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Homelands (Guan Yu)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

While the fairy laughed at her, Tomoe went to work with her legs, starting what would most likely be a good deal of struggling. Of course, she did not wish for that, but something in the back of her mind was suggesting that there would be a lot of things to experience. For some reason, the rage of the fey had been wiped away in a matter of moments, the sight of the helpless maiden apparently turning anger into cheeriness for the sadistic pervert. Still, the restraint vines were not going easy on her, reminding the miko of their existence as soon as she raised her position. Getting off from the toys was a cinch, but after that it got a whole lot taxing, even with the buzzing things removed from within her folds. It was easily comparable to trying pulling something heavy and unmovable with one's neck and nipples, and felt just as harsh. As she got into higher elevation, the choking went from uncomfortable to outright nasty as the priestess' breathing was cut off completely for a moment as she struggled hard against the bindings. She could somehow manage stay conscious though, even get some very shallow bits of air at times. Realizing that she could operate without fear towards her life, at least not right away, the Easterner started the tug-of-war against her bindings after failing the first try.

No matter how hard she tried, the bindings were just not going to give up, even after a prolonged period of time spent on the job. As the time crawled onwards, it just began to feel like pulling a plow through a rocky field, only that she was doing it while kneeling and a fairy was taunting her. She had to rest here and there, which only resulted in further verbal abuse from one of the onlookers. She was already hurting and would likely have marks on her neck tomorrow after all this, but Tomoe kept on trying despite feeling like she would lose her ability to do that pretty soon.

It did not take long. After a particularly wobbly attempt that she was doing, the miko lost her balance somehow and was not able to keep her body up at the desired elevation anymore, ending up with the toy inside her once more as she slipped down on the staked implement. Slowly, painfully surely, she felt that this was it. Fighting her own weakness at this point, Tomoe put up resistance against going too far, but her own tiredness and the suddenly returned buzzing only served to reduce the time it took for her to slip further away from that goal. It only took a few more moments for all of her fighting to come down in weird pain and pleasure-mixed tries, all of those ultimately leading down to the what was the lowest situation that she could be in right now, all the way down on the things with the grass of the forest floor touching the priestess' lower parts. It would have not been the same without all the spouting of taunts from the purple fey, her partners in crime still remaining as quiet as they had been before. With both of her holes stuffed, it would not be far away now, the inevitable orgasm. The feelings that were coursing through her shapely body only served to further reinforce this fact.

Before she could manage to break down into the fires of the impending orgasm, Tomoe was approached once more, no doubt with that long thing that the purple fairy had displayed. The liquid that was leaking on the priestess' cheek was a sure indication of that. She was offered the chance to apologize once more, just at the final moments near the border. It did appear to be a valid option at first, considering everything that she had just been through, but then the option was pushed away as the fey once more decided to threaten the others of her group. That just served to anger the miko again. Rearing her head up a bit, the shrine maiden spat blindly at the leader fey. "Looks like... not getting what you want is bothering you... and you resort to threats... Well... You are not going to get your desires... I'll make sure the child will not grow up to be scum like you..." she replied with a shaky voice, steeling herself against the inevitable climax and what would follow after that.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 0/76, Status = Helpless, Puppeteered

"As you wish," the unseen nymph replied plainly. The head of her cock left the priestess's face, and the crunching of grass suggested that the woman had circled behind the miko. As suddenly as anything else that had happened to Tomoe that day, a foot planted itself on her back and then forced her upper body down.

The pain from the clamps and the choking vine was relieved instantly, and soon they fell limply from the warrior priestess. Thankfully, the vibrating toys inside her ass and pussy also came with her, and didn't cause her any additional pain during the sudden position change, but perhaps less thankfully they remained with her as she ended face down in the dirt with her bottom up and on display. She felt something clutch at the base of the one inserted into her womanhood, even though the foot never lifted from her back, and her unseen assailant began to vigorously fuck her with the toy. Spiritual tendrils, undoubtedly belonging to the purple fae, enclosed around her soul, and they did so just in time to send her over the threshold of her orgasm.

And those tendrils drank deeply of her energy as Tomoe suffered her first orgasm at the hands of the fae. The pleasure that spiked through the busty miko was all the stronger for everything she had endured before her body's resistance had broken, and it was drawn out longer for the faerie's persistence in roughly pumping Tomoe's cunny with her toy even as the shrine maiden rode out her climax.

Then, when it was over, she simply pulled both toys out of the miko's abused body and tossed them to the ground. "I think you should be allowed to watch as I breed you," the nymph suggested coldly as she pulled her foot away from the miko's back. With a quick few more steps, Tomoe's blindfold was subsequently removed and dropped to the ground as well. With all the kindness of a person handling a sack of potatoes, the fey woman then went about flipping Tomoe onto her back. Going a step further, she lifted the human's legs, and pulled and pushed at her until most of her weight was on her shoulders and neck, with her waist actually in the air and her legs over her head with one foot on either side of her head. When the miko had been forced into that position, the vines that had been so well utilized up until that point adjusted to lock her into place.

"This position is called a reverse piledriver. Pretty silly name, isn't it?" The faerie asked conversationally as she stepped into place, straddling Tomoe's skyward crotch, and began to rub the head of her cock between the miko's labia. "But it will give you a perfect view as I pump some manners into you," her tone turned cold again as she began to push herself inside without even a whit of concern for the miko's own comfort.

And her complete disregard for Tomoe certainly didn't change afterward. From the moment she was in the miko's lubricated cunt, the faerie began to thrust away with a reckless abandon. Each thrust caused the strain on the priestess's neck and shoulders to become more and more noticeable, and the force of each push might have knocked her down if not for the vines. It wasn't any easier on her sex either, as she was anything but used to the size, and the faerie commented on as much. "Don't worry. I'll make sure you're nice and loose for your lizard."

As little as the fey woman seemed to care for Tomoe's pleasure though, the miko was finding some, and the faerie certainly knew it as her soul greedily lapped up every small fragment of energy that the miko unwillingly offered. Indeed, the nymph seemed perfectly content to force the warrior priestess across her peak once more through sheer steady rhythm and stamina. And, given so many minutes, that was exactly what she did, with the violated miko below her cumming once more despite the amount of discomfort she had been put through. When that happened, the faerie's cock began to twitch violently and she announced her own climax. "Here comes your baby, you rude little human!"

