly, like her brain was having trouble firing it's two currently on shift cells, jumping up and dashing over to get a spear, Giselle probably thinking she was Completely fucking insane at the moment. Giselle was also the family spear wielder though so she was either semi interested, or wanted to watch Kylie fail at stabbing something.

Either way, she got her spear, paying any fee if there was one, and then, rather then doing it the right way, and diving into the surface, she was, much to the annoyance of Giselle because it wasn't safe, and likewise semi amazement of everyone else who hadn't seen this trick yet, Sprinting openly across the water like a fucking Gazelle, string backed swimsuit hugging her body tightly as she looked down for fish like a cat while she ran.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle didn't say anything to Kylie about her sudden burst of energy and merely sat there and let Kylie do whatever she liked. Tina decided to follow her out though and went with her to get a harpoon. There was no fee for renting one, merely signing a paper slip and such to let them know whoever had it. "I like this longer heavier one myself," Tina said as she picked out the largest and heaviest harpoon there.

Tina ran out to the water with Kylie and stared at her with bewilderment as Kylie sprinted across the open water. She scoffed and looked a little miffed, likely because she couldn't do that even with all her raw strength. Kylie nearly tripped over a swimmer's head as he broke the surface from diving underwater, but managed to jump over him and rolled. Tina meanwhile dove into the water and went under while Kylie stood on the ocean water as if it were topped with ice and she were ice fishing like a fucking Eskimo.

She would spot a few smaller fish near the surface while she ran across the water, so she could go after them if she liked.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie continued to avoid getting wet in any meaningful sense in the middle of the ocean without any land to stand on for several long moments while she waited for Tina to swim out and meet her, at which point she flopped into the water with all the grace of a drunken swan, sputtering and gasping as the cold water finally hit her.

I dun want a little fish, we have spears. Let's get something that will actually fit on it. she said, treading water, before turning upside down and kicking into the water properly.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The water wasn't exactly cold when Kylie dropped into it, though it was surprisingly cool despite the quite warm summer day. Tina waited for Kylie to ready herself and handed her a little clamp to go over her nose to help keep it closed so no water managed to get in while they were underwater. "Ready when you are, and no these small fry aren't what we want. I heard a few spear fishers saying earlier while you and Giselle were fooling around probably that there's tuna that come quite close to the shore at a specific little area known as the Blue Hole. So, let's see if we can find it," Tina said, swimming out in the general direction she was told it was at.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Oooo, ok. Also. Blue hole? After my time with you all? That sounds rapey. Just saying. she said, laughing before swimming after Tina to find the Blue Hole. Why was the Blue Hole a thing? Why was it Blue? Was it's Hole Holy? Or Whole? NO ONE KNEW THE ANSWER!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Heh, yeah it kinda does now that I think about it," Tina said as they swam along.

They soon arrived at a part of the ocean that was a much deeper blue than the rest. It was rounded and looking down Kylie could see it looked much like a very deep crater. The edges of it were only a good twenty to thirty feet down at most, but there was no way to be sure just how deep the hole itself was. "I guess that's why they call it the Blue Hole," Tina commented as she looked down.

Underneath them, Kylie could see fish of many different species swimming around. The deeper down she looked, the larger the silhouettes became, and she could tell that there were indeed some larger tuna beneath them.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Yup, Only one problem, I can hold my breath for a couple minutes, which is good for a human, No idea what a Siren can do and I didn't bring any of my usual potions. So. Don't Drown. she said simply, Hyperventilating for several moments to increase the time, before diving down and swimming hard, looking for something suitable to stab.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"We can hold our breath a while too, don't worry about me," Tina replied, taking a deep breath and submerging herself in the ocean.

Tina swam down with Kylie following close behind. After they got to the edges of the Blue Hole, Tina motioned Kylie to go fish for whatever she wanted. Kylie saw Tina going after what looked like a tuna, a rather large one in fact. Kylie meanwhile found a larger squid swimming about, though one that would be easily speared, cleaned, and cooked to eat. There were other fish in the sea though as they say, so it was up to her if she wished to go deeper to look for more, or skim the upper ares of the Blue Hole, and there were smaller underwater caverns as well.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Spotting the squid, Kylie saw the tentacles and immediately feared for Tina's sanity. But then she spotted the caverns and catfaced. There was better stuff down there, besides she had no idea how to cook a squid. If she was being honest... There wasn't much she knew about that would be super interesting to Hunt per se, but there was a ton she would love to just see, and she wound up propelling herself down passed the squid towards one of the caverns, looking for an air bubble that would let her stay down in the Blue Hole so she could look around.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Going down, Kylie saw one of the small caverns as she left the squid be for now, and decided to go into it. Going into the cavern, Kylie saw a few fish swimming in and out of it, and a ways inside not long before she had to think about getting back, she found an air pocket. It wasn't much, but enough for her head to break the surface and catch her breath at least.

