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Homelands (Guan Yu)

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

While she was expecting differently, Tomoe was still pleased that she did not have to do anything that she might feel awkward doing to receive the magical analysis of the fey. Being touched in a mostly non-sexual way did not bother the miko in the least, and she would not have minded if the analysis went on for a bit further, for she was enjoying the warmth inside that was being produced by the incantation. But like all good things, the magic soon went away as the fey noble finished her investigation of the specifics.

Once she had finished, Rhoswen gave her verdict of what was revealed by the analysis, surprising Tomoe with how things really were. While that rapist bitch had been the first one to stain the miko with her filth, it looked like Shenron's seed was the one that had prevailed in the battle of procreation. It was a revelation to say the least, realizing that she was pregnant with the children of her long-time companion, who had turned out to be as strangely modest as the shrine maiden herself after all their time together. It had never even crossed her mind before that she would one day be a mother, not after that vast period spent in the pure and chaste ways of the shrine. But that she would end up as a mother to someone like the hunter, a completely different species from herself, was unthinkable. And yet, there she was.

As the bottle clinked onto the table within her reach, Tomoe was brought back to reality from her rampantly wandering and scattershot thoughts. Taking the bottle in her hands, she looked at it for a long while. "I might have not wanted this, but... When I think about it... Is this life not precious enough? Am I really allowed to just end it like this, even as my body produced it without my mind's consent? Life itself... Is the most precious gift we have been blessed with, and I am thinking of selfishly cutting someone off from it before they even get to experience any real joy of life just because it inconveniences me? These last few days have been rough on the mind..." she expressed her feelings then, before pushing the bottle away. "No, I cannot do that, it would be infinately shameful of me to kill someone like this. I have done that for more than I wished to ever do already. But, I cannot take a child with me at this point, they should not be exposed to fighting this fast. Can you people hold a spare child among your kind until I come back for them?"


Despair Fetishist
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Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Pregnant. (LIZARDBABBIES)

"Mm," the faerie made a noise that sounded like it was neither in agreement or disagreement with Tomoe's expressed feelings. "You may keep the potion, regardless. It works to prevent pregnancies if you take it in advance, too, should you one day need such a thing," she noted with a faint smile. "It's the least I can do. As far caring for the child, it would be no trouble at all. We are well equipped for such." Shenron had remained stoic as both women spoke and apparently accepted the wisdom and decisions of both on the matter. The alien lizard hadn't yet shown any hints that he was aware that the child was his, though. "And on that subject... perhaps you ought to try to take it easy for the next few days. You're very strong, and I don't think the pregnancy will burden you overmuch, but if my estimate is right you'll be giving birth by tomorrow at the latest," Rhoswen continued. "It'll be easiest if you're here and have a healer available, and you're welcome to stay as long as you like if you're agreeable to the idea." The scantily clad fey lord paused for a second, and then added; "I'll personally ensure that you're not bothered by anymore of my kin in your sleep, as well."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

While she might not have desired it anymore, the bottle still ended up in Tomoe's possession as the noble fey wanted her to keep in case something similar to this came up in the future. It was a welcome gesture, the miko taking the bottle and slipping it into her sleeve for the moment. It would join her other belongings later. With the bottle now off the table and not in the way of discussion, she listened in to what Rhoswen had to say after that. All in all, it was a proposition that the shrine maiden was willing to pick up on. "I have to agree with the hospitality, I do not want to bring a newborn into the battlefield if I can help it. You have my thanks." she agreed with the wisdom of the fey leader. Having all the help she could was something that she did not mind at the moment, and after the events of the last few days, the Easterner could use with a little rest. Shenron had not shown much interest towards what was being said, and Tomoe would not say anything about it unless he asked her directly. "I suppose it is a matter of wait, now..."


Despair Fetishist
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Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

"That would get terribly boring, I imagine," the faerie replied with an amused expression. "A whole day of sitting around and waiting," she clarified. "There are many celebrations going on with our return from captivity and there will be even more later tonight. You are welcome to join any of them. If you'd prefer more martial pursuits instead of social ones, there are plenty of groups of potential sparring partners in these forests, and many who would be glad to match themselves against one with your prowess--just make sure that one of my kin capable of healing is present before engaging in as much. Sometimes there are wagers as well, although I admit that my kin can be single-minded in what they want from an opponent if they win. You might also find someone to test your archery prowess against."