The faerie's cock exploded inside the miko, filling her womb with cum even as Tomoe rode out her orgasm. The monstrosity of a shaft stayed buried inside her, delivering the faerie's potent seed as deeply as it possibly could. All the while Tomoe's energy was drained from her, until she had no more left so when the two had rode out their own pleasures the miko was completely helpless to move any longer. And when the faerie pulled out, leaving some cum to drip from Tomoe's filled pussy down her own body, and stepped away and dismissed all the vines that had been binding the shrine maiden, the human could only flop bonelessly to the ground.

"You've done well, really. You've kept your defiance shtick all the way up until the end. Much better than the last person I had to punish," the purple faerie suggested through labored breaths, before sitting on the ground beside Tomoe. "But I've time for one more punishment before dawn breaks, and I think you're really going to love this one." The nymph placed a hand on the miko's own, and Tomoe suddenly felt a sensation akin to the tendrils that had been around her soul during their coupling, only the latest one was far more physical. Her body moved without her input, and, despite that she had no energy, the miko found herself gently pulling her hand away from the nymph and standing up as if controlled by some invisible strings. The only things that remained in Tomoe's control were her mind, her senses, and her mouth.

"You see, if you'd apologized earlier I would've never had that chance at your delicious soul. Your will is strong enough that you probably would've resisted this if you had any energy left to resist with. But now your body is all mine to do what I please with, at least for another hour or so," the faerie leaned back comfortably, her cock still proudly on display. "Were I a petty person, I'd force you to bounce up and down on my cock until I was sure you were carrying my progeny, but I'm not. Instead... I think it's time you had a romantic encounter with your lizard, so we can fulfill the spirit of the dare that brought us all here. Imagine his surprise when he wakes up to his companion naked and on his cock, and imagine all of the others' surprises when they wake up to find such a scene."

"Have fun with that," she finalized coolly, and Tomoe had but a few seconds to say whatever she might want to try to say to the faerie but if the miko didn't utilize it well then her feet would begin carrying her toward Shenron in short order.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

For some reason, the answer given did not seem to rile the fey lady too much. She sounded pretty neutral even, but what happened next confirmed that something within the remark had hit home. They went around, moving to position behind Tomoe and soon coming down with a forceful foot to make her bend down to the ground. Even if it was humiliating, the release of the clamps and vines was enough to make up for it as it relieved her from all the pressure and discomfort that the things were causing with their efforts. Despite their staked position, the toys left the ground with the miko, the sitting on them having somewhat loosened the ground to allow them getting away without any pain being caused. The things still remained safely deposited into her within her slots, though. The position that the priestess ended up in was one of the most primitive and dominance-asserting ones for sure, with the foot firmly keeping her down while she had to remain in a kneeling bow of sorts, with her lower parts plainly presented to whoever might be near. Just the trio that had been taking her around, most likely.

She could not simply remain there for long though, as the assertive faerie reached for the one toy that was buried into the lady shrine that was the Easterner's womanhood and began to ram it in like the thing owed her money. Some spiritual connection was made as well, probing tendrils of mind power coming in to grab Tomoe's spiritual center in a firm grip. With all the previous molestation that had gone on for an extended period of time, there was little need to hammer the toy in. It took barely a minute to throw the miko into her climax, and she turned her head again, burying her face to the ground in an effort to muffle all voices of pleasure that were coming out. The spirit-tentacles sapped at her inner power then, the orgasm allowing them to steal some of it away. While she was already coming away from the climax, the fey still carried on for a while after, adding some further time to the lenght of the release.

After the fey got bored with using the toy, both of the things came out, getting discarded to the nearby ground as their usefulness had passed. With the taste of grass still somewhat in her mouth, Tomoe was granted her sight back after a good while spent in the dark. The purple lady had it in her to see that the priestess would be able to witness the upcoming event, a thing that the still gasping miko was not sure about liking, to be honest. Still mostly bound and missing a part of her inner powers, there was even less resistance in the maiden than before, and the fey could quite handily set her up to the new position. Somehow it managed to be even more of an embarassment than the previous one had been, a seriously folded position that would cause a deal of further physical strain to her upper body. As reliably as before, the vines too joined in again, tying themselves around the priestess' ankles to maintain the position with their strong pull. A little less concerned about herself at this point, Tomoe almost found herself enjoying the taxing position and the grip of the vines. Like before, none of that would be made public, of course. The fairy might get ideas from it, after all."Sounds like something you would think about." she replied once the name of the position was mentioned, a pretty silly thing really.

There was no stopping the fairy from doing the things she did, be it talking or preparing for the incoming rape. After throwing around some further nonsense, she simply pushed herself in without making too much of a number from the simple act, the straightforwardness beginning to appeal to the miko as she had already endured too much silly things that night. From there, things went as they would be expected to go. The priestess could not really muffle herself this time around, so the fey got to hear her pleasure sounds. It was already enough to try and adjust to the mounting strain that her upper body was being subjected to with all the pushing down that was happening, a thing that could not even be prevented because of the vines maintaining the position with their steady lockdown on the miko's movement. As the furious pounding progressed, so did the greedy sucking at her inner power, the whole of it steadily vanishing as the first of the fairycock-induced orgasms washed through the Easterner's shapely form. It was not enough for the fairy though, and she simply carried on, not having delivered what she had threatened earlier. The breeding process continued for another couple of moments, until the rapist had finally reached her target. Like the showboat she was, the purple dominator just had to announce that she was going to fire her lenghty seed cannon. And as it burst forth, Tomoe came again, the heat inside her causing another climax as she was inseminated. The amount of the stuff was a sure indication of that as it burst out and dripped down onto her belly. It was a mark for another thing as well, for the last of the spiritual power drained away at exactly the same time. Once all of it was done, there was no getting up, the extent of her physical ability topping at a plop to the ground after the vines released.

