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Games Discussion Thread


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Heroes and Generals.
I had a review for this before. I recommended it because it was free back then.

Now I recommend you just skip it. It's gone from 'potentially great game that will be heralded as amazing for years to come' to 'Shameless cash grab that shits on its players and encourages you to play something else'

Strongly suggesting avoiding this one. The only reason I could be bothered to play it is because I already had my new guns unlocked. If I had to start over, I would not have spend 10+ hours to grind my way up in it.
Not to mention that it essentially hasn't changed since early access. It's unfinished still.

Heroes and Generals is now out of early access, so lets take a look!

Excellent foundation, Good technical achievements, incredibly poor design choices and missing management.
That about sums it up. But lets elaborate on that.

The foundation of the game- The battles themselves as infantryman are good. Vehicles are well done and fighting over the objectives tends to be pretty big a deal. The physics and gun system are good, once you get past the poor rifle you get at the start of the game, and it becomes more enjoyable when you can actually use a gun that shoots more than spitballs. But then there are things missing, and the game is not really set up for big encounters like it has the maps for. Prepare for a profound feeling of emptiness as you go through a city that is supposedly under attack but without anyone defending anything except one building that has been marked as the objective, and battles happening almost exclusively on a line from your point to the enemy point.
Flanking works well, you can stay still and let your camo make you near invisible even with the default uniforms, but this is not really used that much. You can use it all, be the ultimate soldier, and you will likely still not do as well as the guy who just camped the attic of the capture point and shot four guys who tried to dislodge him by making him run out of bullets. There is no penalty for dying- Not for you at least, but more on that later, and you don't really get rewarded for anything you do either. You play to play, and you win because you want to win.

Then lets get right to the poor design choices. This game is not just pay to win, but pay to progress. The way it is set up is to encourage you as a new player to quit and find an other game. Do you want to group up with a few friends? If there's more than two, then you have to pay for that or you need to spend some time grinding the 'skill' of having a group. After that, prepare for a lot more grind, as you will need several hours just to get the basics for a soldier. And if you want to do anything other than carry a basic rifle and maybe some grenades, you're going to need to grind hard just to afford your own ammo and gun modifications, because every single bullet shot, grenade thrown, mine placed or vehicle you use will cost you a lot. This leads directly to the playerbase adapting to the mentality;
Life is cheap. Ammo is expensive.
If you shoot someone you should pick up their gun because 9 times out of 10 it will be better than yours, even if you've spend 50+ hours on the game.

Of course there are other issues, mainly around balance and the 'generals' portion of the game. I'll spare you the complaints on balance- It's the usual for pay to win games, but more on that other bit later.

That said, if you don't mind the grind, and are fine using subpar weapons for most of your starting hours(10+) the basic infantry combat is good stuff. Moving along to tanks you will find that they're not amazing, but certainly entertaining and useful. Your view is a bit limited when using them but you can generally work them quite well. Airplanes are a joke and they likely always will be, do not even consider getting a fighter because you will be less useful to your team than if you had nothing but a pistol and the idea that you might surprise the enemy if you drive your car right at them. Controls are awful, planes don't do anything, and you take up a valuable spot on the team that could have been used by someone useful. Prepare for a long time of flying around not seeing anything and not doing anything.

And then on to the big complaint with this game, when you're not accounting for the fact that you may as well just be playing a basic trial of the game unless you pay them lots of money. The generals part.
It may as well not exist.

The game may even be better if it did not exist.
The entire generals section is deeply flawed to the point that it is literally unplayable.
First you need to slowly grind your way up to being allowed to use it. Then you will need to spend 3+ days to wait for a small squad of the absolute lowest tier divisions to spawn so you can use them. They will die in about 5 minutes and they will have gained no experience. Everything except infantry is essentially impossible to afford unless you pay the devs money for it, which will last only a few days at most and then you lose them. The map is incredibly poor and you will never have anything resembling a strategy- Merely people throwing their units around hoping it works. Sometimes it does work too, but this is never because of any skill at command.
It all comes down to the people playing the war battles. And they don't care. People will spawn in expensive tanks so that they can drive up to a building and get it blown up by AT. Because they don't have to pay for those tanks. The guy who got the tank brigade does. Same for airplanes, infantry spawns and vehicles. Why would they care that you've waited 3 days to get your infantry squad filled? They will run into machinegun fire and then respawn to do it again until you lose your squad. They will spawn every single vehicle available when they have 1000 infantry spawns and 300 vehicle spawns and they fight 160 infantry and 10 vehicles. And because these vehicles despawn after use, they are gone and they remain gone. The only thing here for you is frustration and poorly designed mechanics, a map that does not work properly and ideas that died before they were put into the game.

