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Jean (Zilrax)

Re: Jean (Zilrax)

See? All is as it must official. as i said is just a storage room and each of our organic products are secured and frozen for their future use. The red skinned girl voice come above the metal floor than is close the entrance to the storage room. But her words arent enough and some steps start to make the floor sound with each move.

This noise made what is below Sunflower get excited and in hurry move jumping. One of this goes direct to her neithers pressing hard her lower lips, the slime on the creature wet her thighs and privates as it struggle to hide inside her. Another large one slap her breasts and fall over her dick, the pound made her member touch the strange waters and get struck softly on something leaving it with the point of it inside this sewer river. t least this slimy water dont stink so these liquids should be some remains of a river or had been used by this tower.

The intrusion get worse and soon her pussy get opened as what its trying to get inside vibrate and make her gush by such that simple move, her dick get hard again and more deep inside get at the small river as also something fall and rest over her nude back, rubbing at her yet still able to move to get out there in a minute.

The door closed and it looks like the guard decided to give up and look at another place, yet if Sunflower make the enough noise more problems could come.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower could hear footsteps above. Finally they had entered. She hoped they went by soon.

She hoped that even more fervently as the sound seemed to cause whatever creature or creatures were down here with her to become scared, and decided her body would make a good hiding place. She bit her lip and tried to clench her muscles in alarm silently, trying to hopefully ward it off.

Another part struck her breasts and slapped her shaft into the fluid. It evidently got caught on some creature, making her stay within the waters. Soon whatever it was was starting to part her lower lips, vibrating, and making her muffle her cries as she already neared another orgasm. Her hardened shaft seemed to get further stuck, or had she entered something? She wasn't certain.

Something mounted atop of her back, rubbing over her. She was cutting it close. They just shut the door, she needed maybe ten seconds longer before she could maybe scramble up above. Maybe with the sounds gone the creature would calm down enough to move on. She was almost certain it was some sort of snake or octopus or something now, and she had to get out of here.

She counted to ten in her head and if she wasn't barred, she'd try to slip out of here swiftly and quietly before worse happened to her. Sleeping with some sort of humanoid aliens was one thing but whatever this was was quite another.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

The creatures around her body dont stop their work when the persons above them leave the storage room. Jean feels the creature vibrating at her pussy get deep inside, slimy and large enough to feet deep inside her conduct and go toward her womb. The ten seconds continued and the lust growing at her does at an even faster way. She couldnt do more than feel her nude body get invaded without stop and drench into more slimy fluids from all these unknown creatures.

Just two seconds before end a small large object easily passed through her huge meatrod, raping it as her cunt at some moments ago, these things certainly werent tentacles or squid like creaturs as she was expecting, mostly were like parasites, of many sizes like large ones as eels and others like worms or fishes. With difficulty she made a succeesfull escape from this sewer, without cause too much noise so the guard may havent noticed her.

After her quick struggle and escape she was now again at the storage room, it looks like all was safe now, so she only needed to wait until the lab girls look for her. However her body was in a continuous inner rape. Her hand could notice the remain of the creature inside her pussy wildly moving to continue his path toward her insides. The moves on her pussy and dick were making her droll and weakening her legs, her needs to rub her breasts and just masturbate in the floor were so intense, then she noticed a large one still in her back, she couldnt see so well but it looks to be a snake like creature.

PP 7
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sadly, the creatures did not calm, and continued to burrow into her body. She bit harder on her lip to silence her cries as she teared up in shame at her situation, wanting to lash out, attack, but unable to do so while so weak and hiding. More creatures delved into her, seeking her inner core. That her body was tugging and pulling them deeper with her growing lust just increased her shame.

Time was nearly up, when suddenly her shaft was invaded as well, her struggling not to shriek in shock, and instead whimpered as the giant eel things ravaged into her body from both ends, seeking to infest and lord knows what else. She was going to be full of serpents. The horror made her quiver in fear of what could happen. Would they replace all her insides with them, a human covering over a parasitic horde? Or something even worse?

