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Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

People ignoring the fact that the fucking healer is getting murdered in the back. Hey, dipshits, if you want me to keep you alive... fucking defend me! That's the only thing i hate about Overwatch. The other players lmao

edit: OH. AND ONE OTHER THING. Don't spam the "I need healing" emote after you fucking let me get killed. Don't fucking spam it at all, actually. I will fucking get to you when i can, and if I can't... well, "Heroes never die!"


The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

People ignoring the fact that the fucking healer is getting murdered in the back. Hey, dipshits, if you want me to keep you alive... fucking defend me! That's the only thing i hate about Overwatch. The other players lmao

edit: OH. AND ONE OTHER THING. Don't spam the "I need healing" emote after you fucking let me get killed. Don't fucking spam it at all, actually. I will fucking get to you when i can, and if I can't... well, "Heroes never die!"
I got Overwatch myself and I promised that I'm never gonna be healer again. In FF XIV (MMO), I was a healer way before I started playing a dps and a tank and I hate it when dps don't dodge especially Black mages.

I hate it when tanks love to pull every mob in the room and don't use defense cool downs, I really hate it when a tank doesn't get their agro after pulling big and you die. Tank says "How did you die? I had agro." then I say"You didn't get your agro, you damn scrub." XD
*side note, Do you guys hate the "Get good" line? I hate it when an elitist use it.
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Jul 18, 2015
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Re: Hate Thread

I got Overwatch myself and I promised that I'm never gonna be healer again. In FF XIV (MMO), I was a healer way before I started playing a dps and a tank and I hate it when dps don't dodge especially Black mages.

I hate it when tanks love to pull every mob in the room and don't use defense cool downs, I really hate it when a tank doesn't get their agro after pulling big and you die. Tank says "How did you die? I had agro." then I say"You didn't get your agro, you damn scrub." XD
*side note, Do you guys hate the "Get good" line? I hate it when an elitist use it.

Hmm, I can just tell how it is from the other pov, playing some months as a tank in tera and knowing the dungeons' I don't need any heals, but then some 'scrub' priest comes along, thinks he has to overheal before I even start pulling any aggro and 'voilá' the priest gets the aggro and I either have to save him or he ocassionally bites the dust.:mad:


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2011
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Re: Hate Thread

Since this is just dislike, not hatred, I'm not sure it belongs here but I really don't like when people misinterpret messages.

I've just been watching a video that has the Engineer's final speech at the end of Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs and everyone is going on and on about how humans are bastards. And while that is true, the thing is that the Engineer is insane.

They forget people like Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr.. They forget about the Buddhist priests who self-immolated just to convey their outrage at the atrocities committed. Just taking a part out of a game and going full grimderp is a stupid thing that just really annoys me.


Tentacle God
May 13, 2014
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Re: Hate Thread

Eh, you know, misanthropy and nihilism as always been 'in' among certain groups, and disaffected teenagers or early twentysomethings are probably more easily drawn towards the romantic notions associated with it; rebellion, etc.

The world is what it is, labeling it good or bad is basically pointless. It could certainly be better though, and that's worth working towards.

That being said, despite all the awfulness that goes on today, there's a lot to celebrate as well. The rate of women dying in childbirth has been halved in the last 20 years, for example.


The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
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Re: Hate Thread

Eh, you know, misanthropy and nihilism as always been 'in' among certain groups, and disaffected teenagers or early twentysomethings are probably more easily drawn towards the romantic notions associated with it; rebellion, etc.

The world is what it is, labeling it good or bad is basically pointless. It could certainly be better though, and that's worth working towards.

That being said, despite all the awfulness that goes on today, there's a lot to celebrate as well. The rate of women dying in childbirth has been halved in the last 20 years, for example.
Does it really matter? They're probably alternate versions of this world you might find charming, based on the multi universe theory. In the end nothing matters. LOl jk just when I think of nihilism I think of this guy.



Tentacle God
Mar 10, 2013
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Re: Hate Thread

Hillary Clinton Youtube commercials.

The only consolation is that I hope she has to pay for every single one of them that I have to watch. Sometimes I don't skip them, in the hope that she will have to pay extra.
It's probably futile though.. I bet repeat commercials to the same consumer are free. :mad:
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Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2011
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Re: Hate Thread

Trump. I know, it almost goes about saying, but EVERYTHING about him. He seems like a product of the times, ignorance, hatred, and stupidity all coming together to for Trump.

...I didn't say this earlier, did I?


