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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, nodding at Amara as she made her way from the temple, immediately raised her gaze as she heard what Maria said, and her eyes flashed with pain and dread purpose. You most certainly will not! I've seen enough people die for me. If you must defend me, by choice or command, you will not throw away your life. Kylie hissed, before moving out of the temple and not speaking on it again, the images of so many falling to the atropal still far to fresh in her mind to tolerate that kind of speech, no matter what good intentions drove it. She was tired of people dying for her...


Kylie... stayed silent, not minding Maria's decision to come with, and not paying her any immediate attention either, seeming lost in her own mind before they made it back to the house. Not bothering to answer Tina before hiding in Giselle's lap, it was maybe 20 minutes, before she was finally cried out, having no more tears left to shed. Raising her eyes a few moments later, and sitting up, Kylie reached up to her chest to squeeze the arrow head hanging there, hidden beneath her dress, before looking at Maria and Giselle.

Maria... Please return to the temple... But... Would you mind coming back sometime near midnight? I need a favor. Maybe an hour before. Kylie said, waiting for her answer, before realizing she was both hungry, and tired. The slew of walking they had done today, uphill and down to the temple and back, had been murder on Kylie's back and legs, and it seemed her energy was running out quickly. Fuck it all... I'm useless, and hungry. Giselle... would you mind please? I don't care what, but I'm starving. Kylie said, still hugging onto Giselle tightly as she relaxed, and kissing her on the cheek.

She was in no shape to be moving around, and in no mood to be baby sat, but Giselle was an exception there. Still... she wasn't sure if she wanted Maria around just yet, and Kylie could only think ahead to midnight. She had no interest at all in bringing Giselle and Tina and Delilah into even knowing about the meeting she was going to... And secrets were simply a part of who Kylie was. Despite how honest she had been with everyone thus far, this was something she would never speak about to anyone, barring maybe Hazel, or the other priestesses. Maybe even Maria.... Maria would probably be the first to figure it out...

Hopefully these damned eggs would be out of her by then, and she could move again freely. Her fun had come at the worst possible time... Though she wouldn't mind doing it again, it would have to be at a more opportune moment next time, because these last few days had been their own special circle of hell, and being unable to move freely had compounded on everything. Still, she could feel movement in her core, it wouldn't be too much longer.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Forgive me Kylie, but you misunderstand my words. I devote everything to a task when asked perform one, it was merely a figure of speech. I don't intend on dying this day or any other until the lady of the moon is ready to receive me, which damn well better be a long time from now else I'll be upset," Maria said to Kylie as they left the temple, Maria looking a little insulted that Kylie would think she meant that she would just accept death and be done with it and that she wouldn't at least try and stay alive for as long as possible. "Because I haven't even gotten to have se... I mean yeah I won't just lay down and die that easily," Maria began adding before stopping herself, a blush creeping up her face as she gulped, but the damage had already been done and it was easy to tell what she was about to say.


When she finally stopped crying after about twenty minutes or so, Giselle looked more than a little relieved to say the least, as did the others it seemed, as they stayed with her the whole time... like friends and family would do without a second thought in times of need. Upon Kylie speaking up after grabbing and gently squeezing the arrowhead around her neck, Maria simply nodded her head to Kylie. "Of course Kylie, an hour before, not a moment later. I won't ask what the favor you need is until I get back tonight though, so see you then," Maria said to Kylie, giving her the answer she likely wanted from her.

After Maria had gone, Giselle looked back to Kylie and nodded her head when she asked for food. "Of course sweetie. I'll just use my imagination and make something that I know you like... hell I'll just go ahead and make us some lunch since it's so late in the day now," Giselle replied with a smile now that Kylie wasn't crying any longer, winking as she got up and kissing Kylie on the lips in return for the cheek kiss she got from Kylie, hugging her close before heading out and into the kitchen to make something to eat for them all.

After Giselle left and Kylie was left with her thoughts for a few moments, Tina got up with Selara's help and moved over to the couch with her just to her right, the eldest siren sister's belly swollen even larger than her own now and she could barely even walk without help. "I'd say you came out the better of the two of us Kylie. Selara's been having to carry me around the house all day when I want to go anywhere... well not everywhere, but you get the idea. For anything more than just getting up to stretch my back a little or to go to the bathroom she's carried me," Tina said as she leaned over against Kylie, laying her head on the human girl's shoulder, Selara curled around and lay her head in Tina's lap, the side of her face against Tina's belly as she gently caressed it with one hand, looking greatly pleased as well as proud that Tina had so many of her eggs within her. It would probably make Kylie crack up a little at the affection Selara was showing Tina, who was very accepting of said affections and seemed to enjoy them from the lamia, who was kissing Tina's belly, caressing it and her cheeks, as well as gently rubbing her legs every now and then, and even reaching around behind Tina to rub on her back a little and relieve some of the stress on it. "I'm not entirely sure, but me and Selara think that I've got at least a dozen lamia eggs in my womb, probably more just from the size of me. Not that I mind of course, because Selara here is such a cutie and is real sweet," Tina added, her index finger tickling Selara under her chin as Tina brought her up to kiss her on the lips, making Selara giggle a bit as she leaned into the kiss, the tip of her tail happily wagging about from Tina's returned affections, which was something that may or may not interest Kylie to see.

The smell of beef being cooked soon began to waft through the house as well after a couple of minutes, as well as potatoes a few minutes after that, it seemed that Giselle was doing the fries again to go with whatever she was doing with the beef.
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Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie smiled after Maria and Giselle, watching her fiance wander off to go make lunch, before Tina joined her on the couch and finally set Kylie smiling. Poking her belly gently, Kylie giggled slightly before nodding. It certainly seems that way! she said, not minding Tina cuddling up at all, or Selara joining them, though to see the lamia in absolute fits of joy soon had Kylie chuckling again.