"There's plenty of food and drink to be had if you get hungry or thirsty, too. You need only ask and I will provide a feast for you, although I admit that I've no idea where your redheaded companion is and might not be able to find her and bring her here for it. But if waiting would be more comfortable for you then that's fine as well. Whatever your heart desires, Tomoe, as you've certainly earned it."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

"Oh, that much I know at this point... The past night told me all about that." the priestess told Rhoswen as the insistence bit was mentioned. She had already exprerienced it last night. Having something to do would be better than nothing to do, so there would surely be something that Tomoe could take part in. Still, it would have to wait a bit, as she was curious about where Kei had gone off into. "I might try the archery out later. Getting into a fight in my current condition is probably not a wise move, even if it is just sparring. Eating sounds like something I could go for right about now. The apples were good but light and there was barely any time for food yesterday, so I am left with some hunger still. I'll see if I can find Kei, she would surely want to take part in the feast as well. Oh, and I'll come to show myself at the celebrations as well. It's the least I can do." the miko announced what she intended to do after hearing the fey lady out.

After that, Tomoe would wander out to seek the other Easterner and get her to join them as well, letting Shenron come along if that was what he desired.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Find x2 (One on Kei and one on Rhoswen), Pregnant

"As you wish," she replied and then rose and approached Tomoe. She placed her hands on the miko's shoulders and a small burst of magical warmth flowed through the easterner. "This will help you locate her, and when you're done with that it will help you find me again." It seemed to be the truth, as she could feel something subconsciously guiding her not only to the faerie in front of her, but also something leading her in exactly the opposite direction. After casting her boon on the warrior priestess, Rhoswen took a few steps back but remained standing to say her temporary farewell. "There will be food waiting for you when you come back. No need to rush, we'll keep it warm for you no longer how long you're gone."

Shenron automatically rose to join Tomoe, even without her requesting him to come along, and accompanied her for the journey that followed. Thankfully, it would prove to be a relatively short trip with the aid of Rhoswen's magic. Her spells had a way of cutting right through the fey forest and dispelled the constant feeling of moving in circles that the miko had experienced on her first solo trip. It wasn't long until she came across Kei standing near one of the ever-present trees and found that the other woman had seemed to be waiting, and by the way Kei looked at her when she first became aware of the shrine maiden's presence it might have been Tomoe she was waiting for.

"I had wondered if you'd come here," she announced suddenly when the miko approached her. Her tone was off in a way that Tomoe couldn't quite put her finger on, and the traveler's red eyes focused on the priestess in a manner that would make a less stoic woman feel uneasy and shrink away. Her actions and expression immediately put Shenron on guard, and the lizard took a few steps forward as if he was protective of the miko, but Kei seemed to ignore the hunter. "I've been thinking a lot since yesterday. After watching you slay that giant spider so easily, and everything else you've done since I met you...."

"You're even stronger than I first believed." The crimson-haired traveler took a few steps away from the tree and toward Tomoe, which caused the lizard's posture to become even more defensive. Her hands remained away from her swords, however, and she did leave enough of a gap that Tomoe could easily react if her odd behavior did become violent. "And after what you said in the tavern, it's making me wonder if I'm stronger than you or weaker than you. That's why I think I'd like to have a fight with you. A live steel match between you and me, right here. Want to do it?" There was no humor in the woman's voice, and it would quickly become clear that she was deadly serious about her sudden decision to challenge the warrior priestess. The hunter seemed ready to attack Kei before she could even get a chance, but the other easterner simply ignored him and kept her gaze fixed on Tomoe as she waited for the miko's response.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

"Alright, thank you. We'll come back as soon as we can." Tomoe thanked Rhoswen for the magical boon that she provided to aid in the search for Kei. Shenron came along as well, a completely expected thing for him to do. With the enchantment in place, the forest suddenly became a much more clear place to traverse, soon leading the pair to their destination.