While she was catching her breath, Kylie felt something tickling her toes and when she looked down she saw tiny little fish nibbling on them. When she was ready to move on, Kylie could go further in through the cavern, and she'd spot more air pockets along the way. On the bottom of the inside of the cavern, Kylie saw clams galore, a few being open with large shiny pearls in them. She remembered that she'd gotten a net to stuff anything she caught that the guy had given her when she got her harpoon earlier, so she could use it to collect some if she wanted.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The only thing Kylie wanted in the net really was Maria or Giselle for some kinky fun, Nets were fun. Buuuuut underwater. Seeing she could head further in, she did so, scooping up pearls as she went. There was no real reason a clam NEEDED the pearl, as far as she knew it was just a byproduct.

But it was bouncing between air pockets and collecting pearls for now, why? because pearls were awesome, and worth more then fish, and though she knew she'd have trouble running out of money? More couldn't hurt.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The first pearl Kylie grabbed, the clam tried to clamp down on her fingers, but she was able to force it open with her knife. As she moved along and collected pearls, Kylie soon came to the end of the cavern, having managed a total of fifteen pearls so far. Just as she was about to turn around and head back, she saw a trio of clams that were closed. They were easy enough to open however, and inside the first two she found a black pearl. In the last one she found a pink pearl, which was larger than the others she'd found thus far.

After collecting them, Kylie had to go for air and in her rush to get back to the nearest air pocket, she saw a sea turtle swim past, bumping its shell into her side. The weight of it nearly knocked what little air she had left out of her, but she managed to get back to the surface just in time.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Sucking in air from the air pocket just in time, Kylie fished the black and pink pearls out, and put them into the bag on her belt, not the bag of holding, just in case, the normal pearls resting in the net now tied to that weapon belt tightly.

But she'd gotten quite a bit out of this cavern and headed back out to get some proper surface air and check on Tina.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Heading up, she saw Tina tangling with a squid, a much larger one than the one Kylie had passed on her way in. It had her left arm grabbed and her right leg, and Kylie could see Tina's cheeks were flushed a bit, but she was holding firm against it. Just before Kylie could get to her though, Tina managed to save herself as she skewered the thing on her harpoon.

Kylie could see the tension in Tina's body, and she looked like she was about to heave a sigh of relief that she had managed to win this struggle. Tina's net had a couple of tuna in it that looked like they were about ten pounds each, and the squid here looked like it was about twice that. Tina motioned to Kylie to head up with her as she kicked upwards, where as soon as they broke the surface, Tina gasped and sucked in air.

"Holy shit that was close. Sorry little bastard. Oh you're getting eaten for damn sure," Tina growled at the squid skewered on her harpoon.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie rushed to help, before seeing that Tina was good. Once they were above water, and Tina was showing her kills, Kylie dove back under only to shoot back above the water and pull herself to the surface, shaking herself off as she stood there, before pointing at her own net. Can't eat these~ she said, grinning widely.

AND! no one got raped in the Blue Hole. win win she said, starting to walk back. It was easier then swimming, and she'd be mostly dry by the time they hit the beach.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"No you can't eat pearls, though I don't think they'd taste good even if you could," Tina said with a chuckle. "And you smartass," Tina said as Kylie jumped up onto the water's surface.

"Yeah, I thought that bastard was going to try something fishy, and I don't mean to mean to make that bad pun," Tina said with a facepalm.

Tina had to of course swim, so it took her a couple of minutes to get back to shore. When they got back, Tina hoisted the net up onto her back and carried the skewered squid on her harpoon and headed up to their area and sat down to take a good look at them before she took the smaller of the tuna to clean it up while Giselle readied them a little fire to cook some of them up.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

While Tina set about doing fish things, Kylie instead started to sort through her pearls, including the more valuable set in her smaller pouch, setting them gently in the sand to take a better look.

Confirmed. Tina's a better fisherman. I only caught treasure. she said, shrugging. Still wanting to know where Maria had gotten off to. She was likely within 5 feet and Kylie was just a putz, but whatever.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Sitting down to look at her pearls she confiscated from the clams in the Blue Hole, Kylie counted a total of nineteen altogether, with two being black, and one being pink. Looking to her left, Kylie saw Maria sitting in a chair about ten feet away, wearing a very skimpy pink two piece bikini. Maria was sunbathing, and Giselle was watching her, looking a little disappointed about something as she got their fire started and the cooking utensils laid out.

Tina meanwhile took the smaller tuna off to clean it, carrying a knife to do so and coming back after a few minutes with several cuts of the fish. Delilah had gone to grab them a few vegetables from the nearby market stalls that were set up near the beach, and by the time everyone was back to their little area, they had a nice lunch ready to be cooked.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, seeing Giselle disappointed, immediately scooped up her shinies and went to find out way, getting her attention by dropping the pink pearl into her lap.

What's the matter love? Have a shiny rock? she asked, sitting down next to her and immediately plotting revenge for whatever Maria had done to disappoint her fiancé.