You wouldn't have believed her if you saw her first Tina, little selara here was Hopeless. It was adorable, though I'm glad to see you two are getting along so well. Kylie added, sticking out her tongue at the lamia like a child.

By the way, how is Palla doing? Kylie asked, as the smell of the cooking made her stomach rumble again, and she couldn't stop looking at Selara's literally wagging tail, eyeing it like a cat that wasn't allowed to pounce on it, Kylie slipping back into a very passive being, not wanting to think on anything at the moment.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I... as sweet as she is though I'm surprised that she hasn't tried to come into town before now honestly, we allow lamias in here from time to time to let out some stress, but only if they aren't evil ones. The snake lamia you see are usually nice enough that they are allowed to come and go as they please. Why they have a village of sorts to the west of here not too far through the jungle, and they've got three of four more scattered around the island. The beetle lamia though... they're the evil ones, they must be eradicated at first sight else they'll kill you or turn you into their thralls through magic. But ones like Selara here are all sweet and are pretty decent people all in all, albeit they can be a little pushy when it comes to their eggs and stuff. But they'd never hurt a potential mate or egg bearer on purpose," Tina said as she pet Selara some more, who lay her head down in Tina's lap and cooed softly, merely relaxing against her as she spoke. When Kylie stuck her tongue out at her, Selara blushed and looked a little embarrassed that she'd been so easily caught when trying to sneak up on Kylie and Giselle.

"I-It wasn't my fault, I was aching really bad and needed to get rid of my eggs, so I wasn't being more careful," Selara said pitifully, burying her face in Tina's lap in embarrassment.

"Oh sweetie, don't worry about it, you're just fine. You couldn't have helped it any at all, but now you know that your people can come here any time to lay your eggs, as long as you ask someone first, as we're a pretty open people here in Feynrial," Tina said, patting Selara's head a few times and stroking her beautiful blonde hair as the lamia girl relaxed again, her quite large breasts pressing against Tina's lap. "And I'm proud to bear your first batch of eggs Selara, you're a beautiful lamia and I'm sure that our children will be equally as beautiful. You can stay here for as long as you want too Selara, I'd like it if you did," Tina went on to say to the blonde lamia, caressing her cheek and kissing her.

"O-Okay Tina... I'll stay with you then... if you really don't mind that is. I really like you too," Selara replied in a slightly unsure voice at first, snuggling against Tina a bit and hugging her again, curling up and onto the couch a bit as she lifted Tina up and set her back down into her coils, the tip of her tail coiled about and sitting next to Kylie, still wagging slightly.

"Now Kylie, about Palla. Delilah says that she's learning quickly and coming along pretty well and all, but she's still got a lot to learn and stuff, they're out in the backyard somewhere I think right now. But as soon as she's gotten the hang of her anger issues a bit better and can control it at will so that she can unleash it on her enemies and not her allies, then I can train her. So until then I've got some free time on my hands it seems," Tina said to Kylie about Palla after a minute or two of talking back and forth with Selara, informing her that Palla was coming along just nicely.

The smell of food was wafting through the house even more so than before and the smell of it was mouthwatering to all three of them. They could tell it was nearing completion and that Giselle would have it done soon for them to devour. "Gods Giselle is such a good cook, I'm glad she moved back in and brought you with her Kylie, I really missed her cooking a lot, because Delilah can cook and all, but... Giselle's can't even be compared to, it's just the best," Tina said to Kylie as they smelled the food cooking some more.

(Also a picture of Selara for reference for us both. .
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Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

So, do I say Get a room? Or just comment from the sidelines Kylie said, snickering and sticking out her tongue as she watched what could only be a disgustingly cute situation. Just think! Now that Selara knows that Tina loves it, she'll be over everytime she has a brood to lay, just to take a vacation and have someone to cuddle Kylie added, breaking into a fit of giggles on the couch while she poked what she could guess was lamia tush teasingly.

And yes... I can smell it... and it's making me hungrier Kylie said as her stomach grumbled at her again. Apparently, no matter how confused or upset she was, her stomach would remind her of the priorities, and her love of food...

Leaning into the Duo that had intruded upon her couch of solitude, Kylie did indeed have to marvel at the size of Tina's belly, her own swollen, but not to such an impressive degree, it was no wonder Selara had been so uncomfortable, and then Kylie paled, because she had been tempted to take up Selara on her offer, and was now pretty glad she hadn't, she'd have never gotten out of the house...

It's okay Tina, when you've laid those eggs there, I'll make sure you get a visit from Bob the dungeon squid, I'm sure you two will get along great, and Selara can watch! Bet she'd love that too. Kylie said slyly, winking at Selara as Tina undoubtedly blushed right up to her ears. Kylie new how much she liked her tentacles. Apparently she had a bent for eggs just like Kylie did as well... talk about double trouble. Slapping her own stomach gently in annoyance as she felt something move a little, Kylie flailed Get out you! Ya don't pay rent! She said in mock frustration, soon laughing again, her tears momentarily forgotten as she relaxed. She could be stressed later.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"You may comment all you like Kylie, it makes no matter to me really, as it's too hard for me to move to another room at the moment in order for us to get one... unfortunately. Little Selara here saw to that," Tina said with a slight giggle, tickling Selara under her chin with a finger, making the lamia giggle a little as she cuddled her head down against Tina, laying it on Tina's shoulder. "And... actually Kylie, if you must know, I've asked Selara to stay here with us," Tina added with a slightly tired smile, making it obvious that she was a bit weary from carrying so many eggs.