Kei appeared to have been waiting for the miko, her shift to a deadly serious attitude causing an increase of waryness in Tomoe. While the proposal was not completely out of the blue, it was hardly something that could be agreed to happen between them right then. Engaging the other Easterner in a duel with lethal blades would not only risk the two of them, but the tiny creature within the shrine maiden as well. "I might agree to this just so you can get the need to fight out of your system... But, I have an unfortunate condition and will not accept right now. There were some events last night, and I ended up pregnant as a result. The fight is not worth the risk to this unborn. If it can wait, I will accept this request once I am not burdened with the child anymore..." she explained the situation to the crimson-headed lady, hoping that she had enough sense to not try and stir a fight right then.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Find x2 (One on Kei and one on Rhoswen), Pregnant

"Tch." The sound served as Kei's initial response to Tomoe's own reply. The traveler's increasing instability was visible in her eyes as she surveyed the miko, and for several tense moments it seemed like she might wrench her blade free of its scabbard and attack the shrine maiden regardless of what Tomoe said. In the end, however, she didn't, for whatever that was worth to the warrior priestess. "Fine," Kei finally said, although if one were to judge by her disgruntled tone and appearance it would be clear that it was anything but fine to the woman. "Train hard in preparation, Tomoe, because I'll be doing the same. I won't stop until I know for certain which of us is the stronger one," and with that, she turned and would leave the area in short order if the shrine maiden didn't halt her for some reason or another. Thanks to Rhoswen's magic, Tomoe would also have the advantage of being able to track her down again if she desired, and being sure that she had truly left.

Allowing her to leave would have the effect of making Shenron relax when she was finally gone. "Madness," he would rumble, once Kei was out of earshot. "Should avoid her.... Too dangerous," the lizard added, although that was all he would add if Tomoe didn't try to carry the conversation further.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

"Why is something as trivial as this so important...?" the miko thought about the situation as Kei made her departure. She didn't try to stop her, kind of forgetting to tell her about the feast that was about to happen, though it was uncertain if the redhead had even come with this dangerous obsession driving her to training for what was nothing but an unnecessary chore to the miko. The results of this had little impact for her, the idea of admitting her inferiority passing briefly in the priestess' mind to avoid having to cross blades in a highly dangerous fight with someone who was or was not in their right and stable mind. Even though she found herself agreeing with what Shenron's rumblings implied, the shrine maiden did not take the discussion any further. Instead, she opted to head back towards the feast, letting the psychic beacon guide her to Rhoswen and the others that might be there.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Find x2 (One on Kei and one on Rhoswen), Pregnant

There was certainly nothing preventing the miko and her lizard-like companion from returning to Rhoswen, and so they began their return journey without issue. Nothing of interest occurred along the way back and it didn't take long before Tomoe had followed the pull of the faerie's magic right back to the clearing she had met the other woman in not long prior. The total trip, both to find and have her brief conversation with Kei and to return to Rhoswen afterward, was so short that logically the sidhe shouldn't have had nearly enough time to see a feast prepared and delivered to the table she had spoken with the warrior priestess at earlier, but nothing else in the forest had yet given a whit about following mortal logic and apparently neither did the food preparation skills of the faeries.

The table was filled so full with food that there was barely any room for the guests to eat at. A roasted and spiced boar was present at the very center of it all, it had been cooked such that its meat looked ready to fall off the bone. Smaller centerpieces of the feast included salmon poached in wine and a roast chicken which had also been seasoned with various spices. There were two different types of soup present, one filled with broccoli, potatoes, carrots, leeks, tomatoes, peas, and lima beans and another with most of the same ingredients but the addition of beef, and both of which let off a scent that was enough to make a grown person drool. A few salads consisting of a variety of different vegetables were available alongside fruits both candied and fresh. Finally, wine and fresh, clear water were available to drink.

