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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie took the flower, Hope continuing to surprise her, the little alraune apparently having been hiding how much she had learned to say until Kylie was around to say it to. Putting the flower in her hair, Kylie slapped a heartfelt smile on her face and kissed Hope's little nose as she was shoo'ed up into the tree to play.

Nodding silently at Ayane, Kylie got ready to go, not making any move to remove Hope's last desperate hug as she leaned in. Mama loves you to Little One. Now be a good girl while I go work some things out. I'll be back before too long, I promise. Kylie whispered, nuzzling the small Alraune before they turned to leave proper, and found themselves looking at something that had Kylie trying very hard to stifle a laugh.


As they made the edge of the grove, and saw what had become of the situation, the reds spread apart, and Sheila stoically being molested, Kylie couldn't help it, she started giggling, before moving to "rescue" the red alraune from the tempting embrace of her friend. Shooing the tendrils away, Kylie took the end of one of the darkmantles tendrils, and ran her tongue along the length. Behave you, and I'll make sure you get all of that you want tonight. She said, releasing the tendril before turning to the reds.

I appreciate it, I also appreciate you putting up with his... ahem. Affections, for this long, that was kind of you, really I'm impressed no one took him up on his offer for a tumble, I'll never be able to doubt your sense of duty and that's the gods honest truth Kylie told Sheila, her eyes twinkling with mischief. Still, best we be on our way before you can be tempted further. That just wouldn't do. Kylie added before scrambling up onto the darkmantle, and getting ready to head out towards Hazel.

If Sheila had nothing to keep them, apart from an amusing story about their friend that Kylie would certainly listen to, she'd head out with Giselle. Did you hear little Hope!? Kylie finally said after maybe 5 minutes of floating around, Kylie's face split with a wide and giddy smile, leaning in to bury her face in her lovers neck as she cooed happily. Now I'm gonna have to spend all my time in the Grove just to be near her! ALLLL The time! Kylie continued in a rush, already pining a little about having to leave her seemingly suddenly adopted daughter behind and of half a mind to turn this rape squid around right here and head back!

Still, she had this business to handle, and it needed to be handled. But Kylie would make a serious attempt to be out to the Grove every day to see her and play with her, and to learn more about the Alraune themselves, especially if she was going to be raising one.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Ah yes, he was... affectionate to say the least. I won't say that I wasn't tempted to... have fun, but I mustn't, we reds aren't supposed to do such things and indulge in... to put it bluntly we aren't supposed to indulge in sex until we're older than eighteen, because we grow much faster than any of the other alraune and physically and mentally mature around seven or eight years old give or take. I am sixteen myself and have been a full village guard for us for... nearly seven years now," Sheila said as Kylie was helped back up onto her mount by Giselle, the red alraune blushing as her cheeks turned pink while Giselle patted the darkmantle's side, to which he coiled a tentacle around her arm and gently squeezed. "So I may be a breeder once my guard time is complete, but not before. Though... give me a couple of more years and I may have taken him up on his offer for some fun," Sheila added as Giselle hopped up behind Kylie and kissed her on the cheek.

As Giselle and Kylie rode along back towards the village, Giselle giggled when Kylie said what she did about Hope talking and stuff. "Heh, yes I heard her sweetie. How could I miss it? Gods I hope when we have a baby that she's as cute as Hope is, though with such a beautiful mother I don't see how she couldn't be as cute as Hope. But you don't have to move to the grove, because she'll be living with us all the time anyway once the house is built, which they sent word earlier that the building materials were starting to arrive at the building site this morning, all of the stuff from around here anyway at least. He said that they'll go ahead and set the foundation first so that when the rest gets here they'll be ready to begin, I almost forgot to tell you," Giselle said as they went along towards their current abode.

Making their way back to the house, it would be relatively easy to get the darkmantle down into the basement once more, without anyone seeing him of course. "Hey you know what... he needs a name I think," Giselle said as she closed the doors of the basement and locked them up, where she hid the key in the hiding spot from earlier. "Maybe... Bob," Giselle said, pausing for about 5 seconds before bursting out laughing at her suggestion of a name for the darkmantle. "Anyway though for real, where you wanna go now? To get something to snack on or what?" Giselle went on to ask Kylie.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie perked up, not speaking on the manner of the house, though the good mood made her smile, though Giselle's comment about Kylie being beautiful, and having their own children made Kylie blush right up to her ears. As they approached the house, kylie kept listening, before finally speaking up, Giselle's suggestion for a name simply too amusing for Kylie's stoic act to hold up any longer. Bwhahaha, Yes he does, Bob it is! RapeSquid!? I dub thee Sir Bob! She cried out, still laughing loudly as they got Bob ushered back into the basement.

I'm headed towards Hazel, just to get all this sorted out, because me and her still need to talk. And I'm not much in the mood to eat right now, I'll pick up something later. Kylie said in answer to Hazel's question, stretching her back a little and starting to plod off. You're welcome to come along, though... there may be some things said that me and Hazel can't share, though i'm not entirely sure on that count.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Sure I don't mind coming with, and I guess Bob he is then," Giselle said, giggling as Kylie decided that Bob was going to be the darkmantle's new name as she ushered him down into the basement. "That sounds good, would probably be a good idea to go and talk to her about things. I mean Ayane's words earlier make me more curious about her and who she is exactly, I mean for all I know about her, there's probably ten times more that I don't know. I wonder how much she'll tell us you know," Giselle added, pretty much letting Kylie know that she planned on coming with her, if only to sate her own curiosity.

Giselle slipped an arm around Kylie and supported her as they made their way towards the temple Hazel mentioned earlier that morning. It took them a few minutes, as the temple was a little ways to the north, though still inside of the walls of the town, which seemed to extend quite far northward. As they approached the temple, the saw a dressed in the robes of a priestess standing in front of the gates, sweeping the path of leaves and keeping it clean, as it had a fence that went all the way around the place that extended out and up the hillside out of sight. When they got to the gate, the young woman that was sweeping the pathway noticed them, as she heard the gate creak and turned to see what the sound was.

"Oh... hello there. Are you miss Kylie? Lady Hazel said that you'd be coming here today most likely... or rather that a human woman with a siren would be coming here and that the human's name was Kylie. She's in the hot spring right now, behind the temple and up the hillside some if you want to go see her, you can't miss it really, just head up to the steam at the top of the hill," the girl cheerfully said, bowing to the two of them politely, seeming very well mannered. "Oh yes, I forgot... I'm Aya, welcome to our temple," the girl said, introducing herself and welcoming Kylie and Giselle to the temple. She didn't follow them as they went on further towards the temple proper.

When they came closer to the temple itself, they saw another looking priestess sweeping the front porch of the temple. Her priestess robes were a little wet with either sweat or water from somewhere, making them see through to the point that you could easily see her quite large breasts. "Oh welcome to our temple, I am Amara the head priestess here. I must say that we don't really get sirens here very often. Please come inside and rest if you wish, I can see that you are about to burst and your back must be sore from carrying," the older priestess said in a polite manner as she bowed just like Aya had at the gates, introducing herself as the head priestess of the place as she gestured for Kylie to come inside to rest. Aya from before was obviously human from the looks of her, and while Amara here seemed human as well, she had an air about her that made her feel as if she were a little more than a human, it was hard to place, but Kylie would have the sense that Amara wasn't human exactly, despite looking like she was.

"Well I suppose you could stay here if you want while I go and get Hazel, that way you don't gotta walk up that hill," Giselle offered to Kylie.

"Well regardless you may pass through here to go up the hill if you wish, so please come on inside," Amara said, gesturing for them to follow her as she entered the temple.

Giselle shrugged her shoulders as she looked over at Kylie and followed Amara inside, holding Kylie's hand as she did and leading her along. Once they got to the back porch of the temple, Kylie would see a little ways ahead at the base of the hill a small waterfall was pouring off the hilltop over a small ledge. At the bottom of the waterfall sat on a rock, looking deep in meditation as she sat there, the cool waters pouring down over her naked body as she sat meditating. In her lap was an unsheathed beautifully and expertly crafted katana. Kylie would catch Giselle staring at the beautiful naked priestess as she sat meditating under the waterfall, but Giselle shook herself out of her daze quick enough if prodded by her lover.

"Sorry bout that, she's really pretty. I'll go get Hazel, hang on," Giselle said as she shook her head, bounding off up the path on the hill towards the top.

"Yes, Maria has that effect on people when she meditates, even me sometimes, as she's very beautiful," Amara said with a giggle at Giselle's words before she went on. the head priestess then pulled a chair over for Kylie and gestured for her to sit. "Please, sit with me young one, you must be tired to have come all the way here like that," Amara said, sitting beside Kylie after helping her to sit, gesturing at Kylie's belly.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie walked with Giselle, smiling softly and leaning into the siren as they wandered through the town, Kylie taking the time to wave at the people she recognized, becoming more familiar here as they made their way towards the temple. Of course, they encountered a hill, the temple was on the hill, and therefore, the trip was UPHill. What started as a nice, simple walk through the town, turned into a grueling, muttering Bitch fest as Kylie grumbled about gravity in general, her back and feet hurting, and to be honest, Kylie making a silent vow to STAY IN BED when she was pregnant with her own children. Or something..... Or perhaps she would see if they could make an incubator for any more critter eggs, she enjoyed that way too much...

