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Jesse's room

Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Jesse's room

Jesse was outdone, throwing her body back in lust as Fleur's fingers finally gave her what she wanted, as her fingers slid inside Jesse's wet pussy.

"Mmm!" she moaned, "Deeper, sweetie! Stick your fingers deeper into me!"


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Jesse's room

Not one to let the opportunity slip by, Fleur complied with Jesse's desires, moving her not only deeper, but faster as well, fully intent on pushing the older woman to her climax. That said, it seemed that the small girl herself would be wanting similar soon, given how aroused she was...

(Is it possible for Fleur to undo the handcuffs? As in... are the keys, if any, in a place she can easily find?)
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Jesse's room

( Key is in Jesse's hand >:3 )

Jesse happily moaned in exstacy as Fleur stuck her fingers into her.

"Yes!" she moaned, then looked down to Fleur, but more importantly, at her pussy, "Fuck me, sweetie! Rub your sweet, soft pussy against me!" she begged Fleur.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Jesse's room

(Yh oh...;P)

Without needing Jesse to say it twice as Fleur shifted herself off of the larger woman and repositioned herself so that her wet pussy was in cotact with the other's. Eyes clouded with lust, the blond girl rubbed her sex against her partner's with a passion, moaning pleasure herself as her need was finally being sated. She was beyond caring whether or not she had submitted to Jesse's will, desiring only to satisfy her own lust...
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Jesse's room

Jesse kept moaning happily as Fleur proceeded to fuck her, spouting "Yes!" and "Fuck me!" more times than anyone would bother to count. The woman was obviously some kind of sex demon...

She made her own movements against Fleur, as the two bounced up and down on the bed, eagerly fucking each other as Jesse held her leg in the air, allowing Fleur to have much more ease of access to the sex demon's pussy.

The two rubbed at each other until they both experienced a fierce orgasm, their sweet honey covering both of their pussies, as Jesse and Fleur relaxed once more, panting heavily from the passionate sex they just had.

Jesse erected her body back up, and her hands were suddenly free from the cuffs that bound them, rubbing at the red marks they had left.

Jesse crawled over Fleur immediately after, smiling down at her.

"Oh, sweetie," she said in a loving tone, "You're the most energetic, passionate lover I've had in a while." she claimed, leaning into Fleur as she kissed her passionately, and deeply, her tongue playing with Fleur's as she nearly pushed the poor blond's head into the bed as Jesse's tongue violated Fleur's mouth.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Jesse's room

Unable to do anything but return the kiss as she laid exhausted on the bed, the poor blonde began to wonder about many things. How Jesse had gotten herself free from the handcuffs, how the demon like sex fiend was able to have that energy despite having orgasmed three times already, and what her own fate was after having teased the sex demon when she was handcuffed, now that she on the bed, exhausted and helpless...
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Jesse's room

Jesse leans back from the kiss, and giggles at Fleur,

"Funny thing, my little doll, I don't know your name." she giggled, "We just couldn't wait to fuck each other!" She began to trail her finger around Fleur's lips, "You can call me Jess, my love. What shall I call you?" she asked, sticking her finger into Fleur's mouth, and then taking it out, then sucking on it.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Jesse's room

Still relatively short of breath, from both the kiss and the earlier climax, Fleur replied to the brown-haired woman in between breaths.

"Fleur...Fleur Loir..."
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Jesse's room

Jesse blinked at the odd name.

"So... Fleur," she said her name as if addressing her lover, "Were you always interested in sex with women? Or did my charm proceed you?" she asked, as she stuck out her tongue, and ran it up and down Fleur's neck, and between her breasts.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Jesse's room

What Jesse said struck a chord in Fleur, causing her to think seriously regarding the matter. Before everything had fallen apart for her, having sex with another female was almost unthinkable, considered revolting by much of society. But after she had lost everything and society had fallen apart...

"I...don't know. Before all of his happened, having sex like this was...almost unthinkable. Yet now... it seems so...natural."

There was uncertainty in her voice as she replied, almost as if she herself did not know the answer.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Jesse's room

Jesse smiled warmly at Fleur, getting off of her, and laying at her side, using her hands to work at Fleur's worn muscles. Fleur felt a wave of splendid comfort from Jesse's soft, motherly hands, sending delightful goosebumps of relaxation as Jesse massaged her lover.

"Sometimes..." Jesse starts, "We may learn things about ourselves, that we never even knew. When I was about your age, maybe not even five years ago, I never knew that when I hugged my friends, or even touched someone, that I had a tendency to sexually excite them, no matter who it was. For the longest time, I never knew that there were as many men as women who had a crush on me, even if I only talked to them once. No matter what I did, I seemed to drive people crazy with lust."

Jesse took a deep breath, moving her hands down to Fleur's waist, as the goosebumps went with her, sending the delightful energy through her, "I've only had three boyfriends... But, I've had over thirty girlfriends since then, as I always seemed to enjoy pleasing women more. I feel more emotion, more love, more passion, from a woman, where from men, I only felt lust. And that eventually got boring after a while..."

Taking another breath, Jesse began to trail her hand up and down Fleur's naked body, smiling at her, "Oh, Fleur, I'm so happy I met you. With how dark everything's been lately, you're a bright light in the darkness for me." she leaned in, and Fleur felt powerful goosebumps trail all along her neck as Jesse kissed her there.

"I love you, Fleur." she told the blond girl passionately.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Jesse's room

Basking in the sensations she felt from the movements of Jesse's hands, Fleur laid there, taking in comfort the granted by the massage, relaxing after having made love that many times in a row, while listening intently to the older woman talk about her past experiences. And when the green eyed woman told her she loved her, the blond girl replied in earnest.

"I love you too Jess..."

