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Re: Breeding Season

Would it be wrong to offer a Patreon-level version of "Breeding Season" for download after this? Or am I free to share, after the whole project went downhill?
Re: Breeding Season

At this point I would personally fully advocate privacy not only breeding season itself now that it's dead, but also of Team Nimbus' game if you ever paid anything to BreedingSeason's patreon; Because though he hasn't actually committed illegal fraud (In spite of having committed the technical definition of fraud quite comprehensively) he still essentially took advantage of a loophole in consumer rights (crowdfunding is dodgey as fuck) in order to dick over not just his co-workers and partner but also pretty much all of the people who paid a dime or their time to the project whatsoever.

This doesn't mean anything to ULMF's policies though, so while I do recommend you do it as much as you want all over the place aside from here, I'd recommend waiting for mod/admin comment concerning a download link placed here. I believe sending links via PM is grudgingly accepted practice even for games that have been flagged as nonos for posting, so long as you're reasonably discreet.
Re: Breeding Season

This doesn't mean anything to ULMF's policies though, so while I do recommend you do it as much as you want all over the place aside from here, I'd recommend waiting for mod/admin comment concerning a download link placed here. I believe sending links via PM is grudgingly accepted practice even for games that have been flagged as nonos for posting, so long as you're reasonably discreet.

I thank thee, brave knight! :D

I actually reported my own post to the staff, to determin if I may share the content or not.
I will not share any links - via post or PM - until forum administration told me what to do.
Re: Breeding Season

I'll be honest, this sounds fishy as hell. But I suppose anyone still giving them money is gullible enough that they probably could have said their hard drive crashed and no one would have given it a second thought.
Re: Breeding Season

Alltho Im really not into the whole furry and even less into the breeding thing, I do totally understand why he is pissed.

I did smile a bit at this tho :
Wouldn't it be funny, though, if just somehow some particularly dedicated fan were to guess the password to my Dropbox account (I'm the worst with coming up with secure passwords, I always put something obvious like the name of my favorite fighting game series or something) and were to get ahold of the folder containing every file involved in the game's creation? Then wouldn't it be funny if they went around posting this to various places, like say 8chan and the LoK forums, etc?
Re: Breeding Season

Not here to say I told you so per se, but I've been saying for years that this game would end in fire, and the project would die without ever having accomplished anything.
Re: Breeding Season

I am really looking forward to HentaiWriter's response to this outcome.

I'm neither taunting nor trying to annoy. I just want to see it. I really want to read his reply in this case, since he and his projects have been on my radar about as long as "Breeding Season".
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Re: Breeding Season

I know you're joking, but just so you know, we've been putting out weekly updates for a good long while now :p I wouldn't even put us remotely close to Breeding Season in terms of pace of development, haha.

I am really looking forward to HentaiWriter's response to this outcome.

I'm neither taunting nor trying to annoy. I just want to see it. I really want to read his reply in this case, since he and his projects have been on my radar about as long as "Breeding Season".

He has kinda given a comment, albeit prior to the official meltdown. :)
Re: Breeding Season

I mean, his stuff shows progress.

Breeding Season has been going backwards for a year.
Re: Breeding Season

I mean, his stuff shows progress.

Breeding Season has been going backwards for a year.

Yeah but now we also kinda know why it went backwards :)

And since HW's project seems to be moving forward (I dont follow it closely), we can rest easy (for now hehe) that he aint doing the same mistakes. :)
Re: Breeding Season

TL;DR : NEVER trust anyone with anything EVER. Or be sure to have the best, most un-fuckable contract ever devised by mankind to make sure nothing can go wrong. Or just stay solo and have fun.
Re: Breeding Season

TL;DR : NEVER trust anyone with anything EVER. Or be sure to have the best, most un-fuckable contract ever devised by mankind to make sure nothing can go wrong. Or just stay solo and have fun.

When your project grows to team size and has thousands of dollars per month involved, it might be a good idea to contract a lawyer with experience in the NSFW world. :)
Re: Breeding Season

I am really looking forward to HentaiWriter's response to this outcome.

After having read the post, I'm kind of in a weird place; I was underneath the assumption that 100% of the failure of this project was attributed to HBomb's incompetence at not hiring other programmers despite huge amounts of money to do so, at not being better at management, at not doing this or that, so on.

However, it looks like HBomb was attempting to cover for S-Purple's really bad attitude on a lot of things regarding the game, and S-Purple was actively fucking over the game due to refusing to allow HBomb to hire on the needed personnel. It also looks like S-Purple in general was kind of a pain in the ass to work with, and from first hand experience, if you have a team of people that doesn't get along at least cordially most of the time, the project is pretty doomed to failure.

So really, I'd say it's equally HBomb's fault and S-Purple's fault both;
- HBomb shouldn't have made such an unforgiving contract, nor should he have kept S-Purple on for so long if he was constantly holding the project back with his behavior and his acerbic attitude in general
- S-Purple shouldn't have stayed with the project for so long if they weren't feeling it, nor should they have been so spiteful as to keep what is essentially useless art at this point, and they absolutely shouldn't have been designing a practically identical project behind the backs of all involved.

I'd place more of the blame on S-Purple for actually causing the project to end (again, this is just from what I've seen in this blog post), but I'd place more of the blame on HBomb for not "excising the infection" before it grew to such a stage that removal of it would mean death of the organism, as it were.

I'm not like, here sitting and cheering and stuff or anything like that; the end of this project means a LOT of people are out of their hard-earned money, and this of course means that a LOT of people will no longer trust Patreon or anyone using Patreon with their money, which is a loss for all involved, both devs (less money coming in to make projects awesome) and supporters (less awesome projects coming out due to lack of support) both.