Now on the ground and no doubt leaking white from her soiled nethers, Tomoe seemed to have even more games ahead of her. The previous mention of her being subject to the dare of doing naughty things with Shenron was still apparently going to happen, even if she did not want to do it. Of this there was no doubt, as the fey used further power to steal the miko's control of her body from her, even if she was not able to move by herself. It was as if some invisible being was directing her manually. Yet, she could still think and talk like nothing was happening, definately also feeling everything as the strain was still there in various places of her form. Like before, what was happening got explained to her, a thing that was not usually a good one in villains. Somehow, the purple lady was thinking that it was a bad thing that this final act would happen. The priestess herself was not agreeing, finding that it would be the best thing to happen among all this, easily. "Think whatever you want, bitch. I will get over it. Shenron deserves to get some thanks for all he has done to me, so I will enjoy this more than anything you could ever do." was all that she would say. It hardly mattered anymore, after all the violation that had already happened.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 0/76, Status = Helpless, Puppeteered

Though Tomoe was allowed to offer most of her retort, her latest use of the word 'bitch' was drowned out by the loud sound of a hand slapping her ass. It proved not to be the faerie to give her the latest spank however, at least not directly, but the miko's own hand that had lashed out against her. "I'm getting really tired of that word, you know. I could've been far more cruel," she suggested, standing up from her lazy position in order to stride up behind the shrine maiden. She pressed her cock into the human's back and wrapped her arms around her with one hand ending up above Tomoe's chest and one ending up on her tummy. In the new, very intimate position the purple fey began to whisper into Tomoe's ear. "For example: the Autumn Court does things a little differently. If they see a mortal that interests them, they'll simply keep him or her. And in the end that's all your kind really are, you know? Toys to be played with, trophies to display..."

"You're going too far, sister," the blue faerie finally called out in Tomoe's defense after the leading nymph's latest and most outrageous comment thus far.
"Am I really? You've seen how she's behaved. Just because she helped to save a group of our kin doesn't make her any better than the rest of her kind. You saw how she insulted us and pulled my hair, even when we just wanted to play a game."
"If she's guilty of overreacting, it's only because you unnecessarily pushed her. We could've just as easily retreated to our own fun and games."
"I grow weary of retreating from humans and letting them simply have their way," the nymph responded with icy malice in her tone. "I wanted simple yes or no answers, and when she refused me them I decided that I wanted to push her. She responded with the same primitive aggression than any other mortal would, when all she had to do was to simply say 'yes' or 'no'."
"Does that make what you've done right? You must be-"

With a sudden shove that sent Tomoe to her hands and knees, and, due to the effects of the faerie's magic, unable to pick herself up from her new position, the purple faerie wheeled to face the blue one and snarled her response. "Yes! Yes, it does! Her kind is as great a threat to ours as the demons ever were! If you ask me, the Autumn Court has the right of it! Take the mortals who are useful or interesting as pets and toys and leave the rest to burn! Now will you stand with your kin or will you continue to stand for this bitch?" Her manic rant went unanswered by the other nymph, and although Tomoe couldn't turn her head to fully survey the scene it was easy to tell that the woman who had made that late effort to stand up for her was backing off now.

It was made even more apparent that the blue fey had given up the fight as the purple faerie turned and approached the miko again, and now she was completely livid since someone had dared to challenge her authority. "See? It's not so fun when you're the one being called bitch! And I'll make you walk like a proper bitch too!" The woman grabbed Tomoe's hair and used it as a leash, even though she had full control over the miko's body, in order to begin walking Tomoe in the general direction of the campsite she had been taken from. Once they were halfway back to the clearing that her companions were napping in the purple faerie let go in order to let the miko crawl back the rest of the way, but not before offering her a parting slap on the ass. "You'd better start sleeping with one eye open too," she called after Tomoe. "Next time I'm keeping you and making you my own personal cock sleeve!"

After that, the miko was allowed to crawl back to her companions without further interference from the faeries, though she could be sure that at least the purple one was still watching. Her hands and knees were scuffed and filthy with grass stains and dirt by the time she arrived in the clearing, but she could gain no control over her own limbs. True to the faerie's word, her body continued to carry her, whether she was willing or not, toward the sleeping form of Shenron, whom she quickly discovered was having another lewd dream.

His erection stood at full attention as she arrived at her target, and regardless of the miko's feelings on the subject she would soon become very intimate with the lizard's erection. The first thing she would realize, if she hadn't looked closely before, was that Shenron actually had two shafts, bearing a resemblance to the genitals of some snakes and lizards on Donevrion. And soon she became even more familiar as for a brief moment, the priestess's control of her mouth was taken away as the unseen purple faerie directed her body to begin licking at one the shafts and finding that it was already wet with salty precum. Unsurprisingly, Shenron began to stir as the faerie-controlled miko lavished this attention on him, and even more unsurprisingly this did nothing to stop the fey woman from continuing to force Tomoe to pleasure her long-time companion.

It wasn't long until the purple faerie had Tomoe alternating between Shenron's shafts, and after that she quickly moved to wrapping her lips around his cocks and sliding down them. This continued for several minutes before it was finally broken by a grumble of "Tomoe..." Not long afterward the lizard sat up and looked at his lap, only to find the miko orally servicing him. It was at this point that the faerie had Tomoe's body begin to right itself, bringing the miko up to her knees beside Shenron. Afterward, the miko's leg swung over the lizard in order to straddle him and placing his cocks at the entrance to her pussy and ass. "Tomoe...?" He repeated, obviously confused but not complaining about the turn of events. Perhaps the purple faerie's focus had lapsed as she prepared to spear the miko onto her lizard companion's twin shafts, but Tomoe discovered that control of her mouth and voice had been returned to her. She could try to say something to Shenron if she liked, or she could simply ride out what was happening. Literally, even.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Calling the rapist fairy names was giving some relief to Tomoe's mounting frustration at towards both the situation she was in and the general feeling of humiliation she was feeling at the moment. Naked, violated and helplessly controlled against her will in the middle of the woods, not her idea of a good time. It was apparently affecting the target too, who seemed to be getting enough smack talk, the limit break earning yet another slap to the ass for the miko. This one was a bit different though, as it was one that she did herself, the loudness of the blow apparently cutting off the rest of what she wanted to say after the insult. "It does not matter to me how much it bothers you at this point, you already violated me. I'm not going to hold back and consider your feelings after that." she replied, mostly ignoring what was being said afterwards as she had heart some vague rumors about this Autumn Court and what they did. It was a good thing that they had not stumbled across those particular fey, who had a knack for all the nastier behavior that the fairies did. Only as the blue lackey started to question their leader's doings did the priestess pay attention to what was being said and done again.

