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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've picked up a double copy, to try and flog the game it's buy one, get one free. Or, looking at it from a different perspective, they're charging double what you'd normally pay for an indie game, for two copies.

But $20 isn't a huge amount for an indie game that boasts 55 single player levels.

I've heard the name mentioned around, but never actually seen it until now. Seems like an interesting title, kind of like the planning portion of the original Rainbow Six games taken to a new level.

I wonder how it works exactly...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'd hate to break the recent topic on hand, but...

I'm kinda on the fence about this myself.

On the one hand: I kinda got the 'meh' attitude to the Space Marines, especially the 'smurfs', as the Ultramarines are refered to. Mainly as- beyond the Blood Ravens, who were actually created for the Dawn of War series anyway- they're the most publicly flaunted grouping of any of the races. A part of me is worried about the fact they're using Ultras they could get lost in the whole 'god-soldier' stick that usually gets stucked with the Space Marines.

On the other hand: It's THQ and Relic. These guys moved the game most faithfully to video game form in the first place. After watching the trailers, it really does seem they're trying to keep the scope of the campain simple (Orks are invading a forge world after a titan manufacturing facility), but knowing the world of 40k there's plenty of ways to have extra ebil hinted at. That and the mention of Chaoz for multiplayer is makin me wanna give it a look.

All in all, it may be race predujece, but the intrest is starting to break me out of 'not sure if want' a bit >,>;
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've picked up a double copy, to try and flog the game it's buy one, get one free. Or, looking at it from a different perspective, they're charging double what you'd normally pay for an indie game, for two copies.

But $20 isn't a huge amount for an indie game that boasts 55 single player levels.

Jeeze, if I had the cash and/or a stable system right now I'd definitely try that. I loved the planning phase of the early R6s.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'd hate to break the recent topic on hand, but...

I'm kinda on the fence about this myself.

On the one hand: I kinda got the 'meh' attitude to the Space Marines, especially the 'smurfs', as the Ultramarines are refered to. Mainly as- beyond the Blood Ravens, who were actually created for the Dawn of War series anyway- they're the most publicly flaunted grouping of any of the races. A part of me is worried about the fact they're using Ultras they could get lost in the whole 'god-soldier' stick that usually gets stucked with the Space Marines.

On the other hand: It's THQ and Relic. These guys moved the game most faithfully to video game form in the first place. After watching the trailers, it really does seem they're trying to keep the scope of the campain simple (Orks are invading a forge world after a titan manufacturing facility), but knowing the world of 40k there's plenty of ways to have extra ebil hinted at. That and the mention of Chaoz for multiplayer is makin me wanna give it a look.

All in all, it may be race predujece, but the intrest is starting to break me out of 'not sure if want' a bit >,>;

FUCK regional lock. Plough them all.

Is that Warhammer 40,000: Space marines? Been waiting for that game forever. But it appears that it's not yet available in Europe.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

FUCK regional lock. Plough them all.

Is that Warhammer 40,000: Space marines? Been waiting for that game forever. But it appears that it's not yet available in Europe.

Aye. Guess one of the major eyecatchers in the trailer is one section, ya see a vehicle that shows up in the Apocolypse ruleset as a custom model, the Ork Minelayer.

Here's a Youtube link if it'll help noman
Re: Games Discussion Thread

On the one hand: I kinda got the 'meh' attitude to the Space Marines, especially the 'smurfs', as the Ultramarines are refered to. Mainly as- beyond the Blood Ravens, who were actually created for the Dawn of War series anyway- they're the most publicly flaunted grouping of any of the races. A part of me is worried about the fact they're using Ultras they could get lost in the whole 'god-soldier' stick that usually gets stucked with the Space Marines.

Deathwatch = greatest, least retarded space marines
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hellgate: London is still alive and kicking.

Still, even though I knew someone else had picked it up, I never thought I'd see anything from it ever again.

Then I came across this:

Closed Beta June 3-5.

Re: Games Discussion Thread


So, picked up Crackdown (yeah yeah, late as hell, STFU) a couple days ago, and got around to playing it today.


Best moment so far: went to pick up an explosive barrel, but since the 'grab' and 'melee' actions are on THE SAME BUTTON, I kicked it. Hard. It went boom. And proceeded to cause a chain reaction with the barrels around it. Which took out 15 Los Muertes (sp?). I could not stop laughing. Especially after I thought of the line "Our hero, ladies and gentlemen."
Yeah, I might have laughed a little bit harder than I should have :rolleyes:

ALSO, Got my strength up to 3 stars in... I think 6 hours, maybe less? ANYWAYS, point is, I CAN LIFT A SEMI AND HURL IT AT PEOPLE. Or just pick it up and cross over to the correct side of the road. Whatever I happen to need to do ATM.

ALSO Also: I'm liking the level-up system. Shoot someone? Level up your Firearm proficiency. Beat someone down? Level up your Strength/Health.
By far my favorite is the agility. Outrun most vehicles and able to jump HIGH AS SHIT by 3 stars? FUN TIMES.

ALSO Also also: Managed to beat the first gang within the first 4 hours, give or take an hour. Kinda felt 'meh' about that. I mean, it's not too hard a game TBH, but COME ON. It just felt... way too easy, even by first boss standards. And this is on the hardest difficulty, BTW.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

did I see a copy of duke nukem forever the other day? wasn't that supposed to never come out?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Havent you heard? Duke nukem is out of the never coming out Clique. Now Black mesa is the new Popular never coming out type game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I want Black Mesa so bad x.x
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh, dont forget about Star Wars Battlefront 3. The alpha version was supposedly acquired by someone before the original company's that worked on it went under.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I would like to see Battlefront 3, but it could be awhile since Pandemic went under. Shame... I enjoyed the first two.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Heck, a Half Life 3 would be good too. STOP CALLING GABE FAT PEEPS :V
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ha ha, fat chance.

I haven't given up hope yet, but I am starting to wonder...

Someone missed what he did there...or hasn't beaten Portal yet....

Speaking of Portal, we finally got "Still Alive" to play on the jukebox in L4D2! Rush be damned, we stood around listening to it, heheheh.

And it was funny. I was flipping through a...GamePro? Some gaming magazine the other day because they were talking about Dead Island and they had an article on games that were never coming out and I swore I saw Fallout 3 on the list and was very :confused: In fact, I think there were a couple games on the list that I was fairly certain had been released. I dunno, didn't have too much time to read it, but still, it made me scratch my head.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Someone missed what he did there...or hasn't beaten Portal yet....

Speaking of Portal, we finally got "Still Alive" to play on the jukebox in L4D2! Rush be damned, we stood around listening to it, heheheh.

And it was funny. I was flipping through a...GamePro? Some gaming magazine the other day because they were talking about Dead Island and they had an article on games that were never coming out and I swore I saw Fallout 3 on the list and was very :confused: In fact, I think there were a couple games on the list that I was fairly certain had been released. I dunno, didn't have too much time to read it, but still, it made me scratch my head.

Fallout 3 was actually very far on the list of never-coming-outs. The last game that was SUPPOSED to be fallout 3 was called Van buren, you can google a wiki on Van Buren fallout if your more interested.
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