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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Almost as if reading Kylie's mind, a tentacle moved in as Giselle was cumming hard and opened up at the tip of it and descended down over her shaft, letting her seed spurt into it. This sent Giselle into orbit as her eyes rolled up into her head and she arched back until she was laying fully back against the many tentacles bracing her. By the end of that orgasm, Kylie could see that Giselle looked completely fucked silly again, her cheeks red, her chest heaving in the aftermath of such a powerful climax, and a couple of fairly large bulges going up the length of the tentacle to show just how much cum had filled it and was being swallowed down it.

Kylie meanwhile was in an orgasmic high after the second climax struck her, the euphoric feeling completely shutting her mind down of pretty much anything save her ability to squirm, moan, squeal, and cum. As the third and fourth eggs came, Kylie lost count altogether, the pleasure overwhelming her too greatly for her to even try to keep count of anything save the amount of times she reached her peak. By the time Kylie's last egg came out, she was nearly unconscious from the intensity of the pleasure.

"There you go girls. Rest now, I'm sure you need it after all that. And here... drink," the brunette scylla told Kylie and Giselle as she laid the two down next to each other on the bedding against a mass of her tentacles, where she then gently tipped a cup of water against each of their lips to drink.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie just rode it out, squirming and enjoying herself since she was too far gone to do anything else at the time.

When her wits came back to her a bit, she drank from whatever was being offered to her... water it seemed, and leaned in against Giselle, who had to work double duty to satisfy whatever cockhungry tentacle and kept her from making a mess all over the floor.

It seemed she was here to recover a bit and rest just a bit more with another nap, and then they could get headed back without too much trouble.. maybe... hopefully. The other option was that this was all a trap and they were about to be glued to some wall to be permanent incubators. She was sure she'd find out when she woke up.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle wasn't far behind Kylie as the young human went back to sleep for a quick nap, feeling Giselle snuggle up behind her with her now limp dick placed perfectly in between her buttcheeks. Though before they both conked back out, Kylie saw Giselle down her cup of water and then a second one.

"Mmm, I love you Kylie. That was... really intense," Giselle murmured in Kylie's ear, sounding quite happy, albeit tired.


They woke again an hour later, with Giselle pulling Kylie up close and kissing her neck and giving it a little nibble. Kylie could feel one of Giselle's hands creeping up where it groped her breast as they lay there, the scylla seemingly not noticing they were awake again just yet as she doted over the eggs. Giselle winked at Kylie and reached over just past her, grabbing a small pebble, where she smirked and tossed it over at the brunette scylla and tapped her on the back of the head with it before shutting her eyes again real quick and acted as if she were asleep with Kylie.

"What the? Who did that?" the brunette asked, looking around quickly.

"Who did what sis? You imagining things again?" the redheaded one asked with a giggle.

"No something hit my head. Come on, which one of you was it?" the brunette replied.

Giselle couldn't keep her voice down any longer as she started giggling. The brunette scylla looked down after a few moments and noticed her giggling and moved over with a suspicious look on her face. "You little devil. You did huh. Well... looks like you need to be... punished!" the brunette scylla said as several small tentacles darted out and tickled Giselle, a couple going for Kylie until Giselle rolled away from her, squirming like mad to keep her from tickling so much.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie smiled as Giselle's light teasing brought her around, murmuring softly as she opened her eyes and kissed Giselle gently, certainly not minding anything that was going on. Though... Giselle was up to something ridiculous.

Watching, Kylie had to hide her own giggles as well as she caught on to the game, and doing a fair bit better since she wasn't discovered as an unwilling accomplice to this most dastardly of plots.

As Giselle squirmed and giggled under the tickling, Kylie propped herself up a bit and just watched, chuckling and shaking her head. It was like they'd swapped personalities during the egg laying, and it was amusing.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"NOOO! Stop it... please..." was all Giselle was able to utter as she was tickled into oblivion, her laughter filling the whole chamber with both of the other scyllas watching along with their egg bearers in amusement, all of whom seemed to have given birth themselves.