It was a curious thing to hear, to say the least. Tomoe had noticed the hesitation of the two other fairies from the beginning, but it had apparently taken them this long to finally muster enough courage and determination to go against their leader. Even if she did, the steadily more and more maniacal leader pushed any objection away with her raving, not one to have things any other way besides her own apparently. While she could have said something about all the bad generalizations that were being throws about, the shrine maiden gave up on trying to do anything about it. This nutjob would likely just violate her more than try to think any differently at the point they were in. Just to further drive that point home, the fairy decided that she needed to push Tomoe down onto all fours, a thing that she could have made with the spiritual command just as easily but had to do it physically. Even as the other fairy was silenced with the last outburst of absurdity, the Easterner knew she had to say something about it. "You two... You seem to respect your kin... Never forget that... But also... Never forget that mindset you have now... This world will be better off if we all just try to live with each other... Not subjugate them... I might not be setting a good example with my behavior right now... But I do not think all fey are like this headcase... Or the Autumn Court for that matter... We just need to find some way to... Work the differences out in a non-hostile way... It is what I think... Deep inside..." she told the two, announcing that she held no grudge towards them, basically. Maybe it would provide them with some ease of mind, since the hesitation had been so clear in them and they actually appeared to possess some sense of remorse. At least, that is what the priestess hoped was the case. Just as she had told the two mostly innocent fey this, the leader began to make her move. It looked like it was time to leave this ugly clearing, maybe not in the way that one desired for.

Again, the way she was treated caused a small degree of conflicting thoughts in Tomoe's mind. Not being in control of herself made the whole thing less strong, but she could not avoid thinking about trying something like this later, with someone she could trust better. "As if I'd get this worked up over something trivial like that..." was her comment towards the bitch thing, a completely meaningless matter to most people. Making it back to the camp took more time this way, and was far more humiliating a deal than it had been before, but there was little that could be done with the power of the spiritual possession that was in full effect. All that she could really do was blush and go along with it. Even though the fey was in control, she seemed to consider it a wise move to not enter the camp. Instead, she remained a safe distance away, but would surely be watching from some spot. The final threats were given, and the miko paid some heed to them. If the two of them would meet like this again, she would not hesitate. As much as she had been taken aback by killing in the past few days, there would be no mercy if the second encounter ever happened.

Now, as she was thankfully not in the presence of the fairy anymore, the shrine maiden approached Shenron with what might have been almost predatory intent to someone who did not know what was going on. It was no surprise that the hunter was seeing some dirty dreams again, as he was pretty much ready to go with no provocation of any sort needed. It was a night of learning things, for only now did Tomoe find out that her companion had hidden an additional member from her up to this point, adding further things to show his reptilian heritage. Not that she had paid it too much attention before, as her usual reaction to this situation was to look away politely. That was not really an option at the moment, so she got to see the whole package quite clearly. And she would get familiar with it even closer pretty soon, each second bringing that meeting a bit nearer. Soon she was there, one of the twins coming under a tongue attack as soon as the priestess could reach. From there, the control over her body went completely to the fairy, as there was not preventing the licking action. Only her thoughts remained under control, the rest of her form doing what was ordered to it. Shen had already leaked a decent amount onto himself, so there was no avoiding the pre-cum and all the saltiness it presented. That was of no concern to her body though, and it went along with the orders faithfully, taking care to clean and prepare the hunter's weapons for what was about to happen after the initial part was over. After some minutes spent on licking the things thoroughly, she moved into taking the lenghts into her mouth, doing some oral pumping on them to finish the deal. While she was sliding up and down on the members without her consent, it was somehow easing up Tomoe's mind. She had somehow known that this would happen sometime in the future, so maybe it was better sooner than later. While Shen had proven himself to be very restrained, there had always been a concern that he might one day not manage his urges anymore and go violent. He was something extraordinary in race, after all. Enduring what little discomfort there was, the miko went on with her duty, a constant salty tinge poking her taste buds as the dicks continued filling her mouth.

Some minutes into the act, there was finally some reaction from Shenron. It was only some mumbles at first, but the second time actually had the hunter rise up to a sitting position. It was surely a sight that he did not expect, being one who knew Tomoe so well. He did not try to stop her in any way though, simply looking at the scene with an obviously confused look. With him being awake and aware of the situation, it was time to move to the next step as the miko pulled back from the fellatio, mouth wet with saliva and pre-cum. She came up to her knees, pretty much like she would normally sit, before moving on. Her body was setting itself up for a double penetration, but after all that mouth action, control was returned to her for some possible talk. And talk was what she did. "Yes... It is me... I'm sorry to be raping you like this... But... I'm being controlled by a hostile fey... If... You don't want this to go on... Feel free to stop me... and don't hold back... Use violence if you have to... I don't mind if you hurt me... I can't stop this so... you make the decision..." she told the hunter, not wanting him to feel bad about what he decided to do. "But if you want to go on... that is alright too..."


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 50/76, Status = Fine.

Okay, time for me to stop failing at this.
Initiative Rolls: Shenron = 16, Faerie = 5

Attack by Shenron: Hit.
Damage: She gets KTFO. (He did a total of 113 damage, for the record.)

At Tomoe's explanation, the hunter growled in a fashion that was well beyond any level of frustration that he had ever shown the miko personally. What came next seemed almost more painful for him than the warrior priestess, as he smacked her, with the back of his hand in order to avoid hitting her with any of his talons, in the stomach and sent her body, still under faerie control, stumbling into the dirt. He then quickly jumped to his feet and peered around through the darkened trees of the forest, still growling in irritation as he did so. After a few moments of gazing, it seemed that he had found his target, and he stormed off into the underbrush and out of Tomoe's sight.

"Wait, what? This isn't how this was supposed to go!" The shrine maiden could hear called out in alarm from behind the obscuring screen of greenery. Shenron roared and the faerie shouted in a rage that had become familiar to Tomoe over the course of that long night. "Fine! Then I'll break you too!" There were sounds of a struggle and then another scream from the faerie, although the latest one was in pain rather than in rage. That Shenron had won the fight was evidenced by the faerie's energies suddenly losing their hold on the miko, though she still couldn't move for exhaustion. "Hold on! We don't want any violence. Just let us go, we'll take her with us and we'll never bother you again."

Though Tomoe couldn't see what happened next, the lack of further sounds of battle might suggest that Shenron had allowed them to do just that. The lizard reappeared a few moments later in the clearing and it wasn't beyond the miko's notice that his claws were dripping blood, though at first he strode directly past the helpless warrior priestess and instead approached the group's packs. He rooted around in Kei's and produced a small vial full of liquid, which he returned to the shrine maiden with before gently bringing her into a sitting position and helping her to drink it. The effect was instantaneous, the shrine maiden was able to move again.

