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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

Is anyone able to help me out? I can't seem to download it, typing in Eluku into the box just gives me an incorrect password warning, I've tried copy/pasting as well.

EDIT: Ah, never mind, i turned off the google translator and copy/pasted the original text, that seemed to work.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

*looks left*

*looks right*

The bestiality fan in me is doing a happy dance right now.
Re: Fairy Fighting

/sign Ebelaar

I love hot"dog"ging.I was more than impressed by the rape moves I saw and I think I just got crazy for a sec the more I watched...
Re: Fairy Fighting

Is anyone else finding this move impossible to trigger?
I've fought Fallen Fairy dozens of times, but I've never seen anything like this attempted. She just does that black flash a lot, and hardly ever grabs Tiki at all.

You have to hit her sometimes to make her grab you :)
Also, you have to be in mid-air for this finisher to be activated
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Re: Fairy Fighting

Holy shit this update is hot. I cant wait to see what else frost wolf can do, sex wise. I wish the humping bit lasted a bit longer, that's the best part.

Needs to be a deepthroat attack where he freezes tiki to the floor and shoves his cock in her mouth.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Can I please ask a question?

What size (allowing that Tiki is a Fairy) would you expect Tiki to be?
Certainly under a foot yes ?
Re: Fairy Fighting

Probably under 6 inches tall, she should be able to wrap around your index finger.....or something else.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Nod, I'm just confirming. I've been putting arbitrary figures in the wiki for approximate sizes of Tiki and the monsters. And naturally I've been guesstimating them in inches cause I thought fairy.

But somebody recently called into question the entire thing by going in and rewriting all the sizes as feet. Putting Tiki at 7 feet, the roper at nine feet, and even adjusted all the cm versions of the heights to match.

I changed it back automatically on the grounds of it being silly.
But it made me question - how big others think the monsters are. I'd be interested to hear a debate considering the sizes of the bee, wolf, worm, jellyfish etc.

See where I'm going with this?

Edit: RE Serafin's last comment.
Maybe somebody should recommend that to Eluka as the Final Final boss.
A custom level that looks like the body of a human, with two pair of hands (all super smash bro style) and a penis that raises in and out of shot during certain attacks! :p

The penis would be about the same size as Tiki and the OHKO would be pretty obvious given that.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

I think their sizes are all fictional.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I think their sizes are all fictional.

Good answer. But if their sizes are fictional what are they?
Or are you saying Tiki has discovered the ultimate weight loss plan and is a size zero (well I suppose lets be honest, she doesn't wear clothing) despite being the size of a galaxy that is exactly the size of a marble?

^_^ Come on people, I was just jumping a topic starter. And it's fair in my mind to put expected sizes of things in the wiki. Cause part of a wiki for characters or creatures (fictional or not) involve describing the character.
Re: Fairy Fighting

If confused on how to use that site, here's instructions.
Find something like ダウンロード pass: |_________| ダウンロード
Type in eluku and click the gray button.
For future reference, that is katakana for download

Just reposting this for people with poor memory like myself. Took me a little search through the thread to find the instructions post for the new download site.

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Re: Fairy Fighting

Well, so far she's been the same size as a bee and a spider. Also the same size as a plant (a bit bigger). And now the same size as a wolf (significantly bigger). And yet, both much larger and much smaller than two similar species of worm, and not all that much smaller than a naga.

Tiki's size appears to be variable, following the general rule of "just a bit too small to comfortably 'accomodate' her opponent". Finding a number is perhaps overthinking it.
Re: Fairy Fighting

:D, good! Yes, I love discussions of topics of completely fictional nature.
Although this brings about a strange question if we look at it accurately.

Three shapeless monsters that don't corrolate to anything else.
Worms with strange appendages that real worms don't have.
Half-human half-animals.
Two other kinds of faries.
Some kind of stone monsters (the crushers, actually are they stone, are they some kind of golem or animal? What the heck are they?).
And a wolf made of ice.

The only one that looks normal is the bee and we establish in it that there is also a mother bee which is much bigger. And looks and acts nothing like a normal bee.

From a questioning standpoint, if we assume this is in the fairy world and we're dealing with fictional creatures then everyone here could (like implied earlier) be anywhere as small as Tiki being 1 inch tall.

The only creature here that we know anything about by mythology are the fairies and perhaps the alau=lune ??

^_^ So we're actually writing the books here unless Eluku says otherwise.
Besides, I like knocking theories around and discussing possibilities. It inspires! Who knows, there may be fan fictions or fanarts to come out of a game like this.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

You people confuse me. Tons of video games have giant spiders and bees as enemies. Wouldn't it make more sense if Tiki was human sized and the other enemies were giant? There's no rule saying fairies HAVE to be tiny.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I would have to agree with SethK(actually he beat me to the suggestion). Most video games do have giant spiders and bees as enemies, and some even have plants that are enemies. Lets also not forget that all of the enemies Tiki has are not like normal counterparts you would find on earth. so Tiki could easily be human size and the monsters just monstrous. ;)
Re: Fairy Fighting

The thing that confuses me is that Tiki, Dark Tiki and Fallen Fairy are all clearly described as fairies. Fairies are usually small. If it were a human sized she wouldn't be a fairy, she would be an Elve.

But I'm not throwing out at this point, I'm asking for discussions and general opinion. To my mind when somebody says fairy they mean small though. But keep discussing. Unless we get word on this topic from Eluku, Majority opinion will likely be the one that goes in the wiki.
Re: Fairy Fighting

The thing that confuses me is that Tiki, Dark Tiki and Fallen Fairy are all clearly described as fairies. Fairies are usually small. If it were a human sized she wouldn't be a fairy, she would be an Elve.

But I'm not throwing out at this point, I'm asking for discussions and general opinion. To my mind when somebody says fairy they mean small though. But keep discussing. Unless we get word on this topic from Eluku, Majority opinion will likely be the one that goes in the wiki.

I don't think of spiders or bees as giant either, yet there are plenty in video games. Hell, you even broke your own logic by classifying her as an Elf if she's human sized. Elves generally lack wings.
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Re: Fairy Fighting


Re: Fairy Fighting



I don't think of spiders or bees as giant either, yet there are plenty in video games. Hell, you even broke your own logic by classifying her as an Elf if she's human sized. Elves generally lack wings.

Exactly!!! :D
Both of you have just proved my point. But this is not why I'm here.

Why I'm here, why I made the wiki, why I'm posting on this forum, etc etc etc is cause I look at this game... And I see POTENTIAL.

I have ordered a reasonable quality drawing tablet (about time) and I plan to do artwork, stories, hell! IF I can I wanna Work with Eluku on this!

I wanna see a fully fleshed out game, with your choice of humanoid girls being raped, in his style and artwork, in the established graphics ways as a full game with full ending art and animation for every scenario and a hell of a payoff as a grand boss!

But before I can do that I need to know this game and topic intimately.

I'm trying to see if I can open a dialog with Eluku. Not sure how that will work cause I only understand 10% of Japanese but trying.
Anything I can't get from him I wanna get from in depth discussions, documenting all information he gives us, all information on the game!


This is a Major project from me. I have always been taking it seriously. Even when other people were flipping me off and being blaze about it.

So, concluding. Please - continue :)
Re: Fairy Fighting

Exactly!!! :D
Both of you have just proved my point. But this is not why I'm here.

Well, I dunno about Splicer, but the only way I could have proved your point is if you didn't understand mine..

But whatevs. Good luck with your wiki. :)