The tickle fight finally stopped when Giselle managed to wrap her legs around several of the tentacles and wrap her arms around them to keep them from doing anything. However the brunette scylla reached around with other tentacles and it began anew for only a few seconds until she stopped, leaving Giselle completely out of breath as she lay there panting.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. I surrender, I can't beat those tentacles in a wrestling match," Giselle said as she panted.

"Are you two rested? If you like, I can take you back to where I caught you both now. I want to keep you both here, but my sisters say I can't, or rather shouldn't," the brunette scylla asked Kylie and Giselle.

Giselle looked over at Kylie with a smile and nodded to her, basically giving Kylie the choice of if they should stay and rest some more or head on out to get back home before the others started getting really worried.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Yes, it's time to head back home ourselves, we were only supposed to be gone for a fishing outing, I'm sure someone is getting curious as to where we've gone by now. Kylie said, shaking her head as she continued to chuckle at Giselle's expense.

Standing stretching, Kylie wandered over to the edge of the cavern, waiting for her ride with her arm over Giselle. Besides, I'd hate to see someone laying on the ground bleeding after fiddling with my weapons...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well Delilah and Tina are probably just thinking that I wanted a little getaway with you. And I think your things will be alright, surely. Not many people know about my little fishing spot back there, so it ought to be alright," Giselle said as they awaited the scylla to prepare to take them home.

It took another couple of minutes, but they were soon ready to go, with Kylie and Giselle both being scooped up in tentacles and the ones over their mouths and noses to let them breathe under the water. "Want to take the scenic route you two? Look at the reef up close and whatnot as we go by. Nothing usually tries to attack a scylla really, so you shouldn't need to worry too much about that," the brunette asked them both curiously.

Giselle looked over at Kylie and shrugged, leaving it to her to decide, but the brunette scylla didn't seem like she'd force them to go if they didn't wish.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Who knows. Kylie answered, before getting ready to depart, breathing through the odd tentacle.

As she was asked about a scenic route, she paused for a moment before shaking her head. Dry land would be nice, along with her stuff, she didn't feel right leaving it out there unattended for too long.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Very well then. Let's go girls. Just hold on tight and we'll be back before you know it," the brunette scylla said before diving into the water with the pair, a few tentacles coiling around them both to make sure she didn't lose them.

They swam through the water quite quickly Kylie saw. Only about five to ten minutes passed before they reached the rocks they'd been pulled in from. The brunette scylla surfaced and propelled them over to the shore and set them on the rocks. "There you go ladies. Don't be strangers now you hear. I'd really love another fun time with you both. That was... amazing," the brunette scylla told Kylie and Giselle, giving both a kiss on the lips before slipping a tentacle under each of their butts and giving them both boosts up to where they'd been fishing from.

When they reached the top of the rocks, Kylie saw her gear was all still there, albeit a bit strewn about. "Oh hey, almost forgot. Hang on here for a couple of minutes okay, I'll be right back," the brunette scylla called up to them before splashing back into the water and darting off.

She returned a couple of minutes later as she'd said, in which time Giselle helped Kylie round up all of her things as well as her own. They'd just gotten through putting their clothes back on when the scylla returned. "Here you go girls. Sorry I couldn't get you another snapper, but this barracuda is bigger than your last one. So it ought to make up for it I think," the brunette scylla said to them, pulling herself up to the edge of the rocks and with one tentacle passing an even larger barracuda to Giselle.

"Oh... thank you hon. I appreciate that. And... I'll send Tina down here sometime soon, so just keep a watch out for her around noon or so over the next couple of weeks," Giselle replied, leaning down and kissing the brunette scylla on the cheek in thanks for the larger fish.

With that, the scylla smiled at them and winked before pushing herself hard off of the rocks, landing in the water with a large splash that nearly sprayed all the way up to Kylie and Giselle. "Well sweetie. Wanna head back now? I think we had a full fun day," Giselle said to Kylie, looking over at her as she carried the bigger fish over one shoulder and held her spear in the other hand, passing Kylie the fishing rods and the rest of the stuff they'd brought.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie just shook her head and chuckled as they were set back up, riding the tentacles back to their perch where she immediately set about ignoring the Scylla and getting her gear back on and in place. Everything was hear, though a little tits up and over the place, but once it was all on, and she was dressed, she felt a bit better. She was glad the skirt hadn't torn.