She couldn't wait any longer. She quickly and quietly shook them off, trying to ignore her urges before delving up onto the surface once more. No sign of the guards. She quickly closed the hole, having it as a potential escape later may be useful.

That left the current problem of her insides being relentlessly raped. She wiped her mouth, she was drooling, and her body was driving her towards masturbation. Then she noticed the one that mounted her was still on her back. She was liable to orgasm without her extra aid, she hoped it would get them out of her body if she did, especially her shaft. Then again it might give them full access to her seed factories. She was already distorted, lord knows what would happen. For now she reached back and tried to yank the parasite off her back to her front before it did lord knows what.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower tried to endure the induced lust given by these unknown creatures, she even dont take the time to turn on a fire to see them. Her hands soon get placed on the slimy ceature resting at her back, she was sure to have a firm hold on it but the pressure on it made him squirm and struggle to escape of her hands, the others at her holes were doing the same making her need so baddly ro rub her affected areas, her legs couldnt hold her weight more and soon she fall at her knees, gasping pityful as the entrance of her womb get touched by the creature inside her. She tried baddly to stop the one at her back or push him away but the substance as oil on it make him escape of her attempts, going lower every try and so her rear cheeks feel it now get between them.

The chances to caught this crature were getting reduced, she could feel how he was pointing to her remaining hole, she moved quickly her hand to cover it but the others two make her almost moan aloud so she used her other hand to cover her mouth. Her hard dick and leaking pussy were demanding attention, making her mind having images of someone coming to fuck her without stop, the slime at her hand touching her mouth was so alluring than she lick softly the substance and could notice herself loving it.

It was now a hard choice time, let herself moan aloud or let this third creature to jump inside her, she could have more choices but fire could be dangerous for her attempt to remain hidden.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower grimaced as she struggled with the creatures. She didn't dare start a light in case it was noticed. she grabbed onto the thing on her back, but it was so slippery. The other creatures were wriggling and trying to make her give up, the pleasure so intense. She dropped to her knee, her weakness and the pleasure making it too hard to stay standing.

She gave a quiet whine as the creatures nudged her womb, her shuddering in fear at them breaching her inner core. The struggle to stop the big one continued, but it made it seek her rump instead, her gasping in alarm at even more of herself being lined up for violation.

She had to multi task, blocking herself from groaning with one hand as she blocked the creature with the other. The sensation was so intense that it was making her hallucinate almost, picturing herself screwing all sorts of things and offering herself up and breeding relentlessly.she licked her hand in the process, her shuddering as she found herself loving the taste of the creatures.

She was losing her mind at this rate, she had to stop this quickly before she was lost. She risked killing herself if she launched flame into her body, it was too dangerous, and would draw attention. She feared what would happen if they conquered her. The scientists probably knew about the creatures, how to block them. It was worth a shot. The statues down here possibly could trap and petrify her too. If she was metal, the creatures would leave, or perhaps petrify too, long enough for her to be found and saved.

Losing herself was a terrifying prospect but she had no good options now. She staggered too one of the statues presenting themselves, and clambered up, before easing her desperate shaft into her, needing it so badly, needing to be free and hoping this would work in her desperate lust addled mind.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower decide to risk herself in order to save her already aroused mind. She fighted to get up, mostly struggling and crawling as the strange creatures continued turning her slowly into a meat slave. Soon she get close a petrified girl in one of the dangerous flying squares, holded by the metalic arms as her face was slowly looking as the one than Sunflower was earning.

Jean get up with problems, her legs were so afflicted in lust to heard her orders, but finally she hold in place and as she needed her two hands the last creature get inside her rear hole, it was not painful as she was expecting and to hide her lust moans she placed her mouth over the one of the frozen figure.