"Back already? That was fast!" Rhoswen commented from her place standing to the side of the table once Tomoe and Shenron had entered the clearing. A quick glance would reveal that the innkeeper was also present and seated at the table, apparently having received an invitation from the sidhe, though apparently the four were the only ones present. "I thought it best not to invite any of my kin for the time being, so that you would have some peace and solitude. This is all for you three, so go ahead and dig in! And don't fret if you can't eat it all, none of it will go to waste." The suggestion seemed to be enough for Shenron and the innkeeper, at least, as the former of the two moved forward to take a seat at the table and the latter proceeded to take her own portions from the variety of plates on offer. Overall, it looked like Tomoe would be allowed to eat to her heart's content in relative peace and then decide whatever she might like to do with herself afterward.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Getting back was a breeze, the pair of travellers soon finding themselves back at the site of their earlier discussion, where some sort of magic had happened. It surely was, or the host fey had been anticipating the need for food in more than just the basket of apples way. There was a feast that would surely fit a king laid out on the table, the volume and variety of food surely being enough to satisfy even the most picky and gluttonous of people easily. The quip from Rhoswen seemed a bit strange, considering that she had managed to get all this done in the same time. "It was still slow compared to this." Tomoe called the claim of their speed as she gave a gesture towards the food. "I don't know how you managed to do all of this, but I won't question it either. And my gratitude remains the same as well." she expressed her admiration and gratitude as she seated herself for the feast. Before the miko could do any eating, she would offer her customary prayer to the spirits as thanks for this food. While the maiden was usually a light eater, she made it a point to try a little bit of everything that was presented to them, not really minding to go into stuffing territory during this particular feast. Still, she took less meat than vegetables, wanting to give Shenron and the innkeeper more of that goodness if they so desired. Surely the hunter wanted to eat something more suited to himself once in a while and not be limited by the sensitivities of the priestess. Seeing how he would behave in a feast like this might be a sight to see as well.

Once all of the eating was over and done with, Tomoe at least would take some time for resting after the hefty meal. After the food had settled down, she would try looking around the nearby areas to see what was happening in the fey forests.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Find (On Rhoswen) Pregnant

"Well, being able to manipulate the world with your mind helps!" Rhoswen explained casually after the miko's comments. As if for emphasis, she pointed at a wedge of candied apple and it proceeded to shoot at her as if attached to an imaginary arrow before completely disobeying the laws of physics and momentum and coming to a gentle halt in front of her mouth where she proceeded to consume it out of the air. "Really handy," she added once she had chewed and swallowed the piece of sweetened fruit.

The rest of the meal went without any hitches. Shenron was responsible for consuming most of the meat items on the table. Despite his best attempts to eat in a courteous and polite fashion, however, the lizard had never been particularly well suited for civilized eating and attempts at using any sort of utensil had always been invariably thwarted by the presence of his long claws. Tomoe's hunter companion still did his best to pace himself and to stick to more humanistic sensibilities as best he could though, even if everything on the table turned out to be finger food for the alien lizard. The innkeeper did much better on that front and proved polite enough in her table manners. She ended up only having a single bowl of soup before digging into the candied fruits. Both seemed to enjoy their meals well enough.

The miko would find that her own meal choices tasted much better than anything that could've been prepared on the road. In fact, the flavor and bounty were both at least on par with what might've been found in a nobleman's mansion. It was definitely a feast worth savoring, and Tomoe was given as much time as she liked for that at the silent table. Once she was done with her meal, she was given an equally unlimited amount of time to rest afterward, as well.

When she did move to leave, Rhoswen would bid her farewell and mention that she would see the cleanup done and suggest that the miko relax and enjoy the rest of her day, as it might be a bit more difficult the day after. The reasoning behind her added comment was fairly obvious as by the end of the meal Tomoe's stomach wasn't as flat as it had been, and it wasn't from the food. The faerie lord also chose to leave some of her magic active on the shrine maiden in case she needed the fey woman again. The innkeeper chose to remain behind as well to later return to the clearing that Tomoe's group had slept in the night before, and perhaps surprisingly Shenron did not accompany the miko and, if pressed, would explain that there was something important that he wanted to do--although he would explain it in fewer words.

Assuming Tomoe didn't change her mind and still chose to seek out some a way to pass some of the remaining day, the very first thing she would stumble upon would be another feast. Or, well, it would be a combination of feast and orgy. It was a far less muted affair than the one she had just come from. There were cheers and roars and music. There was a large banqueting table present, and upon it was an even grander amount of food than she had been treated to earlier and even more wine than that, but it seemed like it was being used for just about everything other than eating. Several of the faeries were dancing, some around and some on top of it, many more were involved in various displays of hedonistic debauchery, and those few who were sitting and eating and drinking were even animated about that.

