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RPG [Hige to Deko] アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~ (RJ168810)

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Re: [Hige to Deko]アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~

blacksmith is 1st town weapon shop event > cave talk to him > 1st town can buy weapon > 2nd town can buy weapon > back to cave talk to him has long event, find key in cave (about NWN) to man or wait 10 day gameover

if caught by thief only to gamover

church 2nd time, 2nd day talk to ppl has choice (get 1st one), if not virgin :
middle area dont talk to yellow cap (if vrigin talk to yellow cap enough)
NW kitchen dont talk to upper left follower
west room dont talk to follower in lower
east room dont talk to white hair
not need talk to all follower, 2 3 only then back to room possibly enough

Other : if tower dont help girl, then captain talk to merchant (all 1st choice), then go forest near 2nd town, go forest east side

thanks Eti,

btw what to do on ranch with hole on the right side of map ?
Re: [Hige to Deko]アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~

So how can I sleep in the bed after the goblins capture Iris and the blacksmith?
Re: [Hige to Deko]アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~

So how can I sleep in the bed after the goblins capture Iris and the blacksmith?
Keep breaking the wall on the left side
Re: [Hige to Deko]アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~

thanks Eti,

btw what to do on ranch with hole on the right side of map ?

before start 2nd town forest quest, pub talk to girl venturer, then can go there kill monster for $ only
Re: [Hige to Deko]アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~

before start 2nd town forest quest, pub talk to girl venturer, then can go there kill monster for $ only

ah okay,

thanks Eti
Re: [Hige to Deko]アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~

So after playing it for almost 18 hours and still not being able to unlock a lot of stuff in the gallery, I have to ask if someone actually was able to get the whole gallery unlocked. And if so if he/ she would be kind enough to share the save?
Re: [Hige to Deko]アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~

So after playing it for almost 18 hours and still not being able to unlock a lot of stuff in the gallery, I have to ask if someone actually was able to get the whole gallery unlocked. And if so if he/ she would be kind enough to share the save?

granted... :3


  • save45.zip
    334.3 KB · Views: 295
Re: [Hige to Deko]アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~


many bug fixed and some new event(maybe not H)
more gallery unlocked
Re: [Hige to Deko]アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~

okay, will redownload and reupload for you guys.

bear with me since I am downloading it from proxy (dlsite being blocked in my country).

so please send me a PM and I will reply to you guys, and please be patient if I don't response timely since now is night time here.
Re: [Hige to Deko]アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~

I'm stuck at the water (?) town to the northwest. I'm at the point where the town turned into a huge brothel lol...
I've already talked to everyone and the dialogs are the same. I can't go to west of the town as it seems to be missing some kidn of event there...
I can't get to the east side of the forest as I get killed in 2 turns by the mobs there.
What can I do?

Edit* Well, I got extremelly lucky on the east part of the forest and managed to kill every mob with a ton of criticals rofl..
However, it seems I can't do anything there as I get a message when trying to proceed at the cave... sooo... yeah.... still stuck

Edit** Oh ffs... I forgot to the check the volcano temple... that's where you have to go.

Edit*** And I'm stuck again. I've escaped the temple and nothing has changed?
Last edited:
Re: [Hige to Deko]アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~

I'm stuck at the water (?) town to the northwest. I'm at the point where the town turned into a huge brothel lol...
I've already talked to everyone and the dialogs are the same. I can't go to west of the town as it seems to be missing some kidn of event there...
I can't get to the east side of the forest as I get killed in 2 turns by the mobs there.
What can I do?

Edit* Well, I got extremelly lucky on the east part of the forest and managed to kill every mob with a ton of criticals rofl..
However, it seems I can't do anything there as I get a message when trying to proceed at the cave... sooo... yeah.... still stuck

Edit** Oh ffs... I forgot to the check the volcano temple... that's where you have to go.

Edit*** And I'm stuck again. I've escaped the temple and nothing has changed?

what i know so far is.. ur aim to go the tower beside capital city in northwest after that brothel city..

and that church/temple is a side quest to rescue(or help?) the priest girl...
Re: [Hige to Deko]アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~

I'm stuck at the water (?) town to the northwest. I'm at the point where the town turned into a huge brothel lol...
I've already talked to everyone and the dialogs are the same. I can't go to west of the town as it seems to be missing some kidn of event there...
I can't get to the east side of the forest as I get killed in 2 turns by the mobs there.
What can I do?