The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I wanted to bernie sanders to win, but noooooo people wanted Hillary cause of her husband and cause she's a woman? It's like voting for obama cause he's african american. Trump is no better, the reason I'm laughing is due to the fact is his racism reminds me of uncle rukus from the boondocks. Even then I feel like he should fall in a hole somewhere and that hole should be filled with lava.

If either of those idiots win, America is going to need a new asshole, cause it's gonna get fucked.

Go on america choose your fool or ?


Tentacle God
Mar 10, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Trump. I know, it almost goes about saying, but EVERYTHING about him. He seems like a product of the times, ignorance, hatred, and stupidity all coming together to for Trump.

...I didn't say this earlier, did I?
I know this isn't a popular opinion but I would rather him win than Hillary or any other Democrat with ties to Obama. I wish there was a good Democratic candidate, but there isn't.

I know Trump is a blowhard but he might actually be good for the US. He is good at managing money so he might be able to take care of the national debt. I miss the days when the US dollar was worth almost double the Canadian dollar.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, Trump's good at managing money. Managing it right into his own pocket. He's a sociopath for whom the ends always justify the means. Realistically, I don't see the national debt decreasing with him in, the more likely outcome that I see, is it increasing substantially. I'm not saying Hilary would be any better though. Neither of the two would make a good president in any sense of the word. One's dumb as a post, and the other is a dirty cheating scumbag.

Honestly, I'm rooting for a meteor to strike the next event that they're both at together at the same time, even though that's unlikely to happen.


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

What I find absolutely horrifying is that, despite all the furor over almost every single comment he's made, not many people seemed to make a comment about the fact he's explicitly said he was going to work against the first amendment and limit free speech, especially of the press. For all the ranting and raving of people afraid that Obama or Hillary would attack the second amendment, not a single person I've heard even tilted a head at his comments against the most important freedom every citizen has and exercises.


Tentacle God
Mar 10, 2013
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Re: Hate Thread

I feel like freedom of speech should go both ways. You should be able to censor anything that comes into your home. Currently this is very impractical with services like Netflix, Youtube, etc..

For example if I want to not see Hillary or hear her then I should be able to click a check next to a box. :D

Then every time one of her commercials pops up it would instead show Zoidberg talking jibberish while eating random objects. :p


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I feel like freedom of speech should go both ways. You should be able to censor anything that comes into your home. Currently this is very impractical with services like Netflix, Youtube, etc..

For example if I want to not see Hillary or hear her then I should be able to click a check next to a box. :D

Then every time one of her commercials pops up it would instead show Zoidberg talking jibberish while eating random objects. :p
It's called using an adblock.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

What I find absolutely horrifying is that, despite all the furor over almost every single comment he's made, not many people seemed to make a comment about the fact he's explicitly said he was going to work against the first amendment and limit free speech, especially of the press. For all the ranting and raving of people afraid that Obama or Hillary would attack the second amendment, not a single person I've heard even tilted a head at his comments against the most important freedom every citizen has and exercises.
Trust me, I'm furious over it.

I voted for Bernie, but right now I'd rather the cheater than the man with multiple failed businesses who will limit free speech, has mocked women, minorities, and people with disabilities. I don't want him in charge of nuclear weapons.

At least with Hillary, I know she has experience because we all know Bill wasn't running the country.

Letting a man with no law or political experience into the white house is like letting me go preform surgery on people.

I hate Trump, but I hate Hillary slightly less.


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate Hillary with a passion, but I will absolutely vote for her rather than permit Trump to take office. The freedom of speech issues are a big deal, but also he's promised to bring back waterboarding "and much, much worse," essentially guaranteeing that he'd be asking the US military to violate the Geneva Convention. He's also a xenophobic bigot, who's open to warming up relations with Russia and North Korea, while suggesting the dissolution of NATO and our alliances in Asia, even going so far as to say he would not have a good relationship with the British government. Honestly, the prospect of Trump in charge of our foreign relations is a bit terrifying to me.


The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

south park just destroyed Trump XD



Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I hate Hillary with a passion, but I will absolutely vote for her rather than permit Trump to take office. The freedom of speech issues are a big deal, but also he's promised to bring back waterboarding "and much, much worse," essentially guaranteeing that he'd be asking the US military to violate the Geneva Convention. He's also a xenophobic bigot, who's open to warming up relations with Russia and North Korea, while suggesting the dissolution of NATO and our alliances in Asia, even going so far as to say he would not have a good relationship with the British government. Honestly, the prospect of Trump in charge of our foreign relations is a bit terrifying to me.
aaaand here is another thing that frightens me.