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Homelands (Guan Yu)

Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

After leaving the satyrs behind to their target practise, Tomoe actually found a whole bunch of different things besides orgies, which were not as common as she had initially thought. The represented options varied from the somewhat odd situation of the fairy/spider co-operation to the much more understandable sparring time that was going on with some of the more physically adept fey specimens, couple of them coming to mind as one-time rescue targets. There was some nice wilderness present too, sites that could be used for peaceful rest and meditation time. While she found the meditation spots to be the most attractive areas to go into, the spider area proved itself to be a huge tickle on the miko's curiosity. What was this tapestry that was being done anyway? Even with her recently acquired waryness of all the different arachnids did not manage to prevent approaching the spot to see what was happening in more specific detail. Somehow, it appeared that the shrine maiden had nothing to fear in this particular occasion.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Find (On Rhoswen) Pregnant

As she drew nearer, images became apparent in the silk tapestry, and after a time Tomoe would recognize her own figure among the lines of the stained silk sheet. "Do you like it?" one of the faerie women working on it said suddenly, and then turned toward the now much nearer shrine maiden. "It isn't finished yet, but the time of gifting comes, and we had thought to present it to our Queen~ 'Tis the tale of your deeds on our behalf, priestess!" Before Tomoe's eyes, she would see the images wrought upon the freshly spun silk begin to shift, the simplistic likeness of her swinging its blade in a good rendition of her own preferred style. They had started at the beginning, with her arrival in the region, and had only reached the initial battles against the humans who had enslaved so many, but the larger the silk tapestry grew the more the figures inscribed upon it moved in realistic ways.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

While she had made no effort to hide her approach to the scene, the sudden nature of the fairy speaking to her still caught Tomoe off-guard a little as they made it their thing to explain what was the purpose of their work. The miko had not even asked for it yet, the fey remaining one step ahead of her all the way as the tapestry of with her own image was shown, chronicling the initial stages of the events with the events of arrival and dealing with the villagers being the current things inscribed upon the fancy sheet of spider silk. "It is very pretty, that is for sure. I do like it, even if it is made on that somewhat ironic material... But don't mind that..." she told the nymph that had asked the question, thinking about the choice of material as it had been spiderweb that represented some of the worse things of her current journey. The loss she had suffered at the mercies of sticky web on that riverbank, plus the whole spider-like form that the deathwalkers had taken to oppress the human village and used their silk to imprison the fey nobles. Such a weird choice this was for they fey.

Considering her options as to what she could do, Tomoe decided to see how the tapestry would progress, remaining with the nymphs for now. If they asked her for help, she would do what was being asked if it was nothing strange and perverted. If the fey did not want her to be there, she would vacate the scene and go to the beach for some peaceful meditation after bidding the nymphs farewell.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Find (On Rhoswen) Pregnant

"Oh? Oh yes, spider silk," the faerie replied conversationally, "well, these are hardly the same as the ones that caused all the trouble we've had. In truth, we were lucky that our friends here survived! Their more vile kin are fond of killing the giant intelligent friendly talking spiders." She smiled evenly, and after a moment would add; "They really aren't even similar to the deathwalkers. It'd be like saying that you or I are similar to a demon just because we look mostly the same."

Tomoe would be permitted to watch the tapestry as it was made, the faerie woman turning back to her task unless Tomoe opted to ask her any questions. She would be able to watch as the story of her adventure in the faerie town was inscribed in enchanted silk, the images becoming more mobile and more vibrant the farther along the work proceeded. It would go fairly slowly despite the sorcery inherent in the process, and over a dozen of the giant spiders would rotate between supplying the silk that the three faerie women spun into the tapestry. Tomoe was free to stay as long as she liked, with one of the spiders coming down and offering her some of the fruit that they were eating (thankfully not including the venom that they were using to dissolve it) if she stayed for particularly long. Whether she wanted to stay the hours that it would take to finish the thing or move on to something else was up to her.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