In any second of her life before this incident it would had look herself as someone insane, but her huge need made her just notice how happy and beautiful her partner is. Her dick get inside her hole and Sunflower start to fuck to sattle her needs. As her pounder continue, she could feel the amazing vibration at her two holes and the cervix giving up to let slowly the creature get inside her baby maker place, her hard dick was in delight rubbing in need with each thrust so she could came the fire given by the moves of the small parasite.

It passed maybe some minutes in this time Sunflower was each second more far away of control herself or even thinking clearly, all her body focused on fuck this lifeless female figure, making her dick happy as she finally release her load and smile in delight, she was losing her mind under the lust she would maybe not be the same and she was not against it, she was close to get her true self broken and turned into just a lust animal by the wild nature of this moment and then a sudden small noise come as her pennis was ready to cum like crazy.


The machine get the dna sample and in a second Sunflower meet the same end as these girls for a second time but this time her dick was not alone, she was now frozen in a strange hug with her body wraping the girl in front of her. Her ass was the plaything of the huge parasite for a while until it get tired and get out of her as also the one at her pussy. It take some time for the lab girls to find her as when one get trapped in these squares it make you fit inside and they had also the idea than she has escaped. It maybe passed months or years but soon she was able to feel again.


She awaken for some instants inside the same tubes but after faint in delight she awakened a second time in a small room.

She was nude and with her dick limp finally, not a single remain of the parasites on her and she was over a strange flying object like bed. She could see another woman resting on the floor nude too with a purple hair and pointy ears, she was smaller than Sunflower but her body have so good curves and the wet remain at the floor show than she has been having so much fun alone. There was a small bottle with white liquid in a small table and some round pills than maybe Sunflower havent seen in her life, she also notice the door than looks to dont open as any other because there was not a keyhole or anything at the side were some buttons with numbers and some shinning lines on a screen over them. There were others things at the room, like some strange dildos close the other girl, some of them used, there were also some kind of boxes with buttons at the other side of the room and more things than Sunflower dont know anything of them.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

It was a slow struggle, fighting against her mind. Sunflower refused to be beaten though, and she said she'd take great risks to do her job and she would. Her body wanted to submit but she was not a slave, and if that meant surrendering part of herself, so be it. Sunflower managed to mount upon a square, hissing as the final creature burrowed into her. It was uncomfortable, not painful, and she muffled herself by making out with one of the statues.

She mounted and pounded the woman, sating her insane lust on her helpless body as she panted and shuddered. She could feel the creatures infesting her inner core as she worked, trying to orgasm the parasites out of her shaft and vent her endless lust.

She worked mindlessly, taking only pleasure when suddenly a noise buzzed as she fountained into her partner. Then, once again she was lost to non existence as the metal engulfed her.


Sunflower didn't know how long she had been gone. She recalled brief moments awakening in the tubes again, but she had been so tired, so weak. She passed out as quickly as she awoke.

But now, she was not there and awareness could come to her fully. How long had it been before they found her, before she had been awakened. She hoped not too long. She hoped they were as smart as they seemed and spotted the discrepancy sooner or later.

She was naked, and for once not hard and aching, no sign of a single parasite. She seemed to be on some sort of... Flying... Bed?

She looked down onto the floor, and found a small woman with pointed ears and purple hair. An elf? She was easy on her eyes for certain, and clearly had been playing with herself.

There was a small table with pills and some sort of fluid, she didn't recognise them. There was a door too, but it had no handle or anything, just a weird symbol thing beside it. there was lots of other strange devices around as well, some sexual in design, others not. Clearly she was in someones home. Had one of the scientists smuggled her out? Then who was this then?