There were a few sights that were more noticeable than the others even among all the rest. Tomoe saw several arm wrestling contests going on between satyrs and gruffs and there was even one nymph involved. A few of the goatmen were playing a dangerous-looking game involving tossing copper knives to each other across the table. Another held an iron coin for several minutes before dropping it to the table and pouring wine over the hand he had been grasping it in before another took up that coin and repeated the process. Of the more perverse sights she watched a nymph pour wine down the cleft between her breasts as she pressed her legs together so that the flowing liquid could pool in the valley created near her crotch, and then a satyr drank the wine off of her body and from that valley. A more brazen display included a nymph bent over the table being double-teamed by two of the goatkin while spectators near them cheered.

In the midst of all the merriment, nobody seemed to immediately notice Tomoe's glimpsing at the scene. The miko would be free to leave the area without being approached or otherwise bothered by the party-goers if she so desired and did so soon, or to join the celebration if she liked. If she did choose to move on, the next thing she would stumble across was a group of satyrs practicing shooting targets, which she would be able to either watch from a distance or join in.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

While she prepared to depart for some looking around the place, Tomoe found herself being surprised a little that she would not be accompanied by Shen. The hunter appeared to have something else in his mind, which was something that the miko respected and did not intrude upon any further. Thus, she left the camp site by her lonesome, not that she minded it. Being alone gave her a bit more freedom to think about how all of this strange stuff had happened.

Soon enough, the thoughts were interrupted as Tomoe came across a site with a whole bunch of party-going fey of different varieties. While one might have missed it by a simple glance, there was much more than just eating going on. All the carnal joys were in the nature of the fey, so the miko would not fault them for it. Still, it was a little too intense a party for her, so she moved on before they would notice her being there and invite her to join. She did not want to take part in anything like that, nor did she want to ruin the festivities for them by being a stick in the mud. Moving along, she came across a more inviting site, a three-person group of satyrs taking shots at targets with their bows. Even though she was not as skilled with the bow as she was with the sword, the priestess was still willing to spend a little time with them. She could use the practice after having barely fired her bow in the last few days. Taking a careful approach, she would go to the group and see if they would allow her to join them.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Find (On Rhoswen) Pregnant

The goatmen proved welcoming enough as the miko approached them. There were a few covert glances toward her ample breasts and pretty figure, but none of them out and out leered at the pregnant shrine maiden and most at least seemed to be putting some effort into being courteous in that regard toward her. "You'd like a shot at the range then, eh?" One cheerfully remarked as she requested to join them. "We just so happen to be playing a little game, if you're interested. We each chip in one coin and take turns shooting at the targets. The first archer takes aim at whatever target they like but the second has to hit a target of equal value or better and the third needs to hit one equal or better than the second's and so on. Anyone who misses is out of the contest and the archer after them is allowed to choose their own target, and we keep rotating until there's only one archer left. Each round we each add one more coin to the pot, and the winner takes it all. A fun little way to improve your aim, if you ask me."

The range consisted of several round targets marked with rings and point values. The first of the targets was positioned at 10 yards, another was at 30, a third was at 50, and the final target was a full 100 yards away from the line that indicated where the archers were supposed to stand. Hitting the targets themselves probably wouldn't be too difficult for a woman of the miko's skills, but hitting them squarely in the center might prove to be a bit more difficult. If the warrior priestess did choose to take part on the satyr group's game, then they would happily give up the first turn to her. Otherwise, they would suggest that she could still simply practice on the range if she liked.

P. simple game. Shooting targets basically consists of you choosing a target (either the 10 yard, 30 yard, 50 yard, or 100 yard) and then Tomoe's bow attack mod will be rolled against a DC to see if she hits it (and which part of the target she hits). Each target has 10 rings with the 1st being the center-most one and hardest to hit. You may choose to target a certain ring, if you like.

The game gets progressively harder as each archer has to either match the preceding archer's shot or do better (i.e. if Tomoe targets the 10th ring of the 10 yard target then the satyr after her only has to hit the 10th ring of that same target to remain in the game or may choose to hit any other part of any other target). If anyone misses the target or only succeeds in hitting an easier target then they're out of the game and the next archer may choose any target (which starts the cycle anew). In this case, the game will consist of 3 satyrs and Tomoe if she chooses to join in.