As the Scylla came back with a new fish, Kylie laughed and tossed down her panties to the Scylla as a keep sake. Yea, Tina should be around, and putty in your hands. Have fun. she called, enjoying the breeze on her nethers and being back on dry land.

Carrying the poles while Giselle set about carrying the fish and her spear, Kylie nodded. Yea... you could say that. The day was certainly full, and so were we. in a multitude of ways. Not sure what else to do with it other then send Wraith after Maria and maybe go digging around the jungle at night again, see what else I can round up.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The scylla caught Kylie's panties and immediately pulled them up to her face and sniffed, winking up at her as she put the panties on her head and dove down into the water as she blew them a kiss. After that they set off as Giselle listened to Kylie while they walked.

"Hmm, you sure you wanna go out at night again? I wouldn't mind going with you tomorrow to hunt something if you like," Giselle asked curiously, with a slightly worried look on her face about Kylie going out at night to hunt again. "And maybe give Maria until tomorrow before you go get her, or rather send someone to go and get her. That way it's not so fresh in her mind," she added.


A short while later, they arrived at the town gates and nodded to the trio on guard at the moment. Making their way back home, they quickly found Tina laying on the ground just in front of the house cackling like mad. As they got closer, Kylie and Giselle saw that she was being swarmed by little lamias, her brood to be exact. They were slipping down her shirt in between her breasts, down in her panties, a couple were suckling on her breasts for milk, and Selara sat coiled up a few feet away just watching with a smile on her face, laughing at the scene.

"Well sis, looks like you really got swarmed by them this time huh," Giselle said as they got up next to them, a smirk on her face.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie could only cover her face at the insane display as they walked up on tina and her current problem, the attentions of her brood.

It was hilarious actually...

Laughing, Kylie just nodded and turned to Giselle, probably for the best on both counts, but I may still head out tonight if I get the urge. I mean, we Slept ALL day today inbetween our little adventure. she pointed out, stretching a bit.

Besides, there's still a ton of stuff to see on this island for me and I bet a bunch of it only comes out at night, it'd be a shame to waste the opportunity. As for Maria, yea... give her another day. Kylie mused, scooping up a tiny Lamia from Tina's cleavage and setting her on her shoulder.

Are you guys giving Mom a hard time? she asked the assembled tiny snake army, the same little Lamia she'd nearly corrupted last time with her antics perched on her shoulder.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmm, that's true honey. But I just worry about you is all when you go out at night," Giselle said softly.

The little lamia Kylie scooped up giggled and held onto Kylie's hair while the rest swarmed Tina some more, giggling up a storm. "Say yes, you are giving mommy a tough time. But mommy wouldn't have it any other way," Tina said, looking like she loved the attention and let them all keep going, keeping them out of the crotch of her panties.

"Well, look what we got sis," Giselle said, showing the barracuda, with Tina smiling at her.

"Nice... go cook it now and get these little ones some good food to fill their little bellies with," Tina said before gently sweeping the little ones off so that she could raise up to sit.

Giselle went on inside, letting Kylie do whatever she liked now that they were home again as she went to clean and cut the fish.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie just giggled at the display, setting the little Lamia back down when they'd gotten inside proper and Giselle headed off to cook the fish. It seemed that her trophy was ready as well, all mounted up and ready to go.

Hoisting up the Wyvern head, which was now every bit as fucking big as she remembered, she stuck her tongue out at it before hanging it up right in the living room, looking at the door, all fearsome and stuff. Cos Wyvern. And then she headed downstairs to wade into the onslaught of squidlets that immediately assaulted her with hugs and coins they were chewing on, and whatever other trouble they could get into as she made her way towards Bob, and just flopped against him.