And that is most of what you will find when you manage to progress past being a basic rifleman with stock gun. A game with great ideas, pretty good technical achievements, but a team that does not understand even the most basic of design and doesn't care either. Greed above all else, and a complete lack of awareness.
Long ago when this was an early build I gave them a small bit of cash because they had a great concept, good basic gameplay, and claimed to have plans to make it better. I wanted to support them, since they were a small group that seemed to be making something great.
I regret that.
I could have burned that money and it would have gone to better use. The game isn't better than it was back then. It's worse, and it's showing no signs of ever improving.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So... as a general you get an allotment of spawns ranging from tanks and airplanes to soldiers, and the other people playing the game use them up/control them?

That... seems foolhardy at best. Unless your entire team is friends/clan, they're just going to screw you (just like every other pubbie, in any game, EVER). It would make more sense to spawn in mobs like a moba, sure they're dumb but nowhere near as much as a pubbie.


Sex Demon
Apr 3, 2016
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Sounds like a shittier version of Savage Resurrection


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Essentially, yes. You pay for resources and then the players in the battle can use them. They will not care that you paid for them, they like cars so they will spawn a car. The fact you've paid for and waited days to supply these cars doesn't matter, they will try to run people over and lose the car in the process.

Also nobody gets any command role in the actual battles, and you are not allowed to bring a full clan/group to the same battle.

Groups of 3 max, 4 or 5 if you grind it or pay them money. (6 if you pay them a lot)
It doesn't matter if you, as a general, send 300 soldiers to a battle or 900 with tanks, paratroopers, and support. The people playing can throw your tanks into the river and they will attack a side objective while the main objective is about to fall, losing you the battle.

Plus, all it takes to lose for sure is a hacker on the other team. While luckily it is rare enough, there is no anti-cheat of note. When you do encounter a cheater, expect to get headshot at 200m from behind a wall with a pistol. Or to sneak up on someone only to suddenly die as they do a 180 and instantly headshot you.

Most people don't bother with this though, as they can just pay the devs a bunch of real money and get early cold war era assault rifles that do more damage than any other gun, have better accuracy, and better fire rate. Of course, it's not 'cheating' if the game just gives it to you, is it?
Or if they're Russian, a gun that one-shots everything that isnt a tank(And even then it kills lights and some medium tanks with a few shots), and can be used to kill airplanes with ease. Expect half the Russian team to have these, and the other half an assault rifle if you go up against them.
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Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Lord, you might as well be playing CoD, at least it has the ILLUSION of a fair fight. Unless you're not in a major city with less than 10ms ping, then you should stop playing competitive multiplayer games alltogether.

Which reminds me, WHAT THE FUCK?!?! I remember playing multiplayer just after they phased out dial-up, and it wasn't as god awful laggy as games are now on FIBER OPTIC CABLE. Sure, I'm in a rural area, but come the fuck on, how sloppy can you write netcode and have it still work?


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Incredibly so

Its all about the quality of netcode, and many indie games start out poor, and then have the dev learn about it and improve over their lifespan

Along with that there are tricks that can be applied to make things less laggy feeling to the player while not actually effecting latency. Mostly server side things

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, I recently took a second bash at Heroes & Generals myself, after having played it once briefly a good long while back. Played with two friends, and all started from scratch on the same faction. There was fun had, but all in all, the crushing grind just utterly killed the game for us. Every expenditure of in game credits felt like you were making a gamble on some kind of lifetime commitment. Always asking yourself, "will I regret choosing this item?".

