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ADV [暗黒郷物語 / Dystopia Story]トビ姫 -Inter Breed- / Flying Princess -Inter Breed - (RJ154397)

Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Hook code

Make sure to turn on "Auto suppress repetition" in the options.

AGTH does not work properly with this hook. I don't know why and I don't care to spend any more time on it. Just use .
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

It's not the end of the world. At least I get to keep my items and monsters.
I suspect that the reason why they disappear is because you're done with your first playthrough. I highly recommend getting a spider and snake girl and equiping them with your best gear. The spider can use sword energy waves and the snake girl uses an upward spinning sword slash. The horse girl is shit. The demon girl is so-so, but she has a decent hitbox.

The improved hybrids make them a bit better ! (and some use different weapons).

octopus+wolf = aimed at the nearest enemy divebomb
centaur+ogre = bombards an area like a cone from high above
mermaid girl+condor = like the succubus girls thing but hits everything a few times in its circle
succubus+snake = throws out an orb diagonally down which does damage, then explodes for more damage
spider + bee = similar to octopus+wolf attack divebomb, but its a slash that goes across the screen instead.
plant+slime = ???
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Has anyone found a way to hook text in this game? I like to understand what's going on in my games and not just to look at pretty pictures.

With ITHVNR-3.4524.1 + Translation Aggregator you "can" translate nearly every dialog. The main problem is that for some reasons the game decides randomly to create a new text instance in ITHVNR.
Now you can decide: Do you want to know this part -> switch instance and manually copy relevant part to clipboard (sucks hard -,-)
Or skip it.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

The improved hybrids make them a bit better ! (and some use different weapons).

octopus+wolf = aimed at the nearest enemy divebomb
centaur+ogre = bombards an area like a cone from high above
mermaid girl+condor = like the succubus girls thing but hits everything a few times in its circle
succubus+snake = throws out an orb diagonally down which does damage, then explodes for more damage
spider + bee = similar to octopus+wolf attack divebomb, but its a slash that goes across the screen instead.
plant+slime = ???

I see, so there are hybrids after all. I've been trying to get them for a while with no luck.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Ok, I will ask a more broad question then: What do you need to do to get all 3 stars in one stage
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

I thought the guide launch path was gone unless you have a certain item? Mine still has it on by default. Maybe it's not the same one, I haven't played in a long time. It's still really easy to aim though.

There's a glitch on the final 2-5 EX stage, it sends a girl who isn't in my first position on my roster first when I launch initially. She bounces off the large boss eagle and then that girl just floats/stands in place and attacks in place every round instead of move attacking like normal. Kind of hard to describe I guess. Even if the attack would connect by her positioning, it doesn't as well.

It might just be if I launch quickly when the round first starts. It happened three times in a row but not last time when I waited a bit before launching.
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Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

So it turns out that every time you manage to successfully breed a monster girl with another monster she will give birth to a hybrid. Furthermore it appears that different combinations can give the same result such as ogre girl and ram/horse giving an improved centaur girl.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Whenever I hold down left click down on a unit to try and throw them my game starts zooming in and out when I move the mouse while trying to throw a unit.

Anyone have any idea how to get this to stop?

Also that underwater stage can get fucked.

Great just noticed that I can no longer buy things from the shop and it says I have 0/200 items.
God damn it why did I have to be right about gamebreaking bugs.

The snake girl is pretty beast.
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Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

The snake girl is pretty beast.

Snake girl is fun to use. Siren is amazing too, parks where you stop her and nukes everything in a huge AOE+heals everyone.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

1 is a shame there there is no gang onthis game on that not i like more just the animations of his other works

2 - to get 3 stars just need to kill all monsters or certain monsters

3 - actually there are some combinations that practically you need to have them and leveled specially succubus one since on lasts mission there are a lot of bugs with the enemies and some are specially high and 1 is even high enough with a wall covering it. i didnt had any good flying unit aside bird girl at that moment so i had to lvl my characters quite a lot to kill it on 2 hits, btw another bug are the bats SOMETIMES when you hit and not enough to kill them they fly up and is not a distance that you can lanch any unit or even your flying units can reach. thats quite a bug

4 yes the lack of gallery as well is a complete pain. and the thing i hate most is that there are no animations or cg for all characters, i could not worry for monster girls, but not having animations for last boss or the black haired girl that appear from time to time, same with the short red haired girl that was side the red hair knight.

anyone know if he plan on update stuff like that? or the game is already finished as incomplete as it is?
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

anyone know if he plan on update stuff like that? or the game is already finished as incomplete as it is?
According to the blog, in the first post even, there's a to-do-by-this-year list of bugs to fix and features to add. If that helps.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

I'll mention for the sake of scenes, slimes rape ogre girls, no hybrid though.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

This game is pretty amazing. It's fighting my translators though!
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

I would hardly call this game incomplete, though. It may be missing feature x or y that people may want to be in it, but its better than most of the shite H action games out there. Hell, the DEMO was better than most of the shite H action games out there.

Edit- but this has been bugging me so I hate to be "that guy" but are we just pretending that some of the monstergirls in this game aren't loli?
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

I'm working on a breeding guide which shows where you can find the monsters to breed and which combinations yield hybrids.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

1 is a shame there there is no gang onthis game on that not i like more just the animations of his other works

2 - to get 3 stars just need to kill all monsters or certain monsters

3 - actually there are some combinations that practically you need to have them and leveled specially succubus one since on lasts mission there are a lot of bugs with the enemies and some are specially high and 1 is even high enough with a wall covering it. i didnt had any good flying unit aside bird girl at that moment so i had to lvl my characters quite a lot to kill it on 2 hits, btw another bug are the bats SOMETIMES when you hit and not enough to kill them they fly up and is not a distance that you can lanch any unit or even your flying units can reach. thats quite a bug

4 yes the lack of gallery as well is a complete pain. and the thing i hate most is that there are no animations or cg for all characters, i could not worry for monster girls, but not having animations for last boss or the black haired girl that appear from time to time, same with the short red haired girl that was side the red hair knight.

anyone know if he plan on update stuff like that? or the game is already finished as incomplete as it is?

It seems like in order for you to get three stars, you have to have both collected a certain amount of coins and finished the level before a set amount of turns.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Gotta catch them all~ :D
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

The element type of the offspring is always the same as that of the mother, applies even for monster girls.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Edit- but this has been bugging me so I hate to be "that guy" but are we just pretending that some of the monstergirls in this game aren't loli?

What? Nooo, what are you talking about? *ahem*

(Yeah, it kinda looks that way.)
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

A Weird bug, I'm stuck on the first mission and the help menu won't close. It's stopping the mission from even starting, any way to get pass the Help menu?