But Shenron wasn't done yet. The alien lizard then scooped the shapely warrior up in his arms in a bridal carry and, unless she stopped him, would carry her back into the privacy of the underbrush. As kindly as he had done anything else with Tomoe, he placed her on her feet with her back to a tree, but it wasn't until then that his desires became clear. "Still want you..." he grumbled as he attempted to make the first move, grabbing the miko's shoulders and moving his head to engage her in a kiss that, while impassioned, was made several-hundred times more awkward by their conflicting anatomies. It didn't seem to discourage him though, as one of his hands eventually trailed from her shoulder down her tummy and toward her womanhood.

Fortunately for Tomoe, he made no effort to pleasure her with his claw-adorned fingers, and instead focused on keeping those deadly extensions away from her flesh while beginning to push his palm against her clit. Of course, it would be up to the miko if she wanted to stop him at any point, or if she wanted to go along with it, or even if she wanted to take the lead.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

After telling Shenron what was going on, Tomoe saw an expression unlike any before on her companion. He seemed to have a plan what was going to happen next, and that expression told volumes about what it would involve. While she had allowed the hunter to smack her if he saw it needed, the miko still wished that she had control over herself to prepare a bit and take the blow that was soon issued with a little less pain. The force was strong enough to prevent her from going any further with the plan of the fairy as she stumbled to the ground, thankfully avoiding any possible rocks as her body landed onto the grass nearby. Before the priestess could fully comprehend it, her companion had already left the campsite and zoomed into the bushes after taking some time to detect what he was looking for. The shouts and screams that soon followed were a clear indication of what had happened, the hunter coming up on top with apparent ease as the remaining fairies recovered their leader and left. Even though she had hated that fey, Tomoe still was not sure if that was the best way to deal with the situation. It just might have been the only one to get them out from this, though.

Only a moment passed before Shenron returned, his claws bearing the marks of his attack towards the purple fey. "You didn't... kill her?" the still prone Tomoe asked as her companion went by, the general weariness and the fact that she was drained dry of spirit still keeping her down and unable to go anywhere. The hunter had his plan all worked out though, and after taking a dip into Kei's pack, he came to the shrine maiden's prone form and helped her up to sitting position. The thing that he had retrieved was a potion, and with some help it was consumed, instant energy recovery being what was contained within the small flask. While she was not up to 100%, the Easterner could still move and do things normally now. Not that she was given much chance as the pick-up that followed was immediate after she had recovered. "Oh my..." was pretty much all that Tomoe could think about the situation, it was all kinds of romantic and even a bit silly to her. But more importantly, it was a sign that the earlier moment was not over yet, just that it was now mutual and not forced by outside influence. That was the thing that her companion had wanted, most likely sharing the miko's feelings about these things.

Once they were a safe enough distance away to satisfy Shen's idea of privacy, the hunter stopped and set Tomoe down to her feet, a thing that she had not done for a while with the fey asserting control. With her back against a tree, the miko got a confession that she was still desired, proving her earlier thoughts to be true. What happened next was most likely the weirdest thing that most people would see when it came to kissing, but even with the awkwardness of their severely different anatomies she would try to make the best of it. She would not try to deny the hunter his desires, considering what he had done to her. Even as the palm settled over her crotch to apply some considerably gentle touch onto her lower parts, the miko would hold her ground against the usual deal that happened in her mind when it came to things even vaguely hinting towards sex. She had already been violated just moments ago, so doing something that she could enjoy did not bother her this time around. With the lizardman rubbing her, Tomoe held onto his shoulders still. "Hmm... alright... I am fine with that... I have pushed you away this far... so it looks like the time has come to give you something back... Please... Do what you want to do... What you feel like you must do... I can take it..." she told him, giving him a warm smile.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 50/76, Status = Fine.

When the miko asked as to whether he had slain the purple faerie or not, the lizardman shook his head. Perhaps oddly, he gave a similar, though smaller, shake of his head when Tomoe announced her acceptance of the situation. The look he gave her after their kiss had parted was practically dripping with latent frustration, but the miko wasn't given too much of an opportunity to consider the meaning behind it before he grabbed her thighs and hoisted her off the ground with her back balanced against the tree behind her. Whatever was going on in Shenron's mind, it seemed the act would continue unless Tomoe actively protested.

She was lifted just high enough to put her sex in line with the lower of the hunter's dual cocks. Shenron wasted no time in pushing forward and parting the miko's lower lips with the tip of his animal-like phallus, allowing the second to rub against her clit and causing a thrill of pleasure to run up her spine as he readied to penetrate her. With her back pressed against the rough bark of the tree it was easy for the alien lizard to press into her at his leisure, and he did just that. Even after the various abuses and the absurd size of the faerie's conjured manhood, Shenron's shaft was more than wide enough to make Tomoe feel her inner walls stretch around the latest intruder of the night. But while her strange partner seemed to exult at every inch that he sunk into the warrior priestess, he was obviously well beyond patience.

Though it was obvious that he was putting a lot of effort into being mindful of Tomoe's comfort, it was similarly obvious that those efforts were in direct competition with some innate and powerful desire to rut the warrior priestess. The two desires seemed to find some compromise in his actions, as his thrusts came slowly at first but quickly graduated to a faster pace. As a pleasant bonus the shaft he hadn't penetrated the easterner with rubbed against her clit on every thrust. A low rumble arose in his throat as he began to ravish the miko's neckline with his serpentine tongue. Overall, the entire act could be summarized as that: the hunter ravishing Tomoe. It wasn't a varied or graceful act beyond the nature of the position Tomoe was in and the attentions of her partner on her shoulders, neck, and jawline. A lack of grace certainly couldn't be construed as a lack of passion, however, as before long Shenron seemed to be doing his best to fuck the shrine maiden into the tree behind her.

Yet through it all, the pent up lizardman managed to hold himself back from orgasm. He managed this even as his efforts, more through endurance and a steadily increasing rhythm along with his potentially accidental stimulation of her sensitive nub than any particularly mindblowing bedroom techniques, managed to bring Tomoe to the precipice of her own peak, and though all the while his cock was twitching so violently inside her that even she could physically tell how close he was. He held out until Tomoe herself managed to cross that line and found her own pleasure while hoisted by the hunter. It was only when he felt her depths spasm around his all-too-ready cock that he kissed her and hilted into her after a few more shallow thrusts, and it became obvious just how pent up he was.