"That I do understand, and do not blame them for anything they did not do. But, there is still a certain irony here..." the shrine maiden denied any implied disthrust she might have been unintentionally expressing with her earlier statement of irony. From that point onward, she had no further need to explain anything as the process of weaving went along in quiet and dutiful work as the nymphs and spiders combined skills, Tomoe herself staying out of it as she was not invited to work on the tapestry. Maybe it was better that way, as she was not all too familiar with the methods and intricacies involved in the working of such materials, only having the grasp of basic repair and maintenance when it came to these things. After eating up the fruit that she was given, the miko moved a little further to the side, seeing that she had a good place to meditate right there. A little rustling or talking would not disturb her, and she kept aware in case there was something that involved her in some way. Unless something came up, the easterner would spent the next few hours in peaceful meditation.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Find (On Rhoswen) Pregnant

Moving out of the way and finding a quiet spot nearby to meditate, the faeries working on the tapestry would leave the traveling priestess to her own devices. As she settled down to her meditation, her gravid belly making some of her usual positions difficult or even impossible and making sitting still for any length of time fairly uncomfortable at beast, Tomoe would find adopting her trance-like state still only marginally more difficult than usual. The faeries were all but silent at their task and offered her no interruption, and as she delved into her calming state would feel patterns of energy flowing around and through her unlike anything that she had ever felt before.

It was a natural power, but one very different from the sort she had grown used to out in the wild jungles of her home, one guided by intellect as much by natural patterns. Should she follow the lines, she would find them leading to the weaving taking place nearby, wrapped around the more powerful magics being worked there that produced the enchanted images upon the freshly spun silk. It was a harmless draw, tapping lightly into her experiences without leaving any sort of footprint, but she could sever the threads if she so wished, and besides some annoyed looks the faeries would offer her no trouble for it.

Some hours later, with her stomach now several inches larger and appearing as if it might be soon that she gave birth to Shenron's spawn, Tomoe would be awakened by the soft words of the woman to whom she had spoken previously about the tapestry; "It is finished." Whether or not she had severed the lines would determine only how long it took, the task merely taking more time if Tomoe refused the faeries their subtle access to her memories, and upon looking upon the completed tapestry would see the images flowing smoothly into one another now. It would be an easy thing to follow her own tale now, the pictures flowing almost hypnotically from one scene to the next and moving in dazzling displays that went from before she had arrived until after she had slain the gigantic spider queen. "What do you think?"
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

In the depths of her focus, Tomoe found that she was not alone, the working fairies joining her in the spirit side as they used her surface memories to gain further insight for the tapestry. The miko did not mind the matter at all, letting the fey have a read as it did not disturb her and was of use to them. With the non-intrusive nature of the reading, the entire meditation time passed in welcome serenity, nothing bothering the priestess during her session of deep thought. After the last few days and all the things that had happened, this was a welcome rest. Too bad that she had not really bothered to look for a waterfall, that might have been even better.

Only once the fey were there to talk with her again did Tomoe come back to the physical world, now faced with the completed tapestry. It looked like a masterpiece. Even if magic had been used in the making, there was still a whole lot of things to be amazed in the cloth, and the priestess expressed her approval towards it accordingly.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Find (On Rhoswen) Pregnant

Whatever praise Tomoe offered for their creation was graciously accepted by the faeries, but after displaying it they began to carefully fold the silk tapestry until it was a single small square. The nymphs departed with it to parts unknown unless the miko asked, while the spiders remained where they were, leaving the priestess to decide what she wished to do next. Her belly was quite fat with Shenron's child, the stress of such rapid development demanding that she eat something more substantial than the fruit she'd been given soon, but how she wished to go about getting such a meal was up to her.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Bidding farewell for the fey until a later time as they departed to doing what fey do, Tomoe checked her own situation and found out that she was hungry again, even as she had consumed a hefty amount of food just a few hours ago. The child within the miko's bloated form was surely the reason for this, as that amount would normally have kept her going for the remainder of the day without any need for further sustenance. The situation needed to be corrected as she was getting weary, so she left the clearing shortly after the fairies had, waving goodbye to the spiders who had given some relief to her newly found, slight arachnophobia by proving that not all of them were terrible predators towards humans and others. With the magical line still there to guide her, the priestess followed it towards Rhoswen, knowing fully that she would be able to provide for her current condition.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Find (On Rhoswen) Pregnant