But the trip uphill was limited by it's very nature, and soon enough, they found themselves entering the temple, and being greeted by a spasstic but cute priestess who wasted no time in pointing out where they were supposed to go, knowing who they were, and immediately going right back to her sweeping, Kylie simply nodding in return, and continuing on with slightly raised eyebrows. Nice to meet you Aya, and of course she's in the spring. Kylie muttered, walking up stairs, which were actually worse then hills.

Once up the stairs, Kylie met her second priestess, who wasn't human. Kylie wasn't sure how she knew that, only that she did, and it raised her hackles for a moment, before the wet shirted, large breasted, priestess commented on her bulging midriff, and offered her a place to rest for a moment. I would appreciate that, and yes, I am near to bursting, Also, your tits are Enormous. lemme guess, Succubus? Kylie said, a sly little catfaced smile coming across her face, Kylie already knowing she was going to get in trouble here somehow, and determined to make her visit memorable at the very least.

I'm not sorry that I'm irreverant, but I will apologize for being a little rude, it's just who I am Kylie said, smiling and tilting her head to the side, until Giselle and Kylie spotted the third women they'd seen in the last 5 minutes, and where Giselle was struck dumb by the spectacle, Kylie once again grew whiskers. Part of being as jaded as Kylie was, was that you were rarely impressed by much, and were far more likely to do something simply to see what would happen.

While Giselle was offering to go get Hazel, and staring at the nude woman meditating on the stone, Kylie had already pulled her vanishing act. With surprising stealth and agility, Kylie had started slinking down the hill, already several yards ahead of Amara and Giselle, before either of them had a chance to spot the pregnant Kylie sneaking down the hill, all thoughts of rest driven from her mind as she made her way towards the meditating girl, heading not straight towards her, but a little farther down the stream.

Slipping into the water, Kylie slid upstream slowly but surely, smiling to herself and having to make the conscious effort NOT to giggle as she got closer and closer to her goal... There she was, Kylie was within touching distance now.... She could feel the water splashing against her now soaked clothing, the sound of the waterfall hiding her movement, until she was right up behind to the woman...

What happened next was up to the so called... Maria... Because Kylie stood up, and threw her arms out, screaming at the top of her lungs OOOGA BOOGA BOOGA!!!!!
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Nice to meet you too, be careful with that belly alright, and holler if you need me," Aya called to the pair as they went on past her, her accent sounding faintly countrified.


"Hmhm, and why would you think I'm a succubus young one," Amara said with a giggle. "How about I show you while your friend goes and gets Hazel hmm," Amara added, giggling again, in a slightly naughty tone.

As Giselle bounded off, without even noticing that Kylie was gone, her cheeks flushed a little as she stared at the priestess under the waterfall some more, the cool water pouring onto her causing her nipples to perk up fully. Kylie would see that Amara had turned around to speak to her again, only to notice that she'd disappeared from sight. "Ah... well now where did she go," Amara said, looking around just inside of the temple to see if she had gone back inside, giving Kylie free rein to sneak out to the one Amara and named Maria.

As Kylie slipped closer and closer to Maria under the waterfall, she'd feel that the water was quite cool against her body, though the sunlight shining down upon them kept her from getting too cool. When she got close enough to touch the meditating Maria, Kylie would see her large chest rising and falling softly as she breathed, the alluring sight of her chest almost mesmerizing her. Now that Kylie was close enough, she could see that the woman had pale slightly milky white skin, her pink nipples fully erect from the cool water falling upon her, her long shining silky black hair dripping wet, a silver bellybutton ring with a silver chain going around her waist, the gemstone in the ring being a pearl cut into the shape of the crescent moon, and she had the small dangly earrings that had pearls set in them of the same shape, and lastly Kylie would see as she passed a piercing for the girl's clitoris as well, yet another pearl fixed into it in the shape of a crescent moon, though this stone was much smaller than the bellybutton one and about half the size of the earring pearls.

When Kylie hopped up and screamed out like she did, flailing her arms about, Maria jumped in fright as she let out a cute squeal of terror, though that lasted for merely a split second as she took the handle of her katana and spun around to the right, rising to her feet in the process as her long silky black hair whipped around and threw water in Kylie's eyes in the process as she swung her katana at nearly full strength, likely scaring Kylie a little. Maria stopped just short of Kylie's neck though, about half a foot or so, having an extremely steady hand as she gave Kylie a mixed look of fright, embarrassment, and a slight bit of anger.

"Who are you to disturb my meditations in such a manner? Have you no respect for the sacred places?" Maria asked Kylie, her teeth showing in anger a little bit at her meditations being disturbed, where Kylie would see a pair of fangs like those of a vampire. "Tell me, why have you disturbed my meditation?" Maria asked again, less angry than before as she lowered her katana
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Huh, Scion? Celestial? I'm not sure, but so far, every rediculously large chested woman I've met has either been a nymph, or a succubus, or sporting additional fluffy bits. So... Succubus was simply my first and best guess! Kylie said to Amara, smiling warmly before seeing about her sneak attack on Maria.


Kylie, her catlike stealth and sense of mischief winning the day, eeped herself as Maria went from acting adorable to swinging a sword, though she'd half expected it, and fell over backwards, laughing loudly as she flopped down into the water. Ahhhh hahahahaha, Who am I? I'm a guest! My name is Kylie, and it was a personal Joy to remind you that the real world exists! By the way, you have an ADORABLE voice Kylie said, still giggling madly as she tried to stand up, and immediately offered her hand to Maria, ignoring the blade, except to reach out, and tap it with a single finger swiftly, causing a very small bead of blood to blossom on the wet blade. Draw a blade as perfect as that one, honor it with blood, your enemies, or your own. Kylie said, still smiling as the blood shimmered crimson on the blade for a moment, before the water quickly washed it away, leaving Kylie sucking on her fingertip as she still waited for that handshake.

Honestly, I saw you here meditating, and my fiancee was just so captivated with the sight, that I HAD to act like a 6 year old, and scare the crap out of you. Kylie said, grinning and still smiling. I'm actually here to see Hazel, but again... I'm a trouble maker and couldn't help myself. Honestly though, I think if our positions were reversed, and you didn't do what I just did? I'd be angry at you for letting me waste a perfectly good day. All respect to your customs and all, but look? It's beautiful out here! Besides, I enjoy meeting new people, and now I'm quite certain you'll never forget me! Kylie giggled, making a point not to blatantly admire the girls beauty, her eyes either on Maria's own, or looking around, though it was hard not to admire the jewelry.

Please, tell me a little about yourself, and I'll persuade Hazel to spill the beans on me. I'm sure I'll be a village scandal before too long.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I see... well please refrain from scaring me like that the next time please, I was meditating here for a reason, as I must protect our fair shrine and temple here. It is a sacred place to all on the island and many pilgrimage to this place when in need of guidance," Maria said in reply to Kylie as Kylie touched her blade, cutting her finger on it a little and allowing the blood to run down Maria's blade. "Indeed miss Kylie, I do honor it greatly. I am Maria by the way, Maria Sangriella," Maria added, waiting for Kylie to stop the blood from her finger where she then took her hand and shook it.

Maria gestured at a rock near the one she'd been sitting on that was a little larger and not under the waterfall directly, sitting on it then patting a place beside her, so they didn't get soaked any more from the waterfall. After Kylie sat down with Maria and told her the rest, Maria nodded and was about to speak again when they heard the pattering of feet behind them and Maria turned to look, with Kylie doing so as well most likely to see who it was coming towards them. It was Amara and yet running towards them, Amara's large breasts bouncing and jiggling under her robe while the other priestess's tits did the same, though a bit less so than Amara's were of course.

"What happened Maria? Ah, Kylie... here you are. What's happened?" Amara asked as she and the other priestess came closer and saw Kylie and Maria sitting there together.

"Ah nothing miss Amara, just a little scare is all. Kylie here snuck up on me whilst I meditated and scared me. All is fine," Maria said, not sounding angry any longer about the scare, though she was still blushing a little bit that she'd been scared in the first place.

"You... you shouldn't disturb our meditations like that, it could anger the gods and the spirits," the new priestess said in a slightly aggravated and lecturing tone.

"Now Yuki, there's no need to get angry over it, she meant no real harm, and she's here for a purpose, to see Hazel," Amara said, calming the new girl named Yuki down, who immediately calmed and bowed her her to Amara.

"Please miss Amara, forgive me for my outburst. I forgot my charm inside, I shall go and get it," Yuki said, retreating back into the temple to fetch said charm.