"Yeah, I kind of like it here honestly, Tina's really nice and she said that the people here are accepting of others, so... I was thinking of staying around here... if it's alright with you that is Kylie. I-I don't want to intrude on you and Giselle and your new house or anything, but... well we don't leave our children to fend for themselves like snakes do once they're born, we stay and take care of them," Selara said, her head laying on Tina's shoulder as she sighed pleasantly, a look on her face that was asking Kylie if she minded her staying there as she giggled ticklishly from the pokes on her butt.

Tina saw Kylie looking at her larger belly and giggled a little at her slightly fearful look when seeing how much larger Tina had gotten than she did. "Lamia usually carry more eggs per batch than most of the actual monsters around here... usually. Though they are all about the size of those jumbo chicken eggs you can get at the markets. And Selara told me that you turned her down on taking her eggs, but had been... thinking about it or some such. It's good that you didn't let her knock you up with them, because only those that have had multiple pregnancies bearing eggs can handle it, because lamia have more eggs as I said," Tina said to Kylie as the young assassin thought it over and was glad she hadn't let Selara make her an incubator for her eggs.

A minute or two later when Kylie spoke again and said what she did about Tina getting a visit from her darkmantle that Giselle had jokingly named Bob, which Kylie seemed to like, Tina blushed red as a beet at Kylie telling Selara that. "K-Kylie..." Was all Tina said as she trailed off, looking away in embarrassment from the two.

Selara meanwhile looked a little intrigued at Kylie's words about Bob the dungeon squid. "Well... if that's what she wants, then sure... I guess," Selara said, looking a little jealous as well while hugging Tina close as if to protect her from Bob or anything else trying to snatch her away from her, her tail coiling up and around Tina some more in a protective manner, all of which brought an even more embarrassed blush from Tina in the process. Kylie gentle slaps against her belly brought a slight stirring in her womb, telling her that it was nearing time for the eggs to come out, but not quite yet, so she should have enough time to eat and let her food settle a bit before it happened hopefully.

Soon the food was done, with Giselle calling for everyone to come to the kitchen, though she then called back into the living room a few moments after, telling Kylie and Tina to stay in there and for Selara to come and help her get a Kylie's and Tina's plates. Selara slithered out from around Tina, setting her gently back down onto the couch in the process, where she went into the kitchen and a few moments later brought Tina's and Kylie's plates, which had a couple of small 6 ounce lunch steaks on them either one, already with the fat sliced off for the most part to make it easier to cut and eat, and Giselle came in a few moments later with a couple of fairly good sized baskets of fries to go with them. The two then left and came back a few moments later, each carrying two plates each, all four of which had a pair of steaks on them just like Kylie's and Tina's. Giselle set down her two plates she had and went over to the front door and opened it up, where she called out for Delilah and Palla to come on in and get some lunch. While Delilah did that, Selara pushed the coffee table in front of the couch that Kylie and Tina were sitting on over enough for them to reach easy, while she set them a glass of whatever they wished to drink on the end tables to either side of the couch, for easy grabbing.

"Alrighty, time to eat everyone, Delilah and Palla should be in here in a minute or two, so we can go ahead and eat," Giselle said to everyone, sitting down in the floor beside Kylie where she was level with the coffee table.

Soon enough, Giselle was correct and Delilah and Palla both came in, the two taking seats on the cushions like Delilah was sitting on in the floor and taking a plate each, grabbing some of the fries, and digging in with everyone else.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie just laughed again, gripping her side with one hand as tears welled up in her eyes from the giggle fit that Tina's expression sent her into. Why thank you Tina! As you may have noticed, I comment whether I'm allowed to or not~ And Selara dear, don't worry, I'm just teasing a little, Promise. Kylie said, winking at the Lamia and curbing her laughter back to a hearty chuckle.

Seeing Giselle come in... with Food, All other thoughts were driven from Kylie's mind as the steaks and fries came into scent, and then into view. The table was drawn up, the others were called in, and Kylie was halfway through her steak before Palla had even managed to make it through the door, Kylie tossing a little wave to her and Delilah as she resumed the destruction of her meal.

Drinking the glass of water almost in a single go, Kylie went back to eating, the fries next on the chopping block as she used them to wipe up the last vestiges of juice from the steak, before they too vanished and Kylie leaned back, sighing happily, feeling much better. Thank you Giselle, that was marvelous. Kylie murred, relaxing properly in the couch as she looked at her lover.

So... damn, glad the house is gonna be big.... Giselle, is there any kind of postal or message system here? Because honestly... I'm going to pay that man double to hire more hands and get it done... This many people is gonna get crowded without the big house built up and ready to go... Kylie said, looking around the room and chuckling, having a point as well as being impatient, though she had no real plan to do as such. The house would be finished when it was finished, and she was certain her architect had every hand he had available working for their pay. All was well on that front.

Still... I'm awful... Tire... ... Kylie started, the meal starting to settle and the sore girl starting to doze quickly, exhausted again, tiring easily in her state, and with everything else atop it... She knew Maria would wake her up... or the eggs would... It... didn...

The sound of her softly snoring as her eyes slid shut, was what finally drowned out her rushing mind...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

It was now Selara's turn to blush a little when Kylie stated that she was just teasing a little bit. "Okay Kylie, but I won't give up my Tina without a fight, so your dungeon squid will have to wrestle me for her," Selara said, sticking her tongue out at Kylie before cuddling Tina some more.


Once they were all sitting and eating, it was mostly silent at first during the meal, but the others started chatting about the day's events, with Giselle looking over at Kylie and winking, as if saying that the others had no idea what the two of them had been through so far. When they all finished eating and Kylie complimented the chef, Giselle leaned over and kissed her on the lips and thanked her. "Thanks sweetie, and yeah we have a somewhat basic message carrying thing, that the succubi help with since they can fly pretty far in a single day. It's one of the things that succubi are really good at here in the mortal realm and it's been one of the main jobs that they and angels can both do easier than anyone else really because they can fly. And our old house here is big enough for now, provided we don't get any more people coming to stay that is," Giselle said, informing Kylie that yes there was a postal service of sorts for the island and that they could use it as needed, and also that they should be alright in their current house.