Time to find out. She crawled off the bed and nudged the girl on the ground with her foot gently. "Hey... Hey, you speak my language... Right?" It was a long shot but maybe they were from the same dimension. Maybe she could communicate with her and find some answers. She was really confused now.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Really, so damn rolls. 5 fails

Jean decide to try to awake this girl first to find out where she is now, the possibility of this be someone like her and of her own plane get at her mind. Her barefoot softly nudge the small well endowed elven but this remain in a deep sleep. It then as a sudden volt Sunflower blushed and skirm in delight at the soft enticing skin of this girl, her nudge soon changed into a rub, slowly moving down until the girl's botton. Jean asked a pair of more times unable to notice the charm placed on her, sure than this was just an attempt to make this girl awake, but her inner self wanted slowly more anything more of this girl. Reaching the lower place of her rear she could feel the wet fluid still coming out from the elven's honeyhole, a nudge more this time at the girl's pussy and a rub at her hairless neithers made finally the elven react and mumble, but she just turn still sleep toward Sunflower and moved her leg to her side ending with both spread and with her kneels at her side as her arms were close her head.

She was blushing and some soft drool was at her lips, as also a small drop of milk close one of her breasts. Sunflower was not pleased with just this, she wanted so baddly now to awake this girl and soon her foot rubs direct at the girls lower lips asking again to her to awake as her drenched pussy get molested for a while, time to time making the elf girl whimper and moan weakly between dreams until Jean decide to stop there and kneel to try something more at this girl getting over her as her hands get at the girls shoulders to shake her softly and then by smelling her and feel her so close her pennis loved to grow softly and rubs that cunt direct for an instant as Jean get closer her lips over the ones of this girl, breathing softly hard and notice what she was doing now, yet was so close to awake this girl, the girl's arms were softly moving as also her mumbles were now showing this.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

The woman seemed to be in a deep slumber, her nudging the woman with her foot. She gasped in shock at a strange sensation though. She felt so soft though, so good. Still, she needed her to wake up.

Sunflower rubbed and nudged the girl with her foot, slowly dragging it down as she tried to wake her. Such a deep sleeper. Sunflower soon found herself nudging the elf's soaked sex with her foot, finally getting a reaction. Course the reaction was just to roll herself over and present herself while mumbling in her sleep.

For some reason the elf was lactating, and she was drooling but still not awake. Was she drugged? Grumbling in irritation, she began to more forcefully molest the elf with her foot, making her moan and shudder in her sleep. Finally fed up with lack of response, Sunflower dropped down over the elven woman. She reached up and shook the elves shoulders. She didn't even notice herself hardening and pressing in to kiss her panting softly. Not until her shaft brushed the elven folds beneath her.

Her mind froze up. The hell was she doing? She was about to rape a sleeping elf! What the heck was wrong with her?! But she was so close to waking up... And her body wanted to feel her flesh, smell her scent, to claim her body.

She clenched her teeth and forcibly ripped herself away, it being almost painful for her. Her sex drive was nothing but trouble. She had gone way too far. The girl was clearly drugged, and she felt incredibly ashamed for what she did. Feeling awful, and terribly aroused again, Sunflower made her way to the panel beside the door. She looked it over, then curiously pressed a button that might open the door. She had to get out before she did something evil.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Jean managed to use her willpower to get out of that strange quandary, yes was painful and her instincts were betraying her, that cute sexy minx was so perfect to let without use, but Sunflower decide to get out there as fast as she could.

She move slighty painfully to the door and tried to press some buttons to open it, yet only made a sudden alarm advice her than something was wrong.

Incorrect password, please try again

A female voice was heard at the room and the elf girl squirm and turn to a side as answer. Sunflower could try as much as she could, but this noise could be soon get the attention of something else or a punishment to fail many times could come, she was not sure, she even was clueless of from where that female voice come out.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower hissed in great difficulty, cursing her stupid body. Was she becoming more demonic or something? Was it a curse? Had the parasites still done something to her? The Scientists? She had no idea.

She messed with the buttons, when suddenly a female voice informed her her password was incorrect. A magical message she assumed. It seemed she was locked in.

She contemplated trying to burn her way out, but she'd try that as a last resort. For now she decided to check those strange boxes with the buttons, carefully pressing one then hopping away in case they were hazardous.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower tried then the first small box with buttons close her, she pressed one and jump away... yet this was not enough for what it comes. Suddenly she saw the box turn on a small light at it and then others ones also made the same before place a sudden light filled the whole room.