"It's alright Yuki, go and fetch it then continue with your chores please," Amara said to Yuki as she retreated to the temple, then she turned to Kylie. "Now you're all drenched Kylie, I hope it was worth it at least, come we need to get you out of those wet clothes to dry off now. Maria can you help her up and inside while I get some towels for you both and some robes for her to wear?" Amara said, turning to go back inside the temple herself.

"Aye I can, don't worry. Come along Kylie, careful now the rocks can be slippery if you aren't careful," Maria said, helping Kylie across a series of rocks to the water's edge, where she sheathed her sword in the bamboo sheath that was laying there, then she grabbed her towel that was laying there on a rock at the water's edge and wrapped it around Kylie, wrapping an arm around her to support her as they walked back to the temple. "Lady Hazel has taken a great interest in you it seems, as she rarely invites people directly to the temple itself to speak with her," she added as they went back into the temple.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie sat down with Maria after shaking her hand, not minding the water one little bit. It's a pleasure to meet you. And just because you asked nicely... I'll consider not bothering you too often, but in.... O dear, seems my babysitters have figured out where I am. Kylie said, being interrupted by the arrivals and grinning widely.

Kylie waved at Amara and the newcomer, and nodded as Maria explained what had happened, though Yuki's reaction had her snorting and giggling again. Something like that? Anger the Gods? I'm not one to put that much stock in faith, but even I have to think the Gods would have a sense of humor. More to the point, perhaps my intervention was fated? Or perhaps it's slightly arrogant to think that such small actions would garner the attention of the divine on my part. I sincerely doubt it. Kylie said, unable to hide her grin and sticking her tongue out a little like a disobedient child at Yuki.

Looking at Amara, Kylie just grinned again. It most certainly was! I met Maria here, and got a laugh, I'm sure you'll all find reason to chuckle a little later, life's too damned short to not have fun anyway.

At the offer for dry clothes, Kylie looked down at her own, now soaking wet, and actually sighing happily, the cool water had felt heavenly on her sore back and feet. Smiling at Maria in a heartfelt manner, Kylie accepted her help in getting up and around, though she refused the towel. That's yours, and honestly, I'm enjoying the water, it's a pain to walk around like this, thank you though. As for me and Hazel? Apparently we go way back, much farther back then I had realized myself, so now... now it's time to clear the air a little between us. I'd rather you folks be informed as well but I'll assume Hazel has had a reason not to so far. Maybe another time we can have a story session. But honestly? I see so many potential training partners here... it's like a gold mine. Kylie said laughing as they walked.

Once back inside, Kylie would flop down and look at the sky, waiting for the robes and towels, and get changed quickly without the slightest hint of modesty while they waited for Hazel. Soo, what's the deal with this temple? it kind of reminds me a little of my old home, though... cleaner, not underground, and a lot less crowded. Helena said, remembering her time with Cosimo and the others, before so many assignments had sent her wandering, and eventually landed her here.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Maria simply walked along with Kylie and listened to her talk as they went, nodding respectfully to her as she wrapped the towel around herself, the glint of silver on the girl's nipples now able to be seen since the water wasn't running over her and obscuring them so much and now that her hair was blocking them somewhat. She had nipple piercings as well it seemed, also with the pearl crescent moon shaped stones on dangly piercings. As she wrapped her towel on around her, Kylie would see Maria take a small silver chain that was wrapped around her sheath and attach it to either of the nipple piercings, connecting the two now.

"Don't be so hard on Yuki, she can get... a bit angry at times when it comes to the temple, and yes you should put some stock in the gods and the spirits, else they wouldn't have guided you to our lovely temple here, plus they give us the strength with which to do battle with the dangers of the island and elsewhere, so it's good to show respect to them. Also most of us can fight in some way or another, miss Amara actually is nearly equal in power to lady Hazel in fact, just of a different sort of power as her's is more divine, while lady Hazel's power is more chaotic because she's a sorceress," Maria said as they walked, appearing to be a little displeased with Kylie's views on the gods and whatnot, though she didn't sound angry or anything and continued helping her along back to the temple.

When Maria and Kylie got back inside the temple, Maria helpd Kylie to flop back onto her back so she didn't hurt herself, where they then waited for Amara for a minute or so to return with the fresh clothes and towels. Amara came back with a couple of fresh clean robes for herself and Kylie, where her and Maria helped Kylie to get her wet clothes off to get dried off, with Amara giggling slightly at her asking about the temple. "Well Kylie, this temple is to the goddess Sehanine, the goddess of love. She is the main goddess here because she is the primary patron of Crimea, and since we're a colony of Crimea... well you get the idea I think. And I... am more than just a high priestess of this temple," Amara said to Kylie in response to her question about the temple, where she stepped back and pulled the tie on her robes and let them fall open, where she slipped them off. Kylie saw that she still looked just like a human, though she had a radiance about her, then suddenly, a pair of white wings erupted from behind her back, spreading out beautifully. "I am an angel of Pelor, Sehanine is my secondary patron whom I serve just as faithfully as I do my lord Pelor," Amara added once her wings were out fully, her beautiful radiance possibly leaving Kylie awestruck for a few moments.

They helped Kylie into the clean robes after that, where Amara then slipped into her own clean ones. "We take very good care of this temple, as it was built upon this hill that was shown to Crimea's matriarch in a dream. It is extremely sacred ground that no demon or undead may enter, so if you ever need peace and quiet, this is the place to come," Amara said as she slipped her new clean robes on, which had slits fixed into it for her wings to slide through. Once she had her clean robes on now her wings flapped lazily as she sat down, while Maria got her robes on as well. A minute later Yuki entered, bearing a tray with four teacups on it and a small pot of tea, the tea was green tea Kylie could tell, just from the aroma it gave off.

"Here I brought some tea for everyone," Yuki said, sounding much more calm, cool, and collected than she had earlier, though she wasn't devoid of emotion like Kylie might have suspected from her charm that she was now wearing around her neck. The priestesses all took a cup and poured some tea, then Yuki got a cup for Kylie to have. "Please forgive my rudeness earlier," Yuki added, bowing her head slightly to Kylie.
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie chuckled softly as Maria explained her views on things, nodding While in this temple... Maybe I shall. But if I view anything in balance... I've seen a little good... and a whole lot of evil. Though a recent miracle has me rethinking things. Kylie answered, her mind drifting to Hope, and the incident before...

Shaking her head clear, Kylie was grateful for the help in lying down, and while they had were getting dressed, Kylie got her answer as to the mystery of Amara, though the impulse to hiss like a cat and hide behind Maria at the mention of Pelor was hard to fight down, Kylie's only memories of that gods so called "Servants" being paladins and clerics that had made her life a nightmare when it came to her targets. Trying to hurt a paladin was like trying to punch a hole in a mountain, all that infuriating armor, and not once, had she ever, met a servant of Pelor who had approved of her, and her families methods in dealing with the worlds problems, many quite happy to kill her first and interrogate her later, which she knew was quite possible....

Swallowing hard, Kylie shrugged the tension away, and nodded. So a Celestial then, I wasn't far off. Seems while I'm here on this island, I'm going to have to let go of a lot of old thoughts and habits. You're fellow followers do not take kindly to people of my vocation Amara... Kylie said quietly, looking her in the eye as she pulled on the robe, and let the hostility that had threatened to boil up, go completely, exercising self control. She was a guest here, to Hazel's friends, and if what Hazel had told her was true, then Kylie owed her that much and more. Apologies... Were we to compare my life, and the ways of this temple, I assure you it would be night and day in most cases. I should be more polite.

As Yuki entered with Tea, Kylie took the offered drink, and sipped it slowly, pondering these people she'd just met, and the odd variety. Maria wasn't the normal priestess, not by a mile, Yuki needed self control help from a charm, and Amara was apparently as strong as Hazel was. And Kylie was sure she hadn't been down the whole rabbit hole yet. This was all getting very interesting very quickly, and the priestesses would see Kylie's carefree nature slough away for the harder woman underneath.