Cum erupted from the head of both of his manhoods, simultaneously painting Tomoe's insides and her stomach. So much flooded her womb that it began to overflow from her pussy and drain down her body before eventually dripping to the ground even while Shenron was still hilted inside her. Her stomach and even the underside of her breasts were absolutely covered in the thick, sticky goo as his second shaft delivered its load. The hunter's eruptions lasted for what must have been a minute, even outlasting their latest shared kiss, before they began to slow, and even then every movement seemed to coax another wave of cum out of him. Even when he finished, he continued to carry Tomoe for a few minutes longer, before gingerly setting her back on her feet.

He gave her an odd look once she was back on her feet, even odder than the usual look that could be found on an alien lizardman. After several moments of this look, one which became more and more crossed with confusion, he finally opened his mouth to speak. "Love...?" He finally asked the miko, and although it seemed he had some deeper reason for his question the shrine maiden couldn't easily glean it from his expression alone.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Thankfully, it did appear that Shenron had not gone all out and restrained his anger enough to not outright slay the nutty pervert of a fairy. Maybe the fact that she survived the encounter would give some new thought about consideration towards other beings to her. While that was a good thing, Tomoe was not thinking about too much further as she had the situation she was currently in to manage. It was nothing that needed to be feared or anything like that, but the obvious impatience on her companion's features slightly worried her. Hopefully that would go away once the two of them were finished here.

Once he received the okay to do what he desired, the hunter wasted little further time dallying, picking the awkward miko off from the ground and propping her up against the tree that had served as support for a few minutes already. While it appeared that she was in for a double penetration at first, the priestess got herself a small surprise as Shen refrained from using both of her entrances, instead opting to simply stick one into her main hall and leave the other out and on her lower areas. While she was ready and had experienced double time before, the gesture of restraint and consideration still warming her a little more. And after a few minutes of going at it, she realized that it was an act aimed at pleasing her rather than the hunter himself. It was enough to cause a few loving compliments for the scaly man, delivered when the Easterner could talk clearly between the other sounds that she was making amidst all the lovemaking. And it was actually lovemaking this time, rather than abuse. Nothing wonderful skilled, but it had everything that needed to be there.

Shenron's method began to dawn in full to the miko as their shared moment advanced, the determined holding back of his own joy becoming apparent as Tomoe's own limit drew near. The hunter could have exploded into her already if he wanted, but he was fighting his animal self to provide joy to his partner, paving a way towards an end that would be shared by both of them, at the same moment. Letting herself go in a moaning release, the maiden gave her partner the signal that allowed him to not hold back anymore either. Given his freedom to finish up at his leisure, the lizardman did not hesitate, driving the entirety of his weapon into the Easterner before the flood started. "Oh god... that is a lot... he really has built up more than a little frustration..." Tomoe thought as she got midsection coating from the other member that had been rubbing her all the way outside. And it was most likely unnaturally long as well, none of the other creatures that had ravaged her before going off quite this much after the act. The sheet of cum only got thicker with time as each new wave burst out, only ending after a minute or two had passed.

The two rather different partners remained there for a while after it had ended, Tomoe remaining in the carry for some time further before being put down and allowed to stand on her own feet again. While she felt like a wet rag at the moment, with all the lizardman cum both on and leaking out from her still, she did not manage to get any cleaning done in the face of the confused look that was aimed at her. Eventually, Shenron managed to speak up about the thing that was in his mind, a thing that the miko was actually expecting to hear after this particular experience. Stepping forward, she grabbed the hunter into a hug, trying not to press her jizz-covered lower form against him. "I... don't know... I don't know... It has to be... Or... Does it?..." she answered, the mess of emotions happening right then not really allowing for a thoughtful, real answer. It was a swirl of Tomoe's own sensibilities that had come from her shrine time, mixed with her compassion and caring towards others. She said nothing besides that to say for a while, but eventually spoke up again. "You held back... That was admirable... even though you could have done more than that... I did promise I would endure it... You still considered my feelings too... Thank you Shenron..." the weary priestess told her companion after the silent moment. While she was all messed up and tired, Tomoe would not retreat from her embrace for a while. They would likely return towards the camp soon, but for now, she was happy like this.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

The hunter hugged Tomoe in return, and when she delivered her response he squeezed her even tighter and as a result caused her lower body to squish into him despite her best efforts to avoid as much, making a mess of both of the partners. This didn't seem to bother him, though when the embrace finally ended after several long minutes he looked down at himself and then at her with another of his alien expressions. Without a word he stalked off to the campsite but before the warrior priestess could get too concerned he returned with one of her spare sets of clothes, before picking her up in the bridal carry that had started it all and setting off.

He would end up delivering Tomoe and her clothes to a nearby stream, where she could bathe herself. Unless otherwise dissuaded he would join in as well, cleaning the mess he had caused off of himself, and would even attempt to wash her back in the process. That said, he didn't try to take things any further than that, at least not without prompting, and assuming Tomoe didn't make an effort to instigate a second intimate encounter then they would both find themselves clean and the miko herself in clean clothes right as the sun first became visible over the horizon. Afterward, they would be free to return to the campfire and try to catch up on lost sleep, as it had been a long and exhausting night.

Tomoe gets herself 1 mutation for the whole night, 'cos new corruption system. She also gets 2 XP for fighting that faerie.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

No matter how hard she tried to prevent it, Tomoe could just not manage to prevent messing Shenron up too with the splatterfest that was her lower body and midsection after the brief time of love. She had initiated the the whole thing, so there was no going back on it as the hunter did not seem to mind getting stained with his own love fluids if it meant having some close and warm times with the miko. A few minutes passed like that, the embrace feeling like it went on for far more time than it actually did. The haphazard mixture of emotions and thoughts that currently circulated in the priestess' mind might have had something to do with it. Once the two came undone from each other again, it appeared that the hunter had an idea as to what the two should be doing next as he zoomed off again, towards the camp. It took him a few minutes to get his business done, but eventually he was back, carrying the other set of robes that were still there besides the ones that were strewn over the campsite after the hasty stripping that had occurred earlier. Putting them on at that moment might have been dumb, so the two of them left for another place, the shrine maiden getting scooped up along with the clothes for the ride to their next destination.