At first I saw the way they handle earning currency, a set hourly "salary" gained during play time regardless of victory or loss, and praised it as a simple yet clever way to do things. But due to the obnoxious level of grind in the game, it meant that you soon became able to start measuring the costs of all items in hours of your life. Want a new soldier to try the other factions? 10 hours. Want that nice bolt action rifle that people keep one shotting you with? 20 hours+ 10 more for upgrades. Want that heavy tank? 40 hours! And that doesn't include lobby, loading or waiting times.

Or in my case, transferring my infantry character to be a tanker as the game lets you do (for 5 hours credit value), which disabled the use of his starting rifle (and five hours value of upgrades). That would be an acceptable loss, if, like my brother who recruited a new tank guy instead of transfering, I had been given the basic SMG that tank crew are supposed to have. But my guy did not. My only compatible weapon in the event I had to bail out (to kill someone attaching explosives for example), was grenades (which cost to replenish). To purchase the SMG tank crew are supposed to start with I apparently needed to get to rank five in some arbitrary tank related ribbon, and then pay 8 hours of grind to get one.

All in all, whilst I enjoyed most of the actual gameplay, I only ever got to experience a tiny portion of a miserable starved version of it. It's a game that even had I been given permanent life time premium bonuses, I still couldn't envision enduring the sheer slog required to see even half of the game. It sells itself on the concept of the dual Hero/General thing, but I never even got to see the special "War" game mode it takes place in.

To quote one moment playing with friends,
"Oh cool, we've finally unlocked the ability to name our squad. Let's do that then..."
"Oh... that costs (5 hours worth of salary) to do. Fuck that then. Let's not."
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Demon Girl Master
Sep 21, 2016
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

It took me 15 mins to uninstall that piece of trash way back in the day.
It's amazing how it's still alive. :D

Play Armored Warfare like me atm, or World of Tanks.
Can at least kill some time decently in those two. :p


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I never even got to see the special "War" game mode it takes place in.
You're not missing out on anything. It's literally the exact same as the non-war gamemodes, except you get more ribbon exp and you're likely to miss out on a lot of resources because nobody will pay to bring them to the battle.

Its even worse when you unlock commanding units yourself. 36 infantry spawns, wait 3+(On bad times 5+) days to spawn them at all. Then they take hours to move to the battlefield, followed by being wiped out and not earning you anything or gaining any experience in just a few minutes.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Wasted like 10 hours playing kerbal space program...

Only to jump online finally and find out that I need to take samples and write reports FROM THE SURFACE OF MY OWN FUCKING PLANET in order to generate enough science to unlock the parts I need to get into orbit. Fuck me, I like what teeny tiny bit I've seen of the game, but why be such pedantic cocksuckers devs? why?


Tentacle God
Jun 2, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Wasted like 10 hours playing kerbal space program...
Me playing kerbal space program:

Somehow still landed on the moon in under an hour.... didnt get back.
(This was in beta.)

Not sure if i have the brain capacity to go back and continue playing it, HAHAHA!


Nov 16, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Wasted like 10 hours playing kerbal space program...

Only to jump online finally and find out that I need to take samples and write reports FROM THE SURFACE OF MY OWN FUCKING PLANET in order to generate enough science to unlock the parts I need to get into orbit. Fuck me, I like what teeny tiny bit I've seen of the game, but why be such pedantic cocksuckers devs? why?
If you just wanna play, well, that's what Sandbox mode is for.

If not, it only takes two or three launches (and maybe an hour) to get orbit-capable, once you've got the hang of it. Think of it as making sure your gear works - Alan Shepard only went suborbital that first time, after all.

How to reach orbit in 3 launches, on a Normal Career:
Launch 1
Hit up Mission Control and take the "Gather scientific data from Kerbin" and "Launch our first vessel!" missions.