If NO undead can enter here, than this is extremely fortunate. Though... Dealing in absolutes is never wise. You may as well all stick around and listen in on My own, and Hazel's conversation, that way none of you will be in the dark, and prudence be damned. Speaking of, Giselle and Hazel are certainly taking their time. As for the gods... I do not know what to think on that count, nor do I think I'll ever figure it out. I don't care how prosperity comes about, only that it does, nor do I care how dirty my hands have to get to make sure it happens. That's just my way. My unpredictable nature is simply part of who I am, and this leaves me in an interesting situation as I sit here in this temple with you. And I suspect much of what happens from here on will depend on Hazel, Myself, and the difference I can make here on this island while remaining as discreet to the outside world as possible. Though Hazel my botch that, or myself. Gods above and below, I'm rambling. Forgive me. Kylie said, unable to get comfortable here right away, caught too off guard by a lot of things, and still unsure in many ways. Though she was trying to explain herself as best she could.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"My fellow followers would care not one way or the other so long as you are only taking care of evil through means of your trade. You are from the order of the Steel Rose are you not? Yet you know next to nothing about its founding. Would it surprise you to know that followers of Sehanine and the Raven Queen were the original founders, save one who followed none of the gods really until around the time of your order's founding. Sehanine, Avandra, the Raven Queen all have worshipers in your order, a few even serve Pelor, Ioun, and even Lolth since the sundering was ended a couple of centuries ago," Amara said as she sipped her tea, not worried about the other two priestesses overhearing them talk. "I forgot though that you come from a land that is... a little overzealous like Adravan back in Midgar. Crimea, Archanea, Ellyria, Dorrach and most of the others are a bit more, how should I say... civilized in a sense that while our religious sects are devout, they aren't so zealous in their actions that they would murder someone just because of what they do. Archanea has many servants of Pelor that are just as practical as you and I, as he is one of their primary patrons along with Sehanine and Erathis, so not all of his servants are silly like that," Amara added, taking another sip of her tea.

"Well it isn't that no demons or undead can enter here period Kylie, it's merely that if they do then they'll have to deal with the priestesses afterwards, who can feel when something of the sort is nearby because of the magical wards around the fences, and they are all fairly strong considering," Hazel's voice came from the doorway.

Looking over at the door, Kylie would see Hazel standing there with Giselle, Hazel naked as the day she was born and dripping wet with a towel around her shoulders. "I honestly didn't expect you to come until later tonight at the earliest, more likely tomorrow morning is when I expected you," Hazel said as she and Giselle came in.

"Ah auntie Hazel, you're back. I hope the springs relaxed you like you wanted," Amara said, smiling up at Hazel from where she sat.

"Yes they did Amara, but I could use some nice refreshing tea, and Giselle probably could too," Hazel said, gesturing at Giselle as well upon mentioning the tea.

"Ah lady Hazel, let me get you a cup as well, forgive me," Yuki said, going to get Hazel and Giselle both a glass for some tea.

"Thank you Yuki," Hazel said to Yuki as she got up and went off to fetch the teacups. Hazel sat down next to Kylie, not caring about her nakedness any at all as she smiled at her. "How are you feeling? Better somewhat I hope after this morning, though I suppose I can understand how you might not be. Now Kylie, I'm sure you have questions for me, and I'll do my best to answer any that I can for you, so go ahead whenever you're ready," Hazel went on to say after thanking the young and now mellowed out priestess returned with her teacup, handing one to Giselle also where they both got some tea for themselves as Yuki went off to make another pot of the stuff for them all.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie raised her eyebrows at Amara's statements, still not entirely sure, but letting it go for now, because there was nothing silly about a madman with a greatsword. Actually... that could get quite silly, depending on where said man was swinging, like a chickencoop... Smiling at the fond memory for a moment, Kylie nodded. Yea... Not much one for religion, and no, History wasn't all that high on my class schedule for my placement in the order. Funny how things like that are so easily forgotten in times of immediate crisis. As for the Raven Queen... Not surprised, at all. Pelor? Kinda. Though I certainly don't remember anyone in the order quietly praying and carrying around golden suns.

Kylie looked up as Hazel spoke, her gaze darkening for a moment. That clears up that question, but we'll need a better plan then that considering we know who, and what, is coming, and that's just the bare minimum if this problem is as bad as you say it is, I was just a damned child, I certainly don't know myself... And as for feeling better... Lets not go there for now. Kylie said grimly, shuddering at the memory before shaking her head and continuing.

As for questions, lets just get right to the practical. Where is Cosimo, and did he leave any more orders, or am I just supposed to float around here and do what I wish. I'm fine with this being some kind of protective arrangement, and I have no problems staying here for the long term obviously, but that man is infuriatingly cryptic. I get sent out here on some kind of apparent bullshit mission that puts me in your care or overwatch almost directly, and it's almost entirely screwed because no one bothered to tell me. Then there's you, some apparently confusing figure that has her hands in everything, then there's the women I met after my brother died, and I've half a mind now to take Giselle, Hope, and anyone else who'd like to join me, and hide in the mines like a hermit! Since I can't do anything myself it seems. Priestesses and Gods and Abominations and Wars and somehow I'm smack in the fucking middle without a clue! Kylie started, picking up more steam, and more annoyance as she went, feeling as if she'd been entirely duped by people she'd trusted, and dumped in the hands of someone else!

If you're all so powerful, why are you all here, on a remote island and colony of Crimea, rather then involved directly, then there's the others hiding on thrones! Hazel! Do me a favor! I ever decide to sit on a damned cushion all day rather then lift a finger to help myself, kill me and be done with it! Kylie finished, not sure if she'd asked questions, or just gone on a Tirade! But passed grief and straight on to anger, and she had every right! Hazel had already admitted to not being a match for the Atropal before, and certainly wasn't now if it was still around and gathering power as it hunted, then Kylie had Hope, and her soon to be family to consider as well! Something she would have never ever dreamed of doing had she known any of this, yet Hazel had let her ignorantly traipse along as if it didn't matter!

I'm angry, I have no reason not to be angry, and not just with you, but Cosimo, Gestalt, everyone who went to such great lengths to keep me in the dark, and now I'm confused and angry, because despite how badly I want to just dive across this room and scream my frustrations, I really just want to sit in the dark, curl up, and wait for it all to pass, or to ask about my family, a family that for years I had NO IDEA HAD EVER EXISTED!! SAVE MY BROTHER! And Fuck him to! Never telling me himself! and... And... Kylie had finally run out of steam, her momentum was fast fading and she found her vision starting to blur with the hot salt of fresh tears as she tried to make coherent thoughts out of blurred images and painful memories, the brunt of everything she still didn't completely understand tearing at her, before she fell silent, her gaze in her lap, rather then proudly into Hazel's eyes as was normal for her, her hand reaching out to take Giselle's to steady herself.

Why Hazel...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie began to speak again when Hazel told her to go ahead and ask anything she wished to, the succubus sat there and let Kylie talk... and talk, and talk, never once speaking and interrupting her in the slightest and allowing her to spill her heart out to her. She sat there and sipped her tea until Kylie was through speaking. Giselle meanwhile scooted over next to Kylie and took her lover's hand, holding it tightly as she spoke and reached out for her.

"Kylie... sweetie... (sighs)... we all know that you were just a child at the time, you... you've got to understand though that we had literally no other way to bring you out of the shock you were in other than to seal the memories of what caused you to go into shock in the first place. Believe me when I say that I've seen it before now, and... it's not pretty," Hazel said to Kylie with a knowing look in her eyes. "Now for you questions. Cosimo is back in your homeland doing what he can to make sure that the summoner doesn't find out where he sent you, the Amaranthine order is making several moves in order to find you because you're the only one with the knowledge of where your mother hid the codex, and you know what they'll do to you in order to retrieve that codex if they get you. As for orders, now he left no more for you other than once this is over... for you to live free from the troubles of the order, and we can offer you a place in Crimea to stay if you'd like, somewhere out of the way, or a place in the city if you'd rather be there instead. And there are several other places you could go to as well, such as Hespera in the netherworld, it's a relatively safe place and has the most beautiful beach in existence. So a good place to relax if you want," Hazel went on to say to Kylie before stopping and draining the last of her tea she had.

"The woman you were taken to see after your brother was killed was Elise Langray Crimea, the matriarch of the queendom of Crimea and the first of her name. The reason Cosimo took you to meet with her is because she... went through something of the same thing you did with your memories being sealed... and with her family too and he hoped that she may be able to give you some insight and help you through in your time of need. I've seen both of the memories myself and personally in my opinion, her's was worse slightly I think, but I can speak of that another time, or Amara can, as she knows the story also," Hazel continued with a sorrowful look on her face, the story she hadn't told obviously hurting to remember and mention. However, despite the pain that was obvious in her face, Hazel didn't stop. "Your brother didn't tell you because Cosimo told him not to do so, because we knew that your mind was too fragile to have to live with that knowledge at such a young age. And yes we are powerful, but there are other powerful people back in mainland Crimea that I trust to take care of things there, while they trust me to handle this, because I'm the most powerful magic user Crimea has pretty much that could afford to leave and come here to do this and keep an eye on you when you arrived. Crimea is beset by our enemies, one of which is the Amaranthine order, and while they are powerful back in Midgar, the Steel Rose, Crimea, and all of their allies are the stronger ones there unlike the even strength they have in Styria. Crimea is also going through some troubles though as there is an orcish army trying to make a move against us, but orcs are easy enough to handle for the most part, they just don't know when to give up usually... not easily anyway. We of course have allies to help us, but some of them are dealing with their own problems at the moment as well, which I can go into more detail if you wish," Hazel finished speaking, refilling her tea and starting to take another sip or two of it before she looked back up and sighed.