Their next place to visit was a stream that was pretty much a godsend at their current situation. Why she had not noticed the place earlier was a bit strange to Tomoe, but at least Shenron knew of it and got them there to clean up. And that was what the two did, the miko taking her time to be sure that she scrubbed herself into a state of cleanliness that was as good as one could get from a wild stream of flowing water. She had no issue with the back washing that was offered, turning herself in to hunter treatment once she was done with the initial stages of washing. The whole ordeal took an amount of time that could have been spent better on resting, but staying clean was essential. Once the two were done and the priestess was dry and clothed again, it was already nearing dawn. "Let's get back... I need to sleep some before we have to get going again..." Tomoe said to Shenron as she finished her uniform with the re-adjustment of her headband, making it look proper and orderly again. She was nothing but eager to sleep. The day had been a seriously messed-up one, and would have warranted a day or two of rest and meditation along with the usual purification rites, but there probably was no real time for such acts.

(Glowing Skin for the mutation. Shiny shrine maidens are go.)
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Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

Following their cleaning, Shenron wordlessly nodded his assent to Tomoe's suggestion that it was time for them to get some sleep and they were able to return and do just that without further molestation. The hunter did, however, very noticeably attempt to sleep directly next to the miko that night, though as per usual he would grant Tomoe her space if she so requested it.


When Tomoe next opened her eyes, it was well into the afternoon. A quick scan of the clearing they had camped in would immediately reveal that Kei and Shenron were both gone, with no hints as to where they had left to. There weren't any faeries around either, though after the previous night she would be forgiven if she wasn't bothered by that. The former innkeeper was present, however, with a basket full of apples beside her. In a twist on tradition, the other human actually noticed as Tomoe woke up. "G-g-good aftern-noon!" She would cheerily greet the miko at the first sign of her moving.

"Th-the faeries left us th-these apples," she continued, picking the basket up and approaching Tomoe in order to place it at her side. "Y-you should have some. I d-don't kn-kn-know if they have late breakfasts h-here."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Thankfully, there were no further issues to be dealt with after the clean-up, and the pair of long-time companions could return to the campsite uninterrupted. After making sure that all of her belongings were still there, Tomoe went back to her earlier sleeping spot and laid down again, wanting to fall asleep as soon as possible. The approach that Shenron did was accepted without any signs of not wanting it, the lizardman getting his wish and a spot right next to the miko for their remaining sleeptime.

Once she came to, Tomoe found out that she had gone way over the limit of what was acceptable time in sleeping, and almost springboarded up to a sitting position. She looked around and saw neither Kei nor Shenron, but the still nameless innkeeper lady was there to accompany her, as was a whole basket of nice-looking apples. The fey were one with nature, so the miko had little doubt towards the fruit, they would surely be good. She would not say no to the offer that came from the innkeeper, gladly taking one as she had eaten little since the morning of the previous day. "Afternoon... Where have those two gone?" the shrine maiden asked before she started eating up. While she assumed it was nothing bad, there was still some reason to ask about the others.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

The apples turned out to be crisp and delicious, and while they weren't exactly the most filling meal the miko would be able to satisfy her hunger for the time being on them. "K-Kei woke up about the s-same t-time as I did and went off on her own w-without saying anything. Th-that way," she answered, pointing out the direction that the woman had traveled in as she did so, not that it was terribly helpful given how few distinguishing features there were for any new traveler in the fey forest. Tomoe wasn't even familiar enough with the area, even after her time spent with the nymphs the night prior, to have any innate idea of what the other easterner was off to do. Still, she could certainly wander off that way if she so desired.

"Th-the lizard person woke up an hour a-ago and g-grumbled something about f-faeries and then went th-that way," she pointed in another direction, which ended up just as useful as the last direction she had pointed in. "A-and Rh-rhoswen st-stopped by earlier a-and asked me to t-tell you that sh-she wanted to s-see you when y-you were able. Sh-she said to j-just find any f-faerie and t-tell them she was looking for y-you." As with the Kei, Tomoe could choose to look for either of the two if she so desired. If none of those options were to her preference she could also choose to simply relax and enjoy herself or talk to the innkeeper, or anything else that might come to mind.

Guan Yu

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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

While it was not the best option one could have for late breakfast, Tomoe still ate three apples in a row without any restraint. She was hungry and needed some energy to hold herself up until a more suitable source of food came along to satisfy her need of sustenance. As she finished up on the trio of fruit, the miko heard what had happened with her friends, the two going into different directions to their respective unknown tasks. Like she had thought a few minutes ago, it did not seem to be a reason to worry about them, yet the apparent desire to search for fairies on Shenron's part brought some less than desirable visions to the shrine maiden's mind. She did not want to see the hunter going on some unneeded revenge trip against the feykind for the faults of one bad apple among them. Once she was left with nothing more than three applecores, she picked herself up from the ground and set herself up with Kuchinawa on her back once more, the blade giving some needed feeling of safety as she was not sure about the forest, even with the fey being there to ward it. "I'll go look for them. You should remain here for a while longer, it should be safe if you don't wander too far from the camp." she told the innkeeper, not really wanting to meet the fey until she had gathered her companions together once more. And as it was somewhat more of a concerning thing, Tomoe headed into Shenron's direction first to see if she could find the hunter.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

"O-okay then, I g-guess," the innkeeper replied meekly and then plopped down near the campfire as Tomoe collected her blade and went searching after the lizard. But athough there was certainly some security to be had in holding kuchinawa, unfortunately it proved not to be a good source of protection from the most dangerous and immediate threat to the miko: getting lost. The longer she walked, the more it felt like she was doing so in circles. The forest seemed almost unnatural in that regard, even though the shrine maiden was well experienced in hunting and tracking in such settings. It felt almost as if the trees were changing places every time her back was toward them.

And yet somehow, Tomoe would find what she was looking for despite the eery nature of her surroundings. Almost as if drawn to the place, after what felt like no more than fifteen minutes of walking she would find Shenron and Rhoswen seated in front of a particularly large tree around a table that had been magically raised and molded out of the earth below it. Perhaps to her relief, the ground was not stained with the blood of faeries or alien lizards and Shenron himself was not bound or otherwise incapacitated. Instead, both the Lady and Tomoe's hunter companion were looking toward the warrior priestess as she approached, and when Tomoe came close enough Rhoswen would greet her and motion for her to have a seat in the same few seconds.

"Ah, Tomoe! I had hoped to see you," the blonde woman cheerfully spoke. Rhoswen was a far cry from the sight she had been the day before, sticky with webs and heavy with spiderlings. Her body was clean and her belly was flat. Without the bulge of the eggs in her stomach, her hourglass figure was fully appreciable even though the dark green gown she was now wearing, or perhaps because that same gown showed so much cleavage and was so tight against her waist and hips that it left little to the imagination. Perhaps the most ordinary thing about her was her hair, as her blonde locks were brushed straight and simple. "Though I admit I had hoped to speak with you about good news when you arrived. You see, I sent many of my kind to finish scourging the deathwalker threat and in an attempt to bridge some sort of peace with the humans that I might fulfill my debt to you, and the first action was successful while the second was... well, it wasn't unsuccessful at least."