After a couple of minutes, Giselle noticed Kylie starting to drift off to sleep and giggled softly. "Come on sweetie, go ahead and get some rest, you and sis both need it I think," Giselle whispered in Kylie's ear just as she drifted off to sleep, where she'd feel just before conking out completely her legs being raised up and onto the couch better as Selara giggled and moved Tina over back to the large recliner she'd been in when Kylie and Giselle first got there.


Kylie would be wakened suddenly some time later with a kick to her stomach, or what felt like a kick at least. Upon opening her eyes, she would be able to see the clock above the fireplace said that it was about 5 o'clock now. She couldn't see anyone nearby save Tina who was asleep still on her recliner, with Selara curled up next to her with her human like portion of her body laying next to her on the large recliner, seemingly asleep as well. She could overhear the sounds of dishes clattering in the kitchen as well and the sounds of pots and pans clanging some as well. She could tell instinctively that the eggs were close to coming out, especially when she felt the kicking in her stomach again. She needed help to get up and to somewhere in order to birth these eggs, though her friends and soon to be family were all nearby from the looks and sounds of it, all she needed to do was call for one of them and they would come running.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie... was filled with a gentle warmth, as friends and family slid around her while she drifted to sleep, exhaustion catching up with her now that she had properly unwound, and it was with the sound of her lovers words in her ears, that Kylie slid away into the first peaceful moment of rest she'd known in days. It didn't stay that way for long however... The assassin could have sworn she heard a Corvid calling to her through the veil, before the nudge in her abdomen woke her.

Groaning softly as she looked around, seeing she wasn't the only one asleep, the next push had her hand on her swollen stomach as she looked this way and that again. Shit.... Giselle!? Delilah? Think I'm pretty short on time here! Mind giving a girl a hand? she called into the kitchen as she tried to stand, and failed as another kick sent her straight back into the couch with a soft gasp.

If someone came out, didn't matter who, she'd shake her head as they tried to move her to the stairs. No no no, Basement, Bob won't appreciate missing this one little bit, and he's still a big ass cave squid. best keep him happy, come on. she said, hobbling along as best she could. Of course... she had no intention of getting her treasure pile messier then it already was, but there was bound to be a clean... cleanish spot on the floor down there Somewhere!? RIGHT!?
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The sounds of clattering pots and pans could be heard from the kitchen, followed by the sound of running feet. Tina and Selara both were waking as well it seemed from Kylie's call for help, the lamia slithering over to catch her even as she fell, easing her back down onto the couch. "I've got you Kylie," Selara said as she eased her back down.

Giselle and Delilah were in there just a couple of seconds later and immediately began getting Kylie up to help her to move. Together, Giselle and Delilah began to help her along, though they actually didn't try to move her to the upstairs amazingly enough like she might have thought, but instead Giselle was already taking her to the steps leading down. "It's okay Kylie, I know that he probably wouldn't be too happy about it, I'm not stupid. Not that you were calling me stupid that is. Selara, grab one of those lounging chairs on the back porch please, for Kylie to sit on. Palla, stay with Tina for a few minutes alright," Giselle said, kissing Kylie on the cheek before telling Selara to grab a chair for Kylie to sit on while giving birth and Palla sat down in the chair next to Tina, taking up watch on the pregnant siren sister.

Selara slithered off to do as she was asked as Giselle and Delilah helped Kylie down the steps. Once down in the basement, Kylie could see Bob hovering towards her and the two sirens as they helped her into the room from the steps, where Bob sent forth several tentacles to caress Kylie's belly very gently, cradling it. Selara soon entered the basement with the chair Giselle sent her for before she went back upstairs and together they all began to sit Kylie down. However Bob seemed to have other ideas as he took Kylie from them all and cradled her close to him, easing her down to the floor atop some of its tentacles. It seemed that Bob knew what to do somehow and propped Kylie up in a very comfortable position to say the least, which took most of the pressure off of her back as her labor progressed.

"Okay, well I suppose we didn't need the chair anyway, thanks though Selara, we'll handle it from here, go be with Tina just in case," Giselle said to Selara, who nodded and took the chair off as Delilah prepared to help birth the eggs inside of Kylie, while Giselle sat beside her and held her hand. Almost as soon as Bob had her sitting, Kylie felt the eggs starting their way out of her womb.


After much pushing and many cries of pain, Kylie pushed out all ten of the eggs, with Delilah catching each one and holding it up for Bob to grab with a tentacle and put it softly down onto his apparent nest that he'd made for them, piling on old bits of discarded wood, cloth, and other such garbage he'd found around the basement area, along with what looked like a few of Kylie's gold coins, though no more than a hundred or so it seemed. "Looks like the babies you have for him will grow up rich at least Kylie," Giselle said with a giggle as she squeezed Kylie's hand.

When it was finally done and the last egg was out of her, Kylie would feel very weak for a few minutes as Delilah went and got a bucket of water to bring down there to clean the bit of a mess Kylie had made up, while Giselle stayed by her side and held her even as Bob did too, while he set the last egg down into his nest... or possibly her nest it was extremely hard to tell just what gender Bob was exactly. Kylie could feel the numbness leaving her legs by the time Delilah got back with the water, which Delilah and Giselle both then used to clean Kylie up as best they could.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nudged Giselle for her rambling, kissing her hand as they all shuffled downstairs and everyone apparently got to work helping her out. She was just pushing out some eggs, wasn't anything like a child... The fuck was she thinking? This was gonna suck!