"Please try and understand Kylie, that this... all of this planning was to protect you. And Elise... she was one of the the main ones who asked us to do so, because she is one of the founders of the Steel Rose, the other was the overlord of the Netherworld, Andrew Ashford. They said for the Steel Rose to do it and for those angels to seal your memories like they did, and they were more powerful memory seals than Elise had to have placed on her because of what I said before, so that you wouldn't have to remember such a thing happening, but it seems fate wishes to bring you into the fight anyway unfortunately. So all we can do now is to sit, wait, and hope you remember where your mother said the codex was hidden, then get it and use it as bait for the abomination chasing you. And speaking of which, while it may be a little tough for me to take care of the Atropal chasing you alone, I do have blood magics and whatnot to help me, plus an Atropal is technically undead, so if it does show up, you should run to here as fast as you can, leave whoever is with you at the time behind and just run to here, because it'll chase you so long as you're still alive and ignore them, unless they put themselves between you and it, or if they attack it in any way, or if they are around if it gets you. If you make it to here, then Amara and her priestesses should be able to present enough of a challenge for it to give you the time to get away through the portal, which brings me to my next thing," Hazel said after her drink of tea, standing up from the small table they were sitting at and walking over to the adjacent room, which Kylie could see through the door. "This here is a teleportation circle, a fixed one mind you, which is to be made into a full portal as soon as the resources can be spared to come out this far. What I want you to do, in case I'm not here and the Atropal shows up is run to the temple here, luring the Atropal with you, then there is a scroll that we use to link portals and whatnot right here in the center of the circle that we leave here for just such occasions as quick escapes. Use it and speak that you wish to go to Nevassa, the capital of Crimea, and the portal shall open leading to it, Amara and the other priestesses shall follow you through where Amara will then close the portal behind, leaving the Atropal here. It'll leave the island and attempt to return to its master, where he'll probably get wind soon of where you went, but not to worry we have a plan for that to deal with it, we're trying to buy you the time to remember what your mother told you about the codex and where she hid it. We know that she didn't hide it in your home country or anywhere in Styria at all, but that's all we know right now," Hazel went on to say from the other room, gesturing at the magical circle drawn into the floor with magic ink with a rolled up scroll in the center of said circle.

The whole time Hazel spoke, Giselle didn't let go of Kylie's hand and leaned over to kiss her every few moments as she tried to calm her, and the tea was quite relaxing to say the least, so the anger that Kylie felt boiling up in her, the rage, the sadness, all of it was being relaxed away as she drank her tea, Hazel spoke, and Giselle held her. When Hazel was finally done, assuming Kylie hadn't burst out crying, in which case the young assassin would have all of the women trying to console her, Hazel included, though if Kylie was still listening to her and hadn't attacked her or anything of the sort then Giselle would look up at Hazel as she reentered the room and sat down. "So Hazel... if this Atropal shows up, and Kylie's pregnant, what should we do?" Giselle asked worriedly.

"Well if and when she becomes pregnant at all, while we're still here that is at least, then I shall stay with you both until such time as we need to leave, where I will hold the thing off while you get her to the temple here and then leave, I can take care of myself," Hazel replied, sounding a little scared of having to fight the Atropal in that case, but confident that she could handle it and get away when the time came. Hazel then looked at Kylie, who was still had tears in her eyes, where she came over and knelt in front of her and wiped them away with her fingers. "Look Kylie, I know that this may not be exactly what you want to hear, but I'm not going to sugarcoat it for you. You're a big girl now and you're a lot stronger than some of the others gave you credit for I think. We've got a lot riding on you remembering where your mother put that codex and a lot of people have paid for it in blood to keep you safe over the years," she went on to say before getting back up and going back to her seat, shaking her head a little sadly at what she'd said to Kylie there, as if regretting it almost. Hazel heaved a sigh and took another drink of tea before looking back to Kylie.

"When you were taken captive by the Amaranthine's, Cosimo went ballistic about it and the Steel Rose called in reinforcements from Crimea even to help find you and get you back. They made an all out assault on the place you were being kept at, dozens of them were killed to save you, because they know what's at stake here. They took more losses than the Amaranthine's in that assault because they made a frontal attack on their base while a few snuck in the back and got you out when they tried to move you away. Reggie... he never once told them anything to protect you Kylie because he feared if he spoke that they'd do worse things to you because of him. And now... it's getting close to the point that the Netherworld itself will get involved in this because the Amaranthine's made an attack on one of their envoys that came to Crimea and had something they wanted, and to this point they hadn't made any attempt at starting anything with the Netherworld, but the overlord has to tread carefully because if he gets the Netherworld involved in this conflict of the mortal realm then he can bring the astral planes in against him if he does it without a good reason, and it'll be the biggest war since the Great War that brought us into the seventh age we're in now," Hazel said, speaking of the things that could happen if they couldn't deal with this problem and the repercussions other parties getting involved could cause. Really, Hazel looked a little scared to say the least, likely a mix of it all together. "I know that you probably want to hit me, for everything, but it won't solve anything. But... I won't stop you from doing so," Hazel added sadly. It seemed that Hazel was through taking for now, to give Kylie a chance to speak again if she wished, and she didn't look angry at all during the whole time she was talking about Kylie's anger or any of that, in fact she looked more sympathetic towards Kylie than anything, like she knew what she was going through.

If Kylie did go across the table or around it at Hazel and try to punch her, then Amara would step in front of her and catch her fist, or if Kylie tried to hit Hazel at any other point during her talking for whatever reason, then Amara would do the same, preventing her from touching Hazel, saying in a calm but stern voice, "She may not try and stop you or anything Kylie, but I will. This is my temple and I won't allow you to hit my auntie Hazel in front of me."
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie listened to everything she had to say, every single word striking in her mind like hammer to anvil, and cementing the missing pieces into place, and between Giselle, the Tea, and Maria and Yuki, who she liked quite a bit, just for being themselves, she still found herself raising her eyes to glare at Hazel.

Her eyes were steadily growing darker, colder, like a chill wind was sweeping through her soul heralded by the soft motion of long, black feathers, floating along in the current, as she had floated along in the surf. At first... Kylie didn't speak at all, didn't open her mouth, raise her voice, shout, curse, or even attack Hazel, and Hazel was right, she most certainly did want to punch her right in the damned nose. But that thought had been blown away by the wind, distracted by the feathers.

A bell tone, a drop into still water, a single sound was what broke Kylie's stone face, before she leveled her gaze at Hazel, and her voice was as smooth and undisturbed as the ice on a freshly frozen pond. You will not dare set foot near my family. You will not interfere and you will not have any aid from me, not information, not strength or comfort. You, Hazel, You will never interfere in my life again. I will not tolerate it, I will not have it, And I will burn the world to ash myself before another being ever enters my mind again. Not angels, or devils or demons. Not mages or sorcerors or priestesses. This damned book you all want so badly? If I remember where it is, I will go get it myself, destroy it myself, and spit on the cinders. Not until I decide otherwise and that is the end of it. Kylie said softly, before she let her gaze turn to everyone else, the eyes flat, almost dead, the only betrayal of a spark of life behind Kylie's glassy orbs being an almost animal like intelligence.

Kylie's gaze stopped on Amara, before flitting around again to Maria. Maria, I've heard mention of two major worships within my own order. Pelor, and the Raven Queen. I take it you have a shrine... I'd like to use it, I need some time to think, and I've seen things that desperately need thought. Please. Kylie said softly, not looking at Hazel again, not even acknowledging her existence, for all intensive purposes, a decorative statue to Kylie and nothing more as the ice around Kylie's heart started to freeze over to protect her from the pain and the confusion.

Kylie wanted no part in this tangle mess, nothing to do with these people or their problems any longer, she was going to do just as Cosi... her Father, had told her to. Her real father was dead, but Cosimo had stepped in, had always been that figure for her, it was only fitting that Kylie gave him that respect. Kylie made up her mind to go about her own business, and prepare for the worst as every future mother should. She had her own family to build now and she shunted away everything else, and made room for that future in the one warm place left in her chest, Giselle.

If Maria was kind enough... Kylie would follow her in silence, and kneel before the alter of a god for the first time in her life.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hazel didn't say anything back to Kylie since she seemed to hold such enmity towards her at the moment, she merely nodded her head to her and left the room, tears of apology in her eyes. Amara looked kindly at Kylie as she spoke, never once giving her a look of anger for what she'd said back to Hazel, though she did look slightly disappointed at Kylie's words. Amara got up and made to follow Hazel out, but stopped at the door and looked back at Kylie. "Can I ask you something miss Kylie? Would your reaction to Hazel's words have been any different if she'd told you everything from the start when you first got here?" Amara asked before she left, waiting for Kylie's answer if she would give one before she went after Hazel.