Hey buddy. How's the family doin? she asked, hugging the gargantuan Darkmantle affectionately while the little ones buzzed around.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When she got back into the house, Kylie saw her wyvern head already in there, ready to be hung. The little lamia slithered up into the wyvern's mouth before Kylie picked it up and hung it on the wall where she wanted it, hanging from its teeth with her little hands and looking like its tongue. When Kylie inevitably pulled her down and set herb back on the floor, she giggled again and slithered off through the house.

Heading downstairs, Kylie flopped into the gold piles where she was soon swarmed by a quartet of the little darkmantles who all snuggled against her, Wraith being the one in the lead. Bob looked happy to see her, a couple of his tentacles inching for Kylie's crotch. When Bob's tentacles got near Kylie's pussy however he stopped and pulled them away with an almost scandalous look in his big eye as he gave Kylie a little spank on her rump.

After that he lifted up a large piece of leather that was just laying over the gold, where the rest of the little darkmantles were all huddled up asleep, answering Kylie's question of how things were going.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Oooo, they're so cute! Kylie said quietly as she was shown the little sleeping darkmantles, though she giggled when Bob started to flirt only to swat her on the ass.

Yea, I got caught by a Scylla on the coast. I could have done without honestly. she explained, lounging on the gold and taking the time to cuddle the little quartet that had come to greet her, Wraith getting the prime real estate in her breasts.

Still, it wasn't all bad, we got some good fish. Next time, i'll take you and the little ones out to go fishing with us, I bet you're better at it, I only caught a barracuda. she continued, flipping a coin over her fingers idly. All the little Lamia are out and about too, when the little ones wake up, they should all play, it should be fun, Tina could use the break.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Bob gave Kylie a look that seemed a bit like he was jealous that he hadn't gotten to put his eggs into her, but he didn't seem angry about it. Wraith meanwhile along with the rest of the little darkmantles that were awake were watching Kylie's coin flipping skills with much joy it seemed. One tentatively reached out to touch Kylie's boob that Wraith wasn't perched on, but pulled back slightly, seeming almost scared to try while Wraith was there.

Bob seemed satisfied that Kylie said she'd take him with her next time, but he still gave her butt another swat before tickling her folds since her panties were on the head of a horny young scylla. He didn't try to do anything, seeming to figure she'd had enough sex for now from the scylla, but he did brush his tentacle across her petals and flicked her clit playfully as he drew it back.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie laughed before drawing the little darkmantle to her unoccupied breast, continuing to flip the coin across her fingers, grinning as Bob swatted her ass again. His next action got her to drop the coin however as she bit her lip, moaning softly as one of his tendrils teased her folds, having forgotten her panties were missing, and Bob was likely pleased if he noticed how quickly she slickened at his touch, her mind already swiftly bringing up memories of her fun with the Darkmantle.

She groaned as he drew back, gasping softly as he teased her clit before pulling back, her body at the very least disappointed he hadn't taken the obvious advantage, that part of her wanting him to do what he wanted without asking or considering... it sent shivers down her spine and her slit clenched slightly around nothing as she drew in a shaky breath, but she didn't draw away from him or move.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Bob was indeed pleased, or at least looked like he was pleased anyway. It was obvious that if Kylie wanted to, then Bob would fuck her sillier than she'd ever been fucked before. But he didn't do so for now, seeming content to let Kylie know that he could take her whenever he wished. The other small darkmantle going for her tit though seemed to get less scared when Kylie drew him in to plop down onto it, looking quite happy he could get there.

"Hey Kylie, bring me up some potatoes please, and some carrots, onions, and tomatoes. I'm going to shish-kebab this fish with some other stuff on the grill for us," Giselle called downstairs to Kylie before anything else could happen.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie grinned down at the little Darkmantle on her other breast, moaning very softly and rolling her hips for Bob's teasing tendril, before reaching down to wrap her fingers around it and just start pushing it up into her, before Giselle's voice caught her attention, her petals pulling around the head of the tendril in a hungry, needy fashion as she groaned.

Standing, she rolled her hips against it again, slowly, moaning as she pushed it up into her fully, before starting to grab what Giselle asked for to help with her cooking. She wanted the fuck Badly... but... Giselle... and fish.