With Giselle guiding her along, with Selara to help, Kylie made her way downstairs where Bob was waiting for them, reaching out for Kylie and making any point in getting a chair fairly useless as the DarkMantle soon had her cradled carefully, and comfortably in his tendrils, Kylie laying there against him and groaning, this was getting uncomfortable, and not because of the seating arrangements. Seemed her 'Tenants' had been listening.


With the help of her soon to officially be Family, and well, Bob the Doom Squid, Kylie didn't have many birthing the eggs, her cries natural, the pain bearable, and when all was said and done, Kylie was left panting as the last egg was gently taken, and set in the nest. Reaching back to pat and stroke Bob, Kylie grinned, happy it was over and feeling oddly proud, she'd had squid children! Thanks everyone... That was.. a tad rougher... then I expected... Kylie panted out, relaxed against Bob before noticing the coins he had... she had... IT, BOB WAS A FUCKING IT! place in the nest. Raising her eyebrow, Kylie chuckled at Giselle's joke, waiting several minutes before trying to stand.

The first attempt at standing was a complete failure, and everyone was still around to catch her, and lay her back down, even Bob. Hell, they'd even cleaned up the mess, which admittedly had her blushing, and blushing hard. Round 2 went a little better, and Kylie was up on wobbly legs and peeking into the nest, the robe she had been wearing laid back around her comfortably. Running her hand down her front, Kylie cooed happily. Oooo Gods, it is so much easier to stand without those in there... My back alone is going to thank me for this, mark my words, if it could dance, it would. Kylie said, chuckling before patting the DarkMantle on the head, and giving it a hug and a good squeeze, before moving to head back upstairs.

And... taking this with. Kylie said, snagging a bottle of wine as they passed, thinking a drink sounded pretty fucking good right now, as did the couch... the couch sounded lovely. But one thing trumped them all! A Bath! Apart from being tired... Again... and feeling more then a little weak, Kylie was dead set on hobbling towards the bath tub, her water glass also retrieved from the living room table, and anyone who wanted to join, if just to sit in a steamy room and drink wine, was welcome, as Kylie had no intention of downing that bottle alone, however it might have appeared as the Cork was removed and discarded almost immediately as she poured herself a glass and tried to remember how to work the tub, unless everyone flocked around her like mother hens and did it for her. She wouldn't complain either, she just wanted to flop into hot water, drink some good wine, and ReeeLaxxxx....
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"W-Whoa there sweetie, take it easy take it easy, there's no rush to get up. Just sit back down for a couple of minutes alright, don't push yourself," Giselle said as Kylie tried to get up, where she quickly failed to do so as she, Delilah, and Bob all caught her and eased her back down. It seemed Bob was more understanding than she might have first thought.

"Yes that was much rougher than I expected as well, but you're okay now thankfully," Delilah said as she wiped her brow with a spare rag, wiping the sweat away.

"I'll bet it'll be easier to walk too without them," Giselle said as she and Delilah both helped Kylie to stand, pulling her to her feet while Bob pushed her with a couple of tentacles before going over to the nest where the eggs were and tending to them, wiping some of the birthing fluids off of them and things like that.

Helping Kylie to walk around to get the feeling back in her legs completely, Giselle giggled when Kylie snatched the bottle of wine from one of the racks, which had thankfully been left alone by Bob, who merely seemed more concerned with the eggs and making a nest to bother anything else with that wasn't discarded on the floor. Her crotch was more than a little tender now, and it stung a tad bit from the birthing, but all in all she felt alright. Probably shouldn't be having any sex tonight with Giselle's monster of a cock or anything, but she should be alright in a day or two for that hopefully, and in the meantime she could walk again, albeit a slight bit wobbly for now until she rested for a while. As they left Bob's reach without it being able to move in order to reach them, one of Bob's tentacles lingered on around Kylie's waist, almost as if hugging her as they made their way to the steps leading back up.

"Whew, I need a bath too I think, especially after that. Got the fluids and blood all over me," Delilah said as they went back upstairs, where Giselle and Delilah both helped Kylie into the bath, with Giselle stopping off to grab Kylie's glass for her and handing it to her. "Giselle, I'll help Kylie into the bath and stuff, why don't you go ahead and start dinner," Delilah then said, shooing Giselle on to the kitchen to slave over the hot stove for a while and cook them something delicious to eat.

"Alright sis alright. Kylie any preferences? Something special maybe after that? If not then I had planned on using our grill out back and making us some barbeque of some sort, probably some of those racks of ribs we've got, along with some potatoes and corncobs on the grill too, and of course some bread to go with," Giselle said, asking Kylie if she had anything in mind specifically, but telling her she had something in mind if she didn't have anything in mind. "First though, I'll take a drink or two of that," Giselle added, taking Kylie's wine bottle from her and taking to big gulps before handing it back to her.

As soon as Kylie made her decision about the food, Giselle would kiss her and bound off and out of the bathroom where Delilah helped Kylie out of her clothing and into the bath water. As Kylie's legs entered the steamy water, it felt like heaven on her, but as soon as her crotch entered the water, she'd feel a slight sting as Delilah eased her down into the water. "I know it stings Kylie, it's going to after that, but best to just go on down in a single go so it's a quick sting," Delilah said as she continued easing Kylie down without stopping.

As soon as she was in the water, Kylie's body began relaxing a bit, despite the sting on her nethers. Grabbing the soap and a loofah, Delilah began scrubbing Kylie's body gently with it after soaping up her cleaning tool, washing the dirt and grime of the day away from her, leaving Kylie free to sip her wine while she did so. Once Delilah had Kylie cleaned up, the siren sister cleaned herself up, after which she took the bottle of wine and took a few swigs of the stuff while Kylie drank her glass, handing it back to Kylie so she could refill it when she wanted to. Relaxed now from the bath, Kylie could hear the clattering of dishes again as she relaxed a while as Giselle began preparing either whatever Kylie wanted, or the stuff she'd had in mind.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Cooking again? I mean... if you don't mind Giselle... And yes, the Ribs sound great, just some cheese in there somewhere, and good bread, and you can consider me in heaven Kylie answered, returning Giselle's kiss as she reclaimed her momentarily stolen bottle.