Maria, having not spoken just yet and waiting for Kylie to answer Amara or refuse to do so, would nod her head to Kylie when Amara was gone. "Yes miss Kylie, we have a shrine to each deity here at the temple, they are all up on the top of the hill, I can take you, and perhaps afterwards you should get into the hot spring to relax and take your stress away. The primary one of the island is Sehanine of course, but that matters not, it depends on what troubles you really though, for which you should go to I mean. Come with me and I'll show you where they're at," Maria said, taking Kylie's hand in her own, the soft touch of the girl likely comforting Kylie somewhat as she led her up the hill to the top along the path, which wound around the hill a ways to keep it from being so steep on the people coming to pray and worship and whatnot.

Giselle followed, taking Kylie's other hand in her own, holding on tight as she had been the whole time ever since Kylie took her hand. When they reached to top of the hill, Kylie was led by Maria over to the central shrine that was set up, which was that of Sehanine. Surrounding the shrine of Sehanine were several more shrines to each of the deities of the pantheon, including a couple of extras, which Kylie would see were to Lolth, Bane, and a strange one that had the shape of the sun fixed up in marble on the top of it.

"Here we are miss Kylie, this is Sehanine's shrine here, the rest of the shrines are arrayed around it as you can see. The Raven Queen's is over there around the back near those trees, while Pelor's is right there in the shining sun at the highest point of the hill. I hope that you can... find peace here in this place. I shall remain nearby, but I'll let you two have some time alone," Maria said to Kylie before stepping up to the shrine of Sehanine, where she began saying a prayer, which Kylie could barely hear if she strained a bit, it sounded as if she was saying a prayer for Kylie. "Please lady of the moon, please help this poor girl to find the peace she deserves and to come to terms with all that's happened to her recently. And please... don't let her remain angry at lady Hazel... lady Hazel is a good person," Maria whispered under her breath in prayer to her goddess, sounding truly sincere in her words.

"So which one do you wanna go to sweetie? Sehanine is my patron, but I don't mind going with you to one of the others if you want," Giselle asked Kylie, giving her hand a squeeze, and it seemed like she was trying to avoid speaking about what had happened back down in the temple for the most part, but she also looked like she wanted to say something, though she wasn't sure yet what to say.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie glanced back at Amara, thinking for a moment, before nodding. In more ways then you can imagine, I think. Night and Day is another good description. Kylie said, before leaving with Maria, indeed enjoying the contact of another person as they moved, Giselle held onto as tightly as ever while they walked. Kylie's frost did not break, her demeanor did not crack, and her gaze stayed leveled at the top of the hill, where they were going.

Each step was like a drum, beating in her ears, along with her steady heart, and her breathing, each movement so carefully controlled that you would be able to measure the distance on her foot prints alone, and by the time they reached the top, Kylie's legs and back burned with the strain, something she took a deep satisfaction in, it meant she was doing something, anything.

Looking at Maria, Kylie nodded once, before starting to make her way towards the Raven Queen's shrine, her obvious destination since she had asked, she knew that if she had ever served a purpose, then it had been most purely embodied there. Reaching the shrine, Kylie turned and pulled Giselle into a fierce hug, before stepping back a little bit. Giselle, my love, my fiance, do me a favor, please. Go to the Alraune, and retrieve the arrow I bloodied when Hope was near to dying, and bring it here. Please do this for me. She whispered, kissing her on the forehead, and then the lips, the warmth of her showing only for Giselle, only for the person she cared about more then any other on this island. Love for Giselle, and for Hope, were two seperate things, they couldn't be compared, but Giselle was the one holding that place in her heart, the place Kylie was now hiding and clinging to.

Turning again, Kylie pulled the Cat tooth she had been wearing around her neck, and set it on the altar, before sitting cross-legged on the stone, and closed her eyes, not praying, or even bothering to think, just... sitting there, her mind still and empty, focusing on the rhythm of her heart, and the pace of her breathing, while she waited. It was fitting in her mind, to offer up something as a first visit, or maybe she was just desperate. But the arrow would soon join the fang, and Kylie would sit, and stare into the void, as still as any statue, reaching out for Giselle's hand again.

Kylie would make no move to stop Giselle from leaving, for any reason, but she didn't make any moves to leave herself, holding her vigil at the shrine, patiently waiting while her body cooled, her breathing slowed, and her mind drifted along. After several hours, only one request bubbled to the surface of her mind, the simplest, and most direct, and it stayed there, burning in the darkness, the same request she had made of Cosimo and Gestalt so many times. **Command Me** But Kylie felt her control slip again, trying to talk to this thing, burning with embarrassment about being here in the first place. Of having to resort to something she had never once bothered to entertain. **I'm Here! I'm finally fucking here! At your shrine! Doing your dirty work! Trying to do the right thing here! Give me a fucking direction!? Anything!? I'm Right The Fuck Here! You're supposed to be the Death Goddess!? Well!? How much Death have I dealt out!? How much blood is on my hands that is apparently your domain of control! I don't need to know why! But don't you stay silent! I'm RIGHT HERE!** she screamed internally, baring her frustration at all of this to a god she wasn't sure she believed in. But things recently had changed her life so violently, and so quickly, that she had no other choice. She felt boxed in by more then just Hazel and it felt like she was being punished. And Rewarded!? Or was this all just a god's twisted fucking game!

Kylie didn't expect any answers, and her silent place at the shrine carried on for hours uncounted, and still she did not move, did not speak. If not for the slight rise and fall of her chest, she could have been confused for a corpse. And she wondered... Why a god, why of all times, was Now the time she looked for them, their help. How many questions did this open up, and how many easy answers did it give in equal measure. And there was Kylie, at the heart of it all, the maelstrom of confusion and pain starting to boil away, to still itself as surely as her body and mind. Kylie was not aware of the time passing, or really of anything at all, so far had she slipped from where she had started. Carried on black winds within her mind to dark questions and confusing answers, while her mind conjured up phantasms and demons to plague her, before something swept them away... leaving her at peace again. Kylie slid back, falling deep into a calm and collected state of mind, and waited... Waited for either this strange figure to open it's mouth, or for something to come to her as a solution.

The longer this continued, the more sure of one thing Kylie became. As each "How am I?" Turned into "I don't know." And the realization that this was beyond her alone as she was, sank in. Her pride bled away, and another knot in her troubles started to loosen.

When Kylie's eyes finally fluttered open, she looked around, her lids heavy, as if she'd been sleeping for several days, unsure of the time, unsure of anything that had happened in her trance, or otherwise, and unsure of what she should do, only that it wouldn't be alone.
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I see... hmm," Amara was all Amara said in reply, looking deep in thought.


"A-Alright sweetie. Just stay here alright and I'll be back shortly as soon as I can," Giselle said to Kylie, kissing her on the lips before starting to head out, stopping when Kylie's hand held her's and moving back to pull her into a close hug before stepping back and letting go, looking a little reluctant to do so. "Hmm... maybe Amara wouldn't mind flying me down there and back so I can get there faster," Kylie would hear Giselle whispering to herself as she departed the shrine area.

As she set her cat tooth down upon the shrine of the Raven Queen, she would feel a slight breeze blowing around her, whipping her skirt just a little bit in the process, though nothing else happened just yet. Whilst she waited there at the shrine, essentially going into a small trance of sorts, Kylie would continue to hear the things around her, though her vision would fade to black. The sounds of the running water from the stream pouring over the waterfall, the sound of the bugs chirping, the sound of the leaves blowing in the wind, the sounds of the birds singing, even the sound of Maria's prayers were heard to her... she heard it all. Maria's prayer wished for Kylie to be able to come to terms with her recent woes, she could also faintly hear what sounded like trees falling and her vision faded slightly to her's and Giselle's hilltop retreat where the men and women had just gotten there to begin cutting the few trees of the clearing down to place their foundation to their new home. Then amidst all of this, Kylie heard the sounds of a raven squawking in the distance, though it sounded as if it were getting closer somewhat, though after a certain distance it remained just there in her black vision, the sight of the raven now in her line of sight. In her trance she was spinning slowly as she sat there, not enough to make her dizzy or anything mind you, but enough to keep up with the raven as it flew around in her wide circles, as if it were watching her closely for some reason.

"Soon, we shall speak again, when your beloved returns with your payment. Until then, know this... it is not dirty work. It is merely necessary work, and you aren't my only arm in this... you aren't alone. You have allies that you need but gain their trust. But in the meantime... perhaps some insight shall help you to understand the sacrifices made to protect you," the raven called out to her in a faint voice, a slightly cryptic tone in her words as the raven in Kylie's vision flew out of sight and she was left alone again, the memories of everything that had happened to her since she awakened on this island flowing through her like a river, not overwhelming her any, but it was quite a lot to take in all at once and left her breathless as she watched her first meeting with Delilah, entering the village, meeting Giselle and Hazel and the others, Giselle getting kidnapped, their rescue of her beloved... all of it in vivid detail. When the last memory flowed through her, which took place not just down the hill, Kylie saw herself saying what she did to Hazel over again and the quite large breasted succubus tearing up all over again as she nodded her head and left her be.