Edit* Well, I got extremelly lucky on the east part of the forest and managed to kill every mob with a ton of criticals rofl..
However, it seems I can't do anything there as I get a message when trying to proceed at the cave... sooo... yeah.... still stuck

Edit** Oh ffs... I forgot to the check the volcano temple... that's where you have to go.

Edit*** And I'm stuck again. I've escaped the temple and nothing has changed?

go to sleep at the water town after taiked to everyone
event will be happened at night
Re: [Hige to Deko]アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~

go to sleep at the water town after taiked to everyone
event will be happened at night

i dont think thats... bcause he say its became borthel city.. and that city change after u beat boss in this area (after u go sleep?)
Re: [Hige to Deko]アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~

i dont think thats... bcause he say its became borthel city.. and that city change after u beat boss in this area (after u go sleep?)

??? If he beat the boss at water town.Then he can go to the last city and the tower and meet the last boss.
Re: [Hige to Deko]アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~

To make it a beat clear.
The water town got turn into a brothel after I beat the blond guy that took the pink haired girl into a cave (I think it's a mine).
I've slept in every inn, I've beat every single monster so far and went everywhere, except the west bridge, as I can't move upwards, for something must missing there (perhaps it's an event or a bug... I'm not sure).
I wasn't able to talk to the blonde adventurer on the first town in order to unlock the area with the holes (as Etigoya mentioned, that area is meant to farm gold only, so I think there's no story relation there?)
This is pretty much it... I don't know what to do.
Re: [Hige to Deko]アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~

To make it a beat clear.
The water town got turn into a brothel after I beat the blond guy that took the pink haired girl into a cave (I think it's a mine).
I've slept in every inn, I've beat every single monster so far and went everywhere, except the west bridge, as I can't move upwards, for something must missing there (perhaps it's an event or a bug... I'm not sure).
I wasn't able to talk to the blonde adventurer on the first town in order to unlock the area with the holes (as Etigoya mentioned, that area is meant to farm gold only, so I think there's no story relation there?)
This is pretty much it... I don't know what to do.

hmm.. as far im remember.. after u beat the boss... and the mastermind boss aka the goblin.. he gonna help cure ur friend before in dessert vilage.. and after that.. when u go out dessert city.. someone remimnd u about the blonde girl goin missing and go search her in church before...
hmm.. bug maybe? let me try again then xD
Re: [Hige to Deko]アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~

okay, will redownload and reupload for you guys.

bear with me since I am downloading it from proxy (dlsite being blocked in my country).

so please send me a PM and I will reply to you guys, and please be patient if I don't response timely since now is night time here.

You da real mvp
Re: [Hige to Deko]アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~

hmm.. as far im remember.. after u beat the boss... and the mastermind boss aka the goblin.. he gonna help cure ur friend before in dessert vilage.. and after that.. when u go out dessert city.. someone remimnd u about the blonde girl goin missing and go search her in church before...
hmm.. bug maybe? let me try again then xD

Yes, this is correct. I did went to the church (you're referring to the building on the volcano, right? I thought it was a temple).
There you have to pick from several choices, after talking to everyone and the only choice that would let you progress was the one where the mc would escape.
I'm not sure if the rescue was done or not.
Re: [Hige to Deko]アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~

Yes, this is correct. I did went to the church (you're referring to the building on the volcano, right? I thought it was a temple).
There you have to pick from several choices, after talking to everyone and the only choice that would let you progress was the one where the mc would escape.
I'm not sure if the rescue was done or not.

On the first 'day' you talk to everyone.

On second day you have to only talk to certain people if you're on H route (look back at etigoya's posts for which one) and you can sleep without triggering the capture.

You know it worked if the MC wakes up at night and you can sneak into the area blocked during the day.

Take the left path to meet up with the priest.

Then after that there'll be scenes, then 2 options that pop up.

One will lead to the bad end:
The MC gives in to the urge and have sex, and the priest hearing her constant sound of sex eventually gave in.

Note that the gallery unlock this full scene even if you take the 'escape' option so if you don't feel like repeating the whole thing again you can escape and watch the scene later.

The other option will have the two escape from there and defeat the wizard
Re: [Hige to Deko]アヤメの冒険記 ~師匠の本を求めて~

Etigoya saves the day again LOL!
Seriously.. that bug on the west side of the water town lol...
I got the new version and I'm able to move on now.
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