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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Not familiar with the game, so I dunno how it works, but how's this for ya?

Reminds me of Sphere Grid. MUST KILL WITH FIRE.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Not familiar with the game, so I dunno how it works, but how's this for ya?

Lol, why are there so many "-" stat orbs? Makes no sense to take them.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

For path of exile? Or D3? Since Bnet has always been free it would be outrageous for them to start making people pay now.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've been playing Star Wars the Old Republic on my laptop since probably around January-Feburary. It's a pretty good game as far as MMOs go. Also been playing angry birds and other iOS games on my iPhone about since I've had the thing. Probably some of the most addictive things in the world IMO. Recently I purchased Epic Astro Story, a sims type of game by Kairosoft. I've cleared all but one of spot of my map which is IMO pretty much impossible ATM. I probably just have to grind a bit more and save up enough cash to level my crew a fair bit higher. You can only send 12 people out on an away mission and the ai sends like 50+ at you. I thought about picking up FO:NV for my 360 at my game shop since it was only like 20$ there. But I already spent 20$ pigging out at my local Buffalo Wild Wings. :p
Re: Games Discussion Thread

New Vegas is definately well worth your $20, it feels a little more empty than fallout 3, but still a very good game overall.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Found out that the iPad, or whatever the hell it is, has visual novels. Particularly ones that are geared toward female players. Not fair. Maybe one of these days when I need a new phone I'll get something that'll handle stuff like that, but in the meantime, I'll just sit over here in my corner and gripe.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yea....there been some visual novels on the IOS but they cost a lot on the swedish currency. But I never really liked visual novels anyway so I don't bother with it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

There is that, too. I was looking at the prices in this one walkthrough and thought they seemed awfully high for something like that, especially if I was reading the guide right and it was for add-on content, not the core game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread


Re: Games Discussion Thread

Been playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I can't believe i missed that game!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Deus Ex: Human Revolution was a pretty awesome game. Felt they stuck to the gritty yet still slick futuristic look overall, even though some hated the overall orangey tones to the game.

While the ending is definitely in the same multiple choice as the previous Deus Exs, thereby somewhat nullifying what path you take. Some of your choices do affect the boss battles. And yes those were produced by another dev team hence why they feel so radical different then the rest of the game.

But I'll eat anything up that ties in modern day conspiracy theories. One reason keeping an eye on The Secret World.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Played the Walking Dead game when it came out, and beat it in one sitting. This was because it was A) short, but also B) rather engrossing.

Now granted it's only the first episode, and at... 3-5 hours depending how long you fiddle around with certain things, 15 bucks (roughly? It was about 1200 MS points) wasn't too bad considering some games expect you to pay 60 dollars for four hours... and nothing more.

Anyway, gameplay itself is a point and click essentially, but with more moments of "hurry the fuck up and click, you got like 2 seconds" than most. But it makes sense. Even the puzzles make sense in the game world. Scenarios such as "Keys are across the zombie strewn road, and you need them" to "parking lot full of the undead, you have a gun but can't shoot it without alerting everything around, and you need to get across the parking lot" are some of the puzzles in the game. Some bit of thinking involved, but it's nothing brain straining, and there's nothing really new to the table.

That said, it is all really well delivered. I actually quite like the art style of the game, as I don't notice oddities nearly as much as if they had been going the more realistic route that many games do. And there are lots of small touches that just make the world more immersive (your character slipping in a puddle of blood for example).

For those wondering, yes there are some fairly gory bits, and good close in zombie kills. They're all the more impactful in this game though since they don't happen every five seconds like most zombie games. As promised what this game drives for is human interaction and drama. There are a lot of cut scenes and dialogue, with some choices I believe are going to be rather important come the following episodes.

Granted you don't get to see too much response to your choices in episode one, but that's only the start really. It's building up to it... and every choice really is grey this time around. There is hardly any distinct "good and evil" choice this time around. Each choice can be defended.

I found it interesting that at the end of the episode, they show you the percentage of people's decisions in all the major choices. When I played, almost all of them were 50/50.

So... in the end, eagerly awaiting episode 2, and hoping these guys can deliver.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yogscast did a writeup of the beta for Torchlight 2. I'm liking the look of the game thus far, including some of the major changes (for example, as well as selling crap, your pet can now also buy items off a shopping list. And loot is instanced, at least for Multiplayer, which is new as well :D). Now to finish the first one so I can be ready for the second one!

Ze links:
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Double post but required: I got into the Firefall Beta ^_^
Re: Games Discussion Thread

nunu has diablo 3, if anyone wants to play that can be arranged.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

i just got diablo 3 with the preorder bonus for 10 bucks cheaper than base XD

that said, probably wont be playing it for some time, i have a massive backlog of games to work through XD
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Allright, thoughts of Firefall after banging away at it for a day and not having to worry about a NDA:

-Not much content (for now), though that's more to the fact that it's a beta. Get the core mechanics down, THEN work on content and so on. What's there though gets ya invested in the game and teaches ya most of what ya want to know. Though if I had a dime for every time someone asked what a Thumper is...

-Thumper runs are heck of a lot more fun then just swinging a pick at a rock :3 Though I still can't solo Tiny Thumpers all the way to 100%, the really nasty bugs spawn then x,x Heard Thumpers are getting tweaked to be less perdictable at least, so that's a good thing.

-Chosen are dicks :/ Every time I think I'm away from them I seem to run into another patrol event. Part of me is glad the actual Invasions haven't triggered yet, though I guess Casablanca would be easier to defend then a random beach, and the mini-assault Incursions are still my favorite random event of the 3 involved.

In short, can't wait for more :p
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Just rented Max Payne 3 today, and have been storming through it. Figuring I'm about half way through the story at the moment, and all in all, pretty fun game.

The story is well written, especially for an action game. Appropriately gritty and brutal, even if some of the action scenes are over the top. But even they manage to have just a touch of realism by having Max grunt in pain every time he smacks up against something.

Max is also quite possible one of the most self-loathing, and bitter characters I've ever seen in a video game. Throughout the game he does a lot of monologue on what's going on, propelling the story, and almost every line just smacks of how hard he's hit rock bottom with his face. Some of them just make me laugh, especially early on when he's standing around at some of the rich people parties.

Gameplay is pretty smooth. Slow motion and bullet play all return, and the animations are all quite good for Max's movement. There is a fair variety of guns, even if the same few pop up more often than not (Same handful of pistols and AK's turn up a lot until later, and even then it's just another set of assault rifles) but they do have a difference between the 'present day' weapons in Brazil, and the flashback scenes in New York/ New Jersey. Blood and gore is actually rather realistic looking in the game as well, scarily so. Gunshot wounds actually bleed into a character's clothing...

All in all, I'm enjoying it so far, and actually want to see what happens next, another good word in for story.

Edit: Forgot to mention... the health system is the same as the old ones. You need pain killers to get your health back. Though if you die in a scene you will restart at the checkpoint with full health.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Double ze game talk!

First off, Mechwarrior Online beta keys should be showing up soon. Set up your account there by going to your profile (If ya have one) and mark yourself interested in the beta and copying your system specs. They even has a app to make sure they get the info they need.

Also, more recent gameplay, including breakdown on each mech class's role.


Also, if you are after space dogfights, I CANNOT recommend (Free on Steam, or you can play it in-browser via Chrome) enough. The ship growth feels right, and although I do disagree on the 'free play' prices for ships (Unless yer boosting, the prices are quite a bit steep :/), playing through Steam equals a few nice DLC bundles for a 20% discount from the standard HE-3 (the Pay currency) prices. I also put up a nice guide on the to get people started. All and all, if you liked the space combat sections of Star Wars Battlefront, or just like off-rails space shooters and don't got vertigo, I really suggest ya give it at least a small spin. After all, can't beat the price to try it.


Finally, seems Firefall is . Just as I was getting used to the system, time for changes o_o Hopefully it means they're getting close to settling on a progression system, and thus means we'll be getting to test some of the meatier content 'Soon'(TM)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I had a rant, then loled... Then ranted some more...