Start with a Mk1 Command Pod, add a Mk16 Parachute on top, add a RT-5 Flea on the bottom. Switch to 3x symmetry, add three Mystery Goo pods to the Command Pod (be careful to not block the hatch), add three Basic Fins to the Flea. Right-click the Command Pod and drag the Monopropellant slider to zero, and right-click the Flea and drag the Thrust Limiter slider to, oh, about 30%. Check your staging to be sure the Flea is in a separate stage from the Parachute. Leave Jeb in command, and launch.

Before actually launching, right-click the Command Pod and take a Crew Report, right-click one Mystery Goo and Observe it. Now mouse over Jeb's portrait and EVA him; he'll stick to the outside of the Command Pod. Right-click Jeb and get an EVA report; right-click the Command Pod and Take Data. Press B to reenter the Command Pod. Now press T to make Jeb keep the rocket stable, and press Space to launch. While you're flying, observe a second Mystery Goo and get a second Crew Report. Wait for burnout, wait to start falling back, and press Space to pop your parachute. Wait for touchdown, have Jeb EVA again and Take Data from the Command Pod and make another EVA Report again. Reenter and Observe the third Mystery Goo and make a third Crew Report before you mouse over the altimeter at the top-center and click Recover Spacecraft.

Launch 2
Hit up R&D. You should have just under 40 Science, so research Basic Rocketry, Engineering 101, and General Rocketry.

Hit up Mission Control, and accept "Escape the atmosphere!". Feel free to accept a second mission if it happens to fit the rocket we build next.

Build a new rocket. Top-to-bottom, Mk16 Parachute, Mk1 Command Pod, TR-18A Stack Decoupler, RT-10 Hammer. Add Basic Fins to the Hammer in 4x symmetry, and four 2HOT Thermometers to the Command Pod (but in two sets of 2x symmetry so you don't block the hatch). Reduce the Hammer's thrust to 40%, and remove the Command Pod's monopropellant. Jeb can fly again.

On the launch pad, read and store the temperature. Launch straight up (bonus points for a slight turn eastwards), taking temperature readings while "flying" (below 18km altitude), "upper atmosphere" (above 18km and below 70km), and "in space near Kerbin" (above 70km). Make a Crew Report from either "upper atmosphere" or "near space". Jettison the Hammer while you're in space (spin the rocket, and you can fling it away instead of having it sit nearby), and coast down butt-first, using Jeb's SAS to keep it straight. Pop your parachute when you're below 300 m/s, and collect a fourth temperature reading while you're waiting to land (that's why you needed four thermometers, Jeb can't get out to collect their data until you touch down). One final crew report/EVA/temperature reading once landed, and recover.

Launch 3
This is the big one. You should have 75 science and 250k funds. Hit Mission Control and accept "Orbit Kerbin!".

Hit R&D, and research "Survivability", "Stability", and "Advanced Rocketry".

Right-click the Astronaut Complex and pay to upgrade it to level 2.

VAB now. Top-to-bottom, parachute, Command Pod, 1.25m Service Bay, 1.25m Heat Shield, decoupler, FL-T200 Fuel Tank, LV-909 Terrier engine, decoupler, FL-T200, FL-T400 Fuel Tank, FL-T400 Fuel Tank, LV-T45 Swivel engine. Add a quartet of Basic Fins to the bottom fuel tank. Right-click the Service Bay and choose Open; put one each of the Goo/Thermometer/PresMat Barometer inside (use the QWEASD keys to rotate them so they're neatly visible). Close the Service Bay. Switch to 2x symmetry, add two TT-38K Radial Decouplers to the bottom fuel tank, and stick Hammers to them. Strip out the Command Pod's monopropellant, reduce the Heat Shield's ablator to, oh, 60 units, and reduce the Hammers' thrust to 80%. Now, we want Bob (the scientist) flying, so switch to the Crew tab and make sure Jeb isn't hogging his seat. Launch.