Then her mind was whisked away to another place, to a far away place where she saw the Atropal chasing her and Reggie through the sewers of her old home city. It was floating towards them through the dim light of the sewers, which was something she didn't remember at all during that time. She saw Reggie carrying her until they reached a dead end where he nearly collapsed with her, though he caught himself and set her down then turned to face the Atropal as it came for them. He drew the dagger he had on his belt and prepared to face off with the thing, a hint of bravery flickering in his eyes as he stared at it. "Y-You won't take her from me... I... I won't let you," Reggie said with tears in his eyes, looking downright terrified, but like a rock in that he wasn't about to move willingly and let Kylie be taken.

The Atropal continued towards them, a couple of rats scurrying nearby keeling over dead from the sheer necrotic power emanating from the abomination as their flesh began to rot pretty quickly. Before the Atropal could make it to them though a couple of splashes could be heard and the sounds of doors and grates opening as well, followed quickly by the rush of boots thumping on stone and splashing through the sewer water. Cosimo, Gestalt, and nearly two dozen other members of the Steel Rose rushed out of hidden passages and other such places and surrounded the Atropal, all of them looking a little scared but set in that they were going to do battle.

She would then see Gestalt and a few of the other ones move in at their foe where they began thrusting spears, slashing swords, and firing crossbows at the thing. They hacked and slashed at the abomination several times, though it seemed all for naught almost as it simply snatched a couple of them up and flung them against the walls of the sewers with a crunch where it then grabbed one young woman member of the Rose and did the same to her as it had done to her mother, almost literally sucking the life out of her. A few more members of the order were slain and Gestalt himself was knocked back by the creature towards where Cosimo and a couple of others were getting Kylie and Reggie up to carry them out of there, his arm looking as if it had bent at an odd angle, indicating that it had been broken. Another of the members of the order helped him up and they fled through a door that was fixed into the wall that Reggie had set his sister against, a couple staying behind and distracting the Atropal as the door was shut behind Cosimo and the others the managed to flee, their screams of agony easily heard through the walls as they were killed as well. Cosimo and the rest were running as they carried Kylie and Reggie, the door rocking as it was smashed into by the Atropal when it tried to break through.

"Gods above, how can we hope to stop that thing? it killed everyone that went against it except me and those two," Gestalt said through clenched teeth from the pain of his broken arm.

"Doesn't matter if every last one of us dies Gestalt, you know that. These two have to be protected at all costs no matter what my friend, even if we must die too. Cammy had to have told them where she hid the codex, at least one of them... I know she had to have done so. She knew what was at stake here... if the Amaranthines get it then they can just enter anyone's bedroom at will and murder them in their sleep... me, you... anyone," Cosimo said as they ran, panting slightly as they went.

Immediately after that the Atropal broke through the stone door, the bricks crumbling down against its brute strength, where it came after them all. Cosimo stopped to look at it for only a second or two as he carried Kylie, where another dozen order members came from in front of where they were going,making a frontal attack against the thing, slashing it like mad and wounding it, but still it continued and slew all of them as well save a couple, who were too wounded to get up. But it gave Cosimo and the others time to flee further, where they went through a series of hidden passages in the sewers until they made their way to a large room that had a trapdoor in it leading further down. Heading down that, Kylie watched a few of the remaining members of the order that had been with them stop and stand their ground while they went down the ladder, telling them that they would hold it off long enough for them to get the children out and to a safe place. They then entered another room that had a circle engraved into the stone and filled with magical inks and everything, where a woman was waiting for them with a scroll in hand.

Speaking the incantation upon the scroll the circle flashed a glowing golden portal into existence which they rushed through, the Atropal hot on their heels as it landed from jumping down the ladder shaft. They entered a shining golden city with magnificent buildings all around them, as well as a dozen angels and a dozen devils standing in formation with swords and shields at the ready, all of them wearing heavy armor and ready to fight, as well as a couple of magic using angels and devils with fireballs and crackling energy in hand, ready to throw and cast at the Atropal. Cosimo and the remaining members of the order ran to the side where the Atropal jumped through after them and the mages threw their fireballs and the angel soldiers pushed in, using the stunning effects of the fireballs slamming into the thing to hack it to pieces... which they did after taking a few wounds and a couple of them getting knocked down.

"Jeez... that's just one of them. I wonder why they didn't send the the other two from the curse after Cammy. All three from the curse would have obliterated us before we made it, we got lucky as hell" Gestalt said through the pain of his broken arm as the angels continued hacking the Atropal to pieces, where a trio of female angels and a couple of succubi came over to them along with a human man and a human woman. The man was wearing a crown made of a black metal that had 8 shining rubies placed in it in the shape of an 8 pointed star, with a large astral diamond set on top standing slightly above the rubies, and he wore a white astral silk cape that hung over the back of his black scale mail, the cape she could see had a red throne on a black field neatly drawn upon it, with a golden crown atop the throne, and the throne was surrounded by eight red stars. One of the succubi she could see was Hazel, with a very concerned look on her face for Kylie as Cosimo knelt down with her in his arms. The other succubus looked... very much like Hazel, save slightly smaller breasts and bubblegum pink hair instead of that dark pink of Hazel's. The angels were the same trio from Kylie's memory that sealed her memories, while the human woman was dressed in studded leather armor with a astral silk cape of her own over that, and upon her cape was a red heart under a full moon with eight stars, on a blue field... it looked like Elise Crimea from one of her other memories she'd recovered.

"Gods, the poor thing. Come on, let us take her to the Aurosion... now. We must help her. I won't let what happened to me happen to her, this time I want the memory seal strong enough that she doesn't go through what I had to," Elise said, taking Kylie from Cosimo where she carried her up a cloudy like hill to a very large temple, with the trio of angels, Hazel and the other succubus, and the human man, leaving Cosimo and the remaining members of the order to be treated for their wounds and whatnot.

Once they got there, Kylie watched them lay her upon an altar where they began delving into her poor shattered mind at the time, where they pieced it back together little by little from the shock of what had happened with the Atropal. Elise was pacing back and forth as the angels worked, where Hazel came up behind her and hugged her from behind to try, looking obvious that she was trying to calm her down. "Don't worry Elise... I know that she'll be just fine... and that we'll find the codex. We won't let what happened to her mother be in vain, and I'll personally keep an eye on her when the time comes that she must leave her home. I'll die for her if need be, nobody should have to go through what you did," Hazel said while they waited for the angels to finish with the young Kylie's memory seals.

"Hazel... please don't talk like that... gods I'd never be able to live with myself if something happened to you. I love you," Elise said in a worried tone, her eyes tearing up some at Hazel's words.

"But I would, just as I would for our children. I'll keep an eye on her when the time comes and I won't let anything happen to her. But trust in me to keep both of us safe okay," Hazel said to Elise, pulling her close and kissing her.

"Alright Hazel... I trust you. You know I do," Elise replied after returning the kiss to Hazel, where they sat and waited for the angels to finish with Kylie.

Her vision faded after that to a time after, where the younger version of Kylie awakened from her slumber and opened her eyes to look around. She was in a beautiful soft bed with silken sheets and the angel from her memory Elena was sitting there, and as the younger Kylie awakened, the present Kylie suddenly remembered this memory of when she woke up and saw a beautiful golden haired angel that told her everything was going to be okay, that she was going to take her home now with her uncle Cosimo and her brother now that she saw she was feeling better. Then Kylie remembered being carried by the same angel through the streets of the beautiful golden city, which Elena the angel named Celestia and then she remembered falling asleep on Elena's shoulder and waking back up in her uncle Cosimo's home next, as if Elena carrying her through Celestia was just a dream.

As the young Kylie fell asleep on Elena the angel's shoulder, her vision of the memory faded and went back to the black void from before, where she heard from a distance her beloved's voice. "Now... it is time to awaken, do what you must with your payment and your beloved now and tonight... tonight come to the place where the dead sleep in this village and we shall speak more... come at midnight and listen for the raven," the voice came to her in the dark void of her mind as she heard another voice in the distance as she began to drift out of her trance.

"...ylie... Kylie, I'm back. I got the arrow Kylie, I'm back, Amara flew me out there and back, so that it wouldn't take so long," Giselle called as she sprinted up the hill, carrying the arrow Kylie asked for. She was still a little ways from Kylie's position still, where Kylie was still sitting amazingly enough. "Here you go sweetie, only took about an hour or so with Amara's help thanks to her flying," Giselle added as she came to a halt next to Kylie, kneeling down next to her and handing her the arrow.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie raged, and stilled, fought, and voices and visions unbidden came to her at the behest of the goddess she had dared to raise her voice to, her breathing remained steady and nothing of her outward appearance betrayed what was going on behind the mortal world. A maelstrom of pain and death echoed in Kylie's wake as she watched men and women she had never known fight and fall to a creature she had never angered. It was like a black and unlit ripple that followed her path with Reggie into the sewers, into the sanctuary, and even as she watched the final confrontation, it followed her into the cloud paved halls of what could only be a celestial plane. Echoing around her, seeming to rebound off beings of all planes and creeds to set things in motion that Kylie could never hope to control, and it was under the direct scrutiny of the Raven Queen that Kylie finally let go.