"But your companion tells me that you were harassed and otherwise harmed by my kind," Shenron nodded his head "which is terrible news and something that I will not allow to go unpunished. However, I thought that before I dealt out my judgment I ought to speak to you about it, and see if there was anything I could do to repay you whatever harm befell you at their hands."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

"Don't worry about this, we will come back to get you. I do not wish to bring any harm to an innocent bystander." the miko told the innkeeper before she left for the forest.

The forest itself proved to be unlike any other that Tomoe had navigated in before, the landscape and treeline appearing to be a shifting and confusing one to any who were not one with it. For some time, the shrine maiden wandered about the wilderness, maybe even going around in circles for some time. At least that was what it began to look like over time, with all the same things coming to her over and over again. But she kept a cool head and went onwards without frustration, eventually stumbling across a scene that could be the start of a terrible joke if one bothered to think it up. Since she was so kindly invited to sit down for a discussion, the Easterner saw no reason to refuse. They would have had to do it anyway, so why not right then. Taking a seat next to Shen, she joined the two for whatever it was that the fairy noble wanted to talk about.

While the discussion initially appeared to be about the human village and the finished eradication of the undead menace of deadwalkers, Rhoswen turned it around and inquired about the events that had happened the night before. Shenron had talked about the events, it looked like. Again, Tomoe seemed to be getting favors handed to her on a platter, a thing that made her uneasy. It was really hard for her to ask for things, even if they were offered out of thanks or in this case apology. "I don't think that is necessary, there is fault within myself as well. I really should avoided acting like I did, but I was within the limits of my patience after a heavy day. Though... I suppose I could use something that prevented any... unwanted after effects. They did... well... have their way with me..." she told the noble fey, not really going into details about what had happened unless it was specifically asked for. It was a thing that she more wanted to forget rather than dredge up further.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

Rhowen grimaced at Tomoe's request for a means of terminating any further side effects of the violation she had been put through the night prior. "I'm afraid to say that my pregnancies caused by my kind progress very quickly. Even if it only happened last night, the only potions we have available among our small enclave might already be ineffective. Still, it is the least I can do, and it can't hurt to try." The elegant faerie stood then and made a strange motion with her hand. It would quickly become apparent that she had cast a cantrip with her arcane gesture which caused the sound of a softly ringing bell to resonate from that same empty palm. The noise of the ringing bell, in turn, caused another faerie to enter the clearing.

This new faerie had much in common with the satyr that Tomoe had met not more than a few days before in their goat-like legs, tail, and a set of small horns. Among the things they did not share with that other satyr, however, was gender, and it was quite plain that she was a woman by both her feminine and thin frame and the fact that she was completely and unashamedly nude. Her fur color was different as well in that it was a snowy white compared to his darker color. In addition to that, she had short white hair that matched her fur but looked mismatched against her lightly tanned skin. The shrine maiden wouldn't learn much more about the faun than her appearance though, as a second after she arrived and presented herself in silent deference to Rhoswen. The sidhe would end up glancing at her just long enough to command; "Go and bring our guest one of the contraceptive potions, and please be quick, dear." It was a command that the new fey woman obviously took to heart because she was gone in a blink.

After the latest arrival had vanished, Rhoswen strode over to Tomoe and knelt beside the sitting warrior priestess, scanning the human with her eyes as she did so. "You don't appear to be showing yet, so there's still hope. If you'd like, I can use my magic and determine the specifics while we wait for the potion."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

The sign of dissaproval that crossed Rhoswen's features did not go unnoticed from Tomoe, but she did not take it further than that, instead letting the aristocratic fey explain the basics of how her kind procreated. It was a surprise that the fairykind was not more widespread than it was, considering how absurdly fast their pregnancy periods were. If that was the case with their growth as well, it would be even more of a surprise than it already was. No matter how fast it was, trying not to take this further was still the preferred route of events for the miko, who most likely did not have the time to be sitting around. So, she remained sitting down as the host party began to act. Another fey answered the summons that were sent out, being pretty much a female counterpart of the satyr that had been with them throughout yesterday's string of battles. While the shrine maiden did not have anything against her being there for the conversation, Rhoswen had a purpose for the horned lesser fey and quickly sent her away to fetch a potion from the enclave's storage. With that, the three of them were left there in their own devices once more, Shenron acting out his usual ways and keeping a silent vigil over everything that was happening.

Once the faun had left, Rhoswen came over to Tomoe as she still sat there, offering some sort of magical analysis for the Easterner and her condition. It was a gesture that the miko appreciated, and went along with the suggestion as she did want to know the specifics if they could be provided. If there was something that the lady fey needed to do for that, she would do so willingly.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Pregnant. (And absolutely nobody is surprised by this revelation)

The fey woman acted in silence as Tomoe accepted her offer to magically check the various details of her potential pregnancy. She placed both hands on Tomoe's belly, though the barrier of the woman's robes remained in-between her hands and the miko's flesh, and the human soon felt a wave of comfortable warmth radiating from inside her body. It was difficult to tell what the faerie was detecting by her expressions alone, as her eyes were closed in a serene state of concentration throughout the entirety of her efforts. It wasn't terribly long before her eyes opened, however, and she withdrew her hands and allowed the warmth to recede from the miko and then cast an uncertain look at the shrine maiden.

She soon stood up and leaned in to whisper to Tomoe, so that Shenron could not hear her. "You are pregnant... but not with a nymphs or sidhes or even goatlings. Your child is from your otherworld companion. It's still early enough that I will guarantee the potion's effectiveness for the next hour or so, if you still desire it, but after that it's impossible to say whether it will work or not." Once she had offered her diagnosis she simply straightened herself and returned to her seat without another word, during which Shenron remained expressionless and had not seemed to have heard the fey lord's whisperings. As if on cue following that bit of news, the tanned faun returned with the contraceptive potion immediately after all that had transpired, placed it on the table in front of Tomoe, gave a courtly dip of her head to the party as a whole, and then excused herself to the edge of the clearing to await further orders from Rhoswen. This obviously left the miko with a choice, one in which the faerie lord at least was incredibly interested in the outcome.