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[Dot_Slave3] Parasite in City

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Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

I find it hilarious when someone cries about shotacon/lolicon/guro and or scat when we basically all masturbate to rape. :rolleyes:
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

No guys, it's different and worse than all of the other fucked up shit because reasons.

I mean, man, kids having sex, I don't wanna be associated with that. Keeping a woman locked up in your basement as you torture and rape her indefinitely? That's a-okay in my book! Perfectly acceptable.
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Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

No guys, it's different and worse than all of the other fucked up shit because reasons.

I mean, man, kids having sex, I don't wanna be associated with that. Keeping a woman locked up in your basement as you torture and rape her indefinitely? That's a-okay in my book! Perfectly acceptable.

i dont have to nor will i bring out the moral reasons why and how this is wrong >.>

nether do I >.>
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

I think the term 'children' shouldn't be so generalized in this situation, as i grew up with literally hearing stories from all but 2-3 people i knew that had sex before 18.

Though i did grow up differently than most of you, so i digress.

That's considered having sex with a child, even if you are a child, and is more common that the said 'tying women up and raping them in my basement' kind of deal is; though not as bad as, say, the rampant sex in the past with 13 year old's when old men married said little girls, and those were your great-great-great-grandparents or something, so yea.

But i live in america, so that could just be me and a handful of others, not particularly you.

Let's keep it chill.

On the whole little children sex debate in general, my thought is that most art used for hentai games has been 'sexualized' so much that i can't consider it a child at all. Real children naked gross me out, so i can safely say that the fetish can be adhered to in a safer sense without the 'gross' portion added on if believed in such a way.

Either way, in the end, easy solution: Don't like it, skip it.
Kill the shota and/or loli zombie first to not see said rape scene, end of story.

BTW Dot_Slave, These discussions should be thought of as rampant thoughts and preferences, and in no way should be used to judge what the majority would buy your game for. Your art is amazing though, and i can't wait to see more!
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]


HOW ABOUT mini zombies, midget zombies or imps?
I think you people are really only worrying about labels here.
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

How about we all drop it now and hold off on the tidal wave of suggestions and wait for Dot_Slave to come back and post as he sees fit? Maybe give him back the reins of his own thread? Y'know, wait for him to post something about the game so we can actually discuss and ask questions about known content.
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

Seing that most games in this place have rape and other shit considered bad...i don't really see your point
I find it hilarious when someone cries about shotacon/lolicon/guro and or scat when we basically all masturbate to rape. :rolleyes:
No guys, it's different and worse than all of the other fucked up shit because reasons.

[In response to all of the above quotes] I don't bother decrying rape, murder, etc. because everyone already thinks they're bad. I decry shota because some people don't think shota is bad.

Use your brain.

I mean, man, kids having sex, I don't wanna be associated with that.

No, not kids having sex. Adults having sex with kids. It's an important distinction -- it is, in fact, the distinction that defines the word in the first place.

Keeping a woman locked up in your basement as you torture and rape her indefinitely? That's a-okay in my book! Perfectly acceptable.

Girl: "I don't like Tom."
You: "You like me?"
Girl: "What? I never said I liked you."
You: "I know, but you said you didn't like Tom. So, everything you didn't explicitly tell me you dislike, you like, right?"
Girl: "No. You're like... Wow. Really stupid. You're practically disabled."
You: [remains virgin]

That's a bit over generalized, don't you think so? That is the same thing as stating that because you have a cold, you might as well go have unprotected sex, eat rotten food, and get a disease

This analogy made me dumber.

I think the term 'children' shouldn't be so generalized in this situation, as i grew up with literally hearing stories from all but 2-3 people i knew that had sex before 18. [...] That's considered having sex with a child, even if you are a child [...]

... No, it isn't. Two minors having sex is considered two minors having sex. Shota is -- and I'm quoting the here -- "pre-pubescent or pubescent male characters [...] paired with a [post-pubescent] male [...]".

Also, yeah. Most people have sex before 18.
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Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

Instead of shota issue

I suggest monkey zombie. It can move fast, jump and can add some annoying tactic of movement for player :cool:
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

While I don't specifically agree with you, I agree that 1: those analogies were terrible, and 2: adult + children is never an 'okay' thing. However, part of what this community of people is doing is looking past that in cases, as long as we're still able to step away from a monitor an d be a functioning member of society.