She was forced to finally release her illusions, that parts of her destiny would always be beyond her control, and that no matter how she raged, fought, or spurned others, that this fate would follow her to it's end to touch everyone far and near, that could even indirectly be linked back to herself... and Kylie watched... and Listened.

It was not with a start or a shout, that the assassin slid from her trance, but with a whisper. Reaching out to take the arrow, before opening her eyes, Kylie stood smoothly and turned to kiss Giselle again before the shrine of the goddess of death, Fate, and Winter as her hand closed around the head of the arrow, and once more she bled in penance. Her request had been answered. No matter how arrogant her position, or her demand, a God had come to pay heed and Kylie would be remiss to spurn it, and she knew it. It would be wrong to say she wasn't shaken, to her absolute Core, but she hid it for now, deep inside, and let her mind wrestle with the implications. Fresh scarlet slid down the bladed head of the arrow to drip upon the black stone, and Kylie spelled her name in her own crimson upon the altar, before turning and leaving the shrine.

Once out under the open sky, Kylie stood there, basking where she was, feeling the breeze wash over her as something new and wonderful, while she pulled in a deep lungful of air, and held it. It was released several seconds later, along with her anger, and her pain, and she let it drift away on the wind before she started her way back down to the temple, arrow in hand, the shallow cut in her palm ignored completely as she made her way towards Hazel and Amara.

Something in her gut said no one would stop her when she asked to speak with Hazel once more, though it was with a far softer tone, and a kinder light to her eyes, as Kylie eventually found the succubus, and realized she was at a loss as to what she would say. Standing there, calm, though nervous, Kylie eventually just stepped forward and hugged Hazel tightly for a moment, I'm sorry Hazel... Thank you. And Cammy... Mother's name was beautiful... She whispered softly, before stepping back. There was nothing else really to say, nothing to change what had slid from her lips like poison only a little over an hour before, and Kylie found she could not meet Amara's gaze as she retreated from the Temple, lost in her own thoughts as she made her way with Giselle back home.

Along the way, Kylie snapped the head of the arrow away from the shaft, tossing it aside, and she threaded the bloodstained pendant through the leather strap that had held her trophy before, letting the cold, now dry, and dark crimson steel, rest against her chest as a reminder of everything. It was time to stop being afraid of what was to come, and act as she was supposed to. Sulking or Crying about what had gone on wouldn't solve anything, nor would taking out her anger on those truly undeserving of it, she had been made to understand.

Kylie was not alright, she was not all better, still her heart and her soul screamed and raged at everything that had happened, still she mourned, still she cursed the very air around her, but she would heal, in time she would be fine. Along with the pain of her memories, she had seen her children, her family... She would be fine, and Kylie held tightly onto that thought, onto the picture she had drawn and hid amidst her other treasures, and onto Giselle and Hope.

Once home, and inside, Kylie would sit down on the couch with Giselle, laying her head down in her lovers lap, and hiding her face, crying soft, silent tears of honest pain and grief, hoping Giselle would hold her until it all passed, and she could rise with a little dignity left intact, because this day had seen to her pride being smashed against harsh truth as surely as Coralseeker had been shattered against the reef.

And tonight was likely to be just as trying, Kylie would have to confront the destroyer of her illusions again, and entertain the audience of the Raven Queen. Never in all her life, had she regretted what she had wished for, when she had gone to that shrine and had her eyes pried open.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle said nothing else as Kylie took the arrowhead from her and cut herself once again upon its sharp tip, bleeding her payment once more. As soon as Giselle saw this, she leaned over and hugged her tightly, whispering into her ear that she loved her, and that she was sorry if she didn't get the answers she'd wanted, and that she was sorry about everything else. After that she merely followed Kylie back down the hill, with Maria immediately coming over to aid her by offering an arm to help her down the hill and back to the temple.

Making their way back down the hillside, Kylie, Giselle, and Maria soon found themselves back at the temple rear where the waterfall from earlier was. Upon entering they wouldn't spot Hazel and Amara at first, but Yuki directed them to where the two were, which was further into the temple in another room. As they approached the door to said room, they would overhear Amara and Hazel talking. "Auntie Hazel, please don't cry like that... you know she's going through a lot right now, her mind is very troubled at the moment and she feels that she couldn't trust you because you didn't tell her everything from the beginning," Amara said, her voice carrying through the hall as they approached the room they were both in.

"I know Amara, you don't have to tell me that... I only did it to protect her... because... I didn't want her to have to go through what Elise did dammit. When Elise found out all of the stuff in her past, about what her father did to her mother... it nearly killed her, you hadn't been born yet so you didn't see it, but I did. We actually thought for the longest that she was going to throw herself off the castle walls in Melior so she didn't have to live with that knowledge. And then when we found out that the demon hadn't devoured Brianna's soul and that there was a chance, however small it was, that Brianna could be saved... it drove Elise almost completely insane. There wasn't a day that went by almost that I didn't see her crying after we found that out Amara, it wasn't just eating her up inside, it was destroying her from the inside out... and I never want to see anyone despair like that again, because it hurt me to watch her hurting herself," Hazel said in response to Amara's words, sniffling a bit as she spoke about her's and her own beloved's past.

When Kylie, Giselle, and Maria got to the room and came in, nobody stopped Kylie from moving over to Hazel and hugging her, where Hazel wrapped her arms around Kylie in return and gently squeezed, a tear running down her cheeks from either of her eyes. "Gods Kylie... please forgive me, yet again. I'm so sorry too, for lying to you... and yes... your mother's name was beautiful... as was she... and so is her daughter. She was a good friend, and we all miss her greatly. Please... don't despair, we're all here for you Kylie," Hazel said to Kylie while they hugged, the big breasted succubus leaning down and kissing Kylie on top of the head as a mother would her daughter, one of her tears dripping off of her cheek and onto Kylie's cheek as Kylie pulled away. "Just... come to see me... or any of us whenever you want to Kylie, we'll always listen, and I will let nothing happen to you or anyone you love while you're here... I swear it," Hazel added just as Kylie turned to leave.

Despite Kylie being unable to Amara's gaze because of what she'd said earlier, the angel didn't shun Kylie any at all and before she could retreat from the temple Amara came over and hugged her too. "You are always welcome here Kylie, come whenever you like, my door is always open to you, and there is nothing that needs forgiving, so do not worry yourself over anything said," Amara said to Kylie, kissing her on either cheek and hugging her a little before letting her go, where she looked at Maria. "Maria... will you walk Kylie and Giselle home and keep an eye on them until they get there?" Amara added to Maria, since it seemed that Kylie liked her a bit and wouldn't mind her escorting them home.

"Yes miss Amara, of course. My blade shall defend them both unto my dying breath," Maria said before following Kylie and Giselle out, bowing to Amara and Hazel just before she did so.

Maria followed Kylie and Giselle out of the temple, letting Kylie hold onto her again on her right side as Giselle did the same on her left side, escorting her back down to the town as if she were a noble lady or something. Maria and Giselle watched curiously as Kylie snapped the arrow along the way and fixed the arrowhead to her necklace with the cat tooth she had there, with Maria looking on in approval at Kylie's action. Maria escorted them the entire way home, stepping forward on several occasions when a strange rustling in the brush was heard and placing her hand upon her sword hilt to prepare to fight in defense of Kylie and Giselle if need be, but every time it turned out to be simply a wild animal just going about its way or something of the sort and Maria would afterwards simply move back to take hold of Kylie's arm again to continue escorting her.

When they reached the house, Giselle let go and opened the door and held it open for her to go in, as Maria helped her inside to sit down in the living room, where Tina was sitting with Selara the lamia who was curled up right next to the recliner that Tina was sitting on, gently caressing her belly as they both sat there sipping some tea. "Oh Kylie, you're back. Did everything go well? And Maria? What are you doing here?" Tina said as Kylie, Giselle, and Maria entered the living room. When Giselle sat down with Kylie on the couch in there though and laid her head down in Giselle's lap and began crying though, Tina sat up with a concerned look on her face as Selara leaned forward as well, mimicking Tina's look. "What's the matter? Is everything alright?" Tina asked in a worried tone.

Giselle looked over at Tina and held a finger up to her lips, telling her to be quiet for now and to just let Kylie cry while she held her there, one hand gently stroking Kylie's head while the other held her. "Shh shh... it's alright Kylie, I'm here for you... we all are. Just tell us what you need okay, and we'll get it for you," Giselle whispered to Kylie as she cried, never letting her go until Kylie was ready for her to. When Kylie finally was ready to look up again, she would see Maria sitting on the opposite side of Giselle and Selara had pulled Tina's recliner over to be right next to the couch so they could be close to Kylie.