She could feel the grass at her barefoot, a sweet scent in the air and the sunlight warming her softly... Then her ears notice the hundreds of moans and naughty sounds everywhere, aliens and some human girls in a vast orgy on her whole view even some at her side where has been the bed some moments ago. She could still see the box with buttons close her and the nude elven resting and smiling as a couple of huge naughty alien girls fuck themselves with a poor tanned futa girl, there was a strange song around coming from nowhere, the smell and all this was not helping her to calm herself.

Earth Story Volume 1

"Earth was like this thousand of years ago, a vast food chain with us over it as primal predators, fighting for the food agains others races in a continuous war"

Suddenly a calm woman voice come out of everywhere and then let Sunflower alone again in this huge orgy, where many aliens and girls were getting closer to her.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower reached over and pressed a boxes button. She blinked, as suddenly there was a bright light, then everything changed. An illusion box, like they had back home? But it felt real! She could even smell it! She knew illusions could be powerful, but to actually make a tactile illusion was beyond anything she thought possible.

The scene wasn't helping, the monsters and her people were there, all in a massive orgy. Some weird song and all the scent of sex was driving her all the harder. What a pain.

She heard that magical voice again, describing what she supposed was this dimensions history. This was what they considered war? The illusory creatures were nearing her. It felt real enough she didn't want to test if she could be raped by images. She pressed the same button, seeing if it turned off. If it didn't, she pressed the next one.

Maybe she could figure out what was going on here.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower pressed the button again, expecting to get out of there before these creatures fuck her or the girls with them and turn this illusion off.

In the instant the place get filled with a light again and she found herself now over her four, she was bound as a cow in a barn with her dick and breasts trapped in some suction cups and around her many huge breasted girls of many races were as her with a food line in front of them.

"How our food is produced and packed? Well Its a good question Qwedany, we try our best to improve our feedstock giving to it all what it need to grow and reach the quality norm required to bring it to ours homes."

It was hard to heard the voice from nowhere, it sound different form maybe another woman.

But... mommy said than the food from farms are produced have dangerous substances in order to make them grow.

Oh no, the substances than we make are completely healthy to us, these just make them grow and shine in delight, making the product be the best and share as many vitamins and minerals for a low price...

It certainly dont sound great for Sunflower as she saw the strange objects with needles getting close her breasts and pussy, she was really trapped in that place but the strange box could be still be touched by her tongue if she move her face up with all her strengh
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower hit the button and found herself in an even worse place. She was bound on all fours, her shaft and breasts trapped in some device. What the hell was going on?! Many around her were trapped in similar states.

She could hear some women discussing them like they were cattle, giving them food and nutrients and chemicals.

Then she saw the needles, and her head went off in alarm. "Oh fuck no!" The box was right there, barely in reach. She threw everything into pressing it however she could, snarling, wanting to avoid those needles, illusions or not.

This was the most twisted device for education she had ever seen, were they made for the creatures use? Or maybe theirs. Conditioning maybe? Or for her personally. Were they trying to break her? she wasn't sure but she wanted out of this before god knows what happened to her from those things.

Sunflower hated needles.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

As Jean fighted to reach the button she could notice how close the syringes are, some even leaking a drop as her pussy, dick and breasts could sense the liquid on them, she then pressed the button and the place get invaded with light once again, but not so fast to save herself of feel the pinch at her dick.


She then found herself in a dark place, a white fabric was arund the place where she is and as she tried to get out she noticed some kind of crystal around her. There was a tube close her head and some strange objects were below her.

Hi friends, any of you had send late yours kids to the school because its really hard package their lunch? A female voice said and soon another appear. Oh right, the usual daily war in the morning, i have four kids and all want fresh food from the garden.