As before, grab a pressure reading on the launchpad and pop Bob out to store it. Hit Space to fire off the Hammers - you don't have a pilot, so no SAS. Start turning the rocket eastwards once you've gotten about 1km of altitude - very slowly and gently (Caps Lock to switch to fine controls) - if the center dot on the Navball drifts outside of the prograde marker, you're turning too hard. Once you've staged to the Swivel (Z key for full throttle!), press M to switch to the Map view, open the Navball by clicking on the little tab at bottom-center, and watch your trajectory's Apoapsis (highest point). Keep turning east, and when the apoapsis reaches 75km or so, shut down the engines. Coast up to space (so before apoapsis), turn so your rocket is pointing horizontal but near prograde (the Navball's center dot is on the "equator" line dividing blue and brown), and fire up the engine again. You want to be moving at approximately 2300 m/s, horizontally - the Swivel will run out of fuel before then, and you'll have to burn over half of the Terrier's fuel if you do it right. Watch your trajectory in Map view, and if you do it right, the Periapsis (lowest point) tag will appear on your orbit and start flip-flopping with the apoapsis tag.

Ta-da, you're in orbit! And now you're halfway to anywhere!


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Thats really a thing it needs to tell you

Great game aside from that though

I can get anywhere in that, maybe its time for another playthrough


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

lol wut? NO.

I get aerodynamics, and thanks to spending that time BUILDING A ROCKET THAT GOT TO THE UPPER ATMOSPHERE with only the first parts available (that's right, I stacked a shit ton of that basic crappy solid-fuel rocket together, making stages by using the basic construction part between them so it would burn up/explode when I triggered the next stage) to the player, I understand the game's physics system (hint, trying to join things that normally shouldn't be [engines] to one another makes them bow when pressure is applies, and if your ship is too long it just decides to turn end-over-end at some point no matter what you do).

The problem I have isn't the gameplay, or that they really make you work to get those parts, but that it's just absurd that you need to send an ASTRONAUT to examine samples and make reports about your own base in order to progress past the first 5 science!

I'm playing science mode BTW, I have no interest in managing resources (because there aren't 50 million other games that do that), but I don't just want everything available from the get-go either. I did get into orbit last night though, and immediately wasted 5 hours trying to build a plane with the first jet engine and oversized fuel containers, which of course wouldn't fly so I strapped ramjets on the motherfucker (it did not end well for that kerbil). After 20 or so failed launches I actually looked at the specs on the basic jet engine, only to find it puts out less thrust than a geriatric stripper, and gave up once I understood the problem.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Airplanes in KSP are almost impossible if you don't know how to build the things

The physics system has a lot of quirks about that. But that said, it is possible to make airplanes that go to space. Just not cost-effective(usually) and you need a lot of tech for it.
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Nov 16, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

lol wut? NO.

I get aerodynamics, and thanks to spending that time BUILDING A ROCKET THAT GOT TO THE UPPER ATMOSPHERE with only the first parts available (that's right, I stacked a shit ton of that basic crappy solid-fuel rocket together, making stages by using the basic construction part between them so it would burn up/explode when I triggered the next stage) to the player, I understand the game's physics system (hint, trying to join things that normally shouldn't be [engines] to one another makes them bow when pressure is applies, and if your ship is too long it just decides to turn end-over-end at some point no matter what you do).

The problem I have isn't the gameplay, or that they really make you work to get those parts, but that it's just absurd that you need to send an ASTRONAUT to examine samples and make reports about your own base in order to progress past the first 5 science!

I'm playing science mode BTW, I have no interest in managing resources (because there aren't 50 million other games that do that), but I don't just want everything available from the get-go either. I did get into orbit last night though, and immediately wasted 5 hours trying to build a plane with the first jet engine and oversized fuel containers, which of course wouldn't fly so I strapped ramjets on the motherfucker (it did not end well for that kerbil). After 20 or so failed launches I actually looked at the specs on the basic jet engine, only to find it puts out less thrust than a geriatric stripper, and gave up once I understood the problem.
Fine, here's DeMatt's Guide to Reaching Orbit in Normal Science Mode Without Doing Any Science on Kerbin's Surface (in three launches):
Launch 1
Command Pod (minus monopropellant), parachute, Flea (thrust at 30%), 2 Goos (so they're balanced), 4 Basic Fins (on the Flea). Use Jeb.

Launch straight up (T - Space - no directional inputs). Make Crew Report and both Goos while in flight, then recover once landed.