Though the faerie glade was a strange, twisting place with many ways that would allow her to easily get lost, Tomoe would be able to locate Rhoswen with ease thanks to the spell that the faerie had placed on the miko. She was to be found in a simple glade, meditating in an oddly similar manner to the way that Tomoe had been earlier, but the elven-looking sidhe opened her eyes upon Tomoe's approach and smiled at her. "Tomoe, hello again! What can I do for you?" she would say while rising to her feet, and if all that Tomoe wanted was a meal then the faerie would provide it with little more than the snap of her fingers, producing a picnic basket full of an assortment of foods seemingly out of thin air. The faerie would partake herself, though she wouldn't touch the meats present at any point barring offering some to Tomoe.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

The aid of the magical effect was still good, guiding the hungry shrine maiden to her destination as she sought Rhoswen out and, soon enough, found her too. After expressing her desire for more food, the fey noble once again provided the needed fare for Tomoe, doing it as effortlessly as she had before. This time around, there was no restraint in the miko's eating, everything going down her throat until she would be able to feel satisfied and well enough again. "No, I have no real wishes beyond this at the moment. Surely this is a result of the little guy? I've never felt this hungry this fast before, not even after the most taxing fights or training periods." she asked as the eating proceeded, not really sure about the various aspects of pregnancy as such things had never really been the subject of any conversation around the shrine.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Find (On Rhoswen) Pregnant

"Most likely," Rhoswen replied simply at Tomoe's query, "the children of those with magic in their veins often take what they need to grow as quickly as they do more from magic in the air than they do from their mother, but the father is one of the invaders in this case. Noble as your companion might be compared to his kin, he is still one of them, and it is no surprise that the way they were changed gives little concern for the hosts of their children."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

"Hmm, that is a bit sad..." Tomoe pondered as she thought about Shenron and how he was, probably not wanting this to be a terrible experience for her. Maybe not telling him was a smart move after all, as the shrine maiden did not want for him to worry too much about her, he certainly did enough of that already. Once everything in the basket was gone, the miko would look and feel at her situation again, checking if she needed to fill herself more. If it still was the case, she would ask for another set of food to carry on and seek to get herself filled properly. If not, she would ask for a nice place to lay down and rest at, since it was getting more and more strenuous to do even the most basic things of everyday life with the constant weight keeping her down.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Find (On Rhoswen) Pregnant

"Indeed," Rhoswen replied, but would allow the subject to drop from their. Tomoe felt quite full after eating the small feast that her faerie patron had conjured for her, and when she spoke of a desire to rest Rhoswen would lead her to a small hill beside the stream, producing a small waterfall, and would give her the choice of sleeping beneath a willow or in the flower beds. Either way, the faerie would recommend that she sleep naked, both for the impending birth and so that the faerie could have her garments washed, and would warn Tomoe that she would have attendants on hand for when the priestess went into labor.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Thankfully there was no need to eat more, the contents of the basket having served their purpose by driving away the hunger that had been bothering Tomoe. Afterwards, Rhoswen continued to be the friendly provider that she had been up to that point, using her knowledge to help the miko into setting up for her rest in a nice and peaceful location nearby. The suggestion that she sleep naked was something that would be hard to do, but after some hesitation, the priestess handed out all of her clothing so it could be taken care of. The need for a wash was visible on the garments, surely. Having given away the only real shield of her modesty, Tomoe went over to the tree for her rest, curling up a bit to have the tiniest bit of cover for herself. While there probably would not be all that many lookers, she would still not feel safe without doing that.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Find (On Rhoswen) Pregnant

Tomoe, after disrobing and being left to sleep, would be left undisturbed for a while as the quiet noises of the thick woodlands in which she'd been born and raised offered her a lullaby to which she could easily fall asleep. Hours past, her body recovering from its man ills while the spawn of Shenron grew within her belly, but when she awakened next it was to pangs of pain in her stomach. Though she might not have known the signs herself, mere seconds after she awakened a trio of women appeared around her, one of them Rhoswen, and the faerie leader quickly grasped Tomoe's hand and said; "It is time... Try to relax and do as we instruct."