Aye, at ours days we always get the lunch buying it at the school or shops, but is not the same if its not fresh. But let me show you our new product than will change ours lives. Something then lift the place were Sunflower is stored and then the mantle get removed. She was now there in front of all these alien girls of many colors and shapes, flying objects with lights pointing at her and a few of these aliens were armed maybe, her nude body in full display and two beatiful of these creatures were close her, one having an amazed face.

Wow, im starting to have hungry, but what is this object?

Is a FDP, portable food device, just place any fresh food inside and you can milk it everytime and at the morning you will have more time to prepare yours kids to go to the school

Amazing, but this device is really huge to take it out the house.

It looks like that at the first view, but FDP have a surprise for all. The woman said with a smirk and them pressed a button, many metal hands secured the mage and her sexual parts were soon sealed with suction objects, slowly the pod shrunk until Sunflower was slighty pressed at her kness. I can believe, it turned into a termo, can i drink some?

Of course serve yourself. Said this the woman started to suck at a straw and as she start the machine started to make all the possible to drain Jean from her sexual juices, first her breasts and pussy honeylone and in some minutes she could feel her first load prepare to leave. The sleeping elf was over the table with a pink pod being used as the mage but still fully sleep.

Sunflower could free herself with some effort and the small box was behind her, she has been pressing the same button, put there are others five in line.

(press the same button or the listed 1-5)
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower struggled in panic to press the button, the needles getting closer and closer, before success was had! Unfortunately even as it faded she felt the prick of a needle striking her shaft. she whimpered in great fear, nearly passing out in panic before it disappeared.

She unfortunately had no chance to check if there was changes or damage when suddenly she was in another situation and bound in yet another tube. She seemed to also be covered. From the sounds of it, she was now being shown off as some sort of food device.

Was that what those had been, prototypes for some sort of portable feeder? It was obvious her kind were just cattle out here to these creatures. She had to get out of here. But then those damn suction things began, her gasping in shock as her breasts were able to lactate as they were suckled from. Was she pregnant?! She really hoped not.

She shuddered as it worked, feeling herself preparing her male orgasm after awhile before her arms felt the box behind her. Hitting the same button was causing her nothing but misery. She decided to hit the fifth one instead.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

With some effort the nude human was able to press a new button and soon the intense light come again, this time Jean appear in the room where she has awakened. The place remain iluminated with a clear white light and at the walls she could see some squares with numbers and some really small images on them, mostly showing sex between aliens or humans. At some side of the walls there were some icons with words like options, menu, videos, internet, videocalls and many others options than Sunflower could choice.

At a side she could read "USER: FFLB 5D system enabled" and at the same place the elf girl looks to be more close to awake, as also she could see the door to get out of there if she get the password or try another way to get out there. From the channels available she have 30 at least who looks to have images on them with info of many kinds, others 20 with letters and just a frozen image, the next 20 looks to be sports or something like that and then after these more images but with maybe an story and nothing than she could use to learn more. the lasts channels were just dark screens and then just sex and sex like 60 channels of just many different kinds of sex.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Finally, it was all over as she hit the button and was free, back where she was. Sunflower shook her head and blinked, looking at the walls in confusion. She looked at the various scenes with a frown and various other words. She could read them, but most of them were meaningless to her, she had no idea what a internet was or a video.

She looked over and saw words that said some sort of system was enabled. Maybe that was what was dragging her inside the boxes she was seeing. Must be a way to turn it off.

Most of these pictures held sex, this place was so hyper sexualised. But then, they fed on sex, so maybe it wasn't even viewed as such to them. To them it was just feeding, not anything intimate. Then again, maybe not.

The elf was stirring to awakeness, and the door was no less shut to her. She hadn't the foggiest what the password could be. She'd just have to wait til the elf worked out whatever drugs were going through her system and hopefully could communicate with her.

She decided to reach out and touch the thing that said 5d system enabled to see if she could turn it off. If she did, she;d hit the picture box that held that first scene she ended up in, hoping she could maybe learn something useful. If not, well, she knew how to escape the pictures now, and she could work on that door afterwards.