Total Science from launch: 17.1.
Launch 2
Research Basic Rocketry and Engineering 101.

Two options now: stop at Upper Atmosphere, or go clear to Suborbital. I'm assuming Upper Atmosphere.

Command Pod (minus monopropellant), parachute, decoupler, Hammer (thrust at 40%), 2 Goos, 2 Thermometers, 4 Basic Fins. (Add a decoupler + Hammer (thrust at 75%) + 4 Basic Fins if you want to go Suborbital.) Use Jeb again.

Launch straight up. Make a temperature readout at low altitude, then read everything else at high altitude. Dump the Hammer as soon as it burns out (it's very draggy), and have Jeb keep the capsule butt-first on the way down.

Total Science from launch: 29.2.

Launch 3
Research General Rocketry and Survivability.

Let's break the rocket into stages:
  • Capsule: Command Pod (minus monopropellant), parachute, Service Bay (with 2x Goo, 2x Thermometer, 2x Barometer), Heat Shield (60 units of ablator).
  • Stage 3: decoupler, 2x FL-T200, LV-T45 Swivel.
  • Stage 2: decoupler, 6x FL-T200, LV-T45 Swivel, 4x Basic Fins.
  • Stage 1: decoupler, 1x Thumper (centerline, 60% thrust), 4x Thumper (attached to side of center Thumper, 60% thrust), 4x Basic Fins. Make sure the Thumpers all fire in the same stage!
Jeb can fly again, we like pilots piloting.

This rocket is actually somewhat overbuilt for the task of reaching orbit, but hey, wiggle room = easier to fly, right? You could do the "straight up, then orbital speed" burn, but let's at least pretend we're proper rocket scientists and try for a gravity turn:

  1. Do not turn on SAS, and press Space to launch.
  2. Once you reach approx. 40 m/s, press and hold D to start turning eastwards.
  3. Once you reach approx. 100 m/s, release D. Continue leaving SAS off - in fact, don't touch any steering controls. Feel free to set the throttle to maximum (Z key) in anticipation of staging.
  4. When the Thumpers burn out, stage them off and fire up the first Swivel.
  5. Press M to switch to Map view and watch your apoapsis.
  6. When apoapsis reaches approx. 75km, press X to turn off your engine.
  7. Click on the orbital path to add a maneuver - try to get it right on apoapsis. Drag the prograde marker out until the orange "predicted" orbit is circular.
  8. Aim the rocket at the maneuver (you can use Jeb's SAS controls if you want), then start firing when the time-to-maneuver is roughly half of the estimated duration-of-maneuver.
  9. Complete maneuver (stage if necessary), and tweak orbit as desired.

Ta-da, orbit!
The Soviets fired off four Vostok-L and three Vostok-K rockets before they put Yuri Gagarin on top of a Vostok-K. NASA fired off four Mercury-Redstones before Alan Shepard got his ride, and seven Mercury-Atlases before John Glenn got his orbit. You think the scientists didn't spend every moment going over the flight data?


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

The thing that gets me with KSP is that you send manned missions right away, but without having done the science

What happened to probes to keep the cost(In lives) low?
You only unlock probes much later


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh hellz yes! I made me a plane that flew last night, gobbled all that science up from the highlands, mountains, and sea biomes! Couldn't get very high with it, but meh.

Still don't have enough to build something I think can make it to the moon...

The Soviets fired off four Vostok-L and three Vostok-K rockets before they put Yuri Gagarin on top of a Vostok-K. NASA fired off four Mercury-Redstones before Alan Shepard got his ride, and seven Mercury-Atlases before John Glenn got his orbit. You think the scientists didn't spend every moment going over the flight data?
They also had the ability to build planes before rockets... so maybe real-world examples are kinda =/= to ksp?

First thing I tried to do was build a plane, but knew I didn't have the parts once I looked at the list.
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Tentacle God
Jul 11, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Nintendo announced that the NX is set to be revealed tomorrow morning at 7am PT, 10am ET

The NX is now known as the Nintendo Switch
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