It appeared that Fleur was now Jesse's in mind, body, and spirit...
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Jesse's room

Pulling the blankets up, Jesse wrapped herself and Fleur together, not to go to sleep, Jesse just wanted to hold the small girl, as she cuddled close to her, one leg lapping over Fleur's body, as well as an arm, as Jesse held Fleur close to her.

What felt strange to Fleur, except for how naked they were, was that Fleur felt like her mother was holding her in a warm embrace, as if Jesse was holding Fleur close to protect her from all of the bad things in the world, as if Jesse would hold her forever, and never let go, as Jesse's warm body washed over Fleur like a protective shield, as she felt like a child being kept warm against all of the cold world around them. Fleur felt complete solace, right next to Jesse, as if Nirvana awaited Fleur, right within Jesse's heart...


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Jesse's room

What the petite girl felt, was essentially the same sense of security a child felt within their mother's hold. Safe and secure, as if she could forget about all the sad and evil things and temporarily escape from the harsh reality. Closing her eyes, not to sleep, but to lose herself in this feeling, Fleur laid there wordless, trying to momentarily forget all of her plans for revenge and what the world had become, to simply enjoy this rare and precious time of peace. For another moment such as this would be hard to find in the future, where many unknown hardships lie in wait...
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Jesse's room

Fleur's Nirvana was interrupted, not rudely, but by the sound of Jesse's voice. As she spoke, the warm flow of Jesse's voice washed over her, soothed her, and captivated her.

"Sweetie?" she called to Fleur, sounding in a very sincere voice, "I want you to promise me something, can you do that for me...?" she awaited for Fleur's response.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Jesse's room

"Yes Jess?..."

Eyes still closed, Fleur waited for Jess to continue, still enjoying the feeling of being held.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Jesse's room

"I want you to promise me that you'll be my little angel, that you'll never hurt anyone, ever, no matter what, that you'll fight to protect those you love, those who need you, and not to destroy those who you hate..." Jesse paused for a second, then continued,

"Can you do that for me? Can you promise to be my little angel?"


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Jesse's room

Fleur froze when she heard what Jesse wanted her to promise, now being forced to make a choice. If she went through with the promise, it would mean that she would have to give up her revenge against Luna. That she would allow her father's killer to roam away without punishment. However, if she didn't make the promise, she might hurt Jesse, something she really didn't want to do at this point.


Struggling to make a choice, flashbacks of her previous encounters with Luna came to her, the day she lost everything, when she made her first attempt at revenge... the killer's voice echoed throughout the memories that were being called up one by one. Luna standing over her fallen body amidst the sea of flames, killer persona donned:

"Do you hate me for killing them? Do you wish for me to die?...Then grow stronger... Harden your resolve, and when we meet again, kill me."

Luna, staring at her eye to eye when she was tied up and on the ground once again:

"When you kill me, come with the conviction to die or you will surely fail..."

"Come back only when you are ready to kill me...or end up like the rest of your sinful family..."

Tears formed in the petite girl's eyes as she spoke, frustrated at her inability to reach a final decision as the nightmares kept haunting her as she was forced to make a choice. Her voice choked and sorrowful, the girl seemed to be on the verge of crying.

"I...I can't... I wish I could...but I can't...Every time I try to forget about my hatred towards Luna, she keeps reappearing...taunting me...goading me to kill her...standing over my parents' bodies and looking down on me... I'm afraid... I'm afraid that if I promise you now, I'd..I'd... break it..."

The blond girl really did want to promise Jesse that she would be a "little angel", a person who wouldn't harm anyone, and only protect those she cherished. However if she did at this point, it would be a lie. Since "Luna" would taunt her in her mind each time, enrage her and cause her to feel uncontrollable hatred, hatred that would likely only cause her to quest for revenge once again. Weeping bitterly, the small girl pushed herself closer against Jess as the salty tears rolled down her cheeks...
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Jesse's room

Jesse closed her eyes, saying nothing for sometime, as tears began to roll down her cheeks.

Jesse then spoke in an absolutely depressed voice, as if she had just lost a loved one, just as Fleur had.

"The pain doesn't go away!" she told Fleur, being brought to pathetic, utter tears in front of the girl, "You'll only hurt others on your journey for vengeance! And in the end you'll only feel empty! Vengeance only brings more harm to what has already been done! Imagine who you'd be hurting by killing Luna! You'd hurt her friends, her family, but most of all, you'd hurt me! If you continue the chain of vengeance, it will become a spiral that will never stop! It will only continue, and the people who loved her, will see you the same way you see Luna!" Jesse's hands gripped Fleur tightly around the shoulders, "And that's not who I want you to be! It won't end with Luna! You'll only become exactly what you hate!

"A Murderer!


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Jesse's room

(Ironically enough, Jesse's words can be associated to Luna as well, who essentially killed her lover to avenge her best friend, but found herself in even more pain.)

Fleur froze at Jesse's last words, as if some horrible revelation had been bestowed upon her. The girl then began to shake, her eyes wide with fear, similar to the time when it seemed Luna was about to kill her. Fleur was a normal person, not a killer who had lost her mind and become drained of emotion. She felt things as any other person would, the fear of death, the fear of becoming something they didn't want to become... everything.

Voice shaky as she spoke, the blond girl seemed to break down almost.

I'm... afraid. I'm afraid of becoming like Luna. I'm afraid of losing myself one day, and hurting everyone I care about. I'm afraid of making promises, only to break them because I can't control myself. I'm afraid of losing my emotions and becoming a cold heartless monster that kills without a second thought!

Nearly choking as she spoke, the girl did not stop shaking. She was afraid of dying, not only physically, but emotionally as well. But most of all, she was afraid she would kill...kill and be stained with blood just as Luna was...

(Going to sleep now. Night night.)