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Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout (ALPHA)

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Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer looked at Elise, stating "Would that item we have acquired earlier be of assistance in this matter?"
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Elise chuckled, providing the coil of rope their benefactor had provided. "Not exactly silk, but still... poignant." She said, an internal joke that she didn't care if the others got.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

After a quick tying-down, the man stepped back over and checked the irons. After a short, rather dark-sounding chuckle, he added, "Well, I wonder where we should start this off..."

Intimidate check = +7 = 22

Will Save = +0 = 14

The sergeant began visibly sweating as his eyes followed their new companion.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Elise stayed at the table, looking down at the man that had branded her just hours before, the residual pain on her arm even under the bonding she subjected herself to. "Oh, I dunno. He'll have to get one on the arm, of course. Ribs are sensitive. so's the inner thigh. Though if we're down there, may as well raise it a little..." She said slowly, as if weighing each idea.

intimidate: 22
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

At Elise's suggestion, the Sergeant began sweating a bit more. It was obvious that he was still trying to keep things together, if barely...
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer moved amongst the branding irons, the heated metal, and grabbed one, one that they all recognized, and looked at the man with a smile as his form shifted, ever so more slowly, as if he was beginning to adapt to it, into its' more true state. Eyes stared at Chet from every single angle, looking at him with a degree of interest that he was probably unused to except from his superiors.

"Well Chet, this is a new experience for you, I imagine. Getting tied up, and brought before the judgement of others, and just for doing your job and trying your best to be incorruptible. This is how society treats those who respond to the world as purely as they can. But, let's be fair here, an eye for an eye -is- the punishment the world demands, and it would be unfair for you to not experience the same joys you bring unto your prisoners. So, allow me to share with you the experience of being a non-person, of being less then every other entity in the world, of being the single most useless piece of shit that any individual has ever met. I daresay I doubt it will be a new experience, after all, you're going to be the first sergeant of Ironscar to have -ever- lost a convict, and not just that, you'll have had four escape your midst. In point of fact, I doubt your superiors would even have let you live after this, regardless of what I did or did not do...but we shall see. This is, after all, the beginning of a new age for you, an age in which you get to see through the eyes of your own prisoners."

With that, he calmly pushed the branding iron into Chet's arm, with as close a match to what he himself had experienced as he could manage, given Chet's physique. As Chet tried to scream through the gag, he stated with a smile "Hush, hush, shhh, don't cry baby, we wouldn't want to give out too much enjoyment for experiencing this punishment, now would we? You know you've done wrong now, I suspect."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

A ringing, signalling a watch change, came from one of the higher towers of the prison. The paler man's head whipped around to listen a bit, then he turned to face the others, while grabbing another one of the brands. "Just one brand's not going to be quite enough to get the message across, even to them. But whatever else we do, it'd probably better be fast..."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

"Leave him. One brand WILL be enough." Mekel speaks up, approaching the group with his right hand still clutching his greatsword. "Let him live with the shame of being branded, and that the most dangerous Reaper alive carries his family name, and escaped on HIS watch." the Reaper says, turning for the gate and chucklling behind his mask "Don't worry, Sergeant. By the time I'm done you'll have the most infamous family name in all of Tamberlyne." he says, his chuckle turning into full-blown laughter, made rather eery by the echo his mask created
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

The paler man quickly jabbed the brand he was holding into the sergeant's knee, before Elise could remove the gagging arm. "Well, one more won't hurt us too much. If nothing else, it'll slow him down a bit should he decide to try to come after us."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

"Too easy." The woman said, rather suddenly. stepping forward, she helf the man's head still with her hands, using her claws instead of branding to scar him, a series of slices in the sensitive flesh beside and a little under one eye, a variation on her own personal rune. "Mmmmkay, now we can go." She said, starting for the door.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer stated before heading out himself "No hard feelings. Also, you look disgusting, be very happy for that." As he shifted back, keeping a partial manifestation, aberration traits visible on his flesh, but very clearly still a human.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

There was distant movement in the hallway that the group had come from. It was time.

The paler man was the last through the door to the outside, stopping long enough to toss a torch towards the unfortunate sergeant.

Outside was a view that the once-prisoners had been denied on entry... And likely part of the reason that there hadn't been any escapes from Ironscar in all its history to this point... A long, open stone bridge, perhaps of Dwarven work. It was almost too far to see, but there looked to be some manner of gatehouse or similar structure on the far end. Sharp rocks and swift rivers marked the end of the long drop off of the bridge.

The man sighed, looking at it. "We've got some running ahead, don't we?"
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

"A little jog is a small price to pay for freedom!" Mekel boasts, taking off at a full sprint across the bridge, his spirits seeming to be rather high "Last one across foots the bar tab!"
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Immediately, despite his original plan to try running under the bridge to duck arrows, Gilfer breaks into a sprint "I HAVE NO MONEY!" is his apparent battlecry.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

As the group gets about a third of the way across, a scream is heard from the prison building. Even as far as they were, the group heard it clearly.


The pale man glanced back over his shoulder briefly, apparently more troubled by the shout than Mekel's challenge. "Well, shit. Where's a carriage to steal when you need one?"
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

"We can beat them overland so long as we get past the gatehouse, ignore the ones behind us. Don't have far to go outside the gates anyways, if the map is accurate." Elise said, running alongside the group. "Probably best if we don't waste time up ahead, much as I wouldn't mind ripping every guard here from limb to limb. Soon as we have an opening, we take it. I'll take up the rear, I'm probably the best protected of the group."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer nodded, before stating simply "It is time to be being aftering me, yes." And with that, he continues his sprint, waiting to manifest to hopefully at least shake or disorient the guards and create an opening.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

The pale man, apparently the "Lanric" mentioned by the scream, shook his head slightly as the group passed the mid-point on the bridge. "In all honesty, I doubt that a carriage would be that good of an option. Anywhere we could take it would likely be among the first places they'd look for us."
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer mumbled as they ran, nonsensical words, a variety of things from complaining about fatigue, (That judging by his running he wasn't feeling, or he was worried the others were feeling, or...well, who really knows with that freak) possibly mumbling about certain death, or numerous other fatalistic statements. Although whether they were aimed at himself or others, who knows.
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Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

A cold wind suddenly rose, but fortunately for the escapees, not by enough to begin heavily pushing them off balance. It was, however, rather likely to have made them thankful that they'd changed to something other than the prison rags.

As the gatehouse grew closer, something would become strangely obvious... There were no guards visible. The side of the gatehouse facing the bridge, though, seemed to be heavily decorated with statue-like figures.
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