The three faeries would shift Tomoe onto her back, allowing her to spot Shenron's glowing eyes only a short ways off. What followed was decidedly unpleasant and painful as her body ejected its newly conceived passenger, but thanks to the assistance of Rhoswen and her two comrades it was at least bearable, and after an hour or so her and Shenron's child crawled forth from Tomoe's womb, a near-perfect replica of his father. And, just like Shenron, the creature was on its feet in less than a minute, running off and fading from sight thanks to its racial abilities. Shenron caught their child before he could get far, however, and while Tomoe recovered and Rhoswen poured magic into her body that eased away the pain of birth and ensured that she would make a full recovery quickly he spoke to his own spawn in a low, sibilant language that she had seldom heard but that Shenron and his son seemed to know perfectly.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Not before long, the peace of the surrounding forest escorted Tomoe to her rest period. It went on for what was most likely hours, the reminder that she had something growing inside being the one thing to bring the miko back into wakefulness. And as if they had been watching from some nearby spot, Rhoswen and a pair of other fey females appeared, the attendants that the lady had mentioned earlier. Taking the advice she was given, the priestess prepared herself for what was to come, not having any previous experience causing a bit of unrest. But then again, all things had a first time. The collective experience of giving birth was not nice to say the least, but somehow she had expected it to be worse than this. Maybe the physical condition and tolerance towards pain she had made the ordeal less of a trouble to the shrine maiden. Seeing the child gave instant reminder towards how these creatures performed, the time she had seen it first time coming to mind soon after. Back there in the tower, when Shenron and his kin had been delivered into the world. Just then, she also remembered how fast the growth rate had been, and wondered if the same would apply to this one as well. Since he was there now, and there would be no hiding it any further, Tomoe made up her mind to speak about this with the hunter once she got back to her feet.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

Tomoe would be left waiting only a short while as Rhoswen and her handmaidens tended to her, but eventually Shenron would approach with their child in tow, and he would announce in his characteristic gruff tone; "We will teach him."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

After a while, Shenron came forth himself while the recovery was still going, the child coming along with him of course. The words that he had to offer were soothing to the miko, who had not been entirely sure about how this other hunter would turn out, but the two of them could make it work out for the best. The previous job that had been carried on into Shenron himself was a good sign, at least. "Yes... We'll do it... Just like I did a few years back..." Tomoe told him, wanting to give both father and son a hearfelt hug. It was a happy yet somewhat confusing moment for her.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

While it was confusing for Tomoe, it seemed no less confusing to Shenron and their child. The hunters, as far as anyone had ever seen, had only enough parental instinct to make them teach their spawn how to survive on their own among the lands ruled by other races and occasionally a few words of whatever language was most common among their neighbors. They had never, as far as she had known, shown any sort of familial affection, or indeed any affection at all, and even Shenron whom she had taught and raised herself was not much of an exception to this. Her urge to display such affections, a natural instinct for a mother to her child after giving birth, were seemingly lost on the duo, and as she did not express such a desire the two stood in awkward silence for a moment before Shenron seemed to pick up on it somehow.

"We... You should name him," the alien lizardman said, and then ushered their child forward and outright pushed him into Tomoe's embrace. The creature was awkward at it, having to carefully avoid harming the priestess with his claws and avoiding - likely on Shenron's stern instructions - eyeing her heavy, now milk-laden breasts too much, and it only became more awkward when Shenron crouched down and put a hand on Tomoe's shoulder. Even so, as odd as they were, and as bemused as the faeries caring for Tomoe looked at the sight, they were a family.