If anything, it should be a lesson to all the devs working in teams out there;
- Make contracts solid, but don't hinge the entire existence of the project on them. If someone leaves, anything they've done for the game remains the "property of the game", just like any actual company would do.
- If anyone is constantly causing problems within the project, and everyone else on the project agrees as such, kick them out by group vote. You're here to make games, not to babysit people who hold back what could be an incredible project due to whatever reason.
- Don't give any one person on the project more power than anyone else; everyone should be treated as equals, and group votes should decide things, not a single individual.

That all said...

Not here to say I told you so per se, but I've been saying for years that this game would end in fire, and the project would die without ever having accomplished anything.

Agreed, except it did accomplish something; it taught a lesson (hopefully) to a lot of developers making games, and it also unfortunately likely scared a lot of people off of ever using Patreon again. If S-Purple's demeanor really is what HBomb claims it to be though, then I really hope people don't support S-Purple's next project, because if you do, you're essentially setting yourself up to have it be a repeat of Breeding Season.

And since HW's project seems to be moving forward (I dont follow it closely), we can rest easy (for now hehe) that he aint doing the same mistakes. :)

Yeah, I actually just did a poll on the Patreon accounts to ask if Patrons minded if I posted "censored" or "reduced" versions of the weekly Patron-Only posts for each given Patreon on my Tumblr; this way, even people not pledging will be able to get proof that we're moving along on the project. It got 97% of votes saying they wouldn't mind, so yeah, that should help give proof that we're progressing as always I figure.
Re: Breeding Season

As an outsider or at least a newbie around these parts (I've been here actively for like a month with below 100 posts heh), to me it looks like a case of huge mistakes done by Hbomb in regards to handling SPurple (even more so if the comments about SPurple having done this before with a other game are true). Maybe due to inexperience as well as being overwhelmed by the size of money support for the project, it isnt a 100% excuse but at least its more relatable than what I think SPurple has done.

While SPurple seems to have been actively trying to fund his own project (this one : ) in secret while staying in the team, and refusing to sell/licence his art out of pure spite.
Re: Breeding Season

No, but seriously. Is there anything to support the idea that HBomb and S-Purple aren't just bullshitting to avoid backlash? From an outside perspective, it looks very much like they pulled the plug because their animator (the only one who was actually doing any work) left.
Re: Breeding Season

With all the mentions of 'spite' out there it just begs the question of what Hbomb isn't telling people. Spite typically doesn't occur without something big causing it.

I mean all in all having such a massive project completely fall apart. And they have little excuse for not having enough bank to reboot at this point, or at least massively refund their Patrons for work they failed to do due to reasons of their own creation.

Unless I'm miss-remembering, this is the same guy that took donations for Breeding Season back on the LoK forums and then disappeared for about a year, I'm taking his claims with a grain of salt, to say the least.

If nothing else, I'll be interested in the other side of the story before I pass any kind of judgement here, the whole mess stinks.
Re: Breeding Season

No, but seriously. Is there anything to support the idea that HBomb and S-Purple aren't just bullshitting to avoid backlash? From an outside perspective, it looks very much like they pulled the plug because their animator (the only one who was actually doing any work) left.

Very interesting perspective, I never even thought about this. This could very well be possible too, actually.
Re: Breeding Season

With all the mentions of 'spite' out there it just begs the question of what Hbomb isn't telling people. Spite typically doesn't occur without something big causing it.

I mean all in all having such a massive project completely fall apart. And they have little excuse for not having enough bank to reboot at this point, or at least massively refund their Patrons for work they failed to do due to reasons of their own creation.

Unless I'm miss-remembering, this is the same guy that took donations for Breeding Season back on the LoK forums and then disappeared for about a year, I'm taking his claims with a grain of salt, to say the least.

If nothing else, I'll be interested in the other side of the story before I pass any kind of judgement here, the whole mess stinks.

When I say 'out of spite' it's in regards to the part of the post about Hbomb finding out about the "secret project" of SPurple (and its clearly meant to be a secret, eg the silly long username), which caused Hbomb to find out about what SPurple has been doing for the last month (again according to the bombs and skype conversations mentioned). Since it kinda does look like that SPurple had intended to use his art for the new project, which on top of that looks a lot like a clone of Breeding Season itself.

To me that could quite honestly easily cause someone to become quite spiteful or at the very least stubborn as hell, since being caught with your pants down kinda makes most ppl to lock down hard and lash out.
Re: Breeding Season

I get that, but the spite I'm referring to is the dude also allegedly claiming all his artwork back that he put towards the project (something which isn't even legally possible, as it was supposedly contracted work that you can't retroactively take down)

As I said, the whole mess stinks, most of the claims made don't hold up and the people involved are somewhat known for shenanigans. So far the most believable tale I've seen is the one suggesting the whole mess fell apart with their animator leaving.

Hell, for all we know they both decided to shut down Breeding Season (or at least realized it was going to crash) and SPurple then individually decides to start a new project to appeal to their previous audience, without involving Hbomb, whom THEN out of spite turns Spurple into the scapegoat for Breeding Season falling apart.
Re: Breeding Season

When I say 'out of spite' it's in regards to the part of the post about Hbomb finding out about the "secret project" of SPurple (and its clearly meant to be a secret, eg the silly long username)

This is the part that seems the least kosher to me. How the hell would SPurple expect that to remain secret for any meaningful length of time? It's not like the western indie cartoon porn scene is that huge and that's a very distinctive art style.