Buy-in is 1 denarii, and each time the game cycles back to Tomoe another denarii is added until everybody is knocked out of the game. Tomoe gets first shot if she chooses to join in.

Ooootherwise, she can just shoot at targets normally or something Iunno.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

As she approached them, Tomoe found the goatmen to be like any normal person were. There was no strange behaviour present in them, just the few expected looks at her form and an invitation to practice and possibly win a little money in a friendly competition as well. Since they were so nice about it all, the priestess decided to indulge in a bit of gambling, as it was much less awkward for her to simply lose a bit of money rather than something else that a more unscrupulous fey might insist upon. "I guess I could try this a little. The practise would certainly not hurt." she announced her willingness to join the satyrs at their chosen sport.

Being granted the first spot, Tomoe assumed the designated spot for shooting and prepared herself for the competition, getting Kirin ready as she aimed for the second target on the line. While there was the option of going for an easy one, she did not feel like it was good sportsmanship to take the easiest way, especially after being given the first shot. Controlling her breath as she pulled the bow back, the miko aimed carefully before finding her mark, holding her breath in as she released the arrow and letting the air out as she had hit the target. It could look a bit silly to the goat guys, but that was how she had trained archery.

(Competitions rawr.)


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Find (On Rhoswen) Pregnant
Tomoe: 20 + 62 - 4 = 78. Bullseye on the 2nd target!
Satyr 1: 12. Hits the 3rd target on the 10th (largest) ring.
Satyr 2: 10. Hits the 3rd target on the 7th ring.
Satyr 3: 18. Hits the 3rd target on the 5th ring.

Perception: 7

Everybody is still in the running, the pot is now up to 8 denarii if Tomoe chooses to toss another coin in and continue.

Tomoe's arrow flew true, easily striking the bulls-eye, which prompted a few polite claps from the group at large and a remark from the first satyr. "Can't say I've ever seen that style before, but I certainly can't argue with results. Let's see if my shot can compare," he remarked cheerfully as he stepped up to take his own turn. His draw and fire was much quicker than the shrine maiden's more methodical technique, and much less like the more formal methods of archery sometimes practiced by the Amazonian warrior caste and higher class. The satyr's arrow couldn't have been nocked for more than a second before it was hurtling through the air and buried itself in the outer edge of the third target. "Ah, I suppose not. Oh well," the goatman sighed, although while he was obviously trying to downplay his skill the miko was experienced enough to notice during it all that he was very much aiming to place the arrow where he had.

The next two seemed to genuinely be attempting to put their own arrows as close to the center of the third target as they could, and they managed to hit the seventh and fifth rings respectively, thus keeping both in the game. Afterward, it was time for each archer to toss another denarii into the pot, which the three satyrs gladly did, and if Tomoe was willing to put up another coin it would be her turn to shoot again.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

The satyrs were not having their first time at the range, and each of them managed to hit their intended target. The most talkative goat man was trying to pass himself off as being less skilled as he really was, a detail that was easily seen. It would most likely be this one that would be the greatest challenge to overcome, though there was no overlooking the other two either as they just might be holding back a bit as well. Not wanting to be a bad sport, Tomoe put her money in before she made her next shot to advance the game.

(Play that game. She will play and shoot until she drops out or wins, matching or going for the next target as the situation warrants.)


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Find (On Rhoswen) Pregnant
Tomoe: 19 + 62 - 8 = Bullseye on the third target.
Satyr 1: 6. He misses and is knocked out.
Satyr 2: 18. Goes for the fourth target, although he can technically go for any of them since the shooter before him got knocked out of the running. This is a poor choice because he misses completely.
Satyr 3: 18. Goes for the third target because he's a bit wiser than the last shooter. Hits the third ring.

The pot goes up to 10 denarii.

Tomoe: 15 + 62 - 8 = Hits the second ring of the third target.
Satyr 3: Goes for the fourth target instead of trying for the bullseye. Rolls a 2 and misses completely. Tomoe wins the pot (which means she wins seven denarii basically, 'cos three of the ten was hers to begin with.)

In a repeat of her first shot, Tomoe's second arrow would hit the third-furthest target squarely in its center. "You're certainly not holding back," the most talkative of the three satyrs lightheartedly mused. "Well, I don't think I'd be able to match that shot, so I'll try my luck on another target." With that, he nocked another arrow, took careful aim, and loosed it at the target furthest from the line... and promptly missed by a foot. "Ah, looks like I'm out," he announced calmly, apparently not bothered at all by the turn of events, before taking his place at the sideline.

"There, there. No shame in losing to a lady such as our challenger," the next shooter remarked with a bleating chuckle as he readied his own arrow. He, like the satyr before him, chose the hardest target. He proved to be overconfident, however, as his own shot ended up missing the mark by an even wider margin than the first shooter to be eliminated during their little game. The satyr would end up sulking away from the line dejectedly, which prompted a bemused grin and a quip from the first. "You were saying?"

The third proved a bit wiser than the second, and chose to make full use of one of the rules of the competition in order to simply take a shot at the third target, which struck close to the bulls-eye. Unfortunately for him, Tomoe was easily able to exceed it with her next shot, coming very close to putting a second of her arrows in the bullseye. He, as his goat-like kin before him had, decided that his chances of hitting the furthest target at all were better than his chances of matching the miko's earlier shot, and so loosed another arrow at it, but like his kin before he would miss completely, leaving the shrine maiden as the winner of the little contest and seven denarii richer from the pot.

"Fine shooting," the first satyr would compliment her at the end of it all. "I usually don't lose when the knights aren't playing. You should come and compete with us again in the future, the challenge is enjoyable."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

"Even if it is a friendly competition, it doesn't feel right to hold back, like I'd be a bad sport. That is how I feel." Tomoe told the talkative satyr fellow, now sharing what she had thought about a bit earlier to them. From there, it was mostly the bows that did the talking, the lead satyr causing a bit of a dissappointment by being the first one to drop from the group. The miko had expected him to manage a bit better in all honesty. The other two fared a bit better after him, but they too failed eventually, leaving the shrine maiden as the sole victor of the competition. It was a bit of a surprise to her, but she still did not feel bad as it was a sign that her targeting skills had not gone rusty yet. And it did earn her a small bit of money as well, but that was an entirely secondary matter in the whole picture.

It looked a bit like the one round would be all she could do, the words of the talky one indicating as such at least, so Tomoe thought of looking around a bit more to see what other events were taking place. She fully expected to find more orgy spots, though it was not a complete certainty. Even the fey were surely more varied in their activities than that.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Find (On Rhoswen) Pregnant

Further exploring the extensive faerie grove after her victory at the archery competition, Tomoe found a number of things that might interest her beyond the occasional orgy. A group of nymphs sitting among the trees with a much larger group of spiders, that were themselves each about the size of a large dog, and seemingly weaving some sort of tapestry. Beyond them she found a group of men and women possessed of unnatural beauty facing one another with sparring weapons, a few of them sporting whirling lines and designs tattoo'd upon their flawless skin as they danced and fought with wooden blades and a fluid grace the likes of which Tomoe had never seen before. Some Tomoe even recognized from the group that she had come to rescue when facing the spiders.

Of course, if further interaction with the fey didn't interest the priestess, she could easily find a quiet spot amidst the trees and glades, so unlike the wild jungle that she knew in their utter serenity, at least when they were clear of faeries locked in mid coitus. A field of tall grass, a clearing with a pool that shined in the moonlight peeking through the trees, a small glade with silvery flowers that bloomed only in moonlight, a sandy beach beneath the stands of a jungle willow.... Tomoe had her choice of places where she might be able to sit in peace in the home of the faeries, and could even opt to find her rest away from Kei and Shenron and any others who might inflict their drama upon her while she attempted to meditate. Though she would know from her experiences that Shenron's child would grow quickly inside of her, and such was proven by the noticeable bump in her abdomen that she now sported, but the priestess was not yet so badly bloated with his progeny that she couldn't simply walk for a while and see what else was to be seen in the faerie grove.

If no options caught the priestess's fancy, she could always return to Rhoswen thanks to the spell she'd had cast on her.
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