Starting to sink into the bath with Delilah, she eeped and hissed as her sore nethers hit hot water, and she nodded at Delilah, before flopping in completely and grimacing before relaxing. Hot water was nice, Wine was Good, and... Was Delilah cleaning her? O dear. Sighing as everyone seemed bound and determined to wait on her hand and foot for now, Kylie put up with it, sipping on her wine and sharing the bottle with Delilah as they got cleaned up.

So Selara and Tina were off doing... Something, Delilah was getting cleaned up with her, Bob was guarding the new eggs, and Giselle was cooking. Yup, Kylie was pretty good right where she was, closing her eyes and murmuring happily as she drained her first, and then second glass of wine. Floating where she was, humming happily, Kylie was softly massaging her stomach, working out some of the leftover feeling from now being empty, and enjoying that it was back to it's old self. No sex I think for a little while, but I'm gonna go on the craziest damned run tomorrow, and shooting! And... Other things I couldn't! I will do them all.... Kylie said happily as she recovered properly.

She had no idea how long she was soaking and drinking, but eventually she got kinda waterlogged, and wriggled out of the tub, doing something amazing. She Stretched! Hands to her ankles, then to the sides, then her back... It felt so good. With one good hard twist, Kylie cracked her back from her neck down, leaving her standing there, naked, and limp as a ragdoll for a moment, as she gasped and smiled to her ears. my crotch hurts, but my legs work, and my back has not felt this good in what feels like forever. Also, most of my new clothes fit now... Come on Delilah, help me find something to torment Giselle with, since she can only look and not touch. Kylie said giggling madly as she started walking towards her bedroom.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Alright sweetie, I can add some cheese, and yes some more food now, you were asleep there for two to three hours or so you know, and besides, these ribs are gonna take about an hour or two to finish anyway," Giselle said with a giggle as she left Kylie and Delilah to bathe, kissing Kylie another time before leaving the room.


"No I don't think sex would be a good idea for a couple of days at least Kylie, and... wow that must have felt amazing considering you've been like that for a day or two now," Delilah said to Kylie as the young human assassin stretched and cracked damn near every bone in her body. "Yeah you'll still need a day or two to get the excess weight off of you from that, just like any normal pregnancy is really, just a lot faster than a normal one of course. And yes, wearing something nice for Giselle would be good I think, just to tease her a bit," Delilah went on to say as she got out of the bath too and dried off, tossing a towel over Kylie's head and stopping her from traipsing through the house wet and naked both and telling her to at least dry off first so they didn't have to dry up a trail of water behind her.

Once that was done and they were on their way upstairs, they would smell the herbs and spices that Giselle had collected from the cabinets to use on their ribs for that night and around the corner if Kylie bothered to stop and look, she'd see Giselle and Palla both in the kitchen, with Giselle showing her how to prepare the ribs and how to put the rub on them that she was using and whatnot, with Palla watching very closely, looking quite absorbed with learning this, though she had a hungry look in her eyes too Kylie could see if she bothered to look.

After getting to the bedroom, Delilah started going through a lot of the clothes in there that had arrived, which were only most of the ones Kylie had gotten, as there were still the few outfits she'd ordered that still needed to be made of course. Delilah rummaged around with Kylie until she pulled out a sexy set of lingerie, with garter, stockings, and all the other nice bits, all of it black and all of it nice fine silk. "Here, wear this under whatever you're wanting to get, Giselle gets really riled up when she sees her lover in sexy lingerie like that. I think it's the stockings that do it for her myself. And..." Delilah said as she handed the lingerie to Kylie and trailed off with her words, rummaging around a bit more while Kylie put it on until she found a quite cute to wear over her lingerie that did little to truly hide said lingerie. "Wear that there, shows what she wants but can't have just yet until you heal up some, and it's good fighting gear just in case actually, cause it gives good movement. Unless you've got something better to go with that lingerie that is," Delilah said as she handed Kylie the outfit, which looked like it would go well with Kylie's lingerie, her body, and her style.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie stopped when her forehead hit the doorframe, the towel preventing her admirably from wandering around the house both wet, and naked. Eeping loudly along with muffled cursing as she smacked her head, Kylie set about drying herself off, before pulling the towel around herself and looking at Delilah, sticking out her tongue.

Nope, No sex, but a lot of physical training, and pursuing of business in the village, there's a lot of work to be done and I'm FINALLY in the right shape to do it! Kinda... Eh, I'll be fine in a couple of days, and I'm sure a proper work out would help things along, as well as get Giselle drooling a little. Kylie said with a chuckle. Apparently I look pretty good sweaty and working hard, we'll see if anyone else agrees around here Kylie added, heading upstairs with Delilah, who was quite happy to help

Getting Kylie dolled up in some nice lingerie, and into an outfit she assured Kylie would drive Giselle crazy, the assassin looked at herself in the mirror and had to agree. This was borderline cruel! Giggling madly, Kylie slid her gauntlets on for the first time in the last few days, flexing the blades experimentally and smiling. She wasn't helpless or useless now...

Stretching around a little, Kylie had to agree, the outfit granted a lot of freedom in her range of motion, though it was absolute shit for physical protection. It was also light... If it wasn't so racey, Kylie could wear this working. She had better stuff in that closet for that though and to make the point, Kylie grabbed the full length cloak out of there as well, running her hands along the black fabric.

Heading downstairs, Kylie hung it up by the door, and then made her way towards the dining area to lean against the door frame and look around a little. So Delilah... What plans did you and Tina have when you found out I wanted to marry Giselle? You never really made mention of them, but we have been busy as hell. Moving into the new home? Staying here? And what about the marriage!? Crap... still need to plan that out... Or hop over a broomstick and say fuck it...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aye it shall drive her wild and leave her drooling for sure Kylie," Delilah said with a giggle as she helped Kylie into the last of her clothes she'd gotten out. "You know, the big town that Hazel was supposed to have met you at and all on the north of the island, they have an armory up there and they have some really good armors if you'd like to head up there one day sometime soon and have a look around. Maybe some good padded leather armor or some studded leather even might be good for you. Gods you should see Tina in her armor that she wears when she's able to really get ready for battle. I don't know how she even moves in it, but she drove herself to become stronger and stronger until she passed her breaking point, at which point she came back out physically stronger than pretty much anyone on the entire island. And I've seen her wrestle around with bears before and win up in the mountain areas of the island," Delilah added as Kylie got her gauntlets back on for the first time in a while.

When Kylie grabbed her new cloak, she'd find that the silk felt perfect in her hands, and it would be good and lightweight and probably wouldn't get in the way much. When Kylie asked Delilah what she and Tina had in mind once the new house was done and what they might have planned upon finding out she and Giselle were to marry, Delilah smiled, looking slightly sad in a way, but it was more than obvious that she was more happy than anything else. "I uh... hadn't really though a whole lot on it honestly. I just want what's best for Giselle though and for her to be happy if you want an honest answer Kylie, and she seems to be happy with you so far and all. Though... I admit that I did have my doubts at first, considering her past and how many times she's been jilted and all, and what with her last love Lianna. I really liked her, because she was just so kind to everyone around, always able to bring a smile to everyone and she always knew just what to say. But she's gone now, and hopefully she was able to find redemption when Giselle sent her on," Delilah said, looking down at the floor, a slight sniffle easily heard as she wiped a tear away and looked back up at Kylie. "Have you ever noticed the white ribbon she has around her spear just under the head of it? Or her pearl heart necklace? Lianna gave her those while they were seeing each other. I asked her why she still keeps them like that, and she said they were a constant reminder to always live each day with those you love to the fullest. I'm sorry, that so much was dropped on you today Kylie, and ever since you came here. Just remember that you aren't alone and that you can always come to me when you need to talk about things, I'll always listen to my friend that's helped my baby sister so much. Please Kylie... take good care of her, I've not seen her so happy in a very long time, and it isn't often that she's so giddy, even with Lianna. She must feel something good and right about you to be so giddy all the time now," Delilah went on to say, pulling Kylie into a sisterly hug.

Kylie could all but feel the sadness in Delilah's voice, but she was trying to keep her from noticing, but Kylie's sixth sense told her that there was something more about why she was sad. "I... I've given a lot for her over the years, Tina too, but me... heh. Just feels like she's bloody cursed with misfortune sometimes, always felt like that until recently after she managed to overcome Lianna's death, before you arrived here I mean," Delilah said after breaking their hug, a slightly wistful look in her eye as she stared past Kylie a few moments before she glanced over at Kylie once more. "Well anyway, time to put old sad memories where they belong, in the past, because now we must look to the future, a brighter future where you one day give us lots of nieces to dote on or I shall tie you down and personally pour fertility potions down your throat and do the same to Giselle... though, I don't know how you two would have sex then to utilize them if I did that... maybe that plan needs rethinking. Anyway though, let's go and knock Giselle senseless with that outfit, I'm sure she'll be dazed and confused and a bit pent up by the time you're able to have fun again. You should ask Tina her thoughts on the matter though if you want my opinion, as I can't really speak for her other than she just wants what's best for Giselle and for her to be happy like me," Delilah added as she opened the door, gesturing for Kylie to head on out as she collected their towels and followed, taking them to the dirty clothes while Kylie went to tease Giselle.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie chuckled to lighten the mood a little, squeezing Delilah in the hug as she listened before answering herself. for what feels like the thousandth time Delilah, I'm not going anywhere, I meant it when I said I loved Giselle, and hell or high water I'm not leaving her. I'm glad that Giselle knew someone as lovely as her passed lover seems to have been, but I'm not her Kylie said, booping Delilah on the nose with a smile.

I certainly don't know the right thing to say, but I'll always say what's on my mind if it needs saying, A paragon of light I am most certainly not~! But do I love and care for Giselle? You bet your ass I do and have every intention of keeping her at my side, and staying by hers every step of the way. Kylie added, spinning the enchanted ring on her finger as they headed off to give Giselle a nosebleed.

As they walked, Kylie kept talking, trying to assuage any misgivings the first person on this island she'd ever met may have had. I'm thinking all of you were worried I'd remember something and suddenly change my mind. Well, that's not the case, just now my life is a little more complicated, and you'll have your nieces and nephews, just give a girl some time to get shit stable first! This is all crazy! But yea, sorry, sometimes the person who comes to take someone away has some baggage of their own. No worries, I wont let anything hurt Giselle again, and if anything tries... Well... I know where Giselle is, night and day... And they'll sorely regret the decision. Unlike Lianna, I have no such misgivings about doing the right thing for everyone, and the right thing for the person I care most about in this world. Giselle... and later our family? Nothing will keep me away from that... Kylie said softly, before they reached the kitchen.

Leaning against the doorframe, Kylie pouted out her lips a little and called out to Giselle. And here I got all dressed up, What do you think Giselle~ Kylie said, grinning as she showed off a little.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I'm sorry Kylie, about seeming like I don't trust you as much as I should, it makes me feel bad to do so and makes me feel like a bad friend. And just so you know, I'm not going to ask you to try and be a paragon of light, I'd never think of it really. And honestly though, as far as I know, nephews aren't possible with a girl and a futanari like that, but you never know. Also, Giselle told me a little about what all happened throughout the day, so any extra baggage you might have, don't worry about it, we'll be there to help you every step of the way when you need us," Delilah said as she followed Kylie out to go and tease Giselle something awful.

When Kylie and Delilah got to the kitchen, they would see Giselle holding a brush that she was using to brush the barbeque sauce onto the ribs to put onto the grill that she'd seen in the backyard on their porch. Palla was next to her as she showed her what to do and explained how much better it was to brush it on a little before and some during the cooking, with Palla still looking on and listening very closely as she cut up the potatoes for Giselle into bite sized chunks with the skins still on some. When Kylie spoke from the doorway and Giselle looked up, she dropped the brush down to clatter against the side of the platter she had the racks of ribs on while she brushed the sauce onto them, audibly gulping as she looked up at Kylie.

"Um... h-hello there Kylie. Y-You're feeling better some I see. I'm uh... I'm glad that you are and all... a-and that's a... nice outfit you've got on," Giselle stuttered upon seeing Kylie, a bulge easily seen forming in the front of her trousers as her member filled with blood and came to attention.

Delilah giggled at Giselle's reaction, as did Palla who also seemed a little surprised that Kylie had such an effect on Giselle with merely the way she was dressed. Giselle looked down as she followed everyone's eyes towards her crotch and blushed profusely as she placed her hands over the bulge to try and hide it from view, failing miserably at it. "Um... I-I'll go ahead and t-take these ribs on out t-to the grill and get them s-started, since I've got them all ready and everything to c-cook," Giselle stuttered a bit as she grabbed the platter with the brush still on it and a barbeque fork, as well as the jar of the barbeque sauce she had.

"Kylie, why don't you go and help Giselle on the porch with the grill and stuff, I can help Palla finish up with the potatoes and onions and stuff," Delilah suggested, urging Kylie on out the door with Giselle as she went over and grabbed an onion and began chopping it up into one of the piles of potatoes that Palla was chopping up, each pile in a different little pan.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled before blowing a kiss at Giselle, enjoying her reaction and feeling pretty sexy for it. Blushing herself as Giselle retreated for the porch with the ribs. Waving at Palla, Kylie nodded. I think that's best, I need to smother Giselle in love and affection. she said, dashing after Giselle.

Once outside, Kylie would slide up behind Giselle and wrap her arms around her as she worked, perching her head on her shoulder and watching. Kissing her neck gently once she was done, Kylie turned her around and kissed her properly, their lips meeting softly as her tongue slid out to tease her lovers for a few moments before pulling back. I know things have been crazy, thanks for being right next to me the whole way Giselle, I love you. I always will. Kylie said, hugging Giselle tightly for several seconds.

Once the tender moment was over, Kylie bounced back giggling, reveling in her renewed mobility a little bit as she twirled around and laughed loudly, happily, before bouncing to a stop and looking at Giselle again. I wanna help, what shall I do master chef?
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Palla waved at Kylie as she followed Giselle out to the porch, still quite amazed that Kylie could have such an effect on Giselle like she did with her sexy outfit. When Kylie came up behind Giselle and wrapped her arms around her as she came up behind her, Giselle gave a little eek as the platter with the ribs fell out of her hands the last inch before it landed on the table next to the grill, though Giselle quickly calmed down as soon as Kylie's head touched her shoulder. Giselle just let Kylie turn her around and kiss her, almost putty in her arms it seemed as she opened her mouth and allowed Kylie to invade her mouth with her tongue and not even resisting in the least.

"Yeah, things have been crazy and tense, but... I wouldn't dream of letting you go through that alone Kylie... I love you. Nobody should have to go through what you have," Giselle said as they hugged, with Giselle pulling Kylie tight up against her, which had the added effect of pressing her now fully erect member, which the head of was poking out over the top of her trousers now, against Kylie's belly. It seemed like Giselle was trying to ignore her erection at the moment, which was a bit cute actually. When Kylie backed off and did her twirl for Giselle, she'd see Giselle gulp again as she pulled her collar out a little to let some air down into her shirt, while her member twitched visibly while it poked out the top of her trousers, making it easy to see that Giselle was wanting some relief, but wasn't going to ask Kylie for it, knowing that she was still quite sore. "Alright Kylie, come on over here and help me get this grill going and the ribs on, so that I can cook these bad boys up for us," Giselle said, obviously trying to ignore her erection even more now.

When Kylie came over to the grill, Giselle pointed out some little charcoal bricks and told her to put them into the grill bottom under the rack while she got something to light it with. Once Kylie had the thing loaded with some charcoal to cook with, Giselle came over with a small torch that was meant to light candles and put it to the charcoal after adding a few drops of oil to help start it, which caused flames to poof up and Giselle to lean back and away from the grill. "Whew, didn't want that to happen. My eyebrows still there sweetie?" Giselle said, asking Kylie what she did in a joking manner as she giggled. When Kylie looked she'd find Giselle was just fine, albeit a bit red faced because of the flames... or from her outfit it was hard to tell.

Together, the two would be able to quickly get the rib racks onto the grill rack where they'd begin cooking, with Giselle brushing some barbeque sauce onto them as they cooked. Soon after that, Palla came out and told them that the potatoes and onions were cooking in the oven now and should be done around the same time as the ribs. Once she was gone back inside, Giselle turned to Kylie during a break from the brushing and smiled.

"Kylie... is there anything you want to talk about in particular? You know I'll listen and understand anything you say," Giselle asked as she sat down and patted the swinging sofa beside her for Kylie to join her.