I hope that nobody here is actually going to be arguing that sex with children is an okay thing overall.

With that said, can we then step away from the idea of 'dead-small-male-children zombies' and focus on the idea of a 'small humanoid' creature? Hounds of the Blade has a little goblin thing that I think could work similarly here. The inclusion of monster flies already shows that the game isn't JUST about human + human zombie, so I think a diminuitive humanoid creature could work well, and everyone is happy.
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

[In response to all of the above quotes] I don't bother decrying rape, murder, etc. because everyone already thinks they're bad. I decry shota because some people don't think shota is bad....

I would agree with everything you say if this was a game involving real children. I think everyone here knows shota, rape, loli, guro, and bestiality in real life is bad.

But this is a fucking hentai game in a hentai forum with threads like mnf and milftoon beach that both have hundreds of replies and thousands of views that explicitly have shotacon content.

Games in this forum are made to fulfill fantasies and fetishes. We're all past playboy magazines here. To make such a big deal out of someone just suggesting shotacon in a forum like this is fucking silly.
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

Well, seing how ofensive some people get (textbook703 i'm looking at you!) defending their points i think is best if we agree in that we don't agree i mean, this is internet, the best thing of internet is that not all people will think like you :p
Let the creator of the game read all the sugestions and put what he wants in his game! like dogs! or better...Hamsters!
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

Wow guys, how about you stop spamming this thread to hell with your opinions about something completely irrelevant to the game? In this thread: People with no self control. I tried not to post here about this hoping it'd die down, but nope. Arguing about something that isn't even in the game, herp derp. If I was a mod, I'd remove the last couple pages of this thread. Sorry to DotSlave and everybody who comes here hoping for actual news on the game that you have to deal with this.
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Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

...what the...what?
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

Okay, Stop. Stop. Stop.

Its not you guys to decide what goes into the game and what doesn't...its the developers who do.
We are here to suggest and see progress... NOT bash other's fetish, make debates, or things that fall off the reason of this thread.

Okay back to the purpose with this line.
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

If shota is banned here, so we can replace some small ogre to shota :D

and....i don't know why shota and loli is banned here . what is the problem ?
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

If shota is banned here, so we can replace some small ogre to shota :D

and....i don't know why shota and loli is banned here . what is the problem ?

Because it is a form of illegal content in several countries. In this case the forum is hosted in one of them and can be shut down because of it. To the countries lawmakers if it's close to what they consider underage characters or content your screwed, so it's best to keep a safe distance from it to avoid hell raining down ontop of the forum.

That explanation out of the way, something on topic for dot slave3, with regards to the dog and potentially other enemys in this or future games, would you consider corruption submission form of game over? An example of what I mean being Resident Evil: Progeny where the girl after certain conditions can willingly give themself to their attacker and enjoy what's happening or even go so far as to completely submit leading to a game over of her living her new life as a willing fuck toy for the enemy. It leads to interesting gameplay, making the player wonder do they want to try and continue or give in to their base desires which can be appealing to some. A few other examples are in Arms Deviser+ where the heroine after becoming lewd enough can stay with her wolf lover and be his mate for life and Unforbidden has a starting to enjoy it corrupt element also.
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Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

[...]would you consider corruption submission form of game over? An example of what I mean being Resident Evil: Progeny where the girl after certain conditions can willingly give themself to their attacker and enjoy what's happening or even go so far as to completely submit leading to a game over of her living her new life as a willing fuck toy for the enemy. It leads to interesting gameplay, making the player wonder do they want to try and continue or give in to their base desires which can be appealing to some. A few other examples are in Arms Deviser+ where the heroine after becoming lewd enough can stay with her wolf lover and be his mate for life and Unforbidden has a starting to enjoy it corrupt element also.

I like when you have the option to reduce incoming damage in exchange for increasing incoming... sex... bar. I'm on no sleep and can't think of the word. Arousal?

Anyway, yeah, "submit" mechanics provide the player with interesting decisions to make.
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

If shota is banned here, so we can replace some small ogre to shota :D

and....i don't know why shota and loli is banned here . what is the problem ?

Loli and Shota walk the legal tightrope on the border of what is considered child pornography. It protects